# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' describe "String#split with String" do it "throws an ArgumentError if the string is not a valid" do s = "\xDF".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) -> { s.split }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) -> { s.split(':') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "throws an ArgumentError if the pattern is not a valid string" do str = 'проверка' broken_str = "\xDF".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) -> { str.split(broken_str) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "splits on multibyte characters" do "ありがりがとう".split("が").should == ["あり", "り", "とう"] end it "returns an array of substrings based on splitting on the given string" do "mellow yellow".split("ello").should == ["m", "w y", "w"] end it "suppresses trailing empty fields when limit isn't given or 0" do "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',').should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 0).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"] " a b c\nd ".split(" ").should == ["", "a", "b", "c\nd"] " a あ c\nd ".split(" ").should == ["", "a", "あ", "c\nd"] "hai".split("hai").should == [] ",".split(",").should == [] ",".split(",", 0).should == [] "あ".split("あ").should == [] "あ".split("あ", 0).should == [] end it "does not suppress trailing empty fields when a positive limit is given" do " 1 2 ".split(" ", 2).should == ["1", "2 "] " 1 2 ".split(" ", 3).should == ["1", "2", ""] " 1 2 ".split(" ", 4).should == ["1", "2", ""] " 1 あ ".split(" ", 2).should == ["1", "あ "] " 1 あ ".split(" ", 3).should == ["1", "あ", ""] " 1 あ ".split(" ", 4).should == ["1", "あ", ""] "1,2,".split(',', 2).should == ["1", "2,"] "1,2,".split(',', 3).should == ["1", "2", ""] "1,2,".split(',', 4).should == ["1", "2", ""] "1,あ,".split(',', 2).should == ["1", "あ,"] "1,あ,".split(',', 3).should == ["1", "あ", ""] "1,あ,".split(',', 4).should == ["1", "あ", ""] "1 2 ".split(/ /, 2).should == ["1", "2 "] "1 2 ".split(/ /, 3).should == ["1", "2", ""] "1 2 ".split(/ /, 4).should == ["1", "2", ""] "1 あ ".split(/ /, 2).should == ["1", "あ "] "1 あ ".split(/ /, 3).should == ["1", "あ", ""] "1 あ ".split(/ /, 4).should == ["1", "あ", ""] end it "returns an array with one entry if limit is 1: the original string" do "hai".split("hai", 1).should == ["hai"] "x.y.z".split(".", 1).should == ["x.y.z"] "hello world ".split(" ", 1).should == ["hello world "] "hi!".split("", 1).should == ["hi!"] end it "returns at most limit fields when limit > 1" do "hai".split("hai", 2).should == ["", ""] "1,2".split(",", 3).should == ["1", "2"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 2).should == ["1", "2,,3,4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 3).should == ["1", "2", ",3,4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 4).should == ["1", "2", "", "3,4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 5).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', 6).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", ","] "x".split('x', 2).should == ["", ""] "xx".split('x', 2).should == ["", "x"] "xx".split('x', 3).should == ["", "", ""] "xxx".split('x', 2).should == ["", "xx"] "xxx".split('x', 3).should == ["", "", "x"] "xxx".split('x', 4).should == ["", "", "", ""] end it "doesn't suppress or limit fields when limit is negative" do "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', -1).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", ""] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(',', -5).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", ""] " a b c\nd ".split(" ", -1).should == ["", "a", "b", "c\nd", ""] ",".split(",", -1).should == ["", ""] end it "raises a RangeError when the limit is larger than int" do -> { "a,b".split(" ", 2147483649) }.should raise_error(RangeError) end it "defaults to $; when string isn't given or nil" do suppress_warning do old_fs = $; begin [",", ":", "", "XY", nil].each do |fs| $; = fs ["x,y,z,,,", "1:2:", "aXYbXYcXY", ""].each do |str| expected = str.split(fs || " ") str.split(nil).should == expected str.split.should == expected str.split(nil, -1).should == str.split(fs || " ", -1) str.split(nil, 0).should == str.split(fs || " ", 0) str.split(nil, 2).should == str.split(fs || " ", 2) end end ensure $; = old_fs end end context "when $; is not nil" do before do suppress_warning do @old_value, $; = $;, 'foobar' end end after do $; = @old_value end it "warns" do -> { "".split }.should complain(/warning: \$; is set to non-nil value/) end end end it "ignores leading and continuous whitespace when string is a single space" do " now's the time ".split(' ').should == ["now's", "the", "time"] " now's