# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "test_helper" module Prism class ParseTest < TestCase # A subclass of Ripper that extracts out magic comments. class MagicCommentRipper < Ripper attr_reader :magic_comments def initialize(*) super @magic_comments = [] end def on_magic_comment(key, value) @magic_comments << [key, value] super end end # When we pretty-print the trees to compare against the snapshots, we want to # be certain that we print with the same external encoding. This is because # methods like Symbol#inspect take into account external encoding and it could # change how the snapshot is generated. On machines with certain settings # (like LANG=C or -Eascii-8bit) this could have been changed. So here we're # going to force it to be UTF-8 to keep the snapshots consistent. def setup @previous_default_external = Encoding.default_external ignore_warnings { Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 } end def teardown ignore_warnings { Encoding.default_external = @previous_default_external } end def test_empty_string result = Prism.parse("") assert_equal [], result.value.statements.body end def test_parse_takes_file_path filepath = "filepath.rb" result = Prism.parse("def foo; __FILE__; end", filepath: filepath) assert_equal filepath, find_source_file_node(result.value).filepath end def test_parse_takes_line line = 4 result = Prism.parse("def foo\n __FILE__\nend", line: line) assert_equal line, result.value.location.start_line assert_equal line + 1, find_source_file_node(result.value).location.start_line end def test_parse_takes_negative_lines line = -2 result = Prism.parse("def foo\n __FILE__\nend", line: line) assert_equal line, result.value.location.start_line assert_equal line + 1, find_source_file_node(result.value).location.start_line end def test_parse_lex node, tokens = Prism.parse_lex("def foo; end").value assert_kind_of ProgramNode, node assert_equal 5, tokens.length end def test_parse_lex_file node, tokens = Prism.parse_lex_file(__FILE__).value assert_kind_of ProgramNode, node refute_empty tokens end # To accurately compare against Ripper, we need to make sure that we're # running on CRuby 3.2+. ripper_enabled = RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" && RUBY_VERSION >= "3.2.0" # The FOCUS environment variable allows you to specify one particular fixture # to test, instead of all of them. base = File.join(__dir__, "fixtures") relatives = ENV["FOCUS"] ? [ENV["FOCUS"]] : Dir["**/*.txt", base: base] relatives.each do |relative| # These fail on TruffleRuby due to a difference in Symbol#inspect: :测试 vs :"测试" next if RUBY_ENGINE == "truffleruby" and %w[seattlerb/bug202.txt seattlerb/magic_encoding_comment.txt].include?(relative) filepath = File.join(base, relative) snapshot = File.expand_path(File.join("snapshots", relative), __dir__) directory = File.dirname(snapshot) FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) unless File.directory?(directory) ripper_should_parse = ripper_should_match = ripper_enabled # This file has changed behavior in Ripper in Ruby 3.3, so we skip it if # we're on an earlier version. ripper_should_match = false if relative == "seattlerb/pct_w_heredoc_interp_nested.txt" && RUBY_VERSION < "3.3.0" # It seems like there are some oddities with nested heredocs and ripper. # Waiting for feedback on https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19838. ripper_should_match = false if relative == "seattlerb/heredoc_nested.txt" # Ripper seems to have a bug that the regex portions before and after the heredoc are combined # into a single token. See https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19838. # # Additionally, Ripper cannot parse the %w[] fixture in this file, so set ripper_should_parse to false. ripper_should_parse = false if relative == "spanning_heredoc.txt" # Ruby < 3.3.0 cannot parse heredocs where there are leading whitespace charactes in the heredoc start. # Example: <<~' EOF' or <<-' EOF' # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/19539 ripper_should_parse = false if relative == "heredocs_leading_whitespace.txt" && RUBY_VERSION < "3.3.0" define_method "test_filepath_#{relative}" do # First, read the source from the filepath. Use binmode to avoid converting CRLF on Windows, # and explicitly set the external encoding to UTF-8 to override the binmode default. source = File.read(filepath, binmode: true, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) if ripper_should_parse src = source case relative when /break|next|redo|if|unless|rescue|control|keywords|retry/ # Uncaught syntax errors: Invalid break, Invalid next src = "->do\nrescue\n#{src}\nend" ripper_should_match = false end case src when /^ *yield/ # Uncaught syntax errors: Invalid yield src = "def __invalid_yield__\n#{src}\nend" ripper_should_match = false end # Make sure that it can be correctly parsed by Ripper. If it can't, then we have a fixture # that is invalid Ruby. refute_nil(Ripper.sexp_raw(src), "Ripper failed to parse") end # Next, assert that there were no errors during parsing. result = Prism.parse(source, filepath: relative) assert_empty result.errors # Next, pretty print the source. printed = PP.pp(result.value, +"", 79) if File.exist?