# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "IO.read" do before :each do @fname = tmp("io_read.txt") @contents = "1234567890" touch(@fname) { |f| f.write @contents } end after :each do rm_r @fname end it "reads the contents of a file" do IO.read(@fname).should == @contents end it "calls #to_path on non-String arguments" do p = mock('path') p.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(@fname) IO.read(p) end it "accepts an empty options Hash" do IO.read(@fname, {}).should == @contents end it "accepts a length, and empty options Hash" do IO.read(@fname, 3, {}).should == @contents[0, 3] end it "accepts a length, offset, and empty options Hash" do IO.read(@fname, 3, 0, {}).should == @contents[0, 3] end it "raises an IOError if the options Hash specifies write mode" do -> { IO.read(@fname, 3, 0, {mode: "w"}) }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "raises an IOError if the options Hash specifies append only mode" do -> { IO.read(@fname, {mode: "a"}) }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "reads the file if the options Hash includes read mode" do IO.read(@fname, {mode: "r"}).should == @contents end it "reads the file if the options Hash includes read/write mode" do IO.read(@fname, {mode: "r+"}).should == @contents end it "reads the file if the options Hash includes read/write append mode" do IO.read(@fname, {mode: "a+"}).should == @contents end it "treats second nil argument as no length limit" do IO.read(@fname, nil).should == @contents IO.read(@fname, nil, 5).should == IO.read(@fname, @contents.length, 5) end it "treats third nil argument as 0" do IO.read(@fname, nil, nil).should == @contents IO.read(@fname, 5, nil).should == IO.read(@fname, 5, 0) end it "reads the contents of a file up to a certain size when specified" do IO.read(@fname, 5).should == @contents.slice(0..4) end it "reads the contents of a file from an offset of a specific size when specified" do IO.read(@fname, 5, 3).should == @contents.slice(3, 5) end it "returns nil at end-of-file when length is passed" do IO.read(@fname, 1, 10).should == nil end it "raises an Errno::ENOENT when the requested file does not exist" do rm_r @fname -> { IO.read @fname }.should raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "raises a TypeError when not passed a String type" do -> { IO.read nil }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises an ArgumentError when not passed a valid length" do -> { IO.read @fname, -1 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an Errno::EINVAL when not passed a valid offset" do -> { IO.read @fname, 0, -1 }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) -> { IO.read @fname, -1, -1 }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end it "uses the external encoding specified via the :external_encoding option" do str = IO.read(@fname, external_encoding: Encoding::ISO_8859_1) str.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_1 end it "uses the external encoding specified via the :encoding option" do str = IO.read(@fname, encoding: Encoding::ISO_8859_1) str.encoding.should == Encoding::ISO_8859_1 end end describe "IO.read from a pipe" do it "runs the rest as a subprocess and returns the standard output" do cmd = "|sh -c 'echo hello'" platform_is :windows do cmd = "|cmd.exe /C echo hello" end IO.read(cmd).should == "hello\n" end platform_is_not :windows do it "opens a pipe to a fork if the rest is -" do str = IO.read("|-") if str # parent str.should == "hello from child\n" else #child puts "hello from child" exit! end end end it "reads only the specified number of bytes requested" do cmd = "|sh -c 'echo hello'" platform_is :windows do cmd = "|cmd.exe /C echo hello" end IO.read(cmd, 1).should == "h" end platform_is_not :windows do it "raises Errno::ESPIPE if passed an offset" do -> { IO.read("|sh -c 'echo hello'", 1, 1) }.should raise_error(Errno::ESPIPE) end end quarantine! do # The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe. platform_is :windows do # TODO: It should raise Errno::ESPIPE on Windows as well # once https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12230 is fixed. it "raises Errno::EINVAL if passed an offset" do -> { IO.read("|cmd.exe /C echo hello", 1, 1) }.should raise_error(Errno::EINVAL) end end end end describe "IO.read on an empty file" do before :each do @fname = tmp("io_read_empty.txt") touch(@fname) end after :each do rm_r @fname end it "returns nil when length is passed" do IO.read(@fname, 1).should == nil end it "returns an empty string when no length is passed" do IO.read(@fname).should == "" end end describe "IO#read" do before :each do @fname = tmp("io_read.txt") @contents = "1234567890" touch(@fname) { |f| f.write @contents } @io = open @fname, "r+" end after :each do @io.close rm_r @fname end it "can be read from consecutively" do @io.read(1).should == '1' @io.read(2).should == '23' @io.read(3).should == '456' @io.read(4).should == '7890' end it "clears the output buffer if there is nothing to read" do @io.pos = 10 buf = 'non-empty string' @io.read(10, buf).should == nil buf.should == '' end it "consumes zero bytes when reading zero bytes" do @io.read(0).should == '' @io.pos.should == 0 @io.getc.chr.should == '1' end it "is at end-of-file when everything has been read" do @io.read @io.eof?.should == true end it "reads the contents of a file" do @io.read.should == @contents end it "places the specified number of bytes in the buffer" do buf = "" @io.read 5, buf buf.should == "12345" end it "expands the buffer when too small" do buf = "ABCDE" @io.read nil, buf buf.should == @contents end it "overwrites the buffer" do buf = "ABCDEFGHIJ" @io.read nil, buf buf.should == @contents end it "truncates the buffer when too big" do buf = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO" @io.read nil, buf buf.should == @contents @io.rewind buf = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO" @io.read 5, buf buf.should == @contents[0..4] end it "returns the given buffer" do buf = "" @io.read(nil, buf).should equal buf end it "coerces the second argument to string and uses it as a buffer" do buf = "ABCDE" obj = mock("buff") obj.should_receive(:to_str).any_number_of_times.and_return(buf) @io.read(15, obj).should_not equal obj buf.should == @contents end it "returns an empty string at end-of-file" do @io.read @io.read.should == '' end it "reads the contents of a file when more bytes are specified" do @io.read(@contents.length + 1).should == @contents end it "returns an empty string at end-of-file" do @io.read @io.read.should == '' end it "returns an empty string when the current pos is bigger than the content size" do @io.pos = 1000 @io.read.should == '' end it "returns nil at end-of-file with a length" do @io.read @io.read(1).should == nil end it "with length argument returns nil when the current pos is bigger than the content size" do @io.pos = 1000 @io.read(1).should == nil end it "raises IOError on closed stream" do -> { IOSpecs.closed_io.read }.should raise_error(IOError) end platform_is_not :windows do it "raises IOError when stream is closed by another thread" do r, w = IO.pipe t = Thread.new do begin r.read(1) rescue => e e end end Thread.pass until t.stop? r.close t.join t.value.should be_kind_of(IOError) w.close end end end platform_is :windows do describe "IO#read on Windows" do before :each do @fname = tmp("io_read.txt") touch(@fname, "wb") { |f| f.write "a\r\nb\r\nc" } end after :each do @io.close if @io rm_r @fname end it "normalizes line endings in text mode" do @io = new_io(@fname, "r") @io.read.should == "a\nb\nc" end it "does not normalize line endings in binary mode" do @io = new_io(@fname, "rb") @io.read.should == "a\r\nb\r\nc" end end end describe "IO#read" do before :each do @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "lines.txt" end after :each do @io.close if @io end it "ignores unicode encoding" do @io.readline.should == "Voici la ligne une.\n" # read "Qui è" @io.read(5).should == "Qui " + [195].pack('C*') end end describe "IO#read in binary mode" do before :each do @internal = Encoding.default_internal @name = fixture __FILE__, "read_binary.txt" end after :each do Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it "does not transcode file contents when Encoding.default_internal is set" do Encoding.default_internal = "utf-8" result = File.open(@name, "rb") { |f| f.read }.chomp result.encoding.should == Encoding::BINARY xE2 = [226].pack('C*') result.should == ("abc" + xE2 + "def").force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end it "does not transcode file contents when an internal encoding is specified" do result = File.open(@name, "r:binary:utf-8") { |f| f.read }.chomp result.encoding.should == Encoding::BINARY xE2 = [226].pack('C*') result.should == ("abc" + xE2 + "def").force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end end describe "IO#read in text mode" do before :each do @external = Encoding.default_external @internal = Encoding.default_internal @name = fixture __FILE__, "read_text.txt" end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @external Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it "reads data according to the internal encoding" do Encoding.default_internal = "utf-8" Encoding.default_external = "utf-8" result = File.open(@name, "rt") { |f| f.read }.chomp result.