# -*- encoding: binary -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/marshal_data' describe "Marshal.dump" do it "dumps nil" do Marshal.dump(nil).should == "\004\b0" end it "dumps true" do Marshal.dump(true).should == "\004\bT" end it "dumps false" do Marshal.dump(false).should == "\004\bF" end describe "with a Fixnum" do it "dumps a Fixnum" do [ [Marshal, 0, "\004\bi\000"], [Marshal, 5, "\004\bi\n"], [Marshal, 8, "\004\bi\r"], [Marshal, 122, "\004\bi\177"], [Marshal, 123, "\004\bi\001{"], [Marshal, 1234, "\004\bi\002\322\004"], [Marshal, -8, "\004\bi\363"], [Marshal, -123, "\004\bi\200"], [Marshal, -124, "\004\bi\377\204"], [Marshal, -1234, "\004\bi\376.\373"], [Marshal, -4516727, "\004\bi\375\211\024\273"], [Marshal, 2**8, "\004\bi\002\000\001"], [Marshal, 2**16, "\004\bi\003\000\000\001"], [Marshal, 2**24, "\004\bi\004\000\000\000\001"], [Marshal, -2**8, "\004\bi\377\000"], [Marshal, -2**16, "\004\bi\376\000\000"], [Marshal, -2**24, "\004\bi\375\000\000\000"], ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end platform_is wordsize: 64 do it "dumps a positive Fixnum > 31 bits as a Bignum" do Marshal.dump(2**31 + 1).should == "\x04\bl+\a\x01\x00\x00\x80" end it "dumps a negative Fixnum > 31 bits as a Bignum" do Marshal.dump(-2**31 - 1).should == "\x04\bl-\a\x01\x00\x00\x80" end end end describe "with a Symbol" do it "dumps a Symbol" do Marshal.dump(:symbol).should == "\004\b:\vsymbol" end it "dumps a big Symbol" do Marshal.dump(('big' * 100).to_sym).should == "\004\b:\002,\001#{'big' * 100}" end it "dumps an encoded Symbol" do s = "\u2192" [ [Marshal, s.encode("utf-8").to_sym, "\x04\bI:\b\xE2\x86\x92\x06:\x06ET"], [Marshal, s.encode("utf-16").to_sym, "\x04\bI:\t\xFE\xFF!\x92\x06:\rencoding\"\vUTF-16"], [Marshal, s.encode("utf-16le").to_sym, "\x04\bI:\a\x92!\x06:\rencoding\"\rUTF-16LE"], [Marshal, s.encode("utf-16be").to_sym, "\x04\bI:\a!\x92\x06:\rencoding\"\rUTF-16BE"], [Marshal, s.encode("euc-jp").to_sym, "\x04\bI:\a\xA2\xAA\x06:\rencoding\"\vEUC-JP"], [Marshal, s.encode("sjis").to_sym, "\x04\bI:\a\x81\xA8\x06:\rencoding\"\x10Windows-31J"] ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "dumps a binary encoded Symbol" do s = "\u2192".force_encoding("binary").to_sym Marshal.dump(s).should == "\x04\b:\b\xE2\x86\x92" end end describe "with an object responding to #marshal_dump" do it "dumps the object returned by #marshal_dump" do Marshal.dump(UserMarshal.new).should == "\x04\bU:\x10UserMarshal:\tdata" end it "does not use Class#name" do UserMarshal.should_not_receive(:name) Marshal.dump(UserMarshal.new) end end describe "with an object responding to #_dump" do it "dumps the object returned by #marshal_dump" do Marshal.dump(UserDefined.new).should == "\004\bu:\020UserDefined\022\004\b[\a:\nstuff;\000" end it "raises a TypeError if _dump returns a non-string" do m = mock("marshaled") m.should_receive(:_dump).and_return(0) lambda { Marshal.dump(m) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "favors marshal_dump over _dump" do m = mock("marshaled") m.should_receive(:marshal_dump).and_return(0) m.should_not_receive(:_dump) Marshal.dump(m) end end describe "with a Class" do it "dumps a builtin Class" do Marshal.dump(String).should == "\004\bc\vString" end it "dumps a user Class" do Marshal.dump(UserDefined).should == "\x04\bc\x10UserDefined" end it "dumps a nested Class" do Marshal.dump(UserDefined::Nested).should == "\004\bc\030UserDefined::Nested" end it "raises TypeError with an anonymous Class" do lambda { Marshal.dump(Class.