# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "String#scrub with a default replacement" do it "returns self for valid strings" do input = "foo" input.scrub.should == input end it "replaces invalid byte sequences" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') "abc\u3042#{x81}".scrub.should == "abc\u3042\uFFFD" end it "returns a copy of self when the input encoding is BINARY" do input = "foo".encode('BINARY') input.scrub.should == "foo" end it "replaces invalid byte sequences when using ASCII as the input encoding" do xE3x80 = [0xE3, 0x80].pack('CC').force_encoding 'utf-8' input = "abc\u3042#{xE3x80}".force_encoding('ASCII') input.scrub.should == "abc?????" end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns String instances when called on a subclass" do StringSpecs::MyString.new("foo").scrub.should be_an_instance_of(String) input = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') StringSpecs::MyString.new(input).scrub.should be_an_instance_of(String) end end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "returns subclass instances when called on a subclass" do StringSpecs::MyString.new("foo").scrub.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) end end end describe "String#scrub with a custom replacement" do it "returns self for valid strings" do input = "foo" input.scrub("*").should == input end it "replaces invalid byte sequences" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') "abc\u3042#{x81}".scrub("*").should == "abc\u3042*" end it "replaces invalid byte sequences in frozen strings" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') (-"abc\u3042#{x81}").scrub("*").should == "abc\u3042*" leading_surrogate = [0x00, 0xD8] utf16_str = ("abc".encode('UTF-16LE').bytes + leading_surrogate).pack('c*').force_encoding('UTF-16LE') (-(utf16_str)).scrub("*".encode('UTF-16LE')).should == "abc*".encode('UTF-16LE') end it "replaces an incomplete character at the end with a single replacement" do xE3x80 = [0xE3, 0x80].pack('CC').force_encoding 'utf-8' xE3x80.scrub("*").should == "*" end it "raises ArgumentError for replacements with an invalid encoding" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') xE4 = [0xE4].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') block = -> { "foo#{x81}".scrub(xE4) } block.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises TypeError when a non String replacement is given" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') block = -> { "foo#{x81}".scrub(1) } block.should raise_error(TypeError) end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns String instances when called on a subclass" do StringSpecs::MyString.new("foo").scrub("*").should be_an_instance_of(String) input = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') StringSpecs::MyString.new(input).scrub("*").should be_an_instance_of(String) end end end describe "String#scrub with a block" do it "returns self for valid strings" do input = "foo" input.scrub { |b| "*" }.should == input end it "replaces invalid byte sequences" do xE3x80 = [0xE3, 0x80].pack('CC').force_encoding 'utf-8' replaced = "abc\u3042#{xE3x80}".scrub { |b| "<#{b.unpack("H*")[0]}>" } replaced.should == "abc\u3042" end it "replaces invalid byte sequences using a custom encoding" do x80x80 = [0x80, 0x80].pack('CC').force_encoding 'utf-8' replaced = x80x80.scrub do |bad| bad.encode(Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::Windows_1252) end replaced.should == "€€" end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns String instances when called on a subclass" do StringSpecs::MyString.new("foo").scrub { |b| "*" }.should be_an_instance_of(String) input = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') StringSpecs::MyString.new(input).scrub { |b| "<#{b.unpack("H*")[0]}>" }.should be_an_instance_of(String) end end end describe "String#scrub!" do it "modifies self for valid strings" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') input = "a#{x81}" input.scrub! input.should == "a\uFFFD" end it "accepts blocks" do x81 = [0x81].pack('C').force_encoding('utf-8') input = "a#{x81}" input.scrub! { |b| "" } input.should == "a" end it "maintains the state of frozen strings that are already valid" do input = "a" input.freeze input.scrub! input.frozen?.should be_true end it "preserves the instance variables of already valid strings" do input = "a" input.instance_variable_set(:@a, 'b') input.scrub! input.instance_variable_get(:@a).should == 'b' end it "accepts a frozen string as a replacement" do input = "a\xE2" input.scrub!('.'.freeze) input.should == 'a.' end end