require 'date' # # Type conversions # class Object def is_complex_yaml? true end def to_yaml_type "!ruby/object:#{self.class}" end def to_yaml_properties instance_variables.sort end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( self.object_id, opts ) { |out| self.to_yaml_type ) { |map| to_yaml_properties.each { |m| map.add( m[1..-1], instance_eval( m ) ) } } } end end YAML.add_ruby_type( 'object' ) { |type, val| type, obj_class = YAML.read_type_class( type, Object ) YAML.object_maker( obj_class, val ) } # # Maps: Hash#to_yaml # class Hash def is_complex_yaml? true end def to_yaml_type if self.class == Hash or self.class == YAML::SpecialHash "!map" else "!ruby/hash:#{self.class}" end end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) opts[:DocType] = self.class if Hash === opts YAML::quick_emit( self.object_id, opts ) { |out| hash_type = to_yaml_type if not out.options[:ExplicitTypes] and hash_type == "!map" hash_type = "" end hash_type ) { |map| # # Sort the hash # if out.options[:SortKeys] map.concat( self.sort ) else map.concat( self.to_a ) end } } end end hash_proc = { |type, val| if Array === val val = Hash.[]( *val ) # Convert the map to a sequence elsif Hash === val type, obj_class = YAML.read_type_class( type, Hash ) if obj_class != Hash o = o.update( val ) val = o end else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid map explicitly tagged !map: " + val.inspect end val } YAML.add_builtin_type( 'map', &hash_proc ) YAML.add_ruby_type( 'hash', &hash_proc ) module YAML # # Ruby-specific collection: !ruby/flexhash # class FlexHash < Array def []( k ) self.assoc( k ).to_a[1] end def []=( k, *rest ) val, set = rest.reverse if ( tmp = self.assoc( k ) ) and not set tmp[1] = val else self << [ k, val ] end val end def has_key?( k ) self.assoc( k ) ? true : false end def is_complex_yaml? true end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( self.object_id, opts ) { |out| out.seq( "!ruby/flexhash" ) { |seq| self.each { |v| if v[1] seq.add( Hash.[]( *v ) ) else seq.add( v[0] ) end } } } end end YAML.add_ruby_type( 'flexhash' ) { |type, val| if Array === val p = val.each { |v| if Hash === v p.concat( v.to_a ) # Convert the map to a sequence else p << [ v, nil ] end } p else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid !ruby/flexhash: " + val.inspect end } end # # Structs: export as a !map # class Struct def is_complex_yaml? true end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( self.object_id, opts ) { |out| # # Basic struct is passed as a YAML map # struct_name = "Struct:", "" ) "!ruby/struct#{struct_name}" ) { |map| self.members.each { |m| map.add( m, self[m] ) } } } end end YAML.add_ruby_type( 'struct' ) { |type, val| if Hash === val struct_type = nil # # Use existing Struct if it exists # begin struct_name, struct_type = YAML.read_type_class( type, Struct ) rescue NameError end if not struct_type struct_def = [ type.split( ':', 4 ).last ] struct_type = *struct_def.concat( val.keys.collect { |k| k.intern } ) ) end # # Set the Struct properties # st = st.members.each { |m| st.send( "#{m}=", val[m] ) } st else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid Ruby Struct: " + val.inspect end } # # Sequences: Array#to_yaml # class Array def is_complex_yaml? true end def to_yaml_type if self.class == Array "!seq" else "!ruby/array:#{self.class}" end end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) opts[:DocType] = self.class if Hash === opts YAML::quick_emit( self.object_id, opts ) { |out| array_type = to_yaml_type if not out.options[:ExplicitTypes] and array_type == "!seq" array_type = "" end out.seq( array_type ) { |seq| seq.concat( self ) } } end end array_proc = { |type, val| if Array === val type, obj_class = YAML.read_type_class( type, Array ) if obj_class != Array o = o.concat( val ) val = o end val else val.to_a end } YAML.add_builtin_type( 'seq', &array_proc ) YAML.add_ruby_type( 'array', &array_proc ) # # String#to_yaml # class String def is_complex_yaml? ( self =~ /\n.