require "time" class Time class << self unless respond_to?(:w3cdtf) def w3cdtf(date) if /\A\s* (-?\d+)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (?:T (\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))? (\.\d+)? (Z|[+-]\d\d:\d\d)?)? \s*\z/ix =~ date and (($5 and $8) or (!$5 and !$8)) datetime = [$1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_i] datetime << $7.to_f * 1000000 if $7 if $8 Time.utc(*datetime) - zone_offset($8) else Time.local(*datetime) end else raise"invalid date: #{date.inspect}") end end end end unless instance_methods.include?("w3cdtf") alias w3cdtf iso8601 end end module Enumerable unless instance_methods.include?("sort_by") def sort_by collect do |x| [yield(x), x] end.sort do |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] end.collect! do |x| x[1] end end end end class Hash unless instance_methods.include?("merge") def merge(other) dup.update(other) end end end require "English" require "rss/utils" require "rss/converter" require "rss/xml-stylesheet" module RSS VERSION = "0.1.6" URI = "" DEBUG = false class Error < StandardError; end class OverlappedPrefixError < Error attr_reader :prefix def initialize(prefix) @prefix = prefix end end class InvalidRSSError < Error; end class MissingTagError < InvalidRSSError attr_reader :tag, :parent def initialize(tag, parent) @tag, @parent = tag, parent super("tag <#{tag}> is missing in tag <#{parent}>") end end class TooMuchTagError < InvalidRSSError attr_reader :tag, :parent def initialize(tag, parent) @tag, @parent = tag, parent super("tag <#{tag}> is too much in tag <#{parent}>") end end class MissingAttributeError < InvalidRSSError attr_reader :tag, :attribute def initialize(tag, attribute) @tag, @attribute = tag, attribute super("attribute <#{attribute}> is missing in tag <#{tag}>") end end class UnknownTagError < InvalidRSSError attr_reader :tag, :uri def initialize(tag, uri) @tag, @uri = tag, uri super("tag <#{tag}> is unknown in namespace specified by uri <#{uri}>") end end class NotExceptedTagError < InvalidRSSError attr_reader :tag, :parent def initialize(tag, parent) @tag, @parent = tag, parent super("tag <#{tag}> is not expected in tag <#{parent}>") end end class NotAvailableValueError < InvalidRSSError attr_reader :tag, :value def initialize(tag, value) @tag, @value = tag, value super("value <#{value}> of tag <#{tag}> is not available.") end end class UnknownConversionMethodError < Error attr_reader :to, :from def initialize(to, from) @to = to @from = from super("can't convert to #{to} from #{from}.") end end # for backward compatibility UnknownConvertMethod = UnknownConversionMethodError class ConversionError < Error attr_reader :string, :to, :from def initialize(string, to, from) @string = string @to = to @from = from super("can't convert #{@string} to #{to} from #{from}.") end end class NotSetError < Error attr_reader :name, :variables def initialize(name, variables) @name = name @variables = variables super("required variables of #{@name} are not set: #{@variables.join(', ')}") end end module BaseModel include Utils def install_have_child_element(name) add_need_initialize_variable(name) attr_accessor name install_element(name) do |n, elem_name| <<-EOC if @#{n} "\#{@#{n}.to_s(need_convert, indent)}" else '' end EOC end end alias_method(:install_have_attribute_element, :install_have_child_element) def install_have_children_element(name, plural_name=nil) plural_name ||= "#{name}s" add_have_children_element(name, plural_name) add_plural_form(name, plural_name) def_children_accessor(name, plural_name) install_element(name, "s") do |n, elem_name| <<-EOC rv = [] @#{n}.each do |x| value = "\#{x.to_s(need_convert, indent)}" rv << value if /\\A\\s*\\z/ !