# frozen_string_literal: true require "forwardable" require_relative "the_bundle" module Spec module Matchers extend RSpec::Matchers class Precondition include RSpec::Matchers::Composable extend Forwardable def_delegators :failing_matcher, :failure_message, :actual, :description, :diffable?, :expected, :failure_message_when_negated def initialize(matcher, preconditions) @matcher = with_matchers_cloned(matcher) @preconditions = with_matchers_cloned(preconditions) @failure_index = nil end def matches?(target, &blk) return false if @failure_index = @preconditions.index {|pc| !pc.matches?(target, &blk) } @matcher.matches?(target, &blk) end def does_not_match?(target, &blk) return false if @failure_index = @preconditions.index {|pc| !pc.matches?(target, &blk) } if @matcher.respond_to?(:does_not_match?) @matcher.does_not_match?(target, &blk) else !@matcher.matches?(target, &blk) end end def expects_call_stack_jump? @matcher.expects_call_stack_jump? || @preconditions.any?(&:expects_call_stack_jump) end def supports_block_expectations? @matcher.supports_block_expectations? || @preconditions.any?(&:supports_block_expectations) end def failing_matcher @failure_index ? @preconditions[@failure_index] : @matcher end end def self.define_compound_matcher(matcher, preconditions, &declarations) raise "Must have preconditions to define a compound matcher" if preconditions.empty? define_method(matcher) do |*expected, &block_arg| Precondition.new( RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher.new(matcher, declarations, self, *expected, &block_arg), preconditions ) end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_dep do |*args| dep = Bundler::Dependency.new(*args) match do |actual| actual.length == 1 && actual.all? {|d| d == dep } end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_gem do |*args| match do |actual| actual.length == args.length && actual.all? {|a| args.include?(a.full_name) } end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_sorted do diffable attr_reader :expected match do |actual| expected = block_arg ? actual.sort_by(&block_arg) : actual.sort actual.==(expected).tap do # HACK: since rspec won't show a diff when everything is a string differ = RSpec::Support::Differ.new @actual = differ.send(:object_to_string, actual) @expected = differ.send(:object_to_string, expected) end end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_well_formed do match(&:empty?) failure_message do |actual| actual.join("\n") end end RSpec::Matchers.define :take_less_than do |seconds| match do |actual| start_time = Time.now actual.call (Time.now - start_time).to_f < seconds end supports_block_expectations end define_compound_matcher :read_as, [exist] do |file_contents| diffable match do |actual| @actual = Bundler.read_file(actual) values_match?(file_contents, @actual) end end def indent(string, padding = 4, indent_character = " ") string.to_s.gsub(/^/, indent_character * padding).gsub("\t", " ") end define_compound_matcher :include_gems, [be_an_instance_of(Spec::TheBundle)] do |*names| match do opts = names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? names.pop : {} source = opts.delete(:source) groups = Array(opts.delete(:groups)).map(&:inspect).join(", ") opts[:raise_on_error] = false @errors = names.map do |full_name| name, version, platform = full_name.split(/\s+/) require_path = name.tr("-", "/") version_const = name == "bundler" ? "Bundler::VERSION" : Spec::Builders.constantize(name) source_const = "#{Spec::Builders.constantize(name)}_SOURCE" ruby <<~R, opts require 'bundler' Bundler.setup(#{groups}) require '#{require_path}' actual_version, actual_platform = #{version_const}.split(/\s+/, 2) unless Gem::Version.new(actual_version) == Gem::Version.new('#{version}') puts actual_version exit 64 end unless actual_platform.to_s == '#{platform}' puts actual_platform exit 65 end require '#{require_path}/source' exit 0 if #{source.nil?} actual_source = #{source_const} unless actual_source == '#{source}' puts actual_source exit 66 end R next if exitstatus == 0 if exitstatus == 64 actual_version = out.split("\n").last next "#{name} was expected to be at version #{version} but was #{actual_version}" end if exitstatus == 65 actual_platform = out.split("\n").last next "#{name} was expected to be of platform #{platform || "ruby"} but was #{actual_platform || "ruby"}" end if exitstatus == 66 actual_source = out.split("\n").last next "Expected #{name} (#{version}) to be installed from `#{source}`, was actually from `#{actual_source}`" end next "Command to check for inclusion of gem #{full_name} failed" end.compact @errors.empty? end match_when_negated do opts = names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? names.pop : {} groups = Array(opts.delete(:groups)).map(&:inspect).join(", ") opts[:raise_on_error] = false @errors = names.map do |name| name, version = name.split(/\s+/, 2) ruby <<-R, opts begin require 'bundler' Bundler.setup(#{groups}) rescue Bundler::GemNotFound, Bundler::GitError exit 0 end begin require '#{name}' name_constant = #{Spec::Builders.constantize(name)} if #{version.nil?} || name_constant == '#{version}' exit 64 else exit 0 end rescue LoadError, NameError exit 0 end R next if exitstatus == 0 next "command to check version of #{name} installed failed" unless exitstatus == 64 next "expected #{name} to not be installed, but it was" if version.nil? next "expected #{name} (#{version}) not to be installed, but it was" end.compact @errors.empty? end failure_message do super() + " but:\n" + @errors.map {|e| indent(e) }.join("\n") end failure_message_when_negated do super() + " but:\n" + @errors.map {|e| indent(e) }.join("\n") end end RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :not_include_gems, :include_gems RSpec::Matchers.alias_matcher :include_gem, :include_gems def plugin_should_be_installed(*names) names.each do |name| expect(Bundler::Plugin).to be_installed(name) path = Pathname.new(Bundler::Plugin.installed?(name)) expect(path + "plugins.rb").to exist end end def plugin_should_not_be_installed(*names) names.each do |name| expect(Bundler::Plugin).not_to be_installed(name) end end end end