# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Bundler::Fetcher::Base do let(:downloader) { double(:downloader) } let(:remote) { double(:remote) } let(:display_uri) { "http://sample_uri.com" } class TestClass < described_class; end subject { TestClass.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) } describe "#initialize" do context "with the abstract Base class" do it "should raise an error" do expect { described_class.new(downloader, remote, display_uri) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Abstract class") end end context "with a class that inherits the Base class" do it "should set the passed attributes" do expect(subject.downloader).to eq(downloader) expect(subject.remote).to eq(remote) expect(subject.display_uri).to eq("http://sample_uri.com") end end end describe "#remote_uri" do let(:remote_uri_obj) { double(:remote_uri_obj) } before { allow(remote).to receive(:uri).and_return(remote_uri_obj) } it "should return the remote's uri" do expect(subject.remote_uri).to eq(remote_uri_obj) end end describe "#fetch_uri" do let(:remote_uri_obj) { URI("http://rubygems.org") } before { allow(subject).to receive(:remote_uri).and_return(remote_uri_obj) } context "when the remote uri's host is rubygems.org" do it "should create a copy of the remote uri with index.rubygems.org as the host" do fetched_uri = subject.fetch_uri expect(fetched_uri.host).to eq("index.rubygems.org") expect(fetched_uri).to_not be(remote_uri_obj) end end context "when the remote uri's host is not rubygems.org" do let(:remote_uri_obj) { URI("http://otherhost.org") } it "should return the remote uri" do expect(subject.fetch_uri).to eq(URI("http://otherhost.org")) end end it "memoizes the fetched uri" do expect(remote_uri_obj).to receive(:host).once 2.times { subject.fetch_uri } end end describe "#available?" do it "should return whether the api is available" do expect(subject.available?).to be_truthy end end describe "#api_fetcher?" do it "should return false" do expect(subject.api_fetcher?).to be_falsey end end end