~ value end rv.join("\n") EOC end end def install_text_element(name) self::ELEMENTS << name add_need_initialize_variable(name) attr_writer name convert_attr_reader name install_element(name) do |n, elem_name| <<-EOC if @#{n} rv = "\#{indent}<#{elem_name}>" value = html_escape(@#{n}) if need_convert rv << convert(value) else rv << value end rv << "" rv else '' end EOC end end def install_date_element(name, type, disp_name=name) self::ELEMENTS << name add_need_initialize_variable(name) # accessor convert_attr_reader name date_writer(name, type, disp_name) install_element(name) do |n, elem_name| <<-EOC if @#{n} rv = "\#{indent}<#{elem_name}>" value = html_escape(@#{n}.#{type}) if need_convert rv << convert(value) else rv << value end rv << "" rv else '' end EOC end end private def install_element(name, postfix="") elem_name = name.sub('_', ':') module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(2)) def #{name}_element#{postfix}(need_convert=true, indent='') #{yield(name, elem_name)} end private :#{name}_element#{postfix} EOC end def convert_attr_reader(*attrs) attrs.each do |attr| attr = attr.id2name if attr.kind_of?(Integer) module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(2)) def #{attr} if @converter @converter.convert(@#{attr}) else @#{attr} end end EOC end end def date_writer(name, type, disp_name=name) module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(2)) def #{name}=(new_value) if new_value.nil? or new_value.kind_of?(Time) @#{name} = new_value else if @do_validate begin @#{name} = Time.__send__('#{type}', new_value) rescue ArgumentError raise'#{disp_name}', new_value) end else @#{name} = nil if /\\A\\s*\\z/ !~ new_value.to_s begin @#{name} = Time.parse(new_value) rescue ArgumentError end end end end # Is it need? if @#{name} class << @#{name} undef_method(:to_s) alias_method(:to_s, :#{type}) end end end EOC end def def_children_accessor(accessor_name, plural_name) module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(2)) def #{plural_name} @#{accessor_name} end def #{accessor_name}(*args) if args.empty? @#{accessor_name}.first else @#{accessor_name}[*args] end end def #{accessor_name}=(*args) warn("Warning:\#{caller.first.sub(/:in `.*'\z/, '')}: " \ "Don't use `#{accessor_name} = XXX'/`set_#{accessor_name}(XXX)'. " \ "Those APIs are not sense of Ruby. " \ "Use `#{plural_name} << XXX' instead of them.") if args.size == 1 @#{accessor_name}.push(args[0]) else @#{accessor_name}.__send__("[]=", *args) end end alias_method(:set_#{accessor_name}, :#{accessor_name}=) EOC end def def_content_only_to_s module_eval(<<-EOC, *get_file_and_line_from_caller(2)) def to_s(need_convert=true, indent=calc_indent) if @content rv = tag(indent) do |next_indent| h(@content) end rv = convert(rv) if need_convert rv else "" end end EOC end end class Element extend BaseModel include Utils INDENT = " " MUST_CALL_VALIDATORS = {} MODEL = [] GET_ATTRIBUTES = [] HAVE_CHILDREN_ELEMENTS = [] NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES = [] PLURAL_FORMS = {} class << self def must_call_validators MUST_CALL_VALIDATORS end def model MODEL end def get_attributes GET_ATTRIBUTES end def have_children_elements HAVE_CHILDREN_ELEMENTS end def need_initialize_variables NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES end def plural_forms PLURAL_FORMS end def inherited(klass) klass.const_set("MUST_CALL_VALIDATORS", {}) klass.const_set("MODEL", []) klass.const_set("GET_ATTRIBUTES", []) klass.const_set("HAVE_CHILDREN_ELEMENTS", []) klass.const_set("NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES", []) klass.const_set("PLURAL_FORMS", {}) klass.module_eval(<<-EOC) public @tag_name = name.split(/::/).last @tag_name[0,1] = @tag_name[0,1].downcase @indent_size = name.split(/::/).size - 2 @have_content = false def self.must_call_validators super.merge(MUST_CALL_VALIDATORS) end def self.model MODEL + super end def self.get_attributes GET_ATTRIBUTES + super end def self.have_children_elements HAVE_CHILDREN_ELEMENTS + super end