# frozen_string_literal: true module SyntaxSuggest # Converts a SyntaxError message to a path # # Handles the case where the filename has a colon in it # such as on a windows file system: https://github.com/zombocom/syntax_suggest/issues/111 # # Example: # # message = "/tmp/scratch:2:in `require_relative': /private/tmp/bad.rb:1: syntax error, unexpected `end' (SyntaxError)" # puts PathnameFromMessage.new(message).call.name # # => "/tmp/scratch.rb" # class PathnameFromMessage EVAL_RE = /^\(eval\):\d+/ STREAMING_RE = /^-:\d+/ attr_reader :name def initialize(message, io: $stderr) @line = message.lines.first @parts = @line.split(":") @guess = [] @name = nil @io = io end def call if skip_missing_file_name? if ENV["SYNTAX_SUGGEST_DEBUG"] @io.puts "SyntaxSuggest: Could not find filename from #{@line.inspect}" end else until stop? @guess << @parts.shift @name = Pathname(@guess.join(":")) end if @parts.empty? @io.puts "SyntaxSuggest: Could not find filename from #{@line.inspect}" @name = nil end end self end def stop? return true if @parts.empty? return false if @guess.empty? @name&.exist? end def skip_missing_file_name? @line.match?(EVAL_RE) || @line.match?(STREAMING_RE) end end end