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises TypeError with a singleton Class" do lambda { Marshal.dump(class << self; self end) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "with a Module" do it "dumps a builtin Module" do Marshal.dump(Marshal).should == "\004\bm\fMarshal" end it "raises TypeError with an anonymous Module" do lambda { Marshal.dump(Module.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "with a Float" do it "dumps a Float" do [ [Marshal, 0.0, "\004\bf\0060"], [Marshal, -0.0, "\004\bf\a-0"], [Marshal, 1.0, "\004\bf\0061"], [Marshal, 123.4567, "\004\bf\r123.4567"], [Marshal, -0.841, "\x04\bf\v-0.841"], [Marshal, -9876.345, "\x04\bf\x0E-9876.345"], [Marshal, infinity_value, "\004\bf\binf"], [Marshal, -infinity_value, "\004\bf\t-inf"], [Marshal, nan_value, "\004\bf\bnan"], ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end end describe "with a Bignum" do it "dumps a Bignum" do [ [Marshal, -4611686018427387903, "\004\bl-\t\377\377\377\377\377\377\377?"], [Marshal, -2361183241434822606847, "\004\bl-\n\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\177\000"], ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end it "dumps a Bignum" do [ [Marshal, 2**64, "\004\bl+\n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000"], [Marshal, 2**90, "\004\bl+\v#{"\000" * 11}\004"], [Marshal, -2**63, "\004\bl-\t\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200"], [Marshal, -2**64, "\004\bl-\n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000"], ].should be_computed_by(:dump) end end describe "with a String" do it "dumps a blank String" do Marshal.dump("".force_encoding("binary")).should == "\004\b\"\000" end it "dumps a short String" do Marshal.dump("short".force_encoding("binary")).should == "\004\b\"\012short" end it "dumps a long String" do Marshal.dump(("big" * 100).force_encoding("binary")).should == "\004\b\"\002,\001#{"big" * 100}" end it "dumps a String extended with a Module" do Marshal.dump("".extend(Meths).force_encoding("binary")).should == "\004\be:\nMeths\"\000" end it "dumps a String subclass" do Marshal.dump(UserString.new.force_encoding("binary")).should == "\004\bC:\017UserString\"\000" end it "dumps a String subclass extended with a Module" do Marshal.dump(UserString.new.extend(Meths).force_encoding("binary")).should == "\004\be:\nMethsC:\017UserString\"\000" end it "dumps a String with instance variables" do str = "" str.instance_variable_set("@foo", "bar") Marshal.dump(str.force_encoding("binary")).should == "\x04\bI\"\x00\x06:\t@foo\"\bbar" end it "dumps a US-ASCII String" do str = "abc".force_encoding("us-ascii") Marshal.dump(str).should == "\x04\bI\"\babc\x06:\x06EF" end it "dumps a UTF-8 String" do str = "\x6d\xc3\xb6\x68\x72\x65".force_encoding("utf-8") Marshal.dump(str).should == "\x04\bI\"\vm\xC3\xB6hre\x06:\x06ET" end it "dumps a String in another encoding" do str = "\x6d\x00\xf6\x00\x68\x00\x72\x00\x65\x00".force_encoding("utf-16le") result = "\x04\bI\"\x0Fm\x00\xF6\x00h\x00r\x00e\x00\x06:\rencoding\"\rUTF-16LE" Marshal.dump(str).should == result end it "dumps multiple strings using symlinks for the :E (encoding) symbol" do Marshal.dump(["".encode("us-ascii"), "".encode("utf-8")]).should == "\x04\b[\aI\"\x00\x06:\x06EFI\"\x00\x06;\x00T" end end describe "with a Regexp" do it "dumps a Regexp" do Marshal.dump(/\A.\Z/).should == "\x04\bI/\n\\A.\\Z\x00\x06:\x06EF" end it "dumps a Regexp with flags" do Marshal.dump(//im).should == "\x04\bI/\x00\x05\x06:\x06EF" end it "dumps a Regexp with instance variables" do o = // o.