def self.need_initialize_variables NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES + super end def self.plural_forms super.merge(PLURAL_FORMS) end def self.install_must_call_validator(prefix, uri) MUST_CALL_VALIDATORS[uri] = prefix end def self.install_model(tag, occurs=nil) if m = MODEL.find {|t, o| t == tag} m[1] = occurs else MODEL << [tag, occurs] end end def self.install_get_attribute(name, uri, required=true) attr_writer name convert_attr_reader name GET_ATTRIBUTES << [name, uri, required] end def self.content_setup attr_writer :content convert_attr_reader :content def_content_only_to_s @have_content = true end def self.have_content? @have_content end def self.add_have_children_element(variable_name, plural_name) HAVE_CHILDREN_ELEMENTS << [variable_name, plural_name] end def self.add_need_initialize_variable(variable_name) NEED_INITIALIZE_VARIABLES << variable_name end def self.add_plural_form(singular, plural) PLURAL_FORMS[singular] = plural end EOC end def required_prefix nil end def required_uri nil end def install_ns(prefix, uri) if self::NSPOOL.has_key?(prefix) raise end self::NSPOOL[prefix] = uri end def tag_name @tag_name end def indent_size @indent_size end end attr_accessor :do_validate def initialize(do_validate=true) @converter = nil @do_validate = do_validate initialize_variables end def tag_name self.class.tag_name end def full_name tag_name end def indent_size self.class.indent_size end def converter=(converter) @converter = converter targets = children.dup self.class.have_children_elements.each do |variable_name, plural_name| targets.concat(__send__(plural_name)) end targets.each do |target| target.converter = converter unless target.nil? end end def convert(value) if @converter @converter.convert(value) else value end end def validate validate_attribute __validate end def validate_for_stream(tags) validate_attribute __validate(tags, false) end def setup_maker(maker) target = maker_target(maker) unless target.nil? setup_maker_attributes(target) setup_maker_element(target) setup_maker_elements(target) end end private def initialize_variables self.class.need_initialize_variables.each do |variable_name| instance_eval("@#{variable_name} = nil") end initialize_have_children_elements @content = "" if self.class.have_content? end def initialize_have_children_elements self.class.have_children_elements.each do |variable_name, plural_name| instance_eval("@#{variable_name} = []") end end def tag(indent, additional_attrs=[], &block) next_indent = indent + INDENT attrs = collect_attrs return "" if attrs.nil? attrs += additional_attrs start_tag = make_start_tag(indent, next_indent, attrs) if block content = else content = [] end if content.is_a?(String) content = [content] start_tag << ">" end_tag = "" else content = content.reject{|x| x.empty?} if content.empty? end_tag = "/>" else start_tag << ">\n" end_tag = "\n#{indent}" end end start_tag + content.join("\n") + end_tag end def make_start_tag(indent, next_indent, attrs) start_tag = ["#{indent}<#{full_name}"] unless attrs.empty? start_tag << attrs.collect do |key, value| %Q[#{h key}="#{h value}"] end.join("\n#{next_indent}") end start_tag.join(" ") end def collect_attrs _attrs.collect do |name, required, alias_name| value = __send__(alias_name || name) return nil if required and value.nil? [name, value] end.reject do |name, value| value.nil? end end def tag_name_with_prefix(prefix) "#{prefix}:#{tag_name}" end def calc_indent INDENT * (self.class.indent_size) end def maker_target(maker) nil end def setup_maker_attributes(target) end def setup_maker_element(target) self.class.need_initialize_variables.each do |var| value = __send__(var) if value.respond_to?("setup_maker") and !not_need_to_call_setup_maker_variables.include?(var) value.setup_maker(target) else setter = "#{var}=" if target.respond_to?(setter) target.