# -*- ruby -*- #-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'rbconfig' require 'rubygems/rubygems_version' require 'thread' module Gem class LoadError < ::LoadError attr_accessor :name, :version_requirement end end module Kernel # Adds a Ruby Gem to the $LOAD_PATH. Before a Gem is loaded, its # required Gems are loaded. If the version information is omitted, # the highest version Gem of the supplied name is loaded. If a Gem # is not found that meets the version requirement and/or a required # Gem is not found, a Gem::LoadError is raised. More information on # version requirements can be found in the Gem::Version # documentation. # # The +gem+ directive should be executed *before* any require # statements (otherwise rubygems might select a conflicting library # version). # # You can define the environment variable GEM_SKIP as a way to not # load specified gems. you might do this to test out changes that # haven't been intsalled yet. Example: # # GEM_SKIP=libA:libB ruby-I../libA -I../libB ./mycode.rb # # gem:: [String or Gem::Dependency] The gem name or dependency # instance. # # version_requirement:: [default=">= 0"] The version # requirement. # # return:: [Boolean] true if the Gem is loaded, otherwise false. # # raises:: [Gem::LoadError] if Gem cannot be found, is listed in # GEM_SKIP, or version requirement not met. # def gem(gem_name, *version_requirements) active_gem_with_options(gem_name, version_requirements) end # Same as the +gem+ command, but will also require a file if the gem # provides an auto-required file name. # # DEPRECATED! Use +gem+ instead. # def require_gem(gem_name, *version_requirements) file, lineno = location_of_caller warn "#{file}:#{lineno}:Warning: require_gem is obsolete. Use gem instead." active_gem_with_options(gem_name, version_requirements, :auto_require=>true) end # Return the file name (string) and line number (integer) of the caller of # the caller of this method. def location_of_caller file, lineno = caller[1].split(':') lineno = lineno.to_i [file, lineno] end private :location_of_caller def active_gem_with_options(gem_name, version_requirements, options={}) skip_list = (ENV['GEM_SKIP'] || "").split(/:/) raise Gem::LoadError, "skipping #{gem_name}" if skip_list.include? gem_name Gem.activate(gem_name, options[:auto_require], *version_requirements) end private :active_gem_with_options end # Main module to hold all RubyGem classes/modules. # module Gem MUTEX = Mutex.new RubyGemsPackageVersion = RubyGemsVersion DIRECTORIES = %w[cache doc gems specifications] @@source_index = nil @@win_platform = nil @configuration = nil @loaded_specs = {} @platforms = nil @ruby = nil @sources = [] # Reset the +dir+ and +path+ values. The next time +dir+ or +path+ # is requested, the values will be calculated from scratch. This is # mainly used by the unit tests to provide test isolation. # def self.clear_paths @gem_home = nil @gem_path = nil @@source_index = nil MUTEX.synchronize do @searcher = nil end end # The version of the Marshal format for your Ruby. def self.marshal_version "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}" end ## # The directory prefix this RubyGems was installed at. def self.prefix prefix = File.dirname File.expand_path(__FILE__) if prefix == Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] then nil else File.dirname prefix end end # Returns an Cache of specifications that are in the Gem.path # # return:: [Gem::SourceIndex] Index of installed Gem::Specifications # def self.source_index @@source_index ||= SourceIndex.from_installed_gems end ## # An Array of Regexps that match windows ruby platforms. WIN_PATTERNS = [ /bccwin/i, /cygwin/i, /djgpp/i, /mingw/i, /mswin/i, /wince/i, ] ## # Is this a windows platform? def self.win_platform? if @@win_platform.nil? then @@win_platform = !!WIN_PATTERNS.find { |r| RUBY_PLATFORM =~ r } end @@win_platform end class << self attr_reader :loaded_specs # Quietly ensure the named Gem directory contains all the proper # subdirectories. If we can't create a directory due to a permission # problem, then we will silently continue. def ensure_gem_subdirectories(gemdir) require 'fileutils' Gem::DIRECTORIES.each do |filename| fn = File.join gemdir, filename FileUtils.mkdir_p fn rescue nil unless File.exist? fn end end def platforms @platforms ||= [Gem::Platform::RUBY, Gem::Platform.local] end # Returns an Array of sources to fetch remote gems from. If the sources # list is empty, attempts to load the "sources" gem, then uses # default_sources if it is not installed. def sources if @sources.empty? then begin gem 'sources', '> 0.0.1' require 'sources' rescue LoadError @sources = default_sources end end @sources end # An Array of the default sources that come