## # A set of gems from a gem dependencies lockfile. class Gem::Resolver::LockSet < Gem::Resolver::Set attr_reader :specs # :nodoc: ## # Creates a new LockSet from the given +source+ def initialize source @source = source @specs = [] end ## # Creates a new IndexSpecification in this set using the given +name+, # +version+ and +platform+. # # The specification's set will be the current set, and the source will be # the current set's source. def add name, version, platform # :nodoc: version = Gem::Version.new version spec = Gem::Resolver::IndexSpecification.new self, name, version, @source, platform @specs << spec end ## # Returns an Array of IndexSpecification objects matching the # DependencyRequest +req+. def find_all req @specs.select do |spec| req.matches_spec? spec end end ## # Loads a Gem::Specification with the given +name+, +version+ and # +platform+. +source+ is ignored. def load_spec name, version, platform, source # :nodoc: dep = Gem::Dependency.new name, version found = @specs.find do |spec| dep.matches_spec? spec and spec.platform == platform end tuple = Gem::NameTuple.new found.name, found.version, found.platform found.source.fetch_spec tuple end end