__send__(setter, value) end end end end def not_need_to_call_setup_maker_variables [] end def setup_maker_elements(parent) self.class.have_children_elements.each do |name, plural_name| if parent.respond_to?(plural_name) target = parent.__send__(plural_name) __send__(plural_name).each do |elem| elem.setup_maker(target) end end end end def set_next_element(tag_name, next_element) klass = next_element.class prefix = "" prefix << "#{klass.required_prefix}_" if klass.required_prefix key = "#{prefix}#{tag_name}" if self.class.plural_forms.has_key?(key) ary = __send__("#{self.class.plural_forms[key]}") ary << next_element else __send__("#{prefix}#{tag_name}=", next_element) end end # not String class children. def children [] end # default #validate() argument. def _tags [] end def _attrs [] end def __validate(tags=_tags, recursive=true) if recursive children.compact.each do |child| child.validate end end must_call_validators = self.class.must_call_validators tags = tag_filter(tags.dup) p tags if DEBUG self.class::NSPOOL.each do |prefix, uri| if tags.has_key?(uri) and !must_call_validators.has_key?(uri) meth = "#{prefix}_validate" __send__(meth, tags[uri]) if respond_to?(meth, true) end end must_call_validators.each do |uri, prefix| __send__("#{prefix}_validate", tags[uri]) end end def validate_attribute _attrs.each do |a_name, required, alias_name| if required and __send__(alias_name || a_name).nil? raise, a_name) end end end def other_element(need_convert, indent='') rv = [] private_methods.each do |meth| if /\A([^_]+)_[^_]+_elements?\z/ =~ meth and self.class::NSPOOL.has_key?($1) res = __send__(meth, need_convert, indent) rv << res if /\A\s*\z/ !~ res end end rv.join("\n") end def _validate(tags, model=self.class.model) count = 1 do_redo = false not_shift = false tag = nil element_names = model.collect {|elem| elem[0]} if tags tags_size = tags.size tags = tags.sort_by {|x| element_names.index(x) || tags_size} end model.each_with_index do |elem, i| if DEBUG p "before" p tags p elem end if not_shift not_shift = false elsif tags tag = tags.shift end if DEBUG p "mid" p count end case elem[1] when '?' if count > 2 raise[0], tag_name) else if elem[0] == tag do_redo = true else not_shift = true end end when '*' if elem[0] == tag do_redo = true else not_shift = true end when '+' if elem[0] == tag do_redo = true else if count > 1 not_shift = true else raise[0], tag_name) end end else if elem[0] == tag if model[i+1] and model[i+1][0] != elem[0] and tags and tags.first == elem[0] raise[0], tag_name) end else raise[0], tag_name) end end if DEBUG p "after" p not_shift p do_redo p tag end if do_redo do_redo = false count += 1 redo else count = 1 end end if !tags.nil? and !tags.empty? raise, tag_name) end end def tag_filter(tags) rv = {} tags.each do |tag| rv[tag[0]] = [] unless rv.has_key?(tag[0]) rv[tag[0]].push(tag[1]) end rv end end module RootElementMixin include XMLStyleSheetMixin attr_reader :output_encoding def initialize(rss_version, version=nil, encoding=nil, standalone=nil) super() @rss_version = rss_version @version = version || '1.0' @encoding = encoding @standalone = standalone @output_encoding = nil end def output_encoding=(enc) @output_encoding = enc self.converter =, @encoding) end def setup_maker(maker) maker.version = version maker.encoding = encoding maker.standalone = standalone xml_stylesheets.each do |xss| xss.setup_maker(maker) end setup_maker_elements(maker) end private def tag(indent, attrs, &block) rv = xmldecl + xml_stylesheet_pi rv << super(indent, attrs, &block) rv end def xmldecl rv = %Q[\n" rv end def ns_declarations self.class::NSPOOL.collect do |prefix, uri| prefix = ":#{prefix}" unless prefix.empty? ["xmlns#{prefix}", uri] end end def setup_maker_elements(maker) channel.setup_maker(maker) if channel image.setup_maker(maker) if image textinput.setup_maker(maker) if textinput super(maker) end end end