#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # tc_encodings.rb # # Created by James Edward Gray II on 2008-09-13. # Copyright 2008 James Edward Gray II. You can redistribute or modify this code # under the terms of Ruby's license. require_relative "base" class TestCSV::Encodings < TestCSV def setup require 'tempfile' @temp_csv_file = Tempfile.new(%w"test_csv. .csv") @temp_csv_path = @temp_csv_file.path @temp_csv_file.close end def teardown @temp_csv_file.close! end ######################################## ### Hand Test Some Popular Encodings ### ######################################## def test_parses_utf8_encoding assert_parses( [ %w[ one two … ], %w[ 1 … 3 ], %w[ … 5 6 ] ], "UTF-8" ) end def test_parses_latin1_encoding assert_parses( [ %w[ one two Résumé ], %w[ 1 Résumé 3 ], %w[ Résumé 5 6 ] ], "ISO-8859-1" ) end def test_parses_utf16be_encoding assert_parses( [ %w[ one two … ], %w[ 1 … 3 ], %w[ … 5 6 ] ], "UTF-16BE" ) end def test_parses_shift_jis_encoding assert_parses( [ %w[ 一 二 三 ], %w[ 四 五 六 ], %w[ 七 八 九 ] ], "Shift_JIS" ) end ########################################################### ### Try Simple Reading for All Non-dummy Ruby Encodings ### ########################################################### def test_reading_with_most_encodings each_encoding do |encoding| begin assert_parses( [ %w[ abc def ], %w[ ghi jkl ] ], encoding ) rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError fail("Failed to support #{encoding.name}.") end end end def test_regular_expression_escaping each_encoding do |encoding| begin assert_parses( [ %w[ abc def ], %w[ ghi jkl ] ], encoding, col_sep: "|" ) rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError fail("Failed to properly escape #{encoding.name}.") end end end ####################################################################### ### Stress Test ASCII Compatible and Non-ASCII Compatible Encodings ### ####################################################################### def test_auto_line_ending_detection # arrange data to place a \r at the end of CSV's read ahead point encode_for_tests([["a" * 509]], row_sep: "\r\n") do |data| assert_equal("\r\n".encode(data.encoding), CSV.new(data).row_sep) end end def test_csv_chars_are_transcoded encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data| %w[col_sep row_sep quote_char].each do |csv_char| assert_equal( "|".encode(data.encoding), CSV.new(data, csv_char.to_sym => "|").send(csv_char) ) end end end def test_parser_works_with_encoded_headers encode_for_tests([%w[one two three], %w[1 2 3]]) do |data| parsed = CSV.parse(data, headers: true) assert( parsed.headers.all? { |h| h.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) parsed.each do |row| assert( row.fields.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) end end end def test_built_in_converters_transcode_to_utf_8_then_convert encode_for_tests([%w[one two three], %w[1 2 3]]) do |data| parsed = CSV.parse(data, converters: :integer) assert( parsed[0].all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) assert_equal([1, 2, 3], parsed[1]) end end def test_built_in_header_converters_transcode_to_utf_8_then_convert encode_for_tests([%w[one two three], %w[1 2 3]]) do |data| parsed = CSV.parse( data, headers: true, header_converters: :downcase ) assert( parsed.headers.all? { |h| h.encoding.name == "UTF-8" }, "Wrong data encoding." ) assert( parsed[0].fields.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) end end def test_open_allows_you_to_set_encodings encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data| # read and write in encoding File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb:#{data.encoding.name}") { |f| f << data } CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, "rb:#{data.encoding.name}") do |csv| csv.each do |row| assert( row.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) end end # read and write with transcoding File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb:UTF-32BE:#{data.encoding.name}") do |f| f << data end CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, "rb:UTF-32BE:#{data.encoding.name}") do |csv| csv.each do |row| assert( row.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) end end end end def test_foreach_allows_you_to_set_encodings encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data| # read and write in encoding File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb", encoding: data.encoding) { |f| f << data } CSV.foreach(@temp_csv_path, encoding: data.encoding) do |row| row.each {|f| assert_equal(f.encoding, data.encoding)} end # read and write with transcoding File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb:UTF-32BE:#{data.encoding.name}") do |f| f << data end CSV.foreach( @temp_csv_path, encoding: "UTF-32BE:#{data.encoding.name}" ) do |row| assert( row.