require 'webrick' require 'webrick/httpservlet/abstract' module NetHTTPSpecs class NullWriter def <<(s) end def puts(*args) end def print(*args) end def printf(*args) end end class SpecServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet def handle(req, res) reply(req, res) end %w{ do_GET do_HEAD do_POST do_PUT do_PROPPATCH do_LOCK do_UNLOCK do_OPTIONS do_PROPFIND do_DELETE do_MOVE do_COPY do_MKCOL do_TRACE }.each do |method| alias_method method.to_sym, :handle end end class RequestServlet < SpecServlet def reply(req, res) res.content_type = "text/plain" res.body = "Request type: #{req.request_method}" end end class RequestBodyServlet < SpecServlet def reply(req, res) res.content_type = "text/plain" res.body = req.body end end class RequestHeaderServlet < SpecServlet def reply(req, res) res.content_type = "text/plain" res.body = req.header.inspect end end class << self @server = nil @server_thread = nil def port @server ? @server.config[:Port] : 3333 end def start_server server_config = { BindAddress: "localhost", Port: 0, Logger:, AccessLog: [], ServerType: Thread } @server = @server.mount_proc('/') do |req, res| res.content_type = "text/plain" res.body = "This is the index page." end @server.mount('/request', RequestServlet) @server.mount("/request/body", RequestBodyServlet) @server.mount("/request/header", RequestHeaderServlet) @server_thread = @server.start end def stop_server if @server begin @server.shutdown rescue Errno::EPIPE # Because WEBrick is not thread-safe and only catches IOError end end if @server_thread @server_thread.join end timeout = WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler timeout.terminate if timeout.respond_to?(:terminate) end end end