# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "String#index" do it "raises a TypeError if passed nil" do -> { "abc".index nil }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if passed a boolean" do -> { "abc".index true }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if passed a Symbol" do -> { "abc".index :a }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "calls #to_str to convert the first argument" do char = mock("string index char") char.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("b") "abc".index(char).should == 1 end it "calls #to_int to convert the second argument" do offset = mock("string index offset") offset.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(1) "abc".index("c", offset).should == 2 end it "raises a TypeError if passed an Integer" do -> { "abc".index 97 }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe "String#index with String" do it "behaves the same as String#index(char) for one-character strings" do "blablabla hello cruel world...!".split("").uniq.each do |str| chr = str[0] str.index(str).should == str.index(chr) 0.upto(str.size + 1) do |start| str.index(str, start).should == str.index(chr, start) end (-str.size - 1).upto(-1) do |start| str.index(str, start).should == str.index(chr, start) end end end it "returns the index of the first occurrence of the given substring" do "blablabla".index("").should == 0 "blablabla".index("b").should == 0 "blablabla".index("bla").should == 0 "blablabla".index("blabla").should == 0 "blablabla".index("blablabla").should == 0 "blablabla".index("l").should == 1 "blablabla".index("la").should == 1 "blablabla".index("labla").should == 1 "blablabla".index("lablabla").should == 1 "blablabla".index("a").should == 2 "blablabla".index("abla").should == 2 "blablabla".index("ablabla").should == 2 end it "doesn't set $~" do $~ = nil 'hello.'.index('ll') $~.should == nil end it "ignores string subclasses" do "blablabla".index(StringSpecs::MyString.new("bla")).should == 0 StringSpecs::MyString.new("blablabla").index("bla").should == 0 StringSpecs::MyString.new("blablabla").index(StringSpecs::MyString.new("bla")).should == 0 end it "starts the search at the given offset" do "blablabla".index("bl", 0).should == 0 "blablabla".index("bl", 1).should == 3 "blablabla".index("bl", 2).should == 3 "blablabla".index("bl", 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index("bla", 0).should == 0 "blablabla".index("bla", 1).should == 3 "blablabla".index("bla", 2).should == 3 "blablabla".index("bla", 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index("blab", 0).should == 0 "blablabla".index("blab", 1).should == 3 "blablabla".index("blab", 2).should == 3 "blablabla".index("blab", 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index("la", 1).should == 1 "blablabla".index("la", 2).should == 4 "blablabla".index("la", 3).should == 4 "blablabla".index("la", 4).should == 4 "blablabla".index("lab", 1).should == 1 "blablabla".index("lab", 2).should == 4 "blablabla".index("lab", 3).should == 4 "blablabla".index("lab", 4).should == 4 "blablabla".index("ab", 2).should == 2 "blablabla".index("ab", 3).should == 5 "blablabla".index("ab", 4).should == 5 "blablabla".index("ab", 5).should == 5 "blablabla".index("", 0).should == 0 "blablabla".index("", 1).should == 1 "blablabla".index("", 2).should == 2 "blablabla".index("", 7).should == 7 "blablabla".index("", 8).should == 8 "blablabla".index("", 9).should == 9 end it "starts the search at offset + self.length if offset is negative" do str = "blablabla" ["bl", "bla", "blab", "la", "lab", "ab", ""].each do |needle| (-str.length .. -1).each do |offset| str.index(needle, offset).should == str.index(needle, offset + str.length) end end end it "returns nil if the substring isn't found" do "blablabla".index("B").should == nil "blablabla".index("z").should == nil "blablabla".index("BLA").should == nil "blablabla".index("blablablabla").should == nil "blablabla".index("", 10).should == nil "hello".index("he", 1).should == nil "hello".index("he", 2).should == nil "I’ve got a multibyte character.\n".index("\n\n").should == nil end it "returns the character index of a multibyte character" do "ありがとう".index("が").should == 2 end it "returns the character index after offset" do "われわれ".index("わ", 1).should == 2 "ありがとうありがとう".index("が", 3).should == 7 end it "returns the character index after a partial first match" do " do "あれ".index char end.