require 'erb' ## # An ERB wrapper. # # This TemplatePage operates similarly to RDoc 1.x's TemplatePage, but uses # ERB instead of a custom template language. # # Converting from a RDoc 1.x template to an RDoc 2.x template is fairly easy. # # * %blah% becomes <%= values["blah"] %> # * !INCLUDE! becomes <%= template_include %> # * HREF:aref:name becomes <%= href values["aref"], values["name"] %> # * IF:blah becomes <% if values["blah"] then %> # * IFNOT:blah becomes <% unless values["blah"] then %> # * ENDIF:blah becomes <% end %> # * START:blah becomes <% values["blah"].each do |blah| %> # * END:blah becomes <% end %> # # To make nested loops easier to convert, start by converting START statements # to: # # <% values["blah"].each do |blah| $stderr.puts blah.keys %> # # So you can see what is being used inside which loop. class RDoc::TemplatePage ## # Create a new TemplatePage that will use +templates+. def initialize(*templates) @templates = templates end ## # Returns "#{name}" def href(ref, name) if ref then "#{name}" else name end end ## # Process the template using +values+, writing the result to +io+. def write_html_on(io, values) b = binding template_include = "" @templates.reverse_each do |template| template_include = b end io.write template_include end end