# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "compact_index" Artifice.deactivate class CompactIndexPartialUpdate < CompactIndexAPI # Stub the server to never return 304s. This simulates the behaviour of # Fastly / Rubygems ignoring ETag headers. def not_modified?(_checksum) false end get "/versions" do cached_versions_path = File.join( Bundler.rubygems.user_home, ".bundle", "cache", "compact_index", "localgemserver.test.80.dd34752a738ee965a2a4298dc16db6c5", "versions" ) # Verify a cached copy of the versions file exists unless File.read(cached_versions_path).start_with?("created_at: ") raise("Cached versions file should be present and have content") end # Verify that a partial request is made, starting from the index of the # final byte of the cached file. unless env["HTTP_RANGE"] == "bytes=#{File.read(cached_versions_path).bytesize - 1}-" raise("Range header should be present, and start from the index of the final byte of the cache.") end etag_response do # Return the exact contents of the cache. File.read(cached_versions_path) end end end Artifice.activate_with(CompactIndexPartialUpdate)