require 'rubygems/command' require 'rubygems/local_remote_options' require 'rubygems/source_info_cache' require 'rubygems/version_option' class Gem::Commands::QueryCommand < Gem::Command include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions include Gem::VersionOption def initialize(name = 'query', summary = 'Query gem information in local or remote repositories') super name, summary, :name => //, :domain => :local, :details => false, :versions => true, :installed => false, :version => Gem::Requirement.default add_option('-i', '--[no-]installed', 'Check for installed gem') do |value, options| options[:installed] = value end add_version_option add_option('-n', '--name-matches REGEXP', 'Name of gem(s) to query on matches the', 'provided REGEXP') do |value, options| options[:name] = /#{value}/i end add_option('-d', '--[no-]details', 'Display detailed information of gem(s)') do |value, options| options[:details] = value end add_option( '--[no-]versions', 'Display only gem names') do |value, options| options[:versions] = value options[:details] = false unless value end add_option('-a', '--all', 'Display all gem versions') do |value, options| options[:all] = value end add_local_remote_options end def defaults_str # :nodoc: "--local --name-matches // --no-details --versions --no-installed" end def execute exit_code = 0 name = options[:name] if options[:installed] then if name.source.empty? then alert_error "You must specify a gem name" exit_code |= 4 elsif installed? name.source, options[:version] then say "true" else say "false" exit_code |= 1 end raise Gem::SystemExitException, exit_code end if local? then say say "*** LOCAL GEMS ***" say output_query_results end if remote? then say say "*** REMOTE GEMS ***" say all = options[:all] begin Gem::SourceInfoCache.cache all rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError # no network end output_query_results, false, all) end end private ## # Check if gem +name+ version +version+ is installed. def installed?(name, version = Gem::Requirement.default) dep = name, version ! end def output_query_results(gemspecs) output = [] gem_list_with_version = {} gemspecs.flatten.each do |gemspec| gem_list_with_version[] ||= [] gem_list_with_version[] << gemspec end gem_list_with_version = gem_list_with_version.sort_by do |name, spec| name.downcase end gem_list_with_version.each do |gem_name, list_of_matching| list_of_matching = list_of_matching.sort_by { |x| x.version.to_ints }.reverse seen_versions = {} list_of_matching.delete_if do |item| if seen_versions[item.version] then true else seen_versions[item.version] = true false end end entry = gem_name.dup if options[:versions] then versions = { |s| s.version }.uniq entry << " (#{versions.join ', '})" end entry << "\n" << format_text(list_of_matching[0].summary, 68, 4) if options[:details] output << entry end say output.join(options[:details] ? "\n\n" : "\n") end ## # Used for wrapping and indenting text def format_text(text, wrap, indent=0) result = [] work = text.dup while work.length > wrap if work =~ /^(.{0,#{wrap}})[ \n]/o then result << $1 work.slice!(0, $&.length) else result << work.slice!(0, wrap) end end result << work if work.length.nonzero? result.join("\n").gsub(/^/, " " * indent) end end