"?> <%= klass.type.capitalize %>: <%= klass.full_name %>

In Files

<% if !svninfo.empty? %>

Subversion Info

<%= svninfo[:rev] %>
Last Checked In
<%= svninfo[:commitdate].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %> (<%= svninfo[:commitdelta] %> ago)
Checked in by
<%= svninfo[:committer] %>
<% end %>
<% if klass.type == 'class' %>


<% if klass.superclass and not String === klass.superclass then %> <% else %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% unless klass.classes_and_modules.empty? %>


<% end %> <% unless klass.method_list.empty? %>


<% end %> <% unless klass.includes.empty? %>

Included Modules

<% end %>
<% simple_files = @files.select {|tl| tl.parser == RDoc::Parser::Simple } %> <% unless simple_files.empty? then %>


<% end %>

Class/Module Index [+]

<% if $DEBUG_RDOC %>
toggle debugging
<% end %>

<%= klass.full_name %>

<%= klass.description %>
<% unless klass.constants.empty? %>


<% klass.each_constant do |const| %>
<%= const.name %>
<% if const.comment %>
<%= const.description.strip %>
<% else %>
(Not documented)
<% end %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% unless klass.attributes.empty? %>


<% klass.each_attribute do |attrib| %>
<% if attrib.rw =~ /w/i %> <% end %>
<%= h attrib.name %>[<%= attrib.rw %>]
<% if attrib.comment %> <%= attrib.description.strip %> <% else %>

(Not documented)

<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <% klass.methods_by_type.each do |type, visibilities| next if visibilities.empty? visibilities.each do |visibility, methods| next if methods.empty? %>

<%= visibility.to_s.capitalize %> <%= type.capitalize %> Methods

<% methods.each do |method| %>
"> <% if method.call_seq %> <% method.call_seq.strip.split("\n").each_with_index do |call_seq, i| %>
<%= call_seq.strip.gsub(/->/, '→').gsub( /^\w.+\./m, '') %> <% if i == 0 %> click to toggle source <% end %>
<% end %> <% else %>
<%= h method.name %><%= method.params %> click to toggle source
<% end %>
<% if method.comment %> <%= method.description.strip %> <% else %>

(Not documented)

<% end %> <% if method.token_stream %>
<%= method.markup_code %>
<% end %>
<% unless method.aliases.empty? %>
Also aliased as: <%= method.aliases.map do |aka| if aka.parent then # HACK lib/rexml/encodings %{#{h aka.name}} else h aka.name end end.join ", " %>
<% end %> <% if method.is_alias_for then %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% end end %>


Generated with the Darkfish Rdoc Generator <%= RDoc::Generator::Darkfish::VERSION %>.