require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative '../../fixtures/code_loading' describe "Kernel#require_relative with a relative path" do before :each do CodeLoadingSpecs.spec_setup @dir = "../../fixtures/code" @abs_dir = File.realpath(@dir, File.dirname(__FILE__)) @path = "#{@dir}/load_fixture.rb" @abs_path = File.realpath(@path, File.dirname(__FILE__)) end after :each do CodeLoadingSpecs.spec_cleanup end platform_is_not :windows do describe "when file is a symlink" do before :each do @link = tmp("symlink.rb", false) @real_path = "#{@abs_dir}/symlink/symlink1.rb" File.symlink(@real_path, @link) end after :each do rm_r @link end it "loads a path relative to current file" do require_relative(@link).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end end end it "loads a path relative to the current file" do require_relative(@path).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end describe "in an #instance_eval with a" do it "synthetic file base name loads a file base name relative to the working directory" do Dir.chdir @abs_dir do"require_relative(#{File.basename(@path).inspect})", "foo.rb").should be_true end ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "synthetic file path loads a relative path relative to the working directory plus the directory of the synthetic path" do Dir.chdir @abs_dir do"require_relative(File.join('..', #{File.basename(@path).inspect}))", "bar/foo.rb").should be_true end ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end platform_is_not :windows do it "synthetic relative file path with a Windows path separator specified loads a relative path relative to the working directory" do Dir.chdir @abs_dir do"require_relative(#{File.basename(@path).inspect})", "bar\\foo.rb").should be_true end ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end end it "absolute file path loads a path relative to the absolute path" do"require_relative(#{@path.inspect})", __FILE__).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "absolute file path loads a path relative to the root directory" do root = @abs_path until File.dirname(root) == root root = File.dirname(root) end root_relative = @abs_path[root.size..-1]"require_relative(#{root_relative.inspect})", "/").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end end it "loads a file defining many methods" do require_relative("#{@dir}/methods_fixture.rb").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "raises a LoadError if the file does not exist" do -> { require_relative("#{@dir}/nonexistent.rb") }.should raise_error(LoadError) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end it "raises a LoadError if basepath does not exist" do -> { eval("require_relative('#{@dir}/nonexistent.rb')") }.should raise_error(LoadError) end it "stores the missing path in a LoadError object" do path = "#{@dir}/nonexistent.rb" -> { require_relative(path) }.should(raise_error(LoadError) { |e| e.path.should == File.expand_path(path, @abs_dir) }) end it "calls #to_str on non-String objects" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") name.should_receive(:to_str).and_return(@path) require_relative(name).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "raises a TypeError if argument does not respond to #to_str" do -> { require_relative(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { require_relative(42) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { require_relative([@path,@path]) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if passed an object that has #to_s but not #to_str" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") name.stub!(:to_s).and_return(@path) -> { require_relative(name) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if #to_str does not return a String" do name = mock("#to_str returns nil") name.should_receive(:to_str).at_least(1).times.and_return(nil) -> { require_relative(name) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "calls #to_path on non-String objects" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") name.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(@path) require_relative(name).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "calls #to_str on non-String objects returned by #to_path" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") to_path = mock("load_fixture_rb #to_path mock") name.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(to_path) to_path.should_receive(:to_str).and_return(@path) require_relative(name).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end describe "(file extensions)" do it "loads a .rb extensioned file when passed a non-extensioned path" do require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "loads a .rb extensioned file when a C-extension file of the same name is loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.bundle" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.dylib" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.dll" require_relative(@path).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "does not load a C-extension file if a .rb extensioned file is already loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.rb" require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture").should be_false ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end it "loads a .rb extensioned file when passed a non-.rb extensioned path" do require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture.ext").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] $LOADED_FEATURES.should include "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.rb" end it "loads a .rb extensioned file when a complex-extensioned C-extension file of the same name is loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.bundle" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.dylib" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.dll" require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture.ext").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] $LOADED_FEATURES.should include "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.rb" end it "does not load a C-extension file if a complex-extensioned .rb file is already loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.rb" require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture.ext").should be_false ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end end describe "($LOADED_FEATURES)" do it "stores an absolute path" do require_relative(@path).should be_true $LOADED_FEATURES.should include(@abs_path) end platform_is_not :windows do describe "with symlinks" do before :each do @symlink_to_code_dir = tmp("codesymlink") File.symlink(CODE_LOADING_DIR, @symlink_to_code_dir) @symlink_basename = File.basename(@symlink_to_code_dir) @requiring_file = tmp("requiring") end after :each do rm_r @symlink_to_code_dir, @requiring_file end it "does not canonicalize the path and stores a path with symlinks" do symlink_path = "#{@symlink_basename}/load_fixture.rb" absolute_path = "#{tmp("")}#{symlink_path}" canonical_path = "#{CODE_LOADING_DIR}/load_fixture.rb" touch(@requiring_file) { |f| f.puts "require_relative #{symlink_path.inspect}" } load(@requiring_file) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] features = $ { |path| path.end_with?