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, :ivar) Marshal.dump(o).should == "\x04\bI/\x00\x00\a:\x06EF:\n@ivar:\tivar" end it "dumps an extended Regexp" do Marshal.dump(//.extend(Meths)).should == "\x04\bIe:\nMeths/\x00\x00\x06:\x06EF" end it "dumps a Regexp subclass" do Marshal.dump(UserRegexp.new("")).should == "\x04\bIC:\x0FUserRegexp/\x00\x00\x06:\x06EF" end it "dumps a binary Regexp" do o = Regexp.new("".force_encoding("binary"), Regexp::FIXEDENCODING) Marshal.dump(o).should == "\x04\b/\x00\x10" end it "dumps a UTF-8 Regexp" do o = Regexp.new("".force_encoding("utf-8"), Regexp::FIXEDENCODING) Marshal.dump(o).should == "\x04\bI/\x00\x10\x06:\x06ET" end it "dumps a Regexp in another encoding" do o = Regexp.new("".force_encoding("utf-16le"), Regexp::FIXEDENCODING) Marshal.dump(o).should == "\x04\bI/\x00\x10\x06:\rencoding\"\rUTF-16LE" end end describe "with an Array" do it "dumps an empty Array" do Marshal.dump([]).should == "\004\b[\000" end it "dumps a non-empty Array" do Marshal.dump([:a, 1, 2]).should == "\004\b[\b:\006ai\006i\a" end it "dumps an Array subclass" do Marshal.dump(UserArray.new).should == "\004\bC:\016UserArray[\000" end it "dumps a recursive Array" do a = [] a << a Marshal.dump(a).should == "\x04\b[\x06@\x00" end it "dumps an Array with instance variables" do a = [] a.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, 1) Marshal.dump(a).should == "\004\bI[\000\006:\n@ivari\006" end it "dumps an extended Array" do Marshal.dump([].extend(Meths)).should == "\004\be:\nMeths[\000" end end describe "with a Hash" do it "dumps a Hash" do Marshal.dump({}).should == "\004\b{\000" end it "dumps a Hash subclass" do Marshal.dump(UserHash.new).should == "\004\bC:\rUserHash{\000" end it "dumps a Hash with a default value" do Marshal.dump(Hash.new(1)).should == "\004\b}\000i\006" end it "raises a TypeError with hash having default proc" do lambda { Marshal.dump(Hash.new {}) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "dumps a Hash with instance variables" do a = {} a.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, 1) Marshal.dump(a).should == "\004\bI{\000\006:\n@ivari\006" end it "dumps an extended Hash" do Marshal.dump({}.extend(Meths)).should == "\004\be:\nMeths{\000" end it "dumps an Hash subclass with a parameter to initialize" do Marshal.dump(UserHashInitParams.new(1)).should == "\004\bIC:\027UserHashInitParams{\000\006:\a@ai\006" end end describe "with a Struct" do it "dumps a Struct" do Marshal.dump(Struct::Pyramid.new).should == "\004\bS:\024Struct::Pyramid\000" end it "dumps a Struct" do Marshal.dump(Struct::Useful.new(1, 2)).should == "\004\bS:\023Struct::Useful\a:\006ai\006:\006bi\a" end it "dumps a Struct with instance variables" do st = Struct.new("Thick").new st.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, 1) Marshal.dump(st).should == "\004\bIS:\022Struct::Thick\000\006:\n@ivari\006" Struct.send(:remove_const, :Thick) end it "dumps an extended Struct" do st = Struct.new("Extended", :a, :b).new Marshal.dump(st.extend(Meths)).should == "\004\be:\nMethsS:\025Struct::Extended\a:\006a0:\006b0" Struct.send(:remove_const, :Extended) end end describe "with an Object" do it "dumps an Object" do Marshal.dump(Object.new).should == "\004\bo:\x0BObject\x00" end it "dumps an extended Object" do Marshal.dump(Object.new.extend(Meths)).should == "\004\be:\x0AMethso:\x0BObject\x00" end it "dumps an Object with an instance variable" do obj = Object.new obj.