require "tmpdir" require "digest/md5" require "benchmark" require "rubygems" require "language_pack" require "language_pack/base" require "language_pack/ruby_version" require "language_pack/helpers/nodebin" require "language_pack/helpers/node_installer" require "language_pack/helpers/yarn_installer" require "language_pack/helpers/layer" require "language_pack/helpers/binstub_check" require "language_pack/version" # base Ruby Language Pack. This is for any base ruby app. class LanguagePack::Ruby < LanguagePack::Base NAME = "ruby" LIBYAML_VERSION = "0.1.7" LIBYAML_PATH = "libyaml-#{LIBYAML_VERSION}" RBX_BASE_URL = "" NODE_BP_PATH = "vendor/node/bin" Layer = LanguagePack::Helpers::Layer # detects if this is a valid Ruby app # @return [Boolean] true if it's a Ruby app def self.use? instrument "ruby.use" do File.exist?("Gemfile") end end def self.bundler @@bundler ||= end def bundler self.class.bundler end def initialize(*args) super(*args) @fetchers[:mri] =, @stack) @fetchers[:rbx] =, @stack) @node_installer = @yarn_installer = end def name "Ruby" end def default_addons instrument "ruby.default_addons" do add_dev_database_addon end end def default_config_vars instrument "ruby.default_config_vars" do vars = { "LANG" => env("LANG") || "en_US.UTF-8", } ruby_version.jruby? ? vars.merge({ "JRUBY_OPTS" => default_jruby_opts }) : vars end end def default_process_types instrument "ruby.default_process_types" do { "rake" => "bundle exec rake", "console" => "bundle exec irb" } end end def best_practice_warnings if bundler.has_gem?("asset_sync") warn(<<-WARNING) You are using the `asset_sync` gem. This is not recommended. See for more information. WARNING end end def compile instrument 'ruby.compile' do # check for new app at the beginning of the compile new_app? Dir.chdir(build_path) remove_vendor_bundle warn_bundler_upgrade warn_bad_binstubs install_ruby(slug_vendor_ruby, build_ruby_path) setup_language_pack_environment( ruby_layer_path: File.expand_path("."), gem_layer_path: File.expand_path("."), bundle_path: "vendor/bundle", bundle_default_without: "development:test" ) allow_git do install_bundler_in_app(slug_vendor_base) load_bundler_cache build_bundler post_bundler create_database_yml install_binaries run_assets_precompile_rake_task end config_detect best_practice_warnings warn_outdated_ruby setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: "$HOME", gem_layer_path: "$HOME") # $HOME is set to /app at run time setup_export cleanup super end rescue => e warn_outdated_ruby raise e end def build new_app? remove_vendor_bundle warn_bad_binstubs ruby_layer =, "ruby", launch: true) install_ruby("#{ruby_layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_ruby}") ruby_layer.metadata[:version] = ruby_version.version ruby_layer.metadata[:patchlevel] = ruby_version.patchlevel if ruby_version.patchlevel ruby_layer.metadata[:engine] = ruby_version.engine.to_s ruby_layer.metadata[:engine_version] = ruby_version.engine_version ruby_layer.write gem_layer =, "gems", launch: true, cache: true, build: true) setup_language_pack_environment( ruby_layer_path: ruby_layer.path, gem_layer_path: gem_layer.path, bundle_path: "#{gem_layer.path}/vendor/bundle", bundle_default_without: "development:test" ) allow_git do # TODO install bundler in separate layer topic "Loading Bundler Cache" gem_layer.validate! do |metadata| valid_bundler_cache?(gem_layer.path, gem_layer.metadata) end install_bundler_in_app("#{gem_layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_base}") build_bundler # TODO post_bundler might need to be done in a new layer bundler.clean gem_layer.metadata[:gems] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest("Gemfile.lock")) gem_layer.metadata[:stack] = @stack gem_layer.metadata[:ruby_version] = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip gem_layer.metadata[:rubygems_version] = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip gem_layer.metadata[:buildpack_version] = BUILDPACK_VERSION gem_layer.write create_database_yml # TODO replace this with multibuildpack stuff? put binaries in their own layer? install_binaries run_assets_precompile_rake_task end setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: ruby_layer.path, gem_layer_path: gem_layer.path) setup_export(gem_layer) config_detect best_practice_warnings cleanup super end def cleanup end def config_detect end private # A bad shebang line looks like this: # # ``` # #!/usr/bin/env ruby2.5 # ``` # # Since `ruby2.5` is not a valid binary name # def warn_bad_binstubs check = Dir.pwd, warn_object: self) end def default_malloc_arena_max? return true if @metadata.exists?("default_malloc_arena_max") return @metadata.touch("default_malloc_arena_max") if new_app? return false end def warn_bundler_upgrade old_bundler_version ="bundler_version").strip if @metadata.exists?