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) end end end def test_read_allows_you_to_set_encodings encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data| # read and write in encoding File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb:#{data.encoding.name}") { |f| f << data } rows = CSV.read(@temp_csv_path, encoding: data.encoding.name) assert( rows.flatten.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) # read and write with transcoding File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb:UTF-32BE:#{data.encoding.name}") do |f| f << data end rows = CSV.read( @temp_csv_path, encoding: "UTF-32BE:#{data.encoding.name}" ) assert( rows.flatten.all? { |f| f.encoding == data.encoding }, "Wrong data encoding." ) end end ################################# ### Write CSV in any Encoding ### ################################# def test_can_write_csv_in_any_encoding each_encoding do |encoding| # test generate_line with encoding hint begin csv = %w[abc d|ef].map { |f| f.encode(encoding) }. to_csv(col_sep: "|", encoding: encoding.name) rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError next end assert_equal(encoding, csv.encoding) # test generate_line with encoding guessing from fields csv = %w[abc d|ef].map { |f| f.encode(encoding) }.to_csv(col_sep: "|") assert_equal(encoding, csv.encoding) # writing to files data = encode_ary([%w[abc d,ef], %w[123 456 ]], encoding) CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb:#{encoding.name}") do |f| data.each { |row| f << row } end assert_equal(data, CSV.read(@temp_csv_path, encoding: encoding.name)) end end def test_encoding_is_upgraded_during_writing_as_needed data = ["foo".force_encoding("US-ASCII"), "\u3042"] assert_equal("US-ASCII", data.first.encoding.name) assert_equal("UTF-8", data.last.encoding.name) assert_equal("UTF-8", data.join('').encoding.name) assert_equal("UTF-8", data.to_csv.encoding.name) end def test_encoding_is_upgraded_for_ascii_content_during_writing_as_needed data = ["foo".force_encoding("ISO-8859-1"), "\u3042"] assert_equal("ISO-8859-1", data.first.encoding.name) assert_equal("UTF-8", data.last.encoding.name) assert_equal("UTF-8", data.join('').encoding.name) assert_equal("UTF-8", data.to_csv.encoding.name) end private def assert_parses(fields, encoding, options = { }) encoding = Encoding.find(encoding) unless encoding.is_a? Encoding orig_fields = fields fields = encode_ary(fields, encoding) data = ary_to_data(fields, options) parsed = CSV.parse(data, options) assert_equal(fields, parsed) parsed.flatten.each_with_index do |field, i| assert_equal(encoding, field.encoding, "Field[#{i + 1}] was transcoded.") end File.open(@temp_csv_path, "wb") {|f| f.print(data)} CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, "rb:#{encoding}", options) do |csv| csv.each_with_index do |row, i| assert_equal(fields[i], row) end end begin CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, "rb:#{encoding}:#{__ENCODING__}", options) do |csv| csv.each_with_index do |row, i| assert_equal(orig_fields[i], row) end end unless encoding == __ENCODING__ rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError end options[:encoding] = encoding.name CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, options) do |csv| csv.each_with_index do |row, i| assert_equal(fields[i], row) end end options.delete(:encoding) options[:external_encoding] = encoding.name options[:internal_encoding] = __ENCODING__.name begin CSV.open(@temp_csv_path, options) do |csv| csv.each_with_index do |row, i| assert_equal(orig_fields[i], row) end end unless encoding == __ENCODING__ rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError end end def encode_ary(ary, encoding) ary.map { |row| row.map { |field| field.encode(encoding) } } end def ary_to_data(ary, options = { }) encoding = ary.flatten.first.encoding quote_char = (options[:quote_char] || '"').encode(encoding) col_sep = (options[:col_sep] || ",").encode(encoding) row_sep = (options[:row_sep] || "\n").encode(encoding) ary.map { |row| row.map { |field| [quote_char, field.encode(encoding), quote_char].join('') }.join(col_sep) + row_sep }.join('').encode(encoding) end def encode_for_tests(data, options = { }) yield ary_to_data(encode_ary(data, "UTF-8"), options) yield ary_to_data(encode_ary(data, "UTF-16BE"), options) end def each_encoding Encoding.list.each do |encoding| next if encoding.dummy? # skip "dummy" encodings yield encoding end end with_diffrent_ofs end