(snapshot) saved = File.read(snapshot) # If the snapshot file exists, but the printed value does not match the # snapshot, then update the snapshot file. if printed != saved File.write(snapshot, printed) warn("Updated snapshot at #{snapshot}.") end # If the snapshot file exists, then assert that the printed value # matches the snapshot. assert_equal(saved, printed) else # If the snapshot file does not yet exist, then write it out now. File.write(snapshot, printed) warn("Created snapshot at #{snapshot}.") end # Next, assert that the value can be serialized and deserialized without # changing the shape of the tree. assert_equal_nodes(result.value, Prism.load(source, Prism.dump(source, filepath: relative)).value) # Next, check that the location ranges of each node in the tree are a # superset of their respective child nodes. assert_non_overlapping_locations(result.value) # Next, assert that the newlines are in the expected places. expected_newlines = [0] source.b.scan("\n") { expected_newlines << $~.offset(0)[0] + 1 } assert_equal expected_newlines, Debug.newlines(source) if ripper_should_parse && ripper_should_match # Finally, assert that we can lex the source and get the same tokens as # Ripper. lex_result = Prism.lex_compat(source) assert_equal [], lex_result.errors tokens = lex_result.value begin Prism.lex_ripper(source).zip(tokens).each do |(ripper, prism)| assert_equal ripper, prism end rescue SyntaxError raise ArgumentError, "Test file has invalid syntax #{filepath}" end # Next, check that we get the correct number of magic comments when # lexing with ripper. expected = MagicCommentRipper.new(source).tap(&:parse).magic_comments actual = result.magic_comments assert_equal expected.length, actual.length expected.zip(actual).each do |(expected_key, expected_value), magic_comment| assert_equal expected_key, magic_comment.key assert_equal expected_value, magic_comment.value end end end end Dir["*.txt", base: base].each do |relative| next if relative == "newline_terminated.txt" # We test every snippet (separated by \n\n) in isolation # to ensure the parser does not try to read bytes further than the end of each snippet define_method "test_individual_snippets_#{relative}" do filepath = File.join(base, relative) # First, read the source from the filepath. Use binmode to avoid converting CRLF on Windows, # and explicitly set the external encoding to UTF-8 to override the binmode default. file_contents = File.read(filepath, binmode: true, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8) file_contents.split(/(?<=\S)\n\n(?=\S)/).each do |snippet| snippet = snippet.rstrip result = Prism.parse(snippet, filepath: relative) assert_empty result.errors assert_equal_nodes(result.value, Prism.load(snippet, Prism.dump(snippet, filepath: relative)).value) end end end private # Check that the location ranges of each node in the tree are a superset of # their respective child nodes. def assert_non_overlapping_locations(node) queue = [node] while (current = queue.shift) # We only want to compare parent/child location overlap in the case that # we are not looking at a heredoc. That's because heredoc locations are # special in that they only use the declaration of the heredoc. compare = !(current.is_a?(StringNode) || current.is_a?(XStringNode) || current.is_a?(InterpolatedStringNode) || current.is_a?(InterpolatedXStringNode)) || !current.opening&.start_with?("<<") current.child_nodes.each do |child| # child_nodes can return nil values, so we need to skip those. next unless child # Now that we know we have a child node, add that to the queue. queue << child if compare assert_operator current.location.start_offset, :<=, child.location.start_offset assert_operator current.location.end_offset, :>=, child.location.end_offset end end end end def find_source_file_node(program) queue = [program] while (node = queue.shift) return node if node.is_a?(SourceFileNode) queue.concat(node.compact_child_nodes) end end def ignore_warnings previous_verbosity = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil yield ensure $VERBOSE = previous_verbosity end end end