("bundler_version") if old_bundler_version && old_bundler_version != bundler.version warn(<<-WARNING, inline: true) Your app was upgraded to bundler #{ bundler.version }. Previously you had a successful deploy with bundler #{ old_bundler_version }. If you see problems related to the bundler version please refer to: WARNING end end # For example "vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0" def self.slug_vendor_base @slug_vendor_base ||= begin command = %q(ruby -e "require 'rbconfig';puts \"vendor/bundle/#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']}\"") out = run_no_pipe(command, user_env: true).strip error "Problem detecting bundler vendor directory: #{out}" unless $?.success? out end end # the relative path to the bundler directory of gems # @return [String] resulting path def slug_vendor_base instrument 'ruby.slug_vendor_base' do @slug_vendor_base ||= self.class.slug_vendor_base end end # the relative path to the vendored ruby directory # @return [String] resulting path def slug_vendor_ruby "vendor/#{ruby_version.version_without_patchlevel}" end # the absolute path of the build ruby to use during the buildpack # @return [String] resulting path def build_ruby_path "/tmp/#{ruby_version.version_without_patchlevel}" end # fetch the ruby version from bundler # @return [String, nil] returns the ruby version if detected or nil if none is detected def ruby_version instrument 'ruby.ruby_version' do return @ruby_version if @ruby_version new_app = !File.exist?("vendor/heroku") last_version_file = "buildpack_ruby_version" last_version = nil last_version = if @metadata.exists?(last_version_file) @ruby_version =, is_new: new_app, last_version: last_version) return @ruby_version end end def set_default_web_concurrency <<-EOF case $(ulimit -u) in 256) export HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB=${HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB:-512} export WEB_CONCURRENCY=${WEB_CONCURRENCY:-2} ;; 512) export HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB=${HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB:-1024} export WEB_CONCURRENCY=${WEB_CONCURRENCY:-4} ;; 16384) export HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB=${HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB:-2560} export WEB_CONCURRENCY=${WEB_CONCURRENCY:-8} ;; 32768) export HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB=${HEROKU_RAM_LIMIT_MB:-6144} export WEB_CONCURRENCY=${WEB_CONCURRENCY:-16} ;; *) ;; esac EOF end # default JRUBY_OPTS # return [String] string of JRUBY_OPTS def default_jruby_opts "-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false" end # sets up the environment variables for the build process def setup_language_pack_environment(ruby_layer_path:, gem_layer_path:, bundle_path:, bundle_default_without:) instrument 'ruby.setup_language_pack_environment' do if ruby_version.jruby? ENV["PATH"] += ":bin" ENV["JRUBY_OPTS"] = env('JRUBY_BUILD_OPTS') || env('JRUBY_OPTS') end setup_ruby_install_env(ruby_layer_path) # By default Node can address 1.5GB of memory, a limitation it inherits from # the underlying v8 engine. This can occasionally cause issues during frontend # builds where memory use can exceed this threshold. # # This passes an argument to all Node processes during the build, so that they # can take advantage of all available memory on the build dynos. ENV["NODE_OPTIONS"] ||= "--max_old_space_size=2560" # TODO when buildpack-env-args rolls out, we can get rid of # ||= and the manual setting below default_config_vars.each do |key, value| ENV[key] ||= value end paths = [] gem_path = "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}" ENV["GEM_PATH"] = gem_path ENV["GEM_HOME"] = gem_path ENV["DISABLE_SPRING"] = "1" # Rails has a binstub for yarn that doesn't work for all applications # we need to ensure that yarn comes before local bin dir for that case paths << yarn_preinstall_bin_path if yarn_preinstalled? # Need to remove `./bin` folder since it links to the wrong --prefix ruby binstubs breaking require in Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7. # Because for 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 there is a "build" ruby and a non-"build" Ruby paths << "#{File.expand_path(".")}/bin" unless ruby_version.ruby_192_or_lower? paths << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{bundler_binstubs_path}" # Binstubs from bundler, eg. vendor/bundle/bin paths << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}/bin" # Binstubs from rubygems, eg. vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin paths << ENV["PATH"] ENV["PATH"] = paths.join(":") ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] = env("BUNDLE_WITHOUT") || bundle_default_without if ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"].include?(' ') ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] = ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"].tr(' ', ':') warn("Your BUNDLE_WITHOUT contains a space, we are converting it to a colon `:` BUNDLE_WITHOUT=#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"]}", inline: true) end ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"] = bundle_path ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"] = bundler_binstubs_path ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] = "1" ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"] = "1" if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path? end end # Sets up the environment variables for subsequent processes run by # muiltibuildpack. We can't use profile.d because $HOME isn't set up def setup_export(layer = nil) instrument 'ruby.setup_export' do if layer paths = ENV["PATH"] else paths = ENV["PATH"].split(":").map do |path| /^\/.