# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "Resolving" do before :each do @index = an_awesome_index end it "resolves a single gem" do dep "rack" should_resolve_as %w[rack-1.1] end it "resolves a gem with dependencies" do dep "actionpack" should_resolve_as %w[actionpack-2.3.5 activesupport-2.3.5 rack-1.0] end it "resolves a conflicting index" do @index = a_conflict_index dep "my_app" should_resolve_as %w[activemodel-3.2.11 builder-3.0.4 grape-0.2.6 my_app-1.0.0] end it "resolves a complex conflicting index" do @index = a_complex_conflict_index dep "my_app" should_resolve_as %w[a-1.4.0 b-0.3.5 c-3.2 d-0.9.8 my_app-1.1.0] end it "resolves a index with conflict on child" do @index = index_with_conflict_on_child dep "chef_app" should_resolve_as %w[berkshelf-2.0.7 chef-10.26 chef_app-1.0.0 json-1.7.7] end it "prefers expicitly requested dependencies when resolving an index which would otherwise be ambiguous" do @index = an_ambiguous_index dep "a" dep "b" should_resolve_as %w[a-1.0.0 b-2.0.0 c-1.0.0 d-1.0.0] end it "prefers non-prerelease resolutions in sort order" do @index = optional_prereleases_index dep "a" dep "b" should_resolve_as %w[a-1.0.0 b-1.5.0] end it "resolves a index with root level conflict on child" do @index = a_index_with_root_conflict_on_child dep "i18n", "~> 0.4" dep "activesupport", "~> 3.0" dep "activerecord", "~> 3.0" dep "builder", "~> 2.1.2" should_resolve_as %w[activesupport-3.0.5 i18n-0.4.2 builder-2.1.2 activerecord-3.0.5 activemodel-3.0.5] end it "resolves a gem specified with a pre-release version" do dep "activesupport", "~> 3.0.0.beta" dep "activemerchant" should_resolve_as %w[activemerchant-2.3.5 activesupport-3.0.0.beta1] end it "doesn't select a pre-release if not specified in the Gemfile" do dep "activesupport" dep "reform" should_resolve_as %w[reform-1.0.0 activesupport-2.3.5] end it "doesn't select a pre-release for sub-dependencies" do dep "reform" should_resolve_as %w[reform-1.0.0 activesupport-2.3.5] end it "selects a pre-release for sub-dependencies if it's the only option" do dep "need-pre" should_resolve_as %w[need-pre-1.0.0 activesupport-3.0.0.beta1] end it "raises an exception if a child dependency is not resolved" do @index = a_unresovable_child_index dep "chef_app_error" expect do resolve end.to raise_error(Bundler::VersionConflict) end it "raises an exception with the minimal set of conflicting dependencies" do @index = build_index do %w[0.9 1.0 2.0].each {|v| gem("a", v) } gem("b", "1.0") { dep "a", ">= 2" } gem("c", "1.0") { dep "a", "< 1" } end dep "a" dep "b" dep "c" expect do resolve end.to raise_error(Bundler::VersionConflict, <<-E.strip) Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "a": In Gemfile: b was resolved to 1.0, which depends on a (>= 2) c was resolved to 1.0, which depends on a (< 1) E end it "should throw error in case of circular dependencies" do @index = a_circular_index dep "circular_app" expect do resolve end.to raise_error(Bundler::CyclicDependencyError, /please remove either gem 'bar' or gem 'foo'/i) end # Issue #3459 it "should install the latest possible version of a direct requirement with no constraints given" do @index = a_complicated_index dep "foo" should_resolve_and_include %w[foo-3.0.5] end # Issue #3459 it "should install the latest possible version of a direct requirement with constraints given" do @index = a_complicated_index dep "foo", ">= 3.0.0" should_resolve_and_include %w[foo-3.0.5] end it "takes into account required_ruby_version" do @index = build_index do gem "foo", "1.0.0" do dep "bar", ">= 0" end gem "foo", "2.0.0" do |s| dep "bar", ">= 0" s.required_ruby_version = "~> 2.0.0" end gem "bar", "1.0.0" gem "bar", "2.0.0" do |s| s.required_ruby_version = "~> 2.0.0" end gem "ruby\0", "1.8.7" end dep "foo" dep "ruby\0", "1.8.7" deps = [] @deps.each do |d| deps << Bundler::DepProxy.new(d, "ruby") end should_resolve_and_include %w[foo-1.0.0 bar-1.0.0], [[]] end context "conservative" do before :each do @index = build_index do gem("foo", "1.3.7") { dep "bar", "~> 2.0" } gem("foo", "1.3.8") { dep "bar", "~> 2.0" } gem("foo", "1.4.3") { dep "bar", "~> 2.0" } gem("foo", "1.4.4") { dep "bar", "~> 2.0" } gem("foo", "1.4.5") { dep "bar", "~> 2.1" } gem("foo", "1.5.0") { dep "bar", "~> 2.1" } gem("foo", "1.5.1") { dep "bar", "~> 3.0" } gem("foo", "2.0.0") { dep "bar", "~> 3.0" } gem "bar", %w[2.0.3 2.0.4 2.0.5 2.1.0 2.1.1 3.0.0] end dep "foo" # base represents declared dependencies in the Gemfile that are still satisfied by the lockfile @base = Bundler::SpecSet.new([]) # locked represents