require 'rdoc/markup/to_html' ## # Subclass of the RDoc::Markup::ToHtml class that supports looking up words # from a context. Those that are found will be hyperlinked. class RDoc::Markup::ToHtmlCrossref < RDoc::Markup::ToHtml ## # Regular expression to match class references # # 1. There can be a '\\' in front of text to suppress the cross-reference # 2. There can be a '::' in front of class names to reference from the # top-level namespace. # 3. The method can be followed by parenthesis (not recommended) CLASS_REGEXP_STR = '\\\\?((?:\:{2})?[A-Z]\w*(?:\:\:\w+)*)' ## # Regular expression to match method references. # # See CLASS_REGEXP_STR METHOD_REGEXP_STR = '([a-z]\w*[!?=]?)(?:\([\w.+*/=<>-]*\))?' ## # Regular expressions matching text that should potentially have # cross-reference links generated are passed to add_special. Note that # these expressions are meant to pick up text for which cross-references # have been suppressed, since the suppression characters are removed by the # code that is triggered. CROSSREF_REGEXP = /( # A::B::C.meth #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?:[.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR} # Stand-alone method (preceded by a #) | \\?\##{METHOD_REGEXP_STR} # Stand-alone method (preceded by ::) | ::#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR} # A::B::C # The stuff after CLASS_REGEXP_STR is a # nasty hack. CLASS_REGEXP_STR unfortunately matches # words like dog and cat (these are legal "class" # names in Fortran 95). When a word is flagged as a # potential cross-reference, limitations in the markup # engine suppress other processing, such as typesetting. # This is particularly noticeable for contractions. # In order that words like "can't" not # be flagged as potential cross-references, only # flag potential class cross-references if the character # after the cross-reference is a space, sentence # punctuation, tag start character, or attribute # marker. | #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?=[\s\)\.\?\!\,\;<\000]|\z) # Things that look like filenames # The key thing is that there must be at least # one special character (period, slash, or # underscore). | (?:\.\.\/)*[-\/\w]+[_\/\.][-\w\/\.]+ # Things that have markup suppressed # Don't process things like '\<' in \, though. # TODO: including < is a hack, not very satisfying. | \\[^\s<] )/x ## # Version of CROSSREF_REGEXP used when --hyperlink-all is specified. ALL_CROSSREF_REGEXP = /( # A::B::C.meth #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?:[.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR} # Stand-alone method | \\?#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR} # A::B::C | #{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}(?=[\s\)\.\?\!\,\;<\000]|\z) # Things that look like filenames | (?:\.\.\/)*[-\/\w]+[_\/\.][-\w\/\.]+ # Things that have markup suppressed | \\[^\s<] )/x ## # RDoc::CodeObject for generating references attr_accessor :context ## # Should we show '#' characters on method references? attr_accessor :show_hash ## # Creates a new crossref resolver that generates links relative to +context+ # which lives at +from_path+ in the generated files. '#' characters on # references are removed unless +show_hash+ is true. Only method names # preceded by '#' or '::' are hyperlinked, unless +hyperlink_all+ is true. def initialize(from_path, context, show_hash, hyperlink_all = false) raise ArgumentError, 'from_path cannot be nil' if from_path.nil? super() crossref_re = hyperlink_all ? ALL_CROSSREF_REGEXP : CROSSREF_REGEXP @markup.add_special crossref_re, :CROSSREF @from_path = from_path @context = context @show_hash = show_hash @hyperlink_all = hyperlink_all @seen = {} end ## # We're invoked when any text matches the CROSSREF pattern. If we find the # corresponding reference, generate a hyperlink. If the name we're looking # for contains no punctuation, we look for it up the module/class chain. # For example, ToHtml is found, even without the RDoc::Markup:: # prefix, because we look for it in module Markup first. def handle_special_CROSSREF(special) name = special.text unless @hyperlink_all then # This ensures that words entirely consisting of lowercase letters will # not have cross-references generated (to suppress lots of erroneous # cross-references to "new" in text, for instance) return name if name =~ /\A[a-z]*\z/ end return @seen[name] if @seen.include? name lookup = name name = name[1..-1] unless @show_hash if name[0, 1] == '#' # Find class, module, or method in class or module. # # Do not, however, use an if/elsif/else chain to do so. Instead, test # each possible pattern until one matches. The reason for this is that a # string like "YAML.txt" could be the txt() class method of class YAML (in # which case it would match the first pattern, which splits the string # into container and method components and looks up both) or a filename # (in which case it would match the last pattern, which just checks # whether the string as a whole is a known symbol). if /#{CLASS_REGEXP_STR}([.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}/ =~ lookup then type = $2 type = '' if type == '.' # will find either #method or ::method method = "#{type}#{$3}" container = @context.find_symbol_module($1) elsif /^([.#]|::)#{METHOD_REGEXP_STR}/ =~ lookup then type = $1 type = '' if type == '.' method = "#{type}#{$2}" container = @context else container = nil end if container then ref = container.find_local_symbol method unless ref || RDoc::TopLevel === container then ref = container.find_ancestor_local_symbol method end end ref = @context.find_symbol lookup unless ref ref = nil if RDoc::Alias === ref # external alias: can't link to it out = if lookup == '\\' then lookup elsif lookup =~ /^\\/ then # we remove the \ only in front of what we know: # other backslashes are treated later, only outside of ref ? $' : lookup elsif ref then if ref.document_self then "#{name}" else name end else lookup end @seen[lookup] = out out end end