require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' require 'test/unit' require 'rdoc/parsers/parse_c' class RDoc::C_Parser attr_accessor :classes public :do_classes, :do_constants end class TestRdocC_Parser < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @tempfile = filename = @tempfile.path @top_level = filename @fn = filename @options = @stats = @progress = end def teardown @tempfile.close end def test_do_classes_boot_class content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Foo * this is the Foo boot class */ VALUE cFoo = boot_defclass("Foo", 0); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal " this is the Foo boot class\n ", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_class content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Foo * this is the Foo class */ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal " this is the Foo class\n ", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_class_under content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Kernel::Foo * this is the Foo class under Kernel */ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class_under(rb_mKernel, "Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal " this is the Foo class under Kernel\n ", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_module content = <<-EOF /* Document-module: Foo * this is the Foo module */ VALUE mFoo = rb_define_module("Foo"); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'mFoo' assert_equal " this is the Foo module\n ", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_module_under content = <<-EOF /* Document-module: Kernel::Foo * this is the Foo module under Kernel */ VALUE mFoo = rb_define_module_under(rb_mKernel, "Foo"); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'mFoo' assert_equal " this is the Foo module under Kernel\n ", klass.comment end def test_do_constants content = <<-EOF #include void Init_foo(){ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); /* 300: The highest possible score in bowling */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "PERFECT", INT2FIX(300)); /* Huzzah!: What you cheer when you roll a perfect game */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "CHEER", rb_str_new2("Huzzah!")); /* TEST\:TEST: Checking to see if escaped semicolon works */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "TEST", rb_str_new2("TEST:TEST")); /* \\: The file separator on MS Windows */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MSEPARATOR", rb_str_new2("\\")); /* /: The file separator on Unix */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "SEPARATOR", rb_str_new2("/")); /* C:\\Program Files\\Stuff: A directory on MS Windows */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "STUFF", rb_str_new2("C:\\Program Files\\Stuff")); /* Default definition */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "NOSEMI", INT2FIX(99)); rb_define_const(cFoo, "NOCOMMENT", rb_str_new2("No comment")); /* * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE", INT2FIX(1)); /* * 1: Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE_VALUE", INT2FIX(1)); /* Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE_NOT_EMPTY", INT2FIX(1)); } EOF parser = util_parser content parser.do_classes parser.do_constants klass = parser.classes['cFoo'] assert klass constants = klass.constants assert !klass.constants.empty? constants = { |c| [, c.value, c.comment] } assert_equal ['PERFECT', '300', "\n The highest possible score in bowling \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['CHEER', 'Huzzah!', "\n What you cheer when you roll a perfect game \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['TEST', 'TEST:TEST', "\n Checking to see if escaped semicolon works \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['MSEPARATOR', '\\', "\n The file separator on MS Windows \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['SEPARATOR', '/', "\n The file separator on Unix \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['STUFF', 'C:\\Program Files\\Stuff', "\n A directory on MS Windows \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['NOSEMI', 'INT2FIX(99)', "\n Default definition \n "], constants.shift assert_equal ['NOCOMMENT', 'rb_str_new2("No comment")', nil], constants.shift comment = <<-EOF.chomp Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. EOF assert_equal ['MULTILINE', 'INT2FIX(1)', comment], constants.shift assert_equal ['MULTILINE_VALUE', '1', comment], constants.shift comment = <<-EOF.chomp Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. EOF assert_equal ['MULTILINE_NOT_EMPTY', 'INT2FIX(1)', comment], constants.shift assert constants.empty?, constants.inspect end def test_find_class_comment_init content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo */ void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal " \n a comment for class Foo\n \n", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_define_class content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo */ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal " \n a comment for class Foo\n ", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_define_class_Init_Foo content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo on Init */ void Init_Foo(void) { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal " \n a comment for class Foo on Init\n \n", klass.comment end def util_get_class(content, name) parser = util_parser content parser.do_classes parser.classes[name] end def util_parser(content) parser = @top_level, @fn, content, @options, @stats parser.progress = @progress parser end end