the time ".split(' ', -1).should == ["now's", "the", "time", ""] " now's the time ".split(' ', 3).should == ["now's", "the", "time "] "\t\n a\t\tb \n\r\r\nc\v\vd\v ".split(' ').should == ["a", "b", "c", "d"] "a\x00a b".split(' ').should == ["a\x00a", "b"] end describe "when limit is zero" do it "ignores leading and continuous whitespace when string is a single space" do " now's the time ".split(' ', 0).should == ["now's", "the", "time"] end end it "splits between characters when its argument is an empty string" do "hi!".split("").should == ["h", "i", "!"] "hi!".split("", -1).should == ["h", "i", "!", ""] "hi!".split("", 0).should == ["h", "i", "!"] "hi!".split("", 1).should == ["hi!"] "hi!".split("", 2).should == ["h", "i!"] "hi!".split("", 3).should == ["h", "i", "!"] "hi!".split("", 4).should == ["h", "i", "!", ""] "hi!".split("", 5).should == ["h", "i", "!", ""] end it "tries converting its pattern argument to a string via to_str" do obj = mock('::') obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("::") "hello::world".split(obj).should == ["hello", "world"] end it "tries converting limit to an integer via to_int" do obj = mock('2') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(2) "".split(".", obj).should == ["1", "2.3.4"] end it "doesn't set $~" do $~ = nil "x.y.z".split(".") $~.should == nil end it "returns the original string if no matches are found" do "foo".split("bar").should == ["foo"] "foo".split("bar", -1).should == ["foo"] "foo".split("bar", 0).should == ["foo"] "foo".split("bar", 1).should == ["foo"] "foo".split("bar", 2).should == ["foo"] "foo".split("bar", 3).should == ["foo"] end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "returns subclass instances based on self" do ["", "x.y.z.", " x y "].each do |str| ["", ".", " "].each do |pat| [-1, 0, 1, 2].each do |limit| StringSpecs::MyString.new(str).split(pat, limit).each do |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) end str.split(StringSpecs::MyString.new(pat), limit).each do |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(String) end end end end end it "does not call constructor on created subclass instances" do # can't call should_not_receive on an object that doesn't yet exist # so failure here is signalled by exception, not expectation failure s = StringSpecs::StringWithRaisingConstructor.new('silly:string') s.split(':').first.should == 'silly' end end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns String instances based on self" do ["", "x.y.z.", " x y "].each do |str| ["", ".", " "].each do |pat| [-1, 0, 1, 2].each do |limit| StringSpecs::MyString.new(str).split(pat, limit).each do |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(String) end str.split(StringSpecs::MyString.new(pat), limit).each do |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(String) end end end end end end it "returns an empty array when whitespace is split on whitespace" do " ".split(" ").should == [] " \n ".split(" ").should == [] " ".split(" ").should == [] " \t ".split(" ").should == [] end it "doesn't split on non-ascii whitespace" do "a\u{2008}b".split(" ").should == ["a\u{2008}b"] end end describe "String#split with Regexp" do it "throws an ArgumentError if the string is not a valid" do s = "\xDF".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) -> { s.split(/./) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "divides self on regexp matches" do " now's the time".split(/ /).should == ["", "now's", "", "the", "time"] " x\ny ".split(/ /).should == ["", "x\ny"] "1, 2.34,56, 7".split(/,\s*/).should == ["1", "2.34", "56", "7"] "1x2X3".split(/x/i).should == ["1", "2", "3"] end it "treats negative limits as no limit" do "".split(%r!/+!, -1).should == [] end it "suppresses trailing empty fields when limit isn't given or 0" do "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, 0).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4"] " a b c\nd ".split(/\s+/).should == ["", "a", "b", "c", "d"] "hai".split(/hai/).should == [] ",".split(/,/).should == [] ",".split(/,/, 0).should == [] end it "returns an array with one entry if limit is 1: the original string" do "hai".split(/hai/, 1).should == ["hai"] "xAyBzC".split(/[A-Z]/, 1).should == ["xAyBzC"] "hello world ".split(/\s+/, 1).should == ["hello world "] "hi!".split(//, 1).should == ["hi!"] end it "returns at most limit fields when limit > 1" do "hai".split(/hai/, 2).should == ["", ""] "1,2".split(/,/, 3).should == ["1", "2"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, 2).should == ["1", "2,,3,4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, 3).should == ["1", "2", ",3,4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, 4).should == ["1", "2", "", "3,4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, 5).