#! /usr/local/bin/ruby $testnum=0 $ntest=0 $failed = 0 def check(what) printf "%s\n", what $what = what $testnum = 0 end def ok(cond) $testnum+=1 $ntest+=1 if cond printf "ok %d\n", $testnum else where = caller[0] printf "not ok %s %d -- %s\n", $what, $testnum, where $failed+=1 end end # make sure conditional operators work check "assignment" a=[]; a[0] ||= "bar"; ok(a[0] == "bar") h={}; h["foo"] ||= "bar"; ok(h["foo"] == "bar") aa = 5 aa ||= 25 ok(aa == 5) bb ||= 25 ok(bb == 25) cc &&=33 ok(cc == nil) cc = 5 cc &&=44 ok(cc == 44) check "condition" $x = '0'; $x == $x && ok(true) $x != $x && ok(false) $x == $x || ok(false) $x != $x || ok(true) # first test to see if we can run the tests. check "if/unless"; $x = 'test'; ok(if $x == $x then true else false end) $bad = false unless $x == $x $bad = true end ok(!$bad) ok(unless $x != $x then true else false end) check "case" case 5 when 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 ok(false) when 5 ok(true) end case 5 when 5 ok(true) when 1..10 ok(false) end case 5 when 1..10 ok(true) else ok(false) end case 5 when 5 ok(true) else ok(false) end case "foobar" when /^f.*r$/ ok(true) else ok(false) end check "while/until"; tmp = open("while_tmp", "w") tmp.print "tvi925\n"; tmp.print "tvi920\n"; tmp.print "vt100\n"; tmp.print "Amiga\n"; tmp.print "paper\n"; tmp.close # test break tmp = open("while_tmp", "r") ok(tmp.kind_of?(File)) while tmp.gets() break if /vt100/ end ok(!tmp.eof? && /vt100/) tmp.close # test next $bad = false tmp = open("while_tmp", "r") while tmp.gets() next if /vt100/; $bad = 1 if /vt100/; end ok(!(!tmp.eof? || /vt100/ || $bad)) tmp.close # test redo $bad = false tmp = open("while_tmp", "r") while tmp.gets() if gsub!('vt100', 'VT100') gsub!('VT100', 'Vt100') redo; end $bad = 1 if /vt100/; $bad = 1 if /VT100/; end ok(tmp.eof? && !$bad) tmp.close sum=0 for i in 1..10 sum += i i -= 1 if i > 0 redo end end ok(sum == 220) # test interval $bad = false tmp = open("while_tmp", "r") while tmp.gets() break unless 1..2 if /vt100/ || /Amiga/ || /paper/ $bad = true break end end ok(!$bad) tmp.close File.unlink "while_tmp" or `/bin/rm -f "while_tmp"` ok(!File.exist?("while_tmp")) i = 0 until i>4 i+=1 end ok(i>4) # exception handling check "exception"; begin raise "this must be handled" ok(false) rescue ok(true) end $bad = true begin raise "this must be handled no.2" rescue if $bad $bad = false retry ok(false) end end ok(true) # exception in rescue clause $string = "this must be handled no.3" begin begin raise "exception in rescue clause" rescue raise $string end ok(false) rescue ok(true) if $! == $string end # exception in ensure clause begin begin raise "this must be handled no.4" ensure raise "exception in ensure clause" end ok(false) rescue ok(true) end $bad = true begin begin raise "this must be handled no.5" ensure $bad = false end rescue end ok(!$bad) $bad = true begin begin raise "this must be handled no.6" ensure $bad = false end rescue end ok(!$bad) $bad = true while true begin break ensure $bad = false end end ok(!$bad) ok(catch(:foo) { loop do loop do throw :foo, true break end break ok(false) # should no reach here end false }) check "array" ok([1, 2] + [3, 4] == [1, 2, 3, 4]) ok([1, 2] * 2 == [1, 2, 1, 2]) ok([1, 2] * ":" == "1:2") ok([1, 2].hash == [1, 2].hash) ok([1,2,3] & [2,3,4] == [2,3]) ok([1,2,3] | [2,3,4] == [1,2,3,4]) ok([1,2,3] - [2,3] == [1]) $x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ok($x[2] == 2) ok($x[1..3] == [1, 2, 3]) ok($x[1,3] == [1, 2, 3]) $x[0, 2] = 10 ok($x[0] == 10 && $x[1] == 2) $x[0, 0] = -1 ok($x[0] == -1 && $x[1] == 10) $x[-1, 1] = 20 ok($x[-1] == 20 && $x.pop == 20) # array and/or ok(([1,2,3]&[2,4,6]) == [2]) ok(([1,2,3]|[2,4,6]) == [1,2,3,4,6]) # compact $x = [nil, 1, nil, nil, 5, nil, nil] $x.compact! ok($x == [1, 5]) # uniq $x = [1, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 2] $x.uniq! ok($x == [1, 4, 2, 5]) # empty? ok(!