# frozen_string_literal: false require File.expand_path '../xref_test_case', __FILE__ class TestRDocAnyMethod < XrefTestCase def test_aref m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method?' assert_equal 'method-i-method-3F', m.aref m.singleton = true assert_equal 'method-c-method-3F', m.aref end def test_arglists m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' assert_nil m.arglists m.params = "(a, b)" m.block_params = "c, d" assert_equal "method(a, b) { |c, d| ... }", m.arglists call_seq = <<-SEQ method(a) { |c| ... } method(a, b) { |c, d| ... } SEQ m.call_seq = call_seq.dup assert_equal call_seq, m.arglists end def test_c_function @c1_m.c_function = 'my_c1_m' assert_equal 'my_c1_m', @c1_m.c_function end def test_call_seq_equals m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, nil m.call_seq = '' assert_nil m.call_seq m.call_seq = 'foo' assert_equal 'foo', m.call_seq end def test_full_name assert_equal 'C1::m', @c1.method_list.first.full_name end def test_is_alias_for assert_equal @c2_b, @c2_a.is_alias_for # set string on instance variable loaded = Marshal.load Marshal.dump @c2_a loaded.store = @store assert_equal @c2_b, loaded.is_alias_for, 'Marshal.load' m1 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'm1' m1.store = @store m1.instance_variable_set :@is_alias_for, ['Missing', false, 'method'] assert_nil m1.is_alias_for, 'missing alias' end def test_markup_code tokens = [ { :line_no => 0, :char_no => 0, :kind => :on_const, :text => 'CONSTANT' }, ] @c2_a.collect_tokens @c2_a.add_tokens(*tokens) expected = 'CONSTANT' assert_equal expected, @c2_a.markup_code end def test_markup_code_empty assert_equal '', @c2_a.markup_code end def test_marshal_dump @store.path = Dir.tmpdir top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.block_params = 'some_block' m.call_seq = 'call_seq' m.comment = 'this is a comment' m.params = 'param' m.record_location top_level cm = top_level.add_class RDoc::ClassModule, 'Klass' cm.add_method m section = cm.sections.first al = RDoc::Alias.new nil, 'method', 'aliased', 'alias comment' al_m = m.add_alias al, cm loaded = Marshal.load Marshal.dump m loaded.store = @store comment = RDoc::Markup::Document.new( RDoc::Markup::Paragraph.new('this is a comment')) assert_equal m, loaded assert_equal [al_m.name], loaded.aliases.map { |alas| alas.name } assert_equal 'some_block', loaded.block_params assert_equal 'call_seq', loaded.call_seq assert_equal comment, loaded.comment assert_equal top_level, loaded.file assert_equal 'Klass#method', loaded.full_name assert_equal 'method', loaded.name assert_equal 'param', loaded.params assert_equal nil, loaded.singleton # defaults to nil assert_equal :public, loaded.visibility assert_equal cm, loaded.parent assert_equal section, loaded.section end def test_marshal_load_aliased_method aliased_method = Marshal.load Marshal.dump(@c2_a) aliased_method.store = @store assert_equal 'C2#a', aliased_method.full_name assert_equal 'C2', aliased_method.parent_name assert_equal '()', aliased_method.params assert_equal @c2_b, aliased_method.is_alias_for, 'is_alias_for' assert aliased_method.display? end def test_marshal_load_class_method class_method = Marshal.load Marshal.dump(@c1.method_list.first) assert_equal 'C1::m', class_method.full_name assert_equal 'C1', class_method.parent_name assert_equal '()', class_method.params assert class_method.display? end def test_marshal_load_instance_method instance_method = Marshal.load Marshal.dump(@c1.method_list.last) assert_equal 'C1#m', instance_method.full_name assert_equal 'C1', instance_method.parent_name assert_equal '(foo)', instance_method.params assert instance_method.display? end def test_marshal_load_version_0 @store.path = Dir.tmpdir top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' cm = top_level.add_class RDoc::ClassModule, 'Klass' cm.add_method m section = cm.sections.first al = RDoc::Alias.new nil, 'method', 'aliased', 'alias comment' al_m = m.add_alias al, cm loaded = Marshal.load "\x04\bU:\x14RDoc::AnyMethod[\x0Fi\x00I" + "\"\vmethod\x06:\x06EF\"\x11Klass#method0:\vpublic" + "o:\eRDoc::Markup::Document\x06:\v@parts[\x06" + "o:\x1CRDoc::Markup::Paragraph\x06;\t[\x06I" + "\"\x16this is a comment\x06;\x06FI" + "\"\rcall_seq\x06;\x06FI\"\x0Fsome_block\x06;\x06F" + "[\x06[\aI\"\faliased\x06;\x06Fo;\b\x06;\t[\x06" + "o;\n\x06;\t[\x06I\"\x12alias comment\x06;\x06FI" + "\"\nparam\x06;\x06F" loaded.store = @store comment = RDoc::Markup::Document.new( RDoc::Markup::Paragraph.new('this is a comment')) assert_equal m, loaded assert_equal [al_m.name], loaded.aliases.map { |alas| alas.name } assert_equal 'some_block', loaded.block_params assert_equal 'call_seq', loaded.call_seq assert_equal comment, loaded.comment assert_equal 'Klass#method', loaded.full_name assert_equal 'method', loaded.name assert_equal 'param', loaded.params assert_equal nil, loaded.singleton # defaults to nil assert_equal :public, loaded.visibility assert_equal nil, loaded.file assert_equal cm, loaded.parent assert_equal section, loaded.section assert_nil loaded.is_alias_for assert loaded.display? end def test_marshal_dump_version_2 @store.path = Dir.tmpdir top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.block_params = 'some_block' m.call_seq = 'call_seq' m.comment = 'this is