require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) with_feature :encoding do describe "Encoding.locale_charmap" do it "returns a String" do Encoding.locale_charmap.should be_an_instance_of(String) end # FIXME: Get this working on Windows platform_is :linux do it "returns a value based on the LC_ALL environment variable" do old_lc_all = ENV['LC_ALL'] ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' ruby_exe("print Encoding.locale_charmap").should == 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' ENV['LC_ALL'] = old_lc_all end end platform_is :freebsd, :openbsd, :darwin do it "returns a value based on the LC_ALL environment variable" do old_lc_all = ENV['LC_ALL'] ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' ruby_exe("print Encoding.locale_charmap").should == 'US-ASCII' ENV['LC_ALL'] = old_lc_all end end platform_is :netbsd do it "returns a value based on the LC_ALL environment variable" do old_lc_all = ENV['LC_ALL'] ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' ruby_exe("print Encoding.locale_charmap").should == '646' ENV['LC_ALL'] = old_lc_all end end platform_is :bsd, :darwin, :linux do it "is unaffected by assigning to ENV['LC_ALL'] in the same process" do old_charmap = Encoding.locale_charmap old_lc_all = ENV['LC_ALL'] ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' Encoding.locale_charmap.should == old_charmap ENV['LC_ALL'] = old_lc_all end end end end