#-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/user_interaction' require 'rubygems/specification' module Gem # The SourceIndex object indexes all the gems available from a # particular source (e.g. a list of gem directories, or a remote # source). A SourceIndex maps a gem full name to a gem # specification. # # NOTE:: The class used to be named Cache, but that became # confusing when cached source fetchers where introduced. The # constant Gem::Cache is an alias for this class to allow old # YAMLized source index objects to load properly. # class SourceIndex include Enumerable include Gem::UserInteraction # Class Methods. ------------------------------------------------- class << self include Gem::UserInteraction # Factory method to construct a source index instance for a given # path. # # deprecated:: # If supplied, from_installed_gems will act just like # +from_gems_in+. This argument is deprecated and is provided # just for backwards compatibility, and should not generally # be used. # # return:: # SourceIndex instance # def from_installed_gems(*deprecated) if deprecated.empty? from_gems_in(*installed_spec_directories) else from_gems_in(*deprecated) # HACK warn end end # Return a list of directories in the current gem path that # contain specifications. # # return:: # List of directory paths (all ending in "../specifications"). # def installed_spec_directories Gem.path.collect { |dir| File.join(dir, "specifications") } end # Factory method to construct a source index instance for a # given path. # # spec_dirs:: # List of directories to search for specifications. Each # directory should have a "specifications" subdirectory # containing the gem specifications. # # return:: # SourceIndex instance # def from_gems_in(*spec_dirs) self.new.load_gems_in(*spec_dirs) end # Load a specification from a file (eval'd Ruby code) # # file_name:: [String] The .gemspec file # return:: Specification instance or nil if an error occurs # def load_specification(file_name) begin spec_code = File.read(file_name).untaint gemspec = eval spec_code, binding, file_name if gemspec.is_a?(Gem::Specification) gemspec.loaded_from = file_name return gemspec end alert_warning "File '#{file_name}' does not evaluate to a gem specification" rescue SyntaxError => e alert_warning e alert_warning spec_code rescue Exception => e alert_warning(e.inspect.to_s + "\n" + spec_code) alert_warning "Invalid .gemspec format in '#{file_name}'" end return nil end end # Instance Methods ----------------------------------------------- # Constructs a source index instance from the provided # specifications # # specifications:: # [Hash] hash of [Gem name, Gem::Specification] pairs # def initialize(specifications={}) @gems = specifications end # Reconstruct the source index from the list of source # directories. def load_gems_in(*spec_dirs) @gems.clear specs = Dir.glob File.join("{#{spec_dirs.join(',')}}", "*.gemspec") specs.each do |file_name| gemspec = self.class.load_specification(file_name.untaint) add_spec(gemspec) if gemspec end self end # Returns a Hash of name => Specification of the latest versions of each # gem in this index. def latest_specs result, latest = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }, {} self.each do |_, spec| # SourceIndex is not a hash, so we're stuck with each name = spec.name curr_ver = spec.version prev_ver = latest[name] next unless prev_ver.nil? or curr_ver >= prev_ver if prev_ver.nil? or curr_ver > prev_ver then result[name].clear latest[name] = curr_ver end result[name] << spec end result.values.flatten end # Add a gem specification to the source index. def add_spec(gem_spec) @gems[gem_spec.full_name] = gem_spec end # Remove a gem specification named +full_name+. def remove_spec(full_name) @gems.delete(full_name) end # Iterate over the specifications in the source index. def each(&block) # :yields: gem.full_name, gem @gems.each(&block) end # The gem specification given a full gem spec name. def specification(full_name) @gems[full_name] end # The signature for the source index. Changes in the signature # indicate a change in the index. def index_signature require 'rubygems/digest/sha2' Gem::SHA256.new.hexdigest(@gems.keys.sort.join(',')).to_s end # The signature for the given gem specification. def gem_signature(gem_full_name) require 'rubygems/digest/sha2' Gem::SHA256.new.hexdigest(@gems[gem_full_name].to_yaml).to_s end def size @gems.size end alias length size # Find a gem by an exact match on the short name. def find_name(gem_name, version_requirement = Gem::Requirement.default) search(/^#{gem_name}$/, version_requirement) end # Search for a gem by Gem::Dependency +gem_pattern+. If +only_platform+ # is true, only gems matching Gem::Platform.local will be returned. An # Array of matching Gem::Specification objects is returned. # # For backwards compatibility, a String or Regexp pattern may be passed as # +gem_pattern+, and a Gem::Requirement for +platform_only+. This # behavior is deprecated and will be removed. def search(gem_pattern, platform_only = false) version_requirement = nil only_platform = false case gem_pattern # TODO warn after 2008/03, remove three months after when Regexp then version_requirement = platform_only || Gem::Requirement.default when Gem::Dependency then