require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "File.split" do before :each do @backslash_ext = "C:\\foo\\bar\\baz.rb" @backslash = "C:\\foo\\bar\\baz" end it "splits the string at the last '/' when the last component does not have an extension" do File.split("/foo/bar/baz").should == ["/foo/bar", "baz"] File.split("C:/foo/bar/baz").should == ["C:/foo/bar", "baz"] end it "splits the string at the last '/' when the last component has an extension" do File.split("/foo/bar/baz.rb").should == ["/foo/bar", "baz.rb"] File.split("C:/foo/bar/baz.rb").should == ["C:/foo/bar", "baz.rb"] end it "splits an empty string into a '.' and an empty string" do File.split("").should == [".", ""] end platform_is_not :windows do it "collapses multiple '/' characters and strips trailing ones" do File.split("//foo////").should == ["/", "foo"] end end platform_is_not :windows do it "does not split a string that contains '\\'" do File.split(@backslash).should == [".", "C:\\foo\\bar\\baz"] File.split(@backslash_ext).should == [".", "C:\\foo\\bar\\baz.rb"] end end platform_is :windows do it "splits the string at the last '\\' when the last component does not have an extension" do File.split(@backslash).should == ["C:\\foo\\bar", "baz"] end it "splits the string at the last '\\' when the last component has an extension" do File.split(@backslash_ext).should == ["C:\\foo\\bar", "baz.rb"] end end it "raises an ArgumentError when not passed a single argument" do lambda { File.split }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { File.split('string', 'another string') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if the argument is not a String type" do lambda { File.split(1) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "coerces the argument with to_str if it is not a String type" do obj = mock("str") obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("/one/two/three") File.split(obj).should == ["/one/two", "three"] end it "accepts an object that has a #to_path method" do File.split(mock_to_path("")).should == [".", ""] end end