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, 1) Marshal.dump(obj).should == "\004\bo:\vObject\006:\n@ivari\006" end it "dumps an Object with a non-US-ASCII instance variable" do obj = Object.new ivar = "@é".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8).to_sym obj.instance_variable_set(ivar, 1) Marshal.dump(obj).should == "\x04\bo:\vObject\x06I:\b@\xC3\xA9\x06:\x06ETi\x06" end it "dumps an Object that has had an instance variable added and removed as though it was never set" do obj = Object.new obj.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, 1) obj.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@ivar) Marshal.dump(obj).should == "\004\bo:\x0BObject\x00" end it "dumps an Object if it has a singleton class but no singleton methods" do obj = Object.new obj.singleton_class Marshal.dump(obj).should == "\004\bo:\x0BObject\x00" end it "raises if an Object has a singleton class and singleton methods" do obj = Object.new def obj.foo; end lambda { Marshal.dump(obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError, "singleton can't be dumped") end it "dumps a BasicObject subclass if it defines respond_to?" do obj = MarshalSpec::BasicObjectSubWithRespondToFalse.new Marshal.dump(obj).should == "\x04\bo:2MarshalSpec::BasicObjectSubWithRespondToFalse\x00" end end describe "with a Range" do it "dumps a Range inclusive of end (with indeterminant order)" do dump = Marshal.dump(1..2) load = Marshal.load(dump) load.should == (1..2) end it "dumps a Range exclusive of end (with indeterminant order)" do dump = Marshal.dump(1...2) load = Marshal.load(dump) load.should == (1...2) end it "dumps a Range with extra instance variables" do range = (1...3) range.instance_variable_set :@foo, 42 dump = Marshal.dump(range) load = Marshal.load(dump) load.should == range load.instance_variable_get(:@foo).should == 42 end end describe "with a Time" do before :each do @internal = Encoding.default_internal Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8 @utc = Time.utc(2012, 1, 1) @utc_dump = @utc.send(:_dump) with_timezone 'AST', 3 do @t = Time.local(2012, 1, 1) @fract = Time.local(2012, 1, 1, 1, 59, 56.2) @t_dump = @t.send(:_dump) @fract_dump = @fract.send(:_dump) end end after :each do Encoding.default_internal = @internal end it "dumps the zone and the offset" do with_timezone 'AST', 3 do dump = Marshal.dump(@t) base = "\x04\bIu:\tTime\r#{@t_dump}\a" offset = ":\voffseti\x020*" zone = ":\tzoneI\"\bAST\x06:\x06EF" # Last is 'F' (US-ASCII) [ "#{base}#{offset}#{zone}", "#{base}#{zone}#{offset}" ].should include(dump) end it "dumps the zone, but not the offset if zone is UTC" do dump = Marshal.dump(@utc) zone = ":\tzoneI\"\bUTC\x06:\x06EF" # Last is 'F' (US-ASCII) dump.should == "\x04\bIu:\tTime\r#{@utc_dump}\x06#{zone}" end end end describe "with an Exception" do it "dumps an empty Exception" do Marshal.dump(Exception.new).should == "\x04\bo:\x0EException\a:\tmesg0:\abt0" end it "dumps the message for the exception" do Marshal.dump(Exception.new("foo")).should == "\x04\bo:\x0EException\a:\tmesg\"\bfoo:\abt0" end it "contains the filename in the backtrace" do obj = Exception.new("foo") obj.set_backtrace(["foo/bar.rb:10"]) Marshal.dump(obj).should == "\x04\bo:\x0EException\a:\tmesg\"\bfoo:\abt[\x06\"\x12foo/bar.rb:10" end it "dumps the cause for the exception" do exc = nil begin raise StandardError, "the cause" rescue StandardError => cause begin raise RuntimeError, "the consequence" rescue RuntimeError => e e.cause.should equal(cause) exc = e end end