+/ ? true : false ) end def is_binary_data? ( self.count( "^ -~", "^\r\n" ) / self.size > 0.3 || self.count( "\x00" ) > 0 ) end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) complex = false if self.is_complex_yaml? complex = true elsif opts[:BestWidth].to_i > 0 if self.length > opts[:BestWidth] and opts[:UseFold] complex = true end end YAML::quick_emit( complex ? self.object_id : nil, opts ) { |out| if complex if self.is_binary_data? out.binary_base64( self ) else out.node_text( self ) end else ostr = if out.options[:KeepValue] self elsif empty? "''" elsif YAML.detect_implicit( self ) != 'str' "\"#{YAML.escape( self )}\"" elsif self =~ /#{YAML::ESCAPE_CHAR}|[#{YAML::SPACE_INDICATORS}] |\n|\'/ "\"#{YAML.escape( self )}\"" elsif self =~ /^[^#{YAML::WORD_CHAR}]/ "\"#{YAML.escape( self )}\"" else self end out.simple( ostr ) end } end end YAML.add_builtin_type( 'str' ) { |type,val| val.to_s } YAML.add_builtin_type( 'binary' ) { |type,val| enctype = "m" if String === val val.gsub( /\s+/, '' ).unpack( enctype )[0] else raise YAML::Error, "Binary data must be represented by a string: " + val.inspect end } # # Symbol#to_yaml # class Symbol def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out| out << "!ruby/sym " self.object_id2name.to_yaml( :Emitter => out ) } end end symbol_proc = { |type, val| if String === val val.intern else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid Symbol: " + val.inspect end } YAML.add_ruby_type( 'symbol', &symbol_proc ) YAML.add_ruby_type( 'sym', &symbol_proc ) # # Range#to_yaml # class Range def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out| out << "!ruby/range " self.inspect.to_yaml( :Emitter => out ) } end end YAML.add_ruby_type( 'range' ) { |type, val| if String === val and val =~ /^(.*[^.])(\.{2,3})([^.].*)$/ r1, rdots, r2 = $1, $2, $3 YAML.try_implicit( r1 ), YAML.try_implicit( r2 ), rdots.length == 3 ) elsif Hash === val val['begin'], val['end'], val['exclude_end?'] ) else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid Range: " + val.inspect end } # # Make an RegExp # class Regexp def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out| out << "!ruby/regexp " self.inspect.to_yaml( :Emitter => out ) } end end regexp_proc = { |type, val| if String === val and val =~ /^\/(.*)\/([mix]*)$/ val = { 'REGEXP' => $1, 'MODIFIERS' => $2 } end if Hash === val mods = nil unless val['MODIFIERS'].to_s.empty? mods = 0x00 if val['MODIFIERS'].include?( 'x' ) mods |= Regexp::EXTENDED elsif val['MODIFIERS'].include?( 'i' ) mods |= Regexp::IGNORECASE elsif val['MODIFIERS'].include?( 'm' ) mods |= Regexp::POSIXLINE end end Regexp::compile( val['REGEXP'], mods ) else raise YAML::Error, "Invalid Regular expression: " + val.inspect end } YAML.add_domain_type( ",2002", /^regexp/, ®exp_proc ) YAML.add_ruby_type( 'regexp', ®exp_proc ) # # Emit a Time object as an ISO 8601 timestamp # class Time def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out| tz = "Z" # from the tidy Tobias Peters Thanks! unless self.utc? utc_same_instant = self.dup.utc utc_same_writing = Time.utc(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,usec) difference_to_utc = utc_same_writing - utc_same_instant if (difference_to_utc < 0) difference_sign = '-' absolute_difference = -difference_to_utc else difference_sign = '+' absolute_difference = difference_to_utc end difference_minutes = (absolute_difference/60).round tz = "%s%02d:%02d" % [ difference_sign, difference_minutes / 60, difference_minutes % 60] end ( self.