*/ !~ path ? "#{build_path}/#{path}" : path end.join(":") end # TODO ensure path exported is correct set_export_path "PATH", paths, layer if layer gem_path = "#{layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_base}" else gem_path = "#{build_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}" end set_export_path "GEM_PATH", gem_path, layer set_export_default "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", layer # TODO handle jruby if ruby_version.jruby? set_export_default "JRUBY_OPTS", default_jruby_opts end set_export_default "BUNDLE_PATH", ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"], layer set_export_default "BUNDLE_WITHOUT", ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"], layer set_export_default "BUNDLE_BIN", ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"], layer set_export_default "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE", ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"], layer if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path? set_export_default "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT", ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"], layer if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock end end # sets up the profile.d script for this buildpack def setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: , gem_layer_path: ) instrument 'setup_profiled' do profiled_path = [] # Rails has a binstub for yarn that doesn't work for all applications # we need to ensure that yarn comes before local bin dir for that case if yarn_preinstalled? profiled_path << yarn_preinstall_bin_path.gsub(File.expand_path("."), "$HOME") elsif has_yarn_binary? profiled_path << "#{ruby_layer_path}/vendor/#{@yarn_installer.binary_path}" end profiled_path << "$HOME/bin" # /app in production profiled_path << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{bundler_binstubs_path}" # Binstubs from bundler, eg. vendor/bundle/bin profiled_path << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}/bin" # Binstubs from rubygems, eg. vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin profiled_path << "$PATH" set_env_default "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8" set_env_override "GEM_PATH", "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}:$GEM_PATH" set_env_override "PATH", profiled_path.join(":") set_env_override "DISABLE_SPRING", "1" set_env_default "MALLOC_ARENA_MAX", "2" if default_malloc_arena_max? web_concurrency = env("SENSIBLE_DEFAULTS") ? set_default_web_concurrency : "" add_to_profiled(web_concurrency, filename: "", mode: "w") # always write that file, even if its empty (meaning no defaults apply), for interop with other buildpacks - and we overwrite the file rather than appending (which is the default) # TODO handle JRUBY if ruby_version.jruby? set_env_default "JRUBY_OPTS", default_jruby_opts end set_env_default "BUNDLE_PATH", ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"] set_env_default "BUNDLE_WITHOUT", ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] set_env_default "BUNDLE_BIN", ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"] set_env_default "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE", ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"] if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path? set_env_default "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT", ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock end end def warn_outdated_ruby return unless defined?(@outdated_version_check) @warn_outdated ||= begin @outdated_version_check.join warn_outdated_minor warn_outdated_eol warn_stack_upgrade true end end def warn_stack_upgrade return unless defined?(@ruby_download_check) return unless @ruby_download_check.next_stack(current_stack: stack) return if @ruby_download_check.exists_on_next_stack?(current_stack: stack) warn(<<~WARNING) Your Ruby version is not present on the next stack You are currently using #{ruby_version.version_for_download} on #{stack} stack. This version does not exist on #{@ruby_download_check.next_stack(current_stack: stack)}. In order to upgrade your stack you will need to upgrade to a supported Ruby version. For a list of supported Ruby versions see: For a list of the oldest Ruby versions present on a given stack see: WARNING end def warn_outdated_eol return unless @outdated_version_check.maybe_eol? if @outdated_version_check.eol? warn(<<~WARNING) EOL Ruby Version You are using a Ruby version that has reached its End of Life (EOL) We strongly suggest you upgrade to Ruby #{@outdated_version_check.suggest_ruby_eol_version} or later Your current Ruby version no longer receives security