reloaded = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(exc)) reloaded.cause.should be_an_instance_of(StandardError) reloaded.cause.message.should == "the cause" end end it "dumps subsequent appearances of a symbol as a link" do Marshal.dump([:a, :a]).should == "\004\b[\a:\006a;\000" end it "dumps subsequent appearances of an object as a link" do o = Object.new Marshal.dump([o, o]).should == "\004\b[\ao:\vObject\000@\006" end MarshalSpec::DATA_19.each do |description, (object, marshal, attributes)| it "#{description} returns a binary string" do Marshal.dump(object).encoding.should == Encoding::BINARY end end it "raises an ArgumentError when the recursion limit is exceeded" do h = {'one' => {'two' => {'three' => 0}}} lambda { Marshal.dump(h, 3) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Marshal.dump([h], 4) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Marshal.dump([], 0) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Marshal.dump([[[]]], 1) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "ignores the recursion limit if the limit is negative" do Marshal.dump([], -1).should == "\004\b[\000" Marshal.dump([[]], -1).should == "\004\b[\006[\000" Marshal.dump([[[]]], -1).should == "\004\b[\006[\006[\000" end describe "when passed an IO" do it "writes the serialized data to the IO-Object" do (obj = mock('test')).should_receive(:write).at_least(1) Marshal.dump("test", obj) end it "returns the IO-Object" do (obj = mock('test')).should_receive(:write).at_least(1) Marshal.dump("test", obj).should == obj end it "raises an Error when the IO-Object does not respond to #write" do obj = mock('test') lambda { Marshal.dump("test", obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "calls binmode when it's defined" do obj = mock('test') obj.should_receive(:write).at_least(1) obj.should_receive(:binmode).at_least(1) Marshal.dump("test", obj) end end describe "when passed a StringIO" do it "should raise an error" do require "stringio" lambda { Marshal.dump(StringIO.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end it "raises a TypeError if marshalling a Method instance" do lambda { Marshal.dump(Marshal.method(:dump)) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if marshalling a Proc" do lambda { Marshal.dump(proc {}) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if dumping a IO/File instance" do lambda { Marshal.dump(STDIN) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.open(__FILE__) { |f| Marshal.dump(f) } }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if dumping a MatchData instance" do lambda { Marshal.dump(/(.)/.match("foo")) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if dumping a Mutex instance" do m = Mutex.new lambda { Marshal.dump(m) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "returns an untainted string if object is untainted" do Marshal.dump(Object.new).tainted?.should be_false end it "returns a tainted string if object is tainted" do Marshal.dump(Object.new.taint).tainted?.should be_true end it "returns a tainted string if nested object is tainted" do Marshal.dump([[Object.new.taint]]).tainted?.should be_true end it "returns a trusted string if object is trusted" do Marshal.dump(Object.new).untrusted?.should be_false end it "returns an untrusted string if object is untrusted" do Marshal.dump(Object.new.untrust).untrusted?.should be_true end it "returns an untrusted string if nested object is untrusted" do Marshal.dump([[Object.new.untrust]]).untrusted?.should be_true end end