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S." ) + "%06d %s" % [usec, tz] ). to_yaml( :Emitter => out, :KeepValue => true ) } end end YAML.add_builtin_type( 'time' ) { |type, val| if val =~ /\A(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2})[Tt](\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})(\.\d{1,2})?(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9](?:\:[0-9][0-9])?)\Z/ YAML.mktime( *$~.to_a[1,8] ) elsif val =~ /\A(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2})[ \t]+(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})(\.\d+)?[ \t]+(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9](?:\:[0-9][0-9])?)\Z/ YAML.mktime( *$~.to_a[1,8] ) elsif val =~ /\A(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2})[ \t]+(\d{2})\:(\d{2})\:(\d{2})(\.\d{1,2})?\Z/ YAML.mktime( *$~.to_a[1,7] ) elsif val =~ /\A(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2})\Z/$1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i) elsif type == :Implicit :InvalidType else raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid !time string: " + val.inspect end } # # Emit a Date object as a simple implicit # class Date def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) opts[:KeepValue] = true self.to_s.to_yaml( opts ) end end # # Send Integer, Booleans, NilClass to String # class Numeric def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) str = self.to_s if str == "Infinity" str = ".Inf" elsif str == "-Infinity" str = "-.Inf" elsif str == "NaN" str = ".NaN" end opts[:KeepValue] = true str.to_yaml( opts ) end end YAML.add_builtin_type( 'float' ) { |type, val| if val =~ /\A[-+]?[\d][\d,]*\.[\d,]*[eE][-+][0-9]+\Z/ # Float (exponential) $&.tr( ',', '' ).to_f elsif val =~ /\A[-+]?[\d][\d,]*\.[\d,]*\Z/ # Float (fixed) $&.tr( ',', '' ).to_f elsif val =~ /\A([-+]?)\.(inf|Inf|INF)\Z/ # Float (english) ( $1 == "-" ? -1.0/0.0 : 1.0/0.0 ) elsif val =~ /\A\.(nan|NaN|NAN)\Z/ 0.0/0.0 elsif type == :Implicit :InvalidType else val.to_f end } YAML.add_builtin_type( 'int' ) { |type, val| if val =~ /\A[-+]?0[0-7,]+\Z/ # Integer (octal) $&.oct elsif val =~ /\A[-+]?0x[0-9a-fA-F,]+\Z/ # Integer (hex) $&.hex elsif val =~ /\A[-+]?\d[\d,]*\Z/ # Integer (canonical) $&.tr( ',', '' ).to_i elsif val =~ /\A([-+]?)(\d[\d,]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+)\Z/ sign = ( $1 == '-' ? -1 : 1 ) digits = $2.split( /:/ ).collect { |x| x.to_i } val = 0; digits.each { |x| val = ( val * 60 ) + x }; val *= sign elsif type == :Implicit :InvalidType else val.to_i end } class TrueClass def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) opts[:KeepValue] = true "true".to_yaml( opts ) end end class FalseClass def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) opts[:KeepValue] = true "false".to_yaml( opts ) end end YAML.add_builtin_type( 'bool' ) { |type, val| if val =~ /\A(\+|true|True|TRUE|yes|Yes|YES|on|On|ON)\Z/ true elsif val =~ /\A(\-|false|False|FALSE|no|No|NO|off|Off|OFF)\Z/ false elsif type == :Implicit :InvalidType else raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid !bool string: " + val.inspect end } class NilClass def is_complex_yaml? false end def to_yaml( opts = {} ) opts[:KeepValue] = true "".to_yaml( opts ) end end YAML.add_builtin_type( 'null' ) { |type, val| if val =~ /\A(\~|null|Null|NULL)\Z/ nil elsif val.empty? nil elsif type == :Implicit :InvalidType else raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid !null string: " + val.inspect end }