('load_fixture.rb') } features.should include(absolute_path) features.should_not include(canonical_path) end it "stores the same path that __FILE__ returns in the required file" do symlink_path = "#{@symlink_basename}/load_fixture_and__FILE__.rb" touch(@requiring_file) { |f| f.puts "require_relative #{symlink_path.inspect}" } load(@requiring_file) loaded_feature = $LOADED_FEATURES.last ScratchPad.recorded.should == [loaded_feature] end end end it "does not store the path if the load fails" do saved_loaded_features = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup -> { require_relative("#{@dir}/raise_fixture.rb") }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) $LOADED_FEATURES.should == saved_loaded_features end it "does not load an absolute path that is already stored" do $LOADED_FEATURES << @abs_path require_relative(@path).should be_false ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end it "adds the suffix of the resolved filename" do require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture").should be_true $LOADED_FEATURES.should include("#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.rb") end it "loads a path for a file already loaded with a relative path" do $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(@dir) $LOADED_FEATURES << "load_fixture.rb" << "load_fixture" require_relative(@path).should be_true $LOADED_FEATURES.should include(@abs_path) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end end end describe "Kernel#require_relative with an absolute path" do before :each do CodeLoadingSpecs.spec_setup @dir = File.expand_path "../../fixtures/code", File.dirname(__FILE__) @abs_dir = @dir @path = File.join @dir, "load_fixture.rb" @abs_path = @path end after :each do CodeLoadingSpecs.spec_cleanup end it "loads a path relative to the current file" do require_relative(@path).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "loads a file defining many methods" do require_relative("#{@dir}/methods_fixture.rb").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "raises a LoadError if the file does not exist" do -> { require_relative("#{@dir}/nonexistent.rb") }.should raise_error(LoadError) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end it "raises a LoadError if basepath does not exist" do -> { eval("require_relative('#{@dir}/nonexistent.rb')") }.should raise_error(LoadError) end it "stores the missing path in a LoadError object" do path = "#{@dir}/nonexistent.rb" -> { require_relative(path) }.should(raise_error(LoadError) { |e| e.path.should == File.expand_path(path, @abs_dir) }) end it "calls #to_str on non-String objects" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") name.should_receive(:to_str).and_return(@path) require_relative(name).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "raises a TypeError if argument does not respond to #to_str" do -> { require_relative(nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { require_relative(42) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { require_relative([@path,@path]) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if passed an object that has #to_s but not #to_str" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") name.stub!(:to_s).and_return(@path) -> { require_relative(name) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if #to_str does not return a String" do name = mock("#to_str returns nil") name.should_receive(:to_str).at_least(1).times.and_return(nil) -> { require_relative(name) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "calls #to_path on non-String objects" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") name.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(@path) require_relative(name).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "calls #to_str on non-String objects returned by #to_path" do name = mock("load_fixture.rb mock") to_path = mock("load_fixture_rb #to_path mock") name.should_receive(:to_path).and_return(to_path) to_path.should_receive(:to_str).and_return(@path) require_relative(name).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end describe "(file extensions)" do it "loads a .rb extensioned file when passed a non-extensioned path" do require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "loads a .rb extensioned file when a C-extension file of the same name is loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.bundle" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.dylib" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.dll" require_relative(@path).should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end it "does not load a C-extension file if a .rb extensioned file is already loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.rb" require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture").should be_false ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end it "loads a .rb extensioned file when passed a non-.rb extensioned path" do require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture.ext").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] $LOADED_FEATURES.should include "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.rb" end it "loads a .rb extensioned file when a complex-extensioned C-extension file of the same name is loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.bundle" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.dylib" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/" $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.dll" require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture.ext").should be_true ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] $LOADED_FEATURES.should include "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.rb" end it "does not load a C-extension file if a complex-extensioned .rb file is already loaded" do $LOADED_FEATURES << "#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.ext.rb" require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture.ext").should be_false ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end end describe "($LOAD_FEATURES)" do it "stores an absolute path" do require_relative(@path).should be_true $LOADED_FEATURES.should include(@abs_path) end it "does not store the path if the load fails" do saved_loaded_features = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup -> { require_relative("#{@dir}/raise_fixture.rb") }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) $LOADED_FEATURES.should == saved_loaded_features end it "does not load an absolute path that is already stored" do $LOADED_FEATURES << @abs_path require_relative(@path).should be_false ScratchPad.recorded.should == [] end it "adds the suffix of the resolved filename" do require_relative("#{@dir}/load_fixture").should be_true $LOADED_FEATURES.should include("#{@abs_dir}/load_fixture.rb") end it "loads a path for a file already loaded with a relative path" do $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(@dir) $LOADED_FEATURES << "load_fixture.rb" << "load_fixture" require_relative(@path).should be_true $LOADED_FEATURES.should include(@abs_path) ScratchPad.recorded.should == [:loaded] end end end