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end it "handles a substring in a superset encoding" do 'abc'.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII).index('é').should == nil end it "handles a substring in a subset encoding" do 'été'.index('t'.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)).should == 1 end end describe "String#index with Regexp" do it "behaves the same as String#index(string) for escaped string regexps" do ["blablabla", "hello cruel world...!"].each do |str| ["", "b", "bla", "lab", "o c", "d."].each do |needle| regexp = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(needle)) str.index(regexp).should == str.index(needle) 0.upto(str.size + 1) do |start| str.index(regexp, start).should == str.index(needle, start) end (-str.size - 1).upto(-1) do |start| str.index(regexp, start).should == str.index(needle, start) end end end end it "returns the index of the first match of regexp" do "blablabla".index(/bla/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/BLA/i).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/.{0}/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/.{6}/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/.{9}/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/.*/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/.+/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/lab|b/).should == 0 not_supported_on :opal do "blablabla".index(/\A/).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/\Z/).should == 9 "blablabla".index(/\z/).should == 9 "blablabla\n".index(/\Z/).should == 9 "blablabla\n".index(/\z/).should == 10 end "blablabla".index(/^/).should == 0 "\nblablabla".index(/^/).should == 0 "b\nablabla".index(/$/).should == 1 "bl\nablabla".index(/$/).should == 2 "blablabla".index(/.l./).should == 0 end it "sets $~ to MatchData of match and nil when there's none" do 'hello.'.index(/.(.)/) $~[0].should == 'he' 'hello.'.index(/not/) $~.should == nil end it "starts the search at the given offset" do "blablabla".index(/.{0}/, 5).should == 5 "blablabla".index(/.{1}/, 5).should == 5 "blablabla".index(/.{2}/, 5).should == 5 "blablabla".index(/.{3}/, 5).should == 5 "blablabla".index(/.{4}/, 5).should == 5 "blablabla".index(/.{0}/, 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.{1}/, 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.{2}/, 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.{5}/, 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.{6}/, 3).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.l./, 0).should == 0 "blablabla".index(/.l./, 1).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.l./, 2).should == 3 "blablabla".index(/.l./, 3).should == 3 "xblaxbla".index(/x./, 0).should == 0 "xblaxbla".index(/x./, 1).should == 4 "xblaxbla".index(/x./, 2).should == 4 not_supported_on :opal do "blablabla\n".index(/\Z/, 9).should == 9 end end it "starts the search at offset + self.length if offset is negative" do str = "blablabla" ["bl", "bla", "blab", "la", "lab", "ab", ""].each do |needle| (-str.length .. -1).each do |offset| str.index(needle, offset).should == str.index(needle, offset + str.length) end end end it "returns nil if the substring isn't found" do "blablabla".index(/BLA/).should == nil "blablabla".index(/.{10}/).should == nil "blaxbla".index(/.x/, 3).should == nil "blaxbla".index(/..x/, 2).should == nil end it "returns nil if the Regexp matches the empty string and the offset is out of range" do "ruby".index(//,12).should be_nil end it "supports \\G which matches at the given start offset" do "helloYOU.".index(/\GYOU/, 5).should == 5 "helloYOU.".index(/\GYOU/).should == nil re = /\G.+YOU/ # The # marks where \G will match. [ ["#hi!YOUall.", 0], ["h#i!YOUall.", 1], ["hi#!YOUall.", 2], ["hi!#YOUall.", nil] ].each do |spec| start = spec[0].index("#") str = spec[0].delete("#") str.index(re, start).should == spec[1] end end it "converts start_offset to an integer via to_int" do obj = mock('1') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(1) "RWOARW".index(/R./, obj).should == 4 end it "returns the character index of a multibyte character" do "ありがとう".index(/が/).should == 2 end it "returns the character index after offset" do "われわれ".index(/わ/, 1).should == 2 end it "treats the offset as a character index" do "われわわれ".index(/わ/, 3).should == 3 end it "raises an Encoding::CompatibilityError if the encodings are incompatible" do re = Regexp.new "れ".encode(Encoding::EUC_JP) -> do "あれ".index re end.should raise_error(Encoding::CompatibilityError) end end