with RubyGems. def default_sources %w[http://gems.rubyforge.org] end # Provide an alias for the old name. alias cache source_index # The directory path where Gems are to be installed. # # return:: [String] The directory path # def dir @gem_home ||= nil set_home(ENV['GEM_HOME'] || default_dir) unless @gem_home @gem_home end # The directory path where executables are to be installed. # def bindir(install_dir=Gem.dir) return File.join(install_dir, 'bin') unless install_dir.to_s == Gem.default_dir if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION then # mac framework support '/usr/bin' else # generic install Config::CONFIG['bindir'] end end # List of directory paths to search for Gems. # # return:: [List] List of directory paths. # def path @gem_path ||= nil unless @gem_path paths = [ENV['GEM_PATH']] paths << APPLE_GEM_HOME if defined? APPLE_GEM_HOME set_paths(paths.compact.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) end @gem_path end # The home directory for the user. def user_home @user_home ||= find_home end # Return the path to standard location of the users .gemrc file. def config_file File.join(Gem.user_home, '.gemrc') end # The standard configuration object for gems. def configuration return @configuration if @configuration require 'rubygems/config_file' @configuration = Gem::ConfigFile.new [] end # Use the given configuration object (which implements the # ConfigFile protocol) as the standard configuration object. def configuration=(config) @configuration = config end # Return the path the the data directory specified by the gem # name. If the package is not available as a gem, return nil. def datadir(gem_name) spec = @loaded_specs[gem_name] return nil if spec.nil? File.join(spec.full_gem_path, 'data', gem_name) end # Return the searcher object to search for matching gems. def searcher MUTEX.synchronize do @searcher ||= Gem::GemPathSearcher.new end end # Return the Ruby command to use to execute the Ruby interpreter. def ruby if @ruby.nil? then @ruby = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) @ruby << Config::CONFIG['EXEEXT'] end @ruby end # Activate a gem (i.e. add it to the Ruby load path). The gem # must satisfy all the specified version constraints. If # +autorequire+ is true, then automatically require the specified # autorequire file in the gem spec. # # Returns true if the gem is loaded by this call, false if it is # already loaded, or an exception otherwise. # def activate(gem, autorequire, *version_requirements) if version_requirements.empty? then version_requirements = Gem::Requirement.default end unless gem.respond_to?(:name) && gem.respond_to?(:version_requirements) gem = Gem::Dependency.new(gem, version_requirements) end matches = Gem.source_index.find_name(gem.name, gem.version_requirements) report_activate_error(gem) if matches.empty? if @loaded_specs[gem.name] # This gem is already loaded. If the currently loaded gem is # not in the list of candidate gems, then we have a version # conflict. existing_spec = @loaded_specs[gem.name] if ! matches.any? { |spec| spec.version == existing_spec.version } fail Gem::Exception, "can't activate #{gem}, already activated #{existing_spec.full_name}]" end return false end # new load spec = matches.last if spec.loaded? return false unless autorequire result = spec.autorequire ? require(spec.autorequire) : false return result || false end spec.loaded = true @loaded_specs[spec.name] = spec # Load dependent gems first spec.dependencies.each do |dep_gem| activate(dep_gem, autorequire) end # bin directory must come before library directories spec.require_paths.unshift spec.bindir if spec.bindir require_paths = spec.require_paths.map do |path| File.join spec.full_gem_path, path end sitelibdir = Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] $:.insert($:.index(sitelibdir), *require_paths) # Now autorequire if autorequire && spec.autorequire then # DEPRECATED Array(spec.autorequire).each do |a_lib| require a_lib end end return true end # Report a load error during activation. The message of load # error depends on whether it was a version mismatch or if there # are not gems of any version by the requested name. def report_activate_error(gem) matches = Gem.source_index.find_name(gem.name) if matches.empty? then error = Gem::LoadError.new( "Could not find RubyGem #{gem.name} (#{gem.version_requirements})\n") else error = Gem::LoadError.new( "RubyGem version error: " + "#{gem.name}(#{matches.first.version} not #{gem.version_requirements})\n") end error.name = gem.name error.version_requirement = gem.version_requirements raise error end private :report_activate_error # Use the +home+ and (optional) +paths+ values for +dir+ and +path+. # Used mainly by the unit