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4,,"] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, 6).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", ","] "x".split(/x/, 2).should == ["", ""] "xx".split(/x/, 2).should == ["", "x"] "xx".split(/x/, 3).should == ["", "", ""] "xxx".split(/x/, 2).should == ["", "xx"] "xxx".split(/x/, 3).should == ["", "", "x"] "xxx".split(/x/, 4).should == ["", "", "", ""] end it "doesn't suppress or limit fields when limit is negative" do "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, -1).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", ""] "1,2,,3,4,,".split(/,/, -5).should == ["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", ""] " a b c\nd ".split(/\s+/, -1).should == ["", "a", "b", "c", "d", ""] ",".split(/,/, -1).should == ["", ""] end it "defaults to $; when regexp isn't given or nil" do suppress_warning do old_fs = $; begin [/,/, /:/, //, /XY/, /./].each do |fs| $; = fs ["x,y,z,,,", "1:2:", "aXYbXYcXY", ""].each do |str| expected = str.split(fs) str.split(nil).should == expected str.split.should == expected str.split(nil, -1).should == str.split(fs, -1) str.split(nil, 0).should == str.split(fs, 0) str.split(nil, 2).should == str.split(fs, 2) end end ensure $; = old_fs end end end it "splits between characters when regexp matches a zero-length string" do "hello".split(//).should == ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] "hello".split(//, -1).should == ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", ""] "hello".split(//, 0).should == ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] "hello".split(//, 1).should == ["hello"] "hello".split(//, 2).should == ["h", "ello"] "hello".split(//, 5).should == ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] "hello".split(//, 6).should == ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", ""] "hello".split(//, 7).should == ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", ""] "hi mom".split(/\s*/).should == ["h", "i", "m", "o", "m"] "AABCCBAA".split(/(?=B)/).should == ["AA", "BCC", "BAA"] "AABCCBAA".split(/(?=B)/, -1).should == ["AA", "BCC", "BAA"] "AABCCBAA".split(/(?=B)/, 2).should == ["AA", "BCCBAA"] end it "respects unicode when splitting between characters" do str = "こにちわ" reg = %r!! ary = str.split(reg) ary.size.should == 4 ary.should == ["こ", "に", "ち", "わ"] end it "respects the encoding of the regexp when splitting between characters" do str = "\303\202" ary = str.split(//u) ary.size.should == 1 ary.should == ["\303\202"] end it "includes all captures in the result array" do "hello".split(/(el)/).should == ["h", "el", "lo"] "hi!".split(/()/).should == ["h", "", "i", "", "!"] "hi!".split(/()/, -1).should == ["h", "", "i", "", "!", "", ""] "hello".split(/((el))()/).should == ["h", "el", "el", "", "lo"] "AabB".split(/([a-z])+/).should == ["A", "b", "B"] end it "applies the limit to the number of split substrings, without counting captures" do "aBaBa".split(/(B)()()/, 2).should == ["a", "B", "", "", "aBa"] end it "does not include non-matching captures in the result array" do "hello".split(/(el)|(xx)/).should == ["h", "el", "lo"] end it "tries converting limit to an integer via to_int" do obj = mock('2') obj.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(2) "".split(".", obj).should == ["1", "2.3.4"] end it "returns a type error if limit can't be converted to an integer" do -> {"".split(".", "three")}.should raise_error(TypeError) -> {"".split(".", nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "doesn't set $~" do $~ = nil "x:y:z".split(/:/) $~.should == nil end it "returns the original string if no matches are found" do "foo".split(/bar/).should == ["foo"] "foo".split(/bar/, -1).should == ["foo"] "foo".split(/bar/, 0).should == ["foo"] "foo".split(/bar/, 1).should == ["foo"] "foo".split(/bar/, 2).should == ["foo"] "foo".split(/bar/, 3).should == ["foo"] end ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "returns subclass instances based on self" do ["", "x:y:z:", " x y "].each do |str| [//, /:/, /\s+/].each do |pat| [-1, 0, 1, 2].each do |limit| StringSpecs::MyString.new(str).split(pat, limit).each do |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) end end end end end it "does not call constructor on created subclass instances" do # can't call should_not_receive on an object that doesn't yet exist # so failure here is signalled by exception, not expectation failure s = StringSpecs::StringWithRaisingConstructor.new('silly:string') s.split(/:/).first.should == 'silly' end end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "returns String instances based on self" do ["", "x:y:z:", " x y "].each do |str| [//, /:/, /\s+/].each do |pat| [-1, 0, 1, 2].each do |limit| StringSpecs::MyString.new(str).split(pat, limit).each do |x| x.should be_an_instance_of(String) end end end end end end it "retains the encoding of the source string" do ary = "а б в".split encodings = ary.map { |s| s.encoding } encodings.should == [Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::UTF_8] end it "splits a string on each character for a multibyte encoding and empty split" do "That's why efficiency could not be helped".split("").size.should == 39 end it "returns an ArgumentError if an invalid UTF-8 string is supplied" do broken_str = 'проверка' # in russian, means "test" broken_str.force_encoding('binary') broken_str.chop! broken_str.force_encoding('utf-8') ->{ broken_str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end # See https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/12689 and https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/4868 it "allows concurrent Regexp calls in a shared context" do str = 'a,b,c,d,e' p = proc { str.split(/,/) } results = 10.times.map { Thread.new { x = nil; 100.times { x = p.call }; x } }.map(&:value) results.should == [%w[a b c d e]] * 10 end context "when a block is given" do it "yields each split substring with default pattern" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky bacon".split { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky bacon" a.should == ["Chunky", "Bacon"] end it "yields each split substring with default pattern for a lazy substring" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky bacon"[1...-1].split { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "hunky baco" a.should == ["Hunky", "Baco"] end it "yields each split substring with default pattern for a non-ASCII string" do a = [] returned_object = "l'été arrive bientôt".split { |str| a << str } returned_object.should == "l'été arrive bientôt" a.should == ["l'été", "arrive", "bientôt"] end it "yields each split substring with default pattern for a non-ASCII lazy substring" do a = [] returned_object = "l'été arrive bientôt"[1...-1].split { |str| a << str } returned_object.should == "'été arrive bientô" a.should == ["'été", "arrive", "bientô"] end it "yields the string when limit is 1" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky bacon".split("", 1) { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky bacon" a.should == ["Chunky bacon"] end it "yields each split letter" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky".split("", 0) { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky" a.should == %w(C H U N K Y) end it "yields each split substring with a pattern" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky-bacon".split("-", 0) { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky-bacon" a.should == ["Chunky", "Bacon"] end it "yields each split substring with empty regexp pattern" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky".split(//) { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky" a.should == %w(C H U N K Y) end it "yields each split substring with empty regexp pattern and limit" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky".split(//, 3) { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky" a.should == %w(C H Unky) end it "yields each split substring with a regexp pattern" do a = [] returned_object = "chunky:bacon".split(/:/) { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "chunky:bacon" a.should == ["Chunky", "Bacon"] end it "returns a string as is (and doesn't call block) if it is empty" do a = [] returned_object = "".split { |str| a << str.capitalize } returned_object.should == "" a.should == [] end end describe "for a String subclass" do ruby_version_is ''...'3.0' do it "yields instances of the same subclass" do a = [] StringSpecs::MyString.new("a|b").split("|") { |str| a << str } first, last = a first.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) first.should == "a" last.should be_an_instance_of(StringSpecs::MyString) last.should == "b" end end ruby_version_is '3.0' do it "yields instances of String" do a = [] StringSpecs::MyString.new("a|b").split("|") { |str| a << str } first, last = a first.should be_an_instance_of(String) first.should == "a" last.should be_an_instance_of(String) last.should == "b" end end end it "raises a TypeError when not called with nil, String, or Regexp" do -> { "hello".split(42) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { "hello".split(:ll) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { "hello".split(false) }.should raise_error(TypeError) -> { "hello".split(Object.new) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end