# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' require_relative 'shared/write' require_relative 'shared/binwrite' describe "IO#write on a file" do before :each do @filename = tmp("IO_syswrite_file") + $$.to_s File.open(@filename, "w") do |file| file.write("012345678901234567890123456789") end @file = File.open(@filename, "r+") @readonly_file = File.open(@filename) end after :each do @file.close @readonly_file.close rm_r @filename end it "does not check if the file is writable if writing zero bytes" do -> { @readonly_file.write("") }.should_not raise_error end before :each do @external = Encoding.default_external @internal = Encoding.default_internal Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @external Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it "returns a length of 0 when writing a blank string" do @file.write('').should == 0 end it "returns a length of 0 when writing blank strings" do @file.write('', '', '').should == 0 end it "returns a length of 0 when passed no arguments" do @file.write().should == 0 end it "returns the number of bytes written" do @file.write("hellø").should == 6 end it "does not modify the passed argument" do File.open(@filename, "w") do |f| f.set_encoding(Encoding::IBM437) # A character whose codepoint differs between UTF-8 and IBM437 f.write("ƒ".freeze) end File.binread(@filename).bytes.should == [159] end it "does not modify arguments when passed multiple arguments and external encoding not set" do a, b = "a".freeze, "b".freeze File.open(@filename, "w") do |f| f.write(a, b) end File.binread(@filename).bytes.should == [97, 98] a.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 b.encoding.should == Encoding::UTF_8 end it "uses the encoding from the given option for non-ascii encoding" do File.open(@filename, "w", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE) do |file| file.write("hi").should == 8 end File.binread(@filename).should == "h\u0000\u0000\u0000i\u0000\u0000\u0000" end it "uses the encoding from the given option for non-ascii encoding even if in binary mode" do File.open(@filename, "w", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true) do |file| file.should.binmode? file.write("hi").should == 8 end File.binread(@filename).should == "h\u0000\u0000\u0000i\u0000\u0000\u0000" File.open(@filename, "wb", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE) do |file| file.should.binmode? file.write("hi").should == 8 end File.binread(@filename).should == "h\u0000\u0000\u0000i\u0000\u0000\u0000" end it "uses the encoding from the given option for non-ascii encoding when multiple arguments passes" do File.open(@filename, "w", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE) do |file| file.write("h", "i").should == 8 end File.binread(@filename).should == "h\u0000\u0000\u0000i\u0000\u0000\u0000" end it "raises a invalid byte sequence error if invalid bytes are being written" do # pack "\xFEhi" to avoid utf-8 conflict xFEhi = ([254].pack('C*') + 'hi').force_encoding('utf-8') File.open(@filename, "w", encoding: Encoding::US_ASCII) do |file| -> { file.write(xFEhi) }.should raise_error(Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError) end end it "writes binary data if no encoding is given" do File.open(@filename, "w") do |file| file.write('Hëllö'.encode('ISO-8859-1')) end ë = ([235].pack('U')).encode('ISO-8859-1') ö = ([246].pack('U')).encode('ISO-8859-1') res = "H#{ë}ll#{ö}" File.binread(@filename).should == res.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end platform_is_not :windows do it "writes binary data if no encoding is given and multiple arguments passed" do File.open(@filename, "w") do |file| file.write("\x87".b, "ą") # 0x87 isn't a valid UTF-8 binary representation of a character end File.binread(@filename).bytes.should == [0x87, 0xC4, 0x85] File.open(@filename, "w") do |file| file.write("\x61".encode("utf-32le"), "ą") end File.binread(@filename).bytes.should == [0x61, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC4, 0x85] end end end describe "IO.write" do it_behaves_like :io_binwrite, :write it "uses an :open_args option" do IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: ["w", nil, {encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE}]).should == 8 end it "disregards other options if :open_args is given" do IO.write(@filename, 'hi', 2, mode: "r", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, open_args: ["w"]).should == 2 File.read(@filename).should == "\0\0hi" end it "requires mode to be specified in :open_args" do -> { IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: [{encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true}]) }.should raise_error(IOError, "not opened for writing") IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: ["w", {encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true}]).should == 8 IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: [{encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true, mode: "w"}]).should == 8 end it "requires mode to be specified in :open_args even if flags option passed" do -> { IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: [{encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true, flags: File::CREAT}]) }.should raise_error(IOError, "not opened for writing") IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: ["w", {encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true, flags: File::CREAT}]).should == 8 IO.write(@filename, 'hi', open_args: [{encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE, binmode: true, flags: File::CREAT, mode: "w"}]).should == 8 end it "uses the given encoding and returns the number of bytes written" do IO.write(@filename, 'hi', mode: "w", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE).should == 8 end it "raises ArgumentError if encoding is specified in mode parameter and is given as :encoding option" do -> { IO.write(@filename, 'hi', mode: "w:UTF-16LE:UTF-16BE", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "encoding specified twice") -> { IO.write(@filename, 'hi', mode: "w:UTF-16BE", encoding: Encoding::UTF_32LE) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "encoding specified twice") end it "writes the file with the permissions in the :perm parameter" do rm_r @filename IO.write(@filename, 'write :perm spec', mode: "w", perm: 0o755).should == 16 (File.stat(@filename).mode & 0o777) == 0o755 end it "writes binary data if no encoding is given" do IO.write(@filename, 'Hëllö'.encode('ISO-8859-1')) xEB = [235].pack('C*') xF6 = [246].pack('C*') File.binread(@filename).should == ("H" + xEB + "ll" + xF6).force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) end platform_is_not :windows do describe "on a FIFO" do before :each do @fifo = tmp("File_open_fifo") File.mkfifo(@fifo) end after :each do rm_r @fifo end it "writes correctly" do thr = Thread.new do IO.read(@fifo) end begin string = "hi" IO.write(@fifo, string).should == string.length ensure thr.join end end end end end describe "IO#write" do it_behaves_like :io_write, :write it "accepts multiple arguments" do IO.pipe do |r, w| w.write("foo", "bar") w.close r.read.should == "foobar" end end end platform_is :windows do describe "IO#write on Windows" do before :each do @fname = tmp("io_write.txt") end after :each do rm_r @fname @io.close if @io and !@io.closed? end it "normalizes line endings in text mode" do @io = new_io(@fname, "wt") @io.write "a\nb\nc" @io.close File.binread(@fname).should == "a\r\nb\r\nc" end it "does not normalize line endings in binary mode" do @io = new_io(@fname, "wb") @io.write "a\r\nb\r\nc" @io.close File.binread(@fname).should == "a\r\nb\r\nc" end end end ruby_version_is "3.0" do describe "IO#write on STDOUT" do # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/14413 platform_is_not :windows do it "raises SignalException SIGPIPE if the stream is closed instead of Errno::EPIPE like other IOs" do stderr_file = tmp("stderr") begin IO.popen([*ruby_exe, "-e", "loop { puts :ok }"], "r", err: stderr_file) do |io| io.gets.should == "ok\n" io.close end status = $? status.should_not.success? status.should.signaled? Signal.signame(status.termsig).should == 'PIPE' File.read(stderr_file).should.empty? ensure rm_r stderr_file end end end end end