require_relative '../../spec_helper' platform_is :aix do # In AIX, if getrlimit(2) is called multiple times with RLIMIT_DATA, # the first call and the subsequent calls return slightly different # values of rlim_cur, even if the process does nothing between # the calls. This behavior causes some of the tests in this spec # to fail, so call Process.getrlimit(:DATA) once and discard the result. # Subsequent calls to Process.getrlimit(:DATA) should return # a consistent value of rlim_cur. Process.getrlimit(:DATA) end platform_is_not :windows do describe "Process.getrlimit" do it "returns a two-element Array of Integers" do result = Process.getrlimit Process::RLIMIT_CORE result.size.should == 2 result.first.should be_kind_of(Integer) result.last.should be_kind_of(Integer) end context "when passed an Object" do before do @resource = Process::RLIMIT_CORE end it "calls #to_int to convert to an Integer" do obj = mock("process getrlimit integer") obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(@resource) Process.getrlimit(obj).should == Process.getrlimit(@resource) end it "raises a TypeError if #to_int does not return an Integer" do obj = mock("process getrlimit integer") obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(nil) lambda { Process.getrlimit(obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end context "when passed a Symbol" do it "coerces the short name into the full RLIMIT_ prefixed name" do Process.constants.grep(/\ARLIMIT_/) do |fullname| short = fullname[/\ARLIMIT_(.+)/, 1] Process.getrlimit(short.to_sym).should == Process.getrlimit(Process.const_get(fullname)) end end it "raises ArgumentError when passed an unknown resource" do lambda { Process.getrlimit(:FOO) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "when passed a String" do it "coerces the short name into the full RLIMIT_ prefixed name" do Process.constants.grep(/\ARLIMIT_/) do |fullname| short = fullname[/\ARLIMIT_(.+)/, 1] Process.getrlimit(short).should == Process.getrlimit(Process.const_get(fullname)) end end it "raises ArgumentError when passed an unknown resource" do lambda { Process.getrlimit("FOO") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "when passed on Object" do before do @resource = Process::RLIMIT_CORE end it "calls #to_str to convert to a String" do obj = mock("process getrlimit string") obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("CORE") obj.should_not_receive(:to_int) Process.getrlimit(obj).should == Process.getrlimit(@resource) end it "calls #to_int if #to_str does not return a String" do obj = mock("process getrlimit string") obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return(nil) obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(@resource) Process.getrlimit(obj).should == Process.getrlimit(@resource) end end end end