a comment' m.params = 'param' m.record_location top_level cm = top_level.add_class RDoc::ClassModule, 'Klass' cm.add_method m section = cm.sections.first al = RDoc::Alias.new nil, 'method', 'aliased', 'alias comment' al_m = m.add_alias al, cm loaded = Marshal.load "\x04\bU:\x14RDoc::AnyMethod[\x14i\bI" + "\"\vmethod\x06:\x06ETI" + "\"\x11Klass#method\x06;\x06T0:\vpublic" + "o:\eRDoc::Markup::Document\b:\v@parts[\x06" + "o:\x1CRDoc::Markup::Paragraph\x06;\t[\x06I" + "\"\x16this is a comment\x06;\x06T:\n@file0" + ":0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0" + "I\"\rcall_seq\x06;\x06TI\"\x0Fsome_block\x06" + ";\x06T[\x06[\aI\"\faliased\x06;\x06To;\b\b;\t" + "[\x06o;\n\x06;\t[\x06I\"\x12alias comment\x06" + ";\x06T;\v0;\f0I\"\nparam\x06;\x06TI" + "\"\ffile.rb\x06;\x06TFI\"\nKlass\x06;\x06T" + "c\x16RDoc::ClassModule0" loaded.store = @store comment = doc(para('this is a comment')) assert_equal m, loaded assert_equal [al_m.name], loaded.aliases.map { |alas| alas.name } assert_equal 'some_block', loaded.block_params assert_equal 'call_seq', loaded.call_seq assert_equal comment, loaded.comment assert_equal top_level, loaded.file assert_equal 'Klass#method', loaded.full_name assert_equal 'method', loaded.name assert_equal 'param', loaded.params assert_equal nil, loaded.singleton # defaults to nil assert_equal :public, loaded.visibility assert_equal cm, loaded.parent assert_equal section, loaded.section assert_nil loaded.is_alias_for end def test_name m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, nil assert_nil m.name end def test_name_call_seq m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, nil m.call_seq = "yields(name)\nyields(name, description)" assert_equal 'yields', m.name end def test_name_call_seq_dot m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, nil m.call_seq = "obj.yields(name)\nobj.yields(name, description)" assert_equal 'yields', m.name end def test_param_list_block_params m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.block_params = 'c, d' assert_equal %w[c d], m.param_list end def test_param_list_call_seq m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 call_seq = <<-SEQ method(a) { |c| ... } method(a, b) { |c, d| ... } SEQ m.call_seq = call_seq assert_equal %w[a b c d], m.param_list end def test_param_list_default m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = '(b = default)' assert_equal %w[b], m.param_list end def test_param_list_params m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = '(a, b)' assert_equal %w[a b], m.param_list end def test_param_list_params_block_params m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = '(a, b)' m.block_params = 'c, d' assert_equal %w[a b c d], m.param_list end def test_param_list_empty_params_with_block m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = '()' m.block_params = 'a, b' assert_equal %w[a b], m.param_list end def test_param_list_ampersand_param_block_params m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = '(a, b, &block)' m.block_params = 'c, d' assert_equal %w[a b c d], m.param_list end def test_param_list_ampersand_param m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = '(a, b, &block)' assert_equal %w[a b block], m.param_list end def test_param_seq m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 m.params = 'a' assert_equal '(a)', m.param_seq m.params = '(a)' assert_equal '(a)', m.param_seq m.params = "(a,\n b)" assert_equal '(a, b)', m.param_seq m.block_params = "c,\n d" assert_equal '(a, b) { |c, d| ... }', m.param_seq end def test_param_seq_call_seq m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' m.parent = @c1 call_seq = <<-SEQ method(a) { |c| ... } method(a, b) { |c, d| ... } SEQ m.call_seq = call_seq assert_equal '(a, b) { |c, d| }', m.param_seq end def test_parent_name assert_equal 'C1', @c1.method_list.first.parent_name assert_equal 'C1', @c1.method_list.last.parent_name end def test_store_equals loaded = Marshal.load Marshal.dump(@c1.method_list.last) loaded.store = @store assert_equal @store, loaded.file.store end def test_superclass_method m3 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new '', 'no_super' m2 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new '', 'supers' m2.calls_super = true m1 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new '', 'supers' c1 = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Outer' c1.store = @store c1.add_method m1 c2 = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Inner', c1 c2.store = @store c2.add_method m2 c2.add_method m3 assert_nil m3.superclass_method, 'no superclass method for no_super' assert_equal m1, m2.superclass_method, 'superclass method missing for supers' end def test_superclass_method_multilevel m2 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new '', 'supers' m2.calls_super = true m1 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new '', 'supers' c1 = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Outer' c1.store = @store c1.add_method m1 c2 = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Middle', c1 c2.store = @store c3 = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Inner', c2 c3.store = @store c3.add_method m2 assert_equal m1, m2.superclass_method, 'superclass method missing for supers' end end