Slashdot: Articles News for nerds, stuff that matters en-us Copyright © 1997-2001, OSDN 2003-03-16T06:13:51+00:00 OSDN Technology hourly 1 1970-01-01T00:00+00:00 Slashdot: Articles Live Vorbis Streams Over 802.11b From chupacabra writes " in Austin, Texas has a group of computers in various music venues around town. The ices/icecast stream is sent over 802.11 to a ... timothy wireless 2003-03-16T04:19:46+00:00 decent-exposure articles 50 50,43,33,18,10,4,1 Music Companies Bemoan New High-Cap Portables An anonymous reader writes "New Scientist reports: 'The music industry this week condemned the launch of two recording systems that will let people copy ... timothy hardware 2003-03-16T02:09:34+00:00 that's-a-lot-of-lake-woebegone-days articles 184 184,170,134,89,41,27,23 New Social-Network Mapping Tools Compared Roland Piquepaille writes "There are many new visualization tools around us which try to map our social networks. In this column, I examined Inflow, a ... timothy software 2003-03-15T23:16:26+00:00 useful-in-high-school-sex-ed-class articles 65 65,62,48,32,14,11,8 AMD Opteron Due In April updog writes "Here's an article from Infoworld claiming that the new 64-bit AMD Opteron is ready to launch on April 22. Some of the notable features of the new ... timothy amd 2003-03-15T21:07:45+00:00 grain-of-salt-please articles 244 244,227,174,119,38,22,18 Clear Case Roundup The Cheat writes "Interested in making your computer the envy of all the other computers on the block? What visitors to oooh and ahhh when they enter your ... CowboyNeal hardware 2003-03-15T19:48:26+00:00 classy-chassis articles 169 169,163,115,68,29,18,14 Forbes on Lessig and Eldred scubacuda writes "In the Forbes editorial, Fact and Comment , Steve Forbes voices his support for Lessig and the Eldred case: 'Maybe Congress should just be ... timothy money 2003-03-15T18:40:21+00:00 capitalist-tool articles 189 189,183,158,115,44,30,19 Modular Home Network PVR at CeBIT Mackus Daddius writes "This ought to give the MPAA a conniption: 'The Lancaster system is modular, consisting of a TV tuner (analogue or digital), a hard disk ... CowboyNeal tv 2003-03-15T17:37:55+00:00 different-kinds-of-tv-networks articles 75 75,63,49,34,12,9,8 EA, Eidos Have No Plans for Xbox Live News for nerds writes "Eidos, maker of Tomb Raider, said it doesn't plan to make games for Xbox Live because Microsoft controls the system and manages ... CowboyNeal games 2003-03-15T15:24:48+00:00 getting-connected articles 275 275,266,192,109,45,26,17 Build Your Own Sherman Tank absolut.evil writes "OK, so admittedly it is only 1/5th scale, but still pretty cool.. especially if you're a kid. The thing comes complete with working ... Hemos toys 2003-03-15T14:36:49+00:00 constructing-the-universe articles 216 216,206,122,70,36,21,16 Sony's Cashless Smart Card Catching on in Japan Spasemunki writes "The New York Times reports here on the success in Japan of an RF-based, cash replacement smart card developed by Sony. Used primarily by ... timothy money 2003-03-15T13:36:32+00:00 are-they-tradeable articles 196 196,192,152,77,27,15,10 Search Slashdot Search Slashdot stories query