# frozen_string_literal: false # # compat.rb -- cross platform compatibility # # Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers # Copyright (c) 2002 GOTOU Yuuzou # Copyright (c) 2002 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights # reserved. # # $IPR: compat.rb,v 1.6 2002/10/01 17:16:32 gotoyuzo Exp $ ## # System call error module used by webrick for cross platform compatibility. # # EPROTO:: protocol error # ECONNRESET:: remote host reset the connection request # ECONNABORTED:: Client sent TCP reset (RST) before server has accepted the # connection requested by client. # module Errno ## # Protocol error. class EPROTO < SystemCallError; end ## # Remote host reset the connection request. class ECONNRESET < SystemCallError; end ## # Client sent TCP reset (RST) before server has accepted the connection # requested by client. class ECONNABORTED < SystemCallError; end end