versions in lockfile @locked = locked(%w[foo 1.4.3], %w[bar 2.0.3]) end it "resolves all gems to latest patch" do # strict is not set, so bar goes up a minor version due to dependency from foo 1.4.5 should_conservative_resolve_and_include :patch, [], %w[foo-1.4.5 bar-2.1.1] end it "resolves all gems to latest patch strict" do # strict is set, so foo can only go up to 1.4.4 to avoid bar going up a minor version, and bar can go up to 2.0.5 should_conservative_resolve_and_include [:patch, :strict], [], %w[foo-1.4.4 bar-2.0.5] end it "resolves foo only to latest patch - same dependency case" do @locked = locked(%w[foo 1.3.7], %w[bar 2.0.3]) # bar is locked, and the lock holds here because the dependency on bar doesn't change on the matching foo version. should_conservative_resolve_and_include :patch, ["foo"], %w[foo-1.3.8 bar-2.0.3] end it "resolves foo only to latest patch - changing dependency not declared case" do # foo is the only gem being requested for update, therefore bar is locked, but bar is NOT # declared as a dependency in the Gemfile. In this case, locks don't apply to _changing_ # dependencies and since the dependency of the selected foo gem changes, the latest matching # dependency of "bar", "~> 2.1" -- bar-2.1.1 -- is selected. This is not a bug and follows # the long-standing documented Conservative Updating behavior of bundle install. # http://bundler.io/v1.12/man/bundle-install.1.html#CONSERVATIVE-UPDATING should_conservative_resolve_and_include :patch, ["foo"], %w[foo-1.4.5 bar-2.1.1] end it "resolves foo only to latest patch - changing dependency declared case" do # bar is locked AND a declared dependency in the Gemfile, so it will not move, and therefore # foo can only move up to 1.4.4. @base << build_spec("bar", "2.0.3").first should_conservative_resolve_and_include :patch, ["foo"], %w[foo-1.4.4 bar-2.0.3] end it "resolves foo only to latest patch strict" do # adding strict helps solve the possibly unexpected behavior of bar changing in the prior test case, # because no versions will be returned for bar ~> 2.1, so the engine falls back to ~> 2.0 (turn on # debugging to see this happen). should_conservative_resolve_and_include [:patch, :strict], ["foo"], %w[foo-1.4.4 bar-2.0.3] end it "resolves bar only to latest patch" do # bar is locked, so foo can only go up to 1.4.4 should_conservative_resolve_and_include :patch, ["bar"], %w[foo-1.4.3 bar-2.0.5] end it "resolves all gems to latest minor" do # strict is not set, so bar goes up a major version due to dependency from foo 1.4.5 should_conservative_resolve_and_include :minor, [], %w[foo-1.5.1 bar-3.0.0] end it "resolves all gems to latest minor strict" do # strict is set, so foo can only go up to 1.5.0 to avoid bar going up a major version should_conservative_resolve_and_include [:minor, :strict], [], %w[foo-1.5.0 bar-2.1.1] end it "resolves all gems to latest major" do should_conservative_resolve_and_include :major, [], %w[foo-2.0.0 bar-3.0.0] end it "resolves all gems to latest major strict" do should_conservative_resolve_and_include [:major, :strict], [], %w[foo-2.0.0 bar-3.0.0] end # Why would this happen in real life? If bar 2.2 has a bug that the author of foo wants to bypass # by reverting the dependency, the author of foo could release a new gem with an older requirement. context "revert to previous" do before :each do @index = build_index do gem("foo", "1.4.3") { dep "bar", "~> 2.2" } gem("foo", "1.4.4") { dep "bar", "~> 2.1.0" } gem("foo", "1.5.0") { dep "bar", "~> 2.0.0" } gem "bar", %w[2.0.5 2.1.1 2.2.3] end dep "foo" # base represents declared dependencies in the Gemfile that are still satisfied by the lockfile @base = Bundler::SpecSet.new([]) # locked represents versions in lockfile @locked = locked(%w[foo 1.4.3], %w[bar 2.2.3]) end it "could revert to a previous version level patch" do should_conservative_resolve_and_include :patch, [], %w[foo-1.4.4 bar-2.1.1] end it "cannot revert to a previous version in strict mode level patch" do # fall back to the locked resolution since strict means we can't regress either version should_conservative_resolve_and_include [:patch, :strict], [], %w[foo-1.4.3 bar-2.2.3] end it "could revert to a previous version level minor" do should_conservative_resolve_and_include :minor, [], %w[foo-1.5.0 bar-2.0.5] end it "cannot revert to a previous version in strict mode level minor" do # fall back to the locked resolution since strict means we can't regress either version should_conservative_resolve_and_include [:minor, :strict], [], %w[foo-1.4.3 bar-2.2.3] end end end end