require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' require_relative 'shared/strip' describe "String#lstrip" do it_behaves_like :string_strip, :lstrip it "returns a copy of self with leading whitespace removed" do " hello ".lstrip.should == "hello " " hello world ".lstrip.should == "hello world " "\n\r\t\n\v\r hello world ".lstrip.should == "hello world " "hello".lstrip.should == "hello" " こにちわ".lstrip.should == "こにちわ" end it "works with lazy substrings" do " hello "[1...-1].lstrip.should == "hello " " hello world "[1...-1].lstrip.should == "hello world " "\n\r\t\n\v\r hello world "[1...-1].lstrip.should == "hello world " " こにちわ "[1...-1].lstrip.should == "こにちわ" end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "strips leading \\0" do "\x00hello".lstrip.should == "hello" "\000 \000hello\000 \000".lstrip.should == "hello\000 \000" end end end describe "String#lstrip!" do it "modifies self in place and returns self" do a = " hello " a.lstrip!.should equal(a) a.should == "hello " end it "returns nil if no modifications were made" do a = "hello" a.lstrip!.should == nil a.should == "hello" end it "makes a string empty if it is only whitespace" do "".lstrip!.should == nil " ".lstrip.should == "" " ".lstrip.should == "" end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "removes leading NULL bytes and whitespace" do a = "\000 \000hello\000 \000" a.lstrip! a.should == "hello\000 \000" end end it "raises a FrozenError on a frozen instance that is modified" do -> { " hello ".freeze.lstrip! }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end # see [ruby-core:23657] it "raises a FrozenError on a frozen instance that would not be modified" do -> { "hello".freeze.lstrip! }.should raise_error(FrozenError) -> { "".freeze.lstrip! }.should raise_error(FrozenError) end it "raises an ArgumentError if the first non-space codepoint is invalid" do s = "\xDFabc".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) s.valid_encoding?.should be_false -> { s.lstrip! }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) s = " \xDFabc".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) s.valid_encoding?.should be_false -> { s.lstrip! }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end