updates from Ruby Core and may have serious vulnerabilities. While you will continue to be able to deploy on Heroku with this Ruby version you must upgrade to a non-EOL version to be eligible to receive support. Upgrade your Ruby version as soon as possible. For a list of supported Ruby versions see: WARNING else # Maybe EOL warn(<<~WARNING) Potential EOL Ruby Version You are using a Ruby version that has either reached its End of Life (EOL) or will reach its End of Life on December 25th of this year. We suggest you upgrade to Ruby #{@outdated_version_check.suggest_ruby_eol_version} or later Once a Ruby version becomes EOL, it will no longer receive security updates from Ruby core and may have serious vulnerabilities. Please upgrade your Ruby version. For a list of supported Ruby versions see: WARNING end end def warn_outdated_minor return if @outdated_version_check.latest_minor_version? warn(<<~WARNING) There is a more recent Ruby version available for you to use: #{@outdated_version_check.suggested_ruby_minor_version} The latest version will include security and bug fixes. We always recommend running the latest version of your minor release. Please upgrade your Ruby version. For all available Ruby versions see: WARNING end # install the vendored ruby # @return [Boolean] true if it installs the vendored ruby and false otherwise def install_ruby(install_path, build_ruby_path = nil) instrument 'ruby.install_ruby' do # Could do a compare operation to avoid re-downloading ruby return false unless ruby_version installer = LanguagePack::Installers::RubyInstaller.installer(ruby_version).new(@stack) @ruby_download_check = if installer.fetch_unpack(ruby_version, build_ruby_path, true) end installer.install(ruby_version, install_path) @outdated_version_check = current_ruby_version: ruby_version, fetcher: installer.fetcher ) @metadata.write("buildpack_ruby_version", ruby_version.version_for_download) topic "Using Ruby version: #{ruby_version.version_for_download}" if !ruby_version.set warn(<<~WARNING) You have not declared a Ruby version in your Gemfile. To declare a Ruby version add this line to your Gemfile: ``` ruby "#{LanguagePack::RubyVersion::DEFAULT_VERSION_NUMBER}" ``` For more information see: WARNING end if ruby_version.warn_ruby_26_bundler? warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true) There is a known bundler bug with your version of Ruby Your version of Ruby contains a problem with the built-in integration of bundler. If you encounter a bundler error you need to upgrade your Ruby version. We suggest you upgrade to: #{@outdated_version_check.suggested_ruby_minor_version} For more information see: WARNING end end true rescue LanguagePack::Fetcher::FetchError if @ruby_download_check.does_not_exist? message = <<~ERROR The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist: #{ruby_version.version_for_download} ERROR else message = <<~ERROR The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist on this stack. You are trying to install #{ruby_version.version_for_download} on #{stack}. Ruby #{ruby_version.version_for_download} is present on the following stacks: - #{@ruby_download_check.valid_stack_list.join("\n - ")} ERROR if env("CI") message << <<~ERROR On Heroku CI you can set your stack in the `app.json`. For example: ``` "stack": "heroku-20" ``` ERROR end end message << <<~ERROR Heroku recommends you use the latest supported Ruby version listed here: For more information on syntax for declaring a Ruby version see: ERROR error message end # TODO make this compatible with CNB def new_app? @new_app ||= !File.exist?("vendor/heroku") end # find the ruby install path for its binstubs during build # @return [String] resulting path or empty string if ruby is not vendored def ruby_install_binstub_path(ruby_layer_path = ".") @ruby_install_binstub_path ||= if "#{build_ruby_path}/bin" elsif ruby_version "#{ruby_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_ruby}/bin" else "" end end # setup the environment so we can use the vendored ruby def setup_ruby_install_env(ruby_layer_path = ".") instrument 'ruby.setup_ruby_install_env' do ENV["PATH"] = "#{File.expand_path(ruby_install_binstub_path(ruby_layer_path))}:#{ENV["PATH"]}" end end # installs vendored gems into the slug def install_bundler_in_app(bundler_dir) instrument 'ruby.install_language_pack_gems' do FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundler_dir) Dir.chdir(bundler_dir) do |dir| `cp -R #{bundler.bundler_path}/. .