$x.empty?) $x = [] ok($x.empty?) # sort $x = ["it", "came", "to", "pass", "that", "..."] $x = $x.sort.join(" ") ok($x == "... came it pass that to") $x = [2,5,3,1,7] $x.sort!{|a,b| a<=>b} # sort with condition ok($x == [1,2,3,5,7]) $x.sort!{|a,b| b-a} # reverse sort ok($x == [7,5,3,2,1]) # split test $x = "The Book of Mormon" ok($x.split(//).reverse!.join == $x.reverse) ok($x.reverse == $x.reverse!) ok("1 byte string".split(//).reverse.join(":") == "g:n:i:r:t:s: :e:t:y:b: :1") $x = "a b c d" ok($x.split == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) ok($x.split(' ') == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) ok(defined? "a".chomp) ok("abc".scan(/./) == ["a", "b", "c"]) ok("1a2b3c".scan(/(\d.)/) == [["1a"], ["2b"], ["3c"]]) # non-greedy match ok("a=12;b=22".scan(/(.*?)=(\d*);?/) == [["a", "12"], ["b", "22"]]) $x = [1] ok(($x * 5).join(":") == '1:1:1:1:1') ok(($x * 1).join(":") == '1') ok(($x * 0).join(":") == '') *$x = (1..7).to_a ok($x.size == 7) ok($x == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) check "hash" $x = {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6} $y = {1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6} ok($x[1] == 2) ok(begin for k,v in $y raise if k*2 != v end true rescue false end) ok($x.length == 3) ok($x.has_key?(1)) ok($x.has_value?(4)) ok($x.indexes(2,3) == [4,6]) ok($x == {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6}) $z = $y.keys.join(":") ok($z == "1:2:3") $z = $y.values.join(":") ok($z == "2:4:6") ok($x == $y) $y.shift ok($y.length == 2) $z = [1,2] $y[$z] = 256 ok($y[$z] == 256) check "iterator" ok(!iterator?) def ttt ok(iterator?) end ttt{} # yield at top level ok(!defined?(yield)) $x = [1, 2, 3, 4] $y = [] # iterator over array for i in $x $y.push i end ok($x == $y) # nested iterator def tt 1.upto(10) {|i| yield i } end tt{|i| break if i == 5} ok(i == 5) def tt2(dummy) yield 1 end def tt3(&block) tt2(raise(ArgumentError,""),&block) end $x = false begin tt3{} rescue ArgumentError $x = true rescue Exception end ok($x) # iterator break/redo/next/retry done = true loop{ break done = false # should not reach here } ok(done) done = false $bad = false loop { break if done done = true next $bad = true # should not reach here } ok(!$bad) done = false $bad = false loop { break if done done = true redo $bad = true # should not reach here } ok(!$bad) $x = [] for i in 1 .. 7 $x.push i end ok($x.size == 7) ok($x == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) $done = false $x = [] for i in 1 .. 7 # see how retry works in iterator loop if i == 4 and not $done $done = true retry end $x.push(i) end ok($x.size == 10) ok($x == [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # append method to built-in class class Array def iter_test1 collect{|e| [e, yield(e)]}.sort{|a,b|a[1]<=>b[1]} end def iter_test2 a = collect{|e| [e, yield(e)]} a.sort{|a,b|a[1]<=>b[1]} end end $x = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] ok($x.iter_test1{|x|x} == $x.iter_test2{|x|x}) class IterTest def initialize(e); @body = e; end def each0(&block); @body.each(&block); end def each1(&block); @body.each { |*x| block.call(*x) } end def each2(&block); @body.each { |*x| block.call(x) } end def each3(&block); @body.each { |x| block.call(*x) } end def each4(&block); @body.each { |x| block.call(x) } end def each5; @body.each { |*x| yield(*x) } end def each6; @body.each { |*x| yield(x) } end def each7; @body.each { |x| yield(*x) } end def each8; @body.each { |x| yield(x) } end end IterTest.new([0]).each0 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 0) IterTest.new([1]).each1 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 1) IterTest.new([2]).each2 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [2]) IterTest.new([3]).each3 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 3) IterTest.new([4]).each4 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 4) IterTest.new([5]).each5 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 5) IterTest.new([6]).each6 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [6]) IterTest.new([7]).each7 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 7) IterTest.new([8]).each8 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 8) IterTest.new([[0]]).each0 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [0]) IterTest.new([[1]]).each1 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 1) IterTest.new([[2]]).each2 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [2]) IterTest.new([[3]]).each3 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 3) IterTest.new([[4]]).each4 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [4]) IterTest.new([[5]]).each5 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 5) IterTest.new([[6]]).each6 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [6]) IterTest.new([[7]]).each7 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == 7) IterTest.new([[8]]).each8 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [8]) IterTest.new([[0,0]]).each0 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [0,0]) IterTest.new([[8,8]]).each8 { |x| $x = x } ok($x == [8,8]) check "bignum" def fact(n) return 1 if n == 0 f = 1 while n>0 f *= n n -= 1 end return f end fact(3) $x = fact(40) ok($x == $x) ok($x == fact(40)) ok($x < $x+2) ok($x > $x-2) ok($x == 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000) ok($x != 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000001) ok($x+1 == 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000001) ok($x/fact(20) == 335367096786357081410764800000) $x = -$x ok($x == -815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000) ok(2-(2**32) == -(2**32-2)) ok(2**32 - 5 == (2**32-3)-2) $good = true; for i in 1000..1014 $good = false if ((1<> 1 $good = false if (n1 != n2) end ok($good) $good = true; for i in 4000..4096 n1 = 1 << i; if (n1**2-1) / (n1+1) != (n1-1) $good = false end end ok($good) check "string & char" ok("abcd" == "abcd") ok("abcd" =~ "abcd") ok("abcd" === "abcd") # compile time string concatenation ok("ab" "cd" == "abcd") ok("#{22}aa" "cd#{44}" == "22aacd44") ok("#{22}aa" "cd#{44}" "55" "#{66}" == "22aacd445566") ok("abc" !~ /^$/) ok("abc\n" !~ /^$/) ok("abc" !~ /^d*$/) ok(("abc" =~ /d*$/) == 3) ok("" =~ /^$/) ok("\n" =~ /^$/) ok("a\n\n" =~ /^$/) ok("abcabc" =~ /.*a/ && $& == "abca") ok("abcabc" =~ /.*c/ && $& == "abcabc") ok("abcabc" =~ /.*?a/ && $& == "a") ok("abcabc" =~ /.*?c/ && $& == "abc") ok(/(.|\n)*?\n(b|\n)/ =~ "a\nb\n\n" && $& == "a\nb") ok(/^(ab+)+b/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb") ok(/^(?:ab+)+b/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb") ok(/^(ab+)+/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb") ok(/^(?:ab+)+/ =~ "ababb" && $& == "ababb") ok(/(\s+\d+){2}/ =~ " 1 2" && $& == " 1 2") ok(/(?:\s+\d+){2}/ =~ " 1 2" && $& == " 1 2") $x = <') == "") # character constants(assumes ASCII) ok("a"[0] == ?a) ok(?a == ?a) ok(?\C-a == 1) ok(?\M-a == 225) ok(?