require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe "String#ord" do it "returns an Integer" do 'a'.ord.should be_an_instance_of(Integer) end it "returns the codepoint of the first character in the String" do 'a'.ord.should == 97 end it "ignores subsequent characters" do "\u{287}a".ord.should == "\u{287}".ord end it "understands multibyte characters" do "\u{9879}".ord.should == 39033 end it "is equivalent to #codepoints.first" do "\u{981}\u{982}".ord.should == "\u{981}\u{982}".codepoints.first end it "raises an ArgumentError if called on an empty String" do -> { ''.ord }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises ArgumentError if the character is broken" do s = "©".force_encoding("US-ASCII") -> { s.ord }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII") end end