only_platform = platform_only version_requirement = gem_pattern.version_requirements gem_pattern = if gem_pattern.name.empty? then // else /^#{Regexp.escape gem_pattern.name}$/ end else version_requirement = platform_only || Gem::Requirement.default gem_pattern = /#{gem_pattern}/i end unless Gem::Requirement === version_requirement then version_requirement = Gem::Requirement.create version_requirement end specs = @gems.values.select do |spec| spec.name =~ gem_pattern and version_requirement.satisfied_by? spec.version end if only_platform then specs = specs.select do |spec| Gem::Platform.match spec.platform end end specs.sort_by { |s| s.sort_obj } end # Refresh the source index from the local file system. # # return:: Returns a pointer to itself. # def refresh! load_gems_in(self.class.installed_spec_directories) end # Returns an Array of Gem::Specifications that are not up to date. # def outdated dep = Gem::Dependency.new '', Gem::Requirement.default remotes = Gem::SourceInfoCache.search dep, true outdateds = [] latest_specs.each do |local| name = local.name remote = remotes.select { |spec| spec.name == name }. sort_by { |spec| spec.version.to_ints }. last outdateds << name if remote and local.version < remote.version end outdateds end def update(source_uri) use_incremental = false begin gem_names = fetch_quick_index source_uri remove_extra gem_names missing_gems = find_missing gem_names return false if missing_gems.size.zero? say "missing #{missing_gems.size} gems" if missing_gems.size > 0 and Gem.configuration.really_verbose use_incremental = missing_gems.size <= Gem.configuration.bulk_threshold rescue Gem::OperationNotSupportedError => ex alert_error "Falling back to bulk fetch: #{ex.message}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose use_incremental = false end if use_incremental then update_with_missing(source_uri, missing_gems) else new_index = fetch_bulk_index(source_uri) @gems.replace(new_index.gems) end true end def ==(other) # :nodoc: self.class === other and @gems == other.gems end def dump Marshal.dump(self) end protected attr_reader :gems private def fetcher require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher' Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher end def fetch_index_from(source_uri) @fetch_error = nil indexes = %W[ Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}.Z Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version} yaml.Z yaml ] indexes.each do |name| spec_data = nil begin spec_data = fetcher.fetch_path("#{source_uri}/#{name}") spec_data = unzip(spec_data) if name =~ /\.Z$/ if name =~ /Marshal/ then return Marshal.load(spec_data) else return YAML.load(spec_data) end rescue => e if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then alert_error "Unable to fetch #{name}: #{e.message}" end @fetch_error = e end end nil end def fetch_bulk_index(source_uri) say "Bulk updating Gem source index for: #{source_uri}" index = fetch_index_from(source_uri) if index.nil? then raise Gem::RemoteSourceException, "Error fetching remote gem cache: #{@fetch_error}" end @fetch_error = nil index end # Get the quick index needed for incremental updates. def fetch_quick_index(source_uri) zipped_index = fetcher.fetch_path source_uri + '/quick/index.rz' unzip(zipped_index).split("\n") rescue ::Exception => ex raise Gem::OperationNotSupportedError, "No quick index found: " + ex.message end # Make a list of full names for all the missing gemspecs. def find_missing(spec_names) spec_names.find_all { |full_name| specification(full_name).nil? } end def remove_extra(spec_names) dictionary = spec_names.inject({}) { |h, k| h[k] = true; h } each do |name, spec| remove_spec name unless dictionary.include? name end end # Unzip the given string. def unzip(string) require 'zlib' Zlib::Inflate.inflate(string) end # Tries to fetch Marshal representation first, then YAML def fetch_single_spec(source_uri, spec_name) @fetch_error = nil begin marshal_uri = source_uri + "/quick/Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}/#{spec_name}.gemspec.rz" zipped = fetcher.fetch_path marshal_uri return Marshal.load(unzip(zipped)) rescue => ex @fetch_error = ex if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then say "unable to fetch marshal gemspec #{marshal_uri}: #{ex.class} - #{ex}" end end begin yaml_uri = source_uri + "/quick/#{spec_name}.gemspec.rz" zipped = fetcher.fetch_path yaml_uri return YAML.load(unzip(zipped)) rescue => ex @fetch_error = ex if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then say "unable to fetch YAML gemspec #{yaml_uri}: #{ex.class} - #{ex}" end end nil end # Update the cached source index with the missing names. def update_with_missing(source_uri, missing_names) progress = ui.progress_reporter(missing_names.size, "Updating metadata for #{missing_names.size} gems from #{source_uri}") missing_names.each do |spec_name| gemspec = fetch_single_spec(source_uri, spec_name) if gemspec.nil? then ui.say "Failed to download spec #{spec_name} from #{source_uri}:\n" \ "\t#{@fetch_error.message}" else add_spec gemspec progress.updated spec_name end @fetch_error = nil end progress.done progress.count end end # Cache is an alias for SourceIndex to allow older YAMLized source # index objects to load properly. Cache = SourceIndex end