\M-\C-a == 129) ok("a".upcase![0] == ?A) ok("A".downcase![0] == ?a) ok("abc".tr!("a-z", "A-Z") == "ABC") ok("aabbcccc".tr_s!("a-z", "A-Z") == "ABC") ok("abc".tr!("0-9", "A-Z") == nil) ok("abcc".squeeze!("a-z") == "abc") ok("abcd".delete!("bc") == "ad") $x = "abcdef" $y = [ ?a, ?b, ?c, ?d, ?e, ?f ] $bad = false $x.each_byte {|i| if i != $y.shift $bad = true break end } ok(!$bad) check "asignment" a = nil ok(defined?(a)) ok(a == nil) # multiple asignment a, b = 1, 2 ok(a == 1 && b == 2) a, b = b, a ok(a == 2 && b == 1) a, = 1,2 ok(a == 1) a, *b = 1, 2, 3 ok(a == 1 && b == [2, 3]) a, (b, c), d = 1, [2, 3], 4 ok(a == 1 && b == 2 && c == 3 && d == 4) *a = 1, 2, 3 ok(a == [1, 2, 3]) *a = 4 ok(a == [4]) *a = nil ok(a == []) check "call" def aaa(a, b=100, *rest) res = [a, b] res += rest if rest return res end # not enough argument begin aaa() # need at least 1 arg ok(false) rescue ok(true) end begin aaa # no arg given (exception raised) ok(false) rescue ok(true) end ok(aaa(1) == [1, 100]) ok(aaa(1, 2) == [1, 2]) ok(aaa(1, 2, 3, 4) == [1, 2, 3, 4]) ok(aaa(1, *[2, 3, 4]) == [1, 2, 3, 4]) check "proc" $proc = proc{|i| i} ok($proc.call(2) == 2) ok($proc.call(3) == 3) $proc = proc{|i| i*2} ok($proc.call(2) == 4) ok($proc.call(3) == 6) proc{ iii=5 # nested local variable $proc = proc{|i| iii = i } $proc2 = proc { $x = iii # nested variables shared by procs } # scope of nested variables ok(defined?(iii)) }.call ok(!defined?(iii)) # out of scope $x=0 $proc.call(5) $proc2.call ok($x == 5) if defined? Process.kill check "signal" $x = 0 trap "SIGINT", proc{|sig| $x = 2} Process.kill "SIGINT", $$ sleep 0.1 ok($x == 2) trap "SIGINT", proc{raise "Interrupt"} x = false begin Process.kill "SIGINT", $$ sleep 0.1 rescue x = $! end ok(x && /Interrupt/ =~ x) end check "eval" ok(eval("") == nil) $bad=false eval 'while false; $bad = true; print "foo\n" end' ok(!$bad) ok(eval('TRUE')) ok(eval('true')) ok(!eval('NIL')) ok(!eval('nil')) ok(!eval('FALSE')) ok(!eval('false')) $foo = 'ok(true)' begin eval $foo rescue ok(false) end ok(eval("$foo") == 'ok(true)') ok(eval("true") == true) i = 5 ok(eval("i == 5")) ok(eval("i") == 5) ok(eval("defined? i")) # eval with binding def test_ev local1 = "local1" lambda { local2 = "local2" return binding }.call end $x = test_ev ok(eval("local1", $x) == "local1") # normal local var ok(eval("local2", $x) == "local2") # nested local var $bad = true begin p eval("local1") rescue NameError # must raise error $bad = false end ok(!$bad) module EvTest EVTEST1 = 25 evtest2 = 125 $x = binding end ok(eval("EVTEST1", $x) == 25) # constant in module ok(eval("evtest2", $x) == 125) # local var in module $bad = true begin eval("EVTEST1") rescue NameError # must raise error $bad = false end ok(!$bad) x = proc{} eval "i4 = 1", x ok(eval("i4", x) == 1) x = proc{proc{}}.call eval "i4 = 22", x ok(eval("i4", x) == 22) $x = [] x = proc{proc{}}.call eval "(0..9).each{|i5| $x[i5] = proc{i5*2}}", x ok($x[4].call == 8) x = binding eval "i = 1", x ok(eval("i", x) == 1) x = proc{binding}.call eval "i = 22", x ok(eval("i", x) == 22) $x = [] x = proc{binding}.call eval "(0..9).each{|i5| $x[i5] = proc{i5*2}}", x ok($x[4].call == 8) x = proc{binding}.call eval "for i6 in 1..1; j6=i6; end", x ok(eval("defined? i6", x)) ok(eval("defined? j6", x)) proc { p = binding eval "foo11 = 1", p foo22 = 5 proc{foo11=22}.call proc{foo22=55}.call ok(eval("foo11", p) == eval("foo11")) ok(eval("foo11") == 1) ok(eval("foo22", p) == eval("foo22")) ok(eval("foo22") == 55) }.call p1 = proc{i7 = 0; proc{i7}}.call ok(p1.call == 0) eval "i7=5", p1 ok(p1.call == 5) ok(!defined?