require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/caller_locations' describe 'Kernel#caller_locations' do it 'is a private method' do Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:caller_locations) end it 'returns an Array of caller locations' do KernelSpecs::CallerLocationsTest.locations.empty?.should == false end it 'returns an Array of caller locations using a custom offset' do locations = KernelSpecs::CallerLocationsTest.locations(2) locations[0].absolute_path.should.end_with?('mspec.rb') end it 'returns an Array of caller locations using a custom limit' do locations = KernelSpecs::CallerLocationsTest.locations(1, 1) locations.length.should == 1 end it "can be called with a range" do locations1 = caller_locations(0) locations2 = caller_locations(2..4) locations1[2..4].map(&:to_s).should == end ruby_version_is "2.6" do it "works with endless ranges" do locations1 = caller_locations(0) locations2 = caller_locations(eval("(2..)")) == locations1[2..-1].map(&:to_s) end end it "can be called with a range whose end is negative" do locations1 = caller_locations(0) locations2 = caller_locations(2..-1) locations3 = caller_locations(2..-2) locations1[2..-1].map(&:to_s).should == locations1[2..-2].map(&:to_s).should == end it "must return nil if omitting more locations than available" do caller_locations(100).should == nil caller_locations(100..-1).should == nil end it "must return [] if omitting exactly the number of locations available" do omit = caller_locations(0).length caller_locations(omit).should == [] end it 'returns the locations as Thread::Backtrace::Location instances' do locations = KernelSpecs::CallerLocationsTest.locations locations.each do |location| location.kind_of?(Thread::Backtrace::Location).should == true end end it "must return the same locations when called with 1..-1 and when called with no arguments" do == caller_locations(1..-1).map(&:to_s) end end