tests to provide environment isolation. # def use_paths(home, paths=[]) clear_paths set_home(home) if home set_paths(paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) if paths end # Return a list of all possible load paths for all versions for # all gems in the Gem installation. # def all_load_paths result = [] Gem.path.each do |gemdir| each_load_path(all_partials(gemdir)) do |load_path| result << load_path end end result end # Return a list of all possible load paths for the latest version # for all gems in the Gem installation. def latest_load_paths result = [] Gem.path.each do |gemdir| each_load_path(latest_partials(gemdir)) do |load_path| result << load_path end end result end def required_location(gemname, libfile, *version_constraints) version_constraints = Gem::Requirement.default if version_constraints.empty? matches = Gem.source_index.find_name(gemname, version_constraints) return nil if matches.empty? spec = matches.last spec.require_paths.each do |path| result = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, path, libfile) return result if File.exist?(result) end nil end def suffixes ['', '.rb', '.rbw', '.so', '.bundle', '.dll', '.sl', '.jar'] end def suffix_pattern @suffix_pattern ||= "{#{suffixes.join(',')}}" end # manage_gems is useless and deprecated. Don't call it anymore. This # will warn in two releases. def manage_gems # do nothing end private # Return all the partial paths in the given +gemdir+. def all_partials(gemdir) Dir[File.join(gemdir, 'gems/*')] end # Return only the latest partial paths in the given +gemdir+. def latest_partials(gemdir) latest = {} all_partials(gemdir).each do |gp| base = File.basename(gp) if base =~ /(.*)-((\d+\.)*\d+)/ then name, version = $1, $2 ver = Gem::Version.new(version) if latest[name].nil? || ver > latest[name][0] latest[name] = [ver, gp] end end end latest.collect { |k,v| v[1] } end # Expand each partial gem path with each of the required paths # specified in the Gem spec. Each expanded path is yielded. def each_load_path(partials) partials.each do |gp| base = File.basename(gp) specfn = File.join(dir, "specifications", base + ".gemspec") if File.exist?(specfn) spec = eval(File.read(specfn)) spec.require_paths.each do |rp| yield(File.join(gp, rp)) end else filename = File.join(gp, 'lib') yield(filename) if File.exist?(filename) end end end # Set the Gem home directory (as reported by +dir+). def set_home(home) @gem_home = home ensure_gem_subdirectories(@gem_home) end # Set the Gem search path (as reported by +path+). def set_paths(gpaths) if gpaths @gem_path = gpaths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) @gem_path << Gem.dir else @gem_path = [Gem.dir] end @gem_path.uniq! @gem_path.each do |gp| ensure_gem_subdirectories(gp) end end # Some comments from the ruby-talk list regarding finding the home # directory: # # I have HOME, USERPROFILE and HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH. Ruby seems # to be depending on HOME in those code samples. I propose that # it should fallback to USERPROFILE and HOMEDRIVE + HOMEPATH (at # least on Win32). # def find_home ['HOME', 'USERPROFILE'].each do |homekey| return ENV[homekey] if ENV[homekey] end if ENV['HOMEDRIVE'] && ENV['HOMEPATH'] return "#{ENV['HOMEDRIVE']}:#{ENV['HOMEPATH']}" end begin File.expand_path("~") rescue StandardError => ex if File::ALT_SEPARATOR "C:/" else "/" end end end public # Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is # not specified in the environment. def default_dir if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION return File.join(File.dirname(Config::CONFIG["sitedir"]), "Gems", Config::CONFIG['ruby_version']) else File.join(Config::CONFIG['libdir'], 'ruby', 'gems', Config::CONFIG['ruby_version']) end end end end # Modify the non-gem version of datadir to handle gem package names. require 'rbconfig/datadir' module Config # :nodoc: class << self alias gem_original_datadir datadir # Return the path to the data directory associated with the named # package. If the package is loaded as a gem, return the gem # specific data directory. Otherwise return a path to the share # area as define by "#{Config::CONFIG['datadir']}/#{package_name}". def datadir(package_name) Gem.datadir(package_name) || Config.gem_original_datadir(package_name) end end end require 'rubygems/exceptions' require 'rubygems/version' require 'rubygems/requirement' require 'rubygems/dependency' require 'rubygems/gem_path_searcher' # Needed for Kernel#gem require 'rubygems/source_index' # Needed for Kernel#gem require 'rubygems/platform' require 'rubygems/builder' # HACK: Needed for rake's package task. if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' then require 'rubygems/custom_require' end