(i7)) p1 = proc{i7 = 0; proc{i7}}.call i7 = nil ok(p1.call == 0) eval "i7=1", p1 ok(p1.call == 1) eval "i7=5", p1 ok(p1.call == 5) ok(i7 == nil) check "system" ok(`echo foobar` == "foobar\n") ok(`./miniruby -e 'print "foobar"'` == 'foobar') tmp = open("script_tmp", "w") tmp.print "print $zzz\n"; tmp.close ok(`./miniruby -s script_tmp -zzz` == 'true') ok(`./miniruby -s script_tmp -zzz=555` == '555') tmp = open("script_tmp", "w") tmp.print "#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -s\n"; tmp.print "print $zzz\n"; tmp.close ok(`./miniruby script_tmp -zzz=678` == '678') tmp = open("script_tmp", "w") tmp.print "this is a leading junk\n"; tmp.print "#! /usr/local/bin/ruby -s\n"; tmp.print "print $zzz\n"; tmp.print "__END__\n"; tmp.print "this is a trailing junk\n"; tmp.close ok(`./miniruby -x script_tmp` == 'nil') ok(`./miniruby -x script_tmp -zzz=555` == '555') tmp = open("script_tmp", "w") for i in 1..5 tmp.print i, "\n" end tmp.close `./miniruby -i.bak -pe 'sub(/^[0-9]+$/){$&.to_i * 5}' script_tmp` done = true tmp = open("script_tmp", "r") while tmp.gets if $_.to_i % 5 != 0 done = false break end end tmp.close ok(done) File.unlink "script_tmp" or `/bin/rm -f "script_tmp"` File.unlink "script_tmp.bak" or `/bin/rm -f "script_tmp.bak"` $bad = false for script in Dir["{lib,sample}/*.rb"] unless `./miniruby -c #{script}`.chomp == "Syntax OK" $bad = true end end ok(!$bad) check "const" TEST1 = 1 TEST2 = 2 module Const TEST3 = 3 TEST4 = 4 end module Const2 TEST3 = 6 TEST4 = 8 end include Const ok([TEST1,TEST2,TEST3,TEST4] == [1,2,3,4]) include Const2 STDERR.print "intentionally redefines TEST3, TEST4\n" if $VERBOSE ok([TEST1,TEST2,TEST3,TEST4] == [1,2,6,8]) check "clone" foo = Object.new def foo.test "test" end bar = foo.clone def bar.test2 "test2" end ok(bar.test2 == "test2") ok(bar.test == "test") ok(foo.test == "test") begin foo.test2 ok false rescue ok true end check "marshal" $x = [1,2,3,[4,5,"foo"],{1=>"bar"},2.5,fact(30)] $y = Marshal.dump($x) ok($x == Marshal.load($y)) check "pack" $format = "c2x5CCxsdila6"; # Need the expression in here to force ary[5] to be numeric. This avoids # test2 failing because ary2 goes str->numeric->str and ary does not. ary = [1,-100,127,128,32767,987.654321098 / 100.0,12345,123456,"abcdef"] $x = ary.pack($format) ary2 = $x.unpack($format) ok(ary.length == ary2.length) ok(ary.join(':') == ary2.join(':')) ok($x =~ /def/) check "math" ok(Math.sqrt(4) == 2) include Math ok(sqrt(4) == 2) check "struct" struct_test = Struct.new("Test", :foo, :bar) ok(struct_test == Struct::Test) test = struct_test.new(1, 2) ok(test.foo == 1 && test.bar == 2) ok(test[0] == 1 && test[1] == 2) a, b = test.to_a ok(a == 1 && b == 2) test[0] = 22 ok(test.foo == 22) test.bar = 47 ok(test.bar == 47) check "variable" ok($$.instance_of?(Fixnum)) # read-only variable begin $$ = 5 ok false rescue ok true end foobar = "foobar" $_ = foobar ok($_ == foobar) check "trace" $x = 1234 $y = 0 trace_var :$x, proc{$y = $x} $x = 40414 ok($y == $x) untrace_var :$x $x = 19660208 ok($y != $x) trace_var :$x, proc{$x *= 2} $x = 5 ok($x == 10) untrace_var :$x check "defined?" ok(defined?($x)) # global variable ok(defined?($x) == 'global-variable')# returns description foo=5 ok(defined?(foo)) # local variable ok(defined?(Array)) # constant ok(defined?(Object.new)) # method ok(!defined?(Object.print)) # private method ok(defined?(1 == 2)) # operator expression def defined_test return !defined?(yield) end ok(defined_test) # not iterator ok(!defined_test{}) # called as iterator check "alias" class Alias0 def foo; "foo" end end class Alias1 0 printf "test: %d failed %d\n", $ntest, $failed else printf "end of test(test: %d)\n", $ntest end