` end # write bundler shim, so we can control the version bundler used # Ruby 2.6.0 started vendoring bundler write_bundler_shim("vendor/bundle/bin") if ruby_version.vendored_bundler? end end # default set of binaries to install # @return [Array] resulting list def binaries add_node_js_binary + add_yarn_binary end # vendors binaries into the slug def install_binaries instrument 'ruby.install_binaries' do binaries.each {|binary| install_binary(binary) } Dir["bin/*"].each {|path| run("chmod +x #{path}") } end end # vendors individual binary into the slug # @param [String] name of the binary package from S3. # Example:, where name is "node-0.4.7" def install_binary(name) topic "Installing #{name}" bin_dir = "bin" FileUtils.mkdir_p bin_dir Dir.chdir(bin_dir) do |dir| if name.match(/^node\-/) @node_installer.install # need to set PATH here b/c `node-gyp` can change the CWD, but still depends on executing node. # the current PATH is relative, but it needs to be absolute for this. # doing this here also prevents it from being exported during runtime node_bin_path = File.absolute_path(".") # this needs to be set after so other binaries in bin/ don't take precedence" ENV["PATH"] = "#{ENV["PATH"]}:#{node_bin_path}" elsif name.match(/^yarn\-/) FileUtils.mkdir_p("../vendor") Dir.chdir("../vendor") do |vendor_dir| @yarn_installer.install yarn_path = File.absolute_path("#{vendor_dir}/#{@yarn_installer.binary_path}") ENV["PATH"] = "#{yarn_path}:#{ENV["PATH"]}" end else @fetchers[:buildpack].fetch_untar("#{name}.tgz") end end end # removes a binary from the slug # @param [String] relative path of the binary on the slug def uninstall_binary(path) FileUtils.rm File.join('bin', File.basename(path)), :force => true end def load_default_cache? new_app? && ruby_version.default? end # loads a default bundler cache for new apps to speed up initial bundle installs def load_default_cache instrument "ruby.load_default_cache" do if false # load_default_cache? puts "New app detected loading default bundler cache" patchlevel = run("ruby -e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL'").strip cache_name = "#{LanguagePack::RubyVersion::DEFAULT_VERSION}-p#{patchlevel}-default-cache" @fetchers[:buildpack].fetch_untar("#{cache_name}.tgz") end end end # remove `vendor/bundle` that comes from the git repo # in case there are native ext. # users should be using `bundle pack` instead. # def remove_vendor_bundle if File.exists?("vendor/bundle") warn(<<-WARNING) Removing `vendor/bundle`. Checking in `vendor/bundle` is not supported. Please remove this directory and add it to your .gitignore. To vendor your gems with Bundler, use `bundle pack` instead. WARNING FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/bundle") end end def bundler_binstubs_path "vendor/bundle/bin" end def bundler_path @bundler_path ||= "#{slug_vendor_base}/gems/#{bundler.dir_name}" end def write_bundler_shim(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) shim_path = "#{path}/bundle", "w") do |file| file.print <<-BUNDLE #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' version = "#{bundler.version}" if ARGV.first str = ARGV.first str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding if str =~ /\A_(.*)_\z/ and Gem::Version.correct?($1) then version = $1 ARGV.shift end end if Gem.respond_to?(:activate_bin_path) load Gem.activate_bin_path('bundler', 'bundle', version) else gem "bundler", version load Gem.bin_path("bundler", "bundle", version) end BUNDLE end FileUtils.chmod(0755, shim_path) end # runs bundler to install the dependencies def build_bundler instrument 'ruby.build_bundler' do log("bundle") do if File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/.bundle/config") warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true) You have the `.bundle/config` file checked into your repository It contains local state like the location of the installed bundle as well as configured git local gems, and other settings that should not be shared between multiple checkouts of a single repo. Please remove the `.bundle/` folder from your repo and add it to your `.gitignore` file. WARNING end if bundler.windows_gemfile_lock? log("bundle", "has_windows_gemfile_lock") File.unlink("Gemfile.lock") ENV.delete("BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT") warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true) Removing `Gemfile.lock` because it was generated on Windows. Bundler will do a full resolve so native gems are handled properly. This may result in unexpected gem versions being used in your app. In rare occasions Bundler may not be able to resolve your dependencies at all. WARNING end bundle_command ="") bundle_command << "BUNDLE_WITHOUT='#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"]}' " bundle_command << "BUNDLE_PATH=#{ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"]} " bundle_command << "BUNDLE_BIN=#{ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"]} " bundle_command << "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=#{ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"]} " if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock bundle_command << "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE=#{ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"]} " if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path? bundle_command << "bundle install -j4" topic("Installing dependencies using bundler #{bundler.version}") bundler_output ="") bundle_time = nil env_vars = {} Dir.mktmpdir("libyaml-") do |tmpdir| libyaml_dir = "#{tmpdir}/#{LIBYAML_PATH}" # need to setup compile environment for the psych gem yaml_include = File.expand_path("#{libyaml_dir}/include").shellescape yaml_lib = File.expand_path("#{libyaml_dir}/lib").shellescape pwd = Dir.pwd bundler_path = "#{pwd}/#{slug_vendor_base}/gems/#{bundler.dir_name}/lib" # we need to set BUNDLE_CONFIG and BUNDLE_GEMFILE for # codon since it uses bundler. env_vars["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "#{pwd}/Gemfile" env_vars["BUNDLE_CONFIG"] = "#{pwd}/.bundle/config" env_vars["CPATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_include}:$CPATH") env_vars["CPPATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_include}:$CPPATH") env_vars["LIBRARY_PATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_lib}:$LIBRARY_PATH") env_vars["RUBYOPT"] = syck_hack env_vars["NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES"] = "true" env_vars["BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true" env_vars["BUNDLER_LIB_PATH"] = "#{bundler_path}" if ruby_version.ruby_version == "1.8.7" env_vars["BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true" puts "Running: #{bundle_command}" instrument "ruby.bundle_install" do bundle_time = Benchmark.realtime do bundler_output << pipe("#{bundle_command} --no-clean", out: "2>&1", env: env_vars, user_env: true) end end end if $?.success? puts "Bundle completed (#{"%.2f" % bundle_time}s)" log "bundle", :status => "success" puts "Cleaning up the bundler cache." instrument "ruby.bundle_clean" do # Only show bundle clean output when not using default cache if load_default_cache? run("bundle clean > /dev/null", user_env: true, env: env_vars) else pipe("bundle clean", out: "2> /dev/null", user_env: true, env: env_vars) end end # Keep gem cache out of the slug FileUtils.rm_rf("#{slug_vendor_base}/cache") else mcount "fail.bundle.install" log "bundle", :status => "failure" error_message = "Failed to install gems via Bundler." puts "Bundler Output: #{bundler_output}" if bundler_output.match(/An error occurred while installing sqlite3/) mcount "fail.sqlite3" error_message += <<~ERROR Detected sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku: ERROR end if bundler_output.match(/but your Gemfile specified/) mcount "fail.ruby_version_mismatch" error_message += <<~ERROR Detected a mismatch between your Ruby version installed and Ruby version specified in Gemfile or Gemfile.lock. You can correct this by running: $ bundle update --ruby $ git add Gemfile.lock $ git commit -m "update ruby version" If this does not solve the issue please see this documentation: ERROR end error error_message end end end end def post_bundler instrument "ruby.post_bundler" do Dir[File.join(slug_vendor_base, "**", ".git")].each do |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) end bundler.clean end end # RUBYOPT line that requires syck_hack file # @return [String] require string if needed or else an empty string def syck_hack instrument "ruby.syck_hack" do syck_hack_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../vendor/syck_hack")) rv = run_stdout('ruby -e "puts RUBY_VERSION"').strip # < 1.9.3 includes syck, so we need to use the syck hack if <"1.9.3") "-r#{syck_hack_file}" else "" end end end # writes ERB based database.yml for Rails. The database.yml uses the DATABASE_URL from the environment during runtime. def create_database_yml instrument 'ruby.create_database_yml' do return false unless"config") return false if bundler.has_gem?('activerecord') && bundler.gem_version('activerecord') >='4.1.0.beta1') log("create_database_yml") do topic("Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL")"config/database.yml", "w") do |file| file.puts <<-DATABASE_YML <% require 'cgi' require 'uri' begin uri = URI.parse(ENV["DATABASE_URL"]) rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise "Invalid DATABASE_URL" end raise "No RACK_ENV or RAILS_ENV found" unless ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] def attribute(name, value, force_string = false) if value value_string = if force_string '"' + value + '"' else value end "\#{name}: \#{value_string}" else "" end end adapter = uri.scheme adapter = "postgresql" if adapter == "postgres" database = (uri.path || "").split("/")[1] username = uri.user password = uri.password host = port = uri.port params = CGI.parse(uri.query || "") %> <%= ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] %>: <%= attribute "adapter", adapter %> <%= attribute "database", database %> <%= attribute "username", username %> <%= attribute "password", password, true %> <%= attribute "host", host %> <%= attribute "port", port %> <% params.each do |key, value| %> <%= key %>: <%= value.first %> <% end %> DATABASE_YML end end end end def rake @rake ||= begin rake_gem_available = bundler.has_gem?("rake") || ruby_version.rake_is_vendored? raise_on_fail = bundler.gem_version('railties') && bundler.gem_version('railties') >'3.x') topic "Detecting rake tasks" rake = rake.load_rake_tasks!