require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'shared/arithmetic_coerce' describe "Integer#/" do ruby_version_is "2.4"..."2.5" do it_behaves_like :integer_arithmetic_coerce_rescue, :/ end ruby_version_is "2.5" do it_behaves_like :integer_arithmetic_coerce_not_rescue, :/ end context "fixnum" do it "returns self divided by the given argument" do (2 / 2).should == 1 (3 / 2).should == 1 end it "supports dividing negative numbers" do (-1 / 10).should == -1 end it "returns result the same class as the argument" do (3 / 2).should == 1 (3 / 2.0).should == 1.5 (3 / Rational(2, 1)).should == Rational(3, 2) end it "raises a ZeroDivisionError if the given argument is zero and not a Float" do -> { 1 / 0 }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end it "does NOT raise ZeroDivisionError if the given argument is zero and is a Float" do (1 / 0.0).to_s.should == 'Infinity' (-1 / 0.0).to_s.should == '-Infinity' end it "coerces fixnum and return self divided by other" do (-1 / 50.4).should be_close(-0.0198412698412698, TOLERANCE) (1 / bignum_value).should == 0 end it "raises a TypeError when given a non-Integer" do -> { 13 / mock('10') }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 13 / "10" }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { 13 / :symbol }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end context "bignum" do before :each do @bignum = bignum_value(88) end it "returns self divided by other" do (@bignum / 4).should == 2305843009213693974 (@bignum / bignum_value(2)).should == 1 (-(10**50) / -(10**40 + 1)).should == 9999999999 ((10**50) / (10**40 + 1)).should == 9999999999 ((-10**50) / (10**40 + 1)).should == -10000000000 ((10**50) / -(10**40 + 1)).should == -10000000000 end it "returns self divided by Float" do not_supported_on :opal do (bignum_value(88) / 4294967295.0).should be_close(2147483648.5, TOLERANCE) end (bignum_value(88) / 4294967295.5).should be_close(2147483648.25, TOLERANCE) end it "returns result the same class as the argument" do (@bignum / 4).should == 2305843009213693974 (@bignum / 4.0).should be_close(2305843009213693974, TOLERANCE) (@bignum / Rational(4, 1)).should == Rational(2305843009213693974, 1) end it "does NOT raise ZeroDivisionError if other is zero and is a Float" do (bignum_value / 0.0).to_s.should == 'Infinity' (bignum_value / -0.0).to_s.should == '-Infinity' end it "raises a ZeroDivisionError if other is zero and not a Float" do -> { @bignum / 0 }.should raise_error(ZeroDivisionError) end it "raises a TypeError when given a non-numeric" do -> { @bignum / mock('10') }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @bignum / "2" }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { @bignum / :symbol }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end end