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 result.should == "abcâdef" end end describe "IO.read with BOM" do it "reads a file without a bom" do name = fixture __FILE__, "no_bom_UTF-8.txt" result = File.read(name, mode: "rb:BOM|utf-8") result.force_encoding("binary").should == "UTF-8\n" end it "reads a file with a utf-8 bom" do name = fixture __FILE__, "bom_UTF-8.txt" result = File.read(name, mode: "rb:BOM|utf-16le") result.force_encoding("binary").should == "UTF-8\n" end it "reads a file with a utf-16le bom" do name = fixture __FILE__, "bom_UTF-16LE.txt" result = File.read(name, mode: "rb:BOM|utf-8") result.force_encoding("binary").should == "U\x00T\x00F\x00-\x001\x006\x00L\x00E\x00\n\x00" end it "reads a file with a utf-16be bom" do name = fixture __FILE__, "bom_UTF-16BE.txt" result = File.read(name, mode: "rb:BOM|utf-8") result.force_encoding("binary").should == "\x00U\x00T\x00F\x00-\x001\x006\x00B\x00E\x00\n" end it "reads a file with a utf-32le bom" do name = fixture __FILE__, "bom_UTF-32LE.txt" result = File.read(name, mode: "rb:BOM|utf-8") result.force_encoding("binary").should == "U\x00\x00\x00T\x00\x00\x00F\x00\x00\x00-\x00\x00\x003\x00\x00\x002\x00\x00\x00L\x00\x00\x00E\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x00\x00" end it "reads a file with a utf-32be bom" do name = fixture __FILE__, "bom_UTF-32BE.txt" result = File.read(name, mode: "rb:BOM|utf-8") result.force_encoding("binary").should == "\x00\x00\x00U\x00\x00\x00T\x00\x00\x00F\x00\x00\x00-\x00\x00\x003\x00\x00\x002\x00\x00\x00B\x00\x00\x00E\x00\x00\x00\n" end end describe :io_read_internal_encoding, shared: true do it "returns a transcoded String" do @io.read.should == "ありがとう\n" end it "sets the String encoding to the internal encoding" do @io.read.encoding.should equal(Encoding::UTF_8) end describe "when passed nil for limit" do it "sets the buffer to a transcoded String" do result = @io.read(nil, buf = "") buf.should equal(result) buf.should == "ありがとう\n" end it "sets the buffer's encoding to the internal encoding" do buf = "".force_encoding Encoding::ISO_8859_1 @io.read(nil, buf) buf.encoding.should equal(Encoding::UTF_8) end end end describe :io_read_size_internal_encoding, shared: true do it "reads bytes when passed a size" do @io.read(2).should == [164, 162].pack('C*').force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end it "returns a String in BINARY when passed a size" do @io.read(4).encoding.should equal(Encoding::BINARY) end it "does not change the buffer's encoding when passed a limit" do buf = "".force_encoding Encoding::ISO_8859_1 @io.read(4, buf) buf.should == [164, 162, 164, 234].pack('C*').force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) buf.encoding.should equal(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) end it "truncates the buffer but does not change the buffer's encoding when no data remains" do buf = "abc".force_encoding Encoding::ISO_8859_1 @io.read @io.read(1, buf).should be_nil buf.size.should == 0 buf.encoding.should equal(Encoding::ISO_8859_1) end end describe "IO#read" do describe "when IO#external_encoding and IO#internal_encoding are nil" do before :each do @name = tmp("io_read.txt") touch(@name) { |f| f.write "\x00\x01\x02" } @io = new_io @name, "r+" end after :each do @io.close if @io rm_r @name end it "sets the String encoding to Encoding.default_external" do @io.read.encoding.should equal(Encoding.default_external) end end describe "with internal encoding" do after :each do @io.close if @io end describe "not specified" do before :each do @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "read_euc_jp.txt", "r:euc-jp" end it "does not transcode the String" do @io.read.should == ("ありがとう\n").encode(Encoding::EUC_JP) end it "sets the String encoding to the external encoding" do @io.read.encoding.should equal(Encoding::EUC_JP) end it_behaves_like :io_read_size_internal_encoding, nil end describe "specified by open mode" do before :each do @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "read_euc_jp.txt", "r:euc-jp:utf-8" end it_behaves_like :io_read_internal_encoding, nil it_behaves_like :io_read_size_internal_encoding, nil end describe "specified by mode: option" do before :each do @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "read_euc_jp.txt", mode: "r:euc-jp:utf-8" end it_behaves_like :io_read_internal_encoding, nil it_behaves_like :io_read_size_internal_encoding, nil end describe "specified by internal_encoding: option" do before :each do options = { mode: "r", internal_encoding: "utf-8", external_encoding: "euc-jp" } @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "read_euc_jp.txt", options end it_behaves_like :io_read_internal_encoding, nil it_behaves_like :io_read_size_internal_encoding, nil end describe "specified by encoding: option" do before :each do options = { mode: "r", encoding: "euc-jp:utf-8" } @io = IOSpecs.io_fixture "read_euc_jp.txt", options end it_behaves_like :io_read_internal_encoding, nil it_behaves_like :io_read_size_internal_encoding, nil end end end describe "IO#read with large data" do before :each do # TODO: what is the significance of this mystery math? @data_size = 8096 * 2 + 1024 @data = "*" * @data_size @fname = tmp("io_read.txt") touch(@fname) { |f| f.write @data } end after :each do rm_r @fname end it "reads all the data at once" do File.open(@fname, 'r') { |io| ScratchPad.record io.read } ScratchPad.recorded.size.should == @data_size ScratchPad.recorded.should == @data end it "reads only the requested number of bytes" do read_size = @data_size / 2 File.open(@fname, 'r') { |io| ScratchPad.record io.read(read_size) } ScratchPad.recorded.size.should == read_size ScratchPad.recorded.should == @data[0, read_size] end end