({ env: rake_env }, raise_on_fail) rake end end def rake_env if database_url { "DATABASE_URL" => database_url } else {} end.merge(user_env_hash) end def database_url env("DATABASE_URL") if env("DATABASE_URL") end # executes the block with GIT_DIR environment variable removed since it can mess with the current working directory git thinks it's in # @param [block] block to be executed in the GIT_DIR free context def allow_git(&blk) git_dir = ENV.delete("GIT_DIR") # can mess with bundler ENV["GIT_DIR"] = git_dir end # decides if we need to enable the dev database addon # @return [Array] the database addon if the pg gem is detected or an empty Array if it isn't. def add_dev_database_addon pg_adapters.any? {|a| bundler.has_gem?(a) } ? ['heroku-postgresql'] : [] end def pg_adapters [ "pg", "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", "jdbc-postgres", "jdbc-postgresql", "jruby-pg", "rjack-jdbc-postgres", "tgbyte-activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter" ] end # decides if we need to install the node.js binary # @note execjs will blow up if no JS RUNTIME is detected and is loaded. # @return [Array] the node.js binary path if we need it or an empty Array def add_node_js_binary return [] if node_js_preinstalled? if Pathname(build_path).join("package.json").exist? || bundler.has_gem?('execjs') || bundler.has_gem?('webpacker') [@node_installer.binary_path] else [] end end def add_yarn_binary return [] if yarn_preinstalled? | if Pathname(build_path).join("yarn.lock").exist? || bundler.has_gem?('webpacker') [] else [] end end def has_yarn_binary? add_yarn_binary.any? end # checks if node.js is installed via the official heroku-buildpack-nodejs using multibuildpack # @return String if it's detected and false if it isn't def node_preinstall_bin_path return @node_preinstall_bin_path if defined?(@node_preinstall_bin_path) legacy_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/#{NODE_BP_PATH}" path = run("which node").strip if path && $?.success? @node_preinstall_bin_path = path elsif run("#{legacy_path}/node -v") && $?.success? @node_preinstall_bin_path = legacy_path else @node_preinstall_bin_path = false end end alias :node_js_preinstalled? :node_preinstall_bin_path def node_not_preinstalled? !node_js_preinstalled? end # Example: tmp/build_8523f77fb96a956101d00988dfeed9d4/.heroku/yarn/bin/ (without the `yarn` at the end) def yarn_preinstall_bin_path (yarn_preinstall_binary_path || "").chomp("/yarn") end # Example `tmp/build_8523f77fb96a956101d00988dfeed9d4/.heroku/yarn/bin/yarn` def yarn_preinstall_binary_path return @yarn_preinstall_binary_path if defined?(@yarn_preinstall_binary_path) path = run("which yarn").strip if path && $?.success? @yarn_preinstall_binary_path = path else @yarn_preinstall_binary_path = false end end def yarn_preinstalled? yarn_preinstall_binary_path end def yarn_not_preinstalled? !yarn_preinstalled? end def run_assets_precompile_rake_task instrument 'ruby.run_assets_precompile_rake_task' do precompile = rake.task("assets:precompile") return true unless precompile.is_defined? topic "Precompiling assets" precompile.invoke(env: rake_env) if precompile.success? puts "Asset precompilation completed (#{"%.2f" % precompile.time}s)" else precompile_fail(precompile.output) end end end def precompile_fail(output) mcount "fail.assets_precompile" log "assets_precompile", :status => "failure" msg = "Precompiling assets failed.\n" if output.match(/(127\.0\.0\.1)|(org\.postgresql\.util)/) msg << "Attempted to access a nonexistent database:\n" msg << "\n" end sprockets_version = bundler.gem_version('sprockets') if output.match(/Sprockets::FileNotFound/) && (sprockets_version <'4.0.0.beta7') && sprockets_version >'4.0.0.beta4')) mcount "fail.assets_precompile.file_not_found_beta" msg << "If you have this file in your project\n" msg << "try upgrading to Sprockets 4.0.0.beta7 or later:\n" msg << "\n" end error msg end def bundler_cache "vendor/bundle" end def valid_bundler_cache?(path, metadata) full_ruby_version = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip rubygems_version = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip old_rubygems_version = nil old_rubygems_version = metadata[:ruby_version] old_stack = metadata[:stack] old_stack ||= DEFAULT_LEGACY_STACK stack_change = old_stack != @stack if !new_app? && stack_change return [false, "Purging Cache. Changing stack from #{old_stack} to #{@stack}"] end # fix bug from v37 deploy if File.exists?("#{path}/vendor/ruby_version") puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache." cache.clear("vendor") FileUtils.rm_rf("#{path}/vendor/ruby_version") return [false, "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."] # fix bug introduced in v38 elsif !metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && metadata.include?(:ruby_version) puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache." return [false, "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."] elsif (@bundler_cache.exists? || @bundler_cache.old?) && full_ruby_version != metadata[:ruby_version] return [false, <<-MESSAGE] Ruby version change detected. Clearing bundler cache. Old: #{metadata[:ruby_version]} New: #{full_ruby_version} MESSAGE end # fix git gemspec bug from Bundler 1.3.0+ upgrade if File.exists?