require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "Kernel#warn" do before :each do @before_verbose = $VERBOSE @before_separator = $/ end after :each do $VERBOSE = nil $/ = @before_separator $VERBOSE = @before_verbose end it "is a private method" do Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:warn) end it "accepts multiple arguments" do Kernel.method(:warn).arity.should < 0 end it "does not append line-end if last character is line-end" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("this is some simple text with line-end\n") }.should output(nil, "this is some simple text with line-end\n") end it "calls #write on $stderr if $VERBOSE is true" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("this is some simple text") }.should output(nil, "this is some simple text\n") end it "calls #write on $stderr if $VERBOSE is false" do -> { $VERBOSE = false warn("this is some simple text") }.should output(nil, "this is some simple text\n") end it "does not call #write on $stderr if $VERBOSE is nil" do -> { $VERBOSE = nil warn("this is some simple text") }.should output(nil, "") end it "writes each argument on a line when passed multiple arguments" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("line 1", "line 2") }.should output(nil, "line 1\nline 2\n") end it "writes each array element on a line when passes an array" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn(["line 1", "line 2"]) }.should output(nil, "line 1\nline 2\n") end it "does not write strings when passed no arguments" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn }.should output("", "") end it "writes the default record separator and NOT $/ to $stderr after the warning message" do -> { $VERBOSE = true $/ = 'rs' warn("") }.should output(nil, /\n/) end it "writes to_s representation if passed a non-string" do obj = mock("obj") obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("to_s called") -> { $VERBOSE = true warn(obj) }.should output(nil, "to_s called\n") end describe ":uplevel keyword argument" do before :each do $VERBOSE = true end it "prepends a message with specified line from the backtrace" do w = -> { w.f4("foo", 0) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.warn_call_lineno}: warning: foo|) -> { w.f4("foo", 1) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.f1_call_lineno}: warning: foo|) -> { w.f4("foo", 2) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.f2_call_lineno}: warning: foo|) -> { w.f4("foo", 3) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.f3_call_lineno}: warning: foo|) end # Test both explicitly without and with RubyGems as RubyGems overrides Kernel#warn it "shows the caller of #require and not #require itself without RubyGems" do file = fixture(__FILE__ , "warn_require_caller.rb") ruby_exe(file, options: "--disable-gems", args: "2>&1").should == "#{file}:2: warning: warn-require-warning\n" end it "shows the caller of #require and not #require itself with RubyGems loaded" do file = fixture(__FILE__ , "warn_require_caller.rb") ruby_exe(file, options: "-rrubygems", args: "2>&1").should == "#{file}:2: warning: warn-require-warning\n" end guard -> { Kernel.instance_method(:tap).source_location } do it "skips &1").lines.should == [ "#{file}:#{n+0}: warning: use X instead\n", "#{file}:#{n+1}: warning: use X instead\n", "#{file}:#{n+2}: warning: use X instead\n", "#{file}:#{n+4}: warning: use X instead\n", ] end end ruby_version_is "3.0" do it "accepts :category keyword with a symbol" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("message", category: :deprecated) }.should output(nil, "message\n") end it "accepts :category keyword with nil" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("message", category: nil) }.should output(nil, "message\n") end it "accepts :category keyword with object convertible to symbol" do o = def o.to_sym; :deprecated; end -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("message", category: o) }.should output(nil, "message\n") end it "raises if :category keyword is not nil and not convertible to symbol" do -> { $VERBOSE = true warn("message", category: }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end it "converts first arg using to_s" do w = -> { w.f4(false, 0) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.warn_call_lineno}: warning: false|) -> { w.f4(nil, 1) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.f1_call_lineno}: warning: |) obj = mock("obj") obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("to_s called") -> { w.f4(obj, 2) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.f2_call_lineno}: warning: to_s called|) end it "does not prepend caller information if the uplevel argument is too large" do w = -> { w.f4("foo", 100) }.should output(nil, "warning: foo\n") end it "prepends even if a message is empty or nil" do w = -> { w.f4("", 0) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.warn_call_lineno}: warning: \n$|) -> { w.f4(nil, 0) }.should output(nil, %r|core/kernel/fixtures/classes.rb:#{w.warn_call_lineno}: warning: \n$|) end it "converts value to Integer" do w = -> { w.f4(0.1) }.should output(nil, %r|classes.rb:#{w.warn_call_lineno}:|) -> { w.f4(Rational(1, 2)) }.should output(nil, %r|classes.rb:#{w.warn_call_lineno}:|) end it "raises ArgumentError if passed negative value" do -> { warn "", uplevel: -2 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { warn "", uplevel: -100 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises ArgumentError if passed -1" do -> { warn "", uplevel: -1 }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises TypeError if passed not Integer" do -> { warn "", uplevel: "" }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { warn "", uplevel: [] }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { warn "", uplevel: {} }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { warn "", uplevel: }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end it "treats empty hash as no keyword argument" do h = {} -> { warn(**h) }.should_not complain(verbose: true) -> { warn('foo', **h) }.should complain("foo\n") end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "calls Warning.warn without keyword arguments if Warning.warn does not accept keyword arguments" do verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false class << Warning alias_method :_warn, :warn def warn(message) ScratchPad.record(message) end end begin ScratchPad.clear Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!") ScratchPad.recorded.should == "Chunky bacon!\n" Kernel.warn("Deprecated bacon!", category: :deprecated) ScratchPad.recorded.should == "Deprecated bacon!\n" ensure class << Warning remove_method :warn alias_method :warn, :_warn remove_method :_warn end $VERBOSE = verbose end end it "calls Warning.warn with category: nil if Warning.warn accepts keyword arguments" do Warning.should_receive(:warn).with("Chunky bacon!\n", category: nil) verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!") ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end it "calls Warning.warn with given category keyword converted to a symbol" do Warning.should_receive(:warn).with("Chunky bacon!\n", category: :deprecated) verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!", category: 'deprecated') ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "calls Warning.warn with no keyword arguments" do Warning.should_receive(:warn).with("Chunky bacon!\n") verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = false begin Kernel.warn("Chunky bacon!") ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end end end it "does not call Warning.warn if self is the Warning module" do # RubyGems redefines Kernel#warn so we need to use a subprocess and disable RubyGems here code = <<-RUBY def Warning.warn(*args, **kwargs) raise 'should not be called' end Kernel.instance_method(:warn).bind(Warning).call('Kernel#warn spec edge case') RUBY out = ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1", options: "--disable-gems") out.should == "Kernel#warn spec edge case\n" $?.should.success? end it "avoids recursion if Warning#warn is redefined and calls super" do # This works because of the spec above, which is the workaround for it. # Note that redefining Warning#warn is a mistake which would naturally end in infinite recursion, # Warning.extend { def warn } should be used instead. # RubyGems redefines Kernel#warn so we need to use a subprocess and disable RubyGems here code = <<-RUBY module Warning def warn(*args, **kwargs) super end end warn "avoid infinite recursion" RUBY out = ruby_exe(code, args: "2>&1", options: "--disable-gems") out.should == "avoid infinite recursion\n" $?.should.success? end end