# frozen_string_literal: false require 'rss/1.0' module RSS # The prefix for the Slash XML namespace. SLASH_PREFIX = 'slash' # The URI of the Slash specification. SLASH_URI = "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/" RDF.install_ns(SLASH_PREFIX, SLASH_URI) module SlashModel extend BaseModel ELEMENT_INFOS = \ [ ["section"], ["department"], ["comments", :positive_integer], ["hit_parade", :csv_integer], ] class << self def append_features(klass) super return if klass.instance_of?(Module) klass.install_must_call_validator(SLASH_PREFIX, SLASH_URI) ELEMENT_INFOS.each do |name, type, *additional_infos| full_name = "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{name}" klass.install_text_element(full_name, SLASH_URI, "?", full_name, type, name) end klass.module_eval do alias_method(:slash_hit_parades, :slash_hit_parade) undef_method(:slash_hit_parade) alias_method(:slash_hit_parade, :slash_hit_parade_content) end end end end class RDF class Item; include SlashModel; end end SlashModel::ELEMENT_INFOS.each do |name, type| accessor_base = "#{SLASH_PREFIX}_#{name}" BaseListener.install_get_text_element(SLASH_URI, name, accessor_base) end end