(bundler_cache) && !metadata.include?(:bundler_version) && !run("find #{path}/vendor/bundle/*/*/bundler/gems/*/ -name *.gemspec").include?("No such file or directory") return [false, "Old bundler cache detected. Clearing bundler cache."] end # fix for if (!metadata.include?(:rubygems_version) || (old_rubygems_version == "2.0.0" && old_rubygems_version != rubygems_version)) && metadata.include?(:ruby_version) && metadata[:ruby_version].strip.include?("ruby 2.0.0p0") return [false, "Updating to rubygems #{rubygems_version}. Clearing bundler cache."] end # fix for if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 76 return [false, <<-MESSAGE] Fixing nokogiri install. Clearing bundler cache. See MESSAGE end # recompile nokogiri to use new libyaml if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 99 && bundler.has_gem?("psych") return [false, <<-MESSAGE] Need to recompile psych for CVE-2013-6393. Clearing bundler cache. See MESSAGE end # recompile gems for libyaml 0.1.7 update if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 147 && (metadata.include?(:ruby_version) && metadata[:ruby_version].match(/ruby 2\.1\.(9|10)/) || bundler.has_gem?("psych") ) return [false, <<-MESSAGE] Need to recompile gems for CVE-2014-2014-9130. Clearing bundler cache. See MESSAGE end true end def load_bundler_cache instrument "ruby.load_bundler_cache" do cache.load "vendor" full_ruby_version = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip rubygems_version = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip heroku_metadata = "vendor/heroku" old_rubygems_version = nil ruby_version_cache = "ruby_version" buildpack_version_cache = "buildpack_version" bundler_version_cache = "bundler_version" rubygems_version_cache = "rubygems_version" stack_cache = "stack" # bundle clean does not remove binstubs FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/bundler/bin") old_rubygems_version = if @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) old_stack = if @metadata.exists?(stack_cache) old_stack ||= DEFAULT_LEGACY_STACK stack_change = old_stack != @stack convert_stack = @bundler_cache.old? @bundler_cache.convert_stack(stack_change) if convert_stack if !new_app? && stack_change puts "Purging Cache. Changing stack from #{old_stack} to #{@stack}" purge_bundler_cache(old_stack) elsif !new_app? && !convert_stack @bundler_cache.load end # fix bug from v37 deploy if File.exists?("vendor/ruby_version") puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache." cache.clear("vendor") FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/ruby_version") purge_bundler_cache # fix bug introduced in v38 elsif !@metadata.include?(buildpack_version_cache) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache." purge_bundler_cache elsif (@bundler_cache.exists? || @bundler_cache.old?) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && full_ruby_version != puts "Ruby version change detected. Clearing bundler cache." puts "Old: #{}" puts "New: #{full_ruby_version}" purge_bundler_cache end # fix git gemspec bug from Bundler 1.3.0+ upgrade if File.exists?(bundler_cache) && !@metadata.exists?(bundler_version_cache) && !run("find vendor/bundle/*/*/bundler/gems/*/ -name *.gemspec").include?("No such file or directory") puts "Old bundler cache detected. Clearing bundler cache." purge_bundler_cache end # fix for if (!@metadata.exists?(rubygems_version_cache) || (old_rubygems_version == "2.0.0" && old_rubygems_version != rubygems_version)) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) &&"ruby 2.0.0p0") puts "Updating to rubygems #{rubygems_version}. Clearing bundler cache." purge_bundler_cache end # fix for if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv ='v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 76 puts "Fixing nokogiri install. Clearing bundler cache." puts "See" purge_bundler_cache end # recompile nokogiri to use new libyaml if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv ='v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 99 && bundler.has_gem?("psych") puts "Need to recompile psych for CVE-2013-6393. Clearing bundler cache." puts "See" purge_bundler_cache end # recompile gems for libyaml 0.1.7 update if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv ='v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 147 && (@metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && 2\.1\.(9|10)/) || bundler.has_gem?("psych") ) puts "Need to recompile gems for CVE-2014-2014-9130. Clearing bundler cache." puts "See" purge_bundler_cache end FileUtils.mkdir_p(heroku_metadata) @metadata.write(ruby_version_cache, full_ruby_version, false) @metadata.write(buildpack_version_cache, BUILDPACK_VERSION, false) @metadata.write(bundler_version_cache, bundler.version, false) @metadata.write(rubygems_version_cache, rubygems_version, false) @metadata.write(stack_cache, @stack, false) end end def purge_bundler_cache(stack = nil) instrument "ruby.purge_bundler_cache" do @bundler_cache.clear(stack) # need to reinstall language pack gems install_bundler_in_app(slug_vendor_base) end end end