require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' require 'rubygems' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'rdoc/options' require 'rdoc/parser/c' =begin TODO: test call-seq parsing /* * call-seq: * ARGF.readlines(sep=$/) -> array * ARGF.readlines(limit) -> array * ARGF.readlines(sep, limit) -> array * * ARGF.to_a(sep=$/) -> array * ARGF.to_a(limit) -> array * ARGF.to_a(sep, limit) -> array * * Reads +ARGF+'s current file in its entirety, returning an +Array+ of its * lines, one line per element. Lines are assumed to be separated by _sep_. * * lines = ARGF.readlines * lines[0] #=> "This is line one\n" */ assert call-seq did not stop at first empty line /* * call-seq: * * flt ** other -> float * * Raises float the other power. * * 2.0**3 #=> 8.0 */ assert call-seq correct (bug: was empty) /* call-seq: flt ** other -> float */ assert call-seq correct =end class RDoc::Parser::C attr_accessor :classes, :singleton_classes public :do_classes, :do_constants end class TestRDocParserC < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def setup @tempfile = filename = @tempfile.path @top_level = filename @fn = filename @options = @stats = 0 RDoc::Parser::C.reset RDoc::TopLevel.reset end def teardown @tempfile.close end def test_do_attr_rb_attr content = <<-EOF void Init_Blah(void) { cBlah = rb_define_class("Blah", rb_cObject); /* * This is an accessor */ rb_attr(cBlah, rb_intern("accessor"), 1, 1, Qfalse); /* * This is a reader */ rb_attr(cBlah, rb_intern("reader"), 1, 0, Qfalse); /* * This is a writer */ rb_attr(cBlah, rb_intern("writer"), 0, 1, Qfalse); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cBlah' attrs = klass.attributes assert_equal 3, attrs.length, attrs.inspect accessor = attrs.shift assert_equal 'accessor', assert_equal 'RW', assert_equal 'This is an accessor', accessor.comment reader = attrs.shift assert_equal 'reader', assert_equal 'R', assert_equal 'This is a reader', reader.comment writer = attrs.shift assert_equal 'writer', assert_equal 'W', assert_equal 'This is a writer', writer.comment end def test_do_attr_rb_define_attr content = <<-EOF void Init_Blah(void) { cBlah = rb_define_class("Blah", rb_cObject); /* * This is an accessor */ rb_define_attr(cBlah, "accessor", 1, 1); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cBlah' attrs = klass.attributes assert_equal 1, attrs.length, attrs.inspect accessor = attrs.shift assert_equal 'accessor', assert_equal 'RW', assert_equal 'This is an accessor', accessor.comment end def test_do_aliases content = <<-EOF /* * This should show up as an alias with documentation */ VALUE blah(VALUE klass, VALUE year) { } void Init_Blah(void) { cDate = rb_define_class("Date", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cDate, "blah", blah, 1); rb_define_alias(cDate, "bleh", "blah"); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cDate' methods = klass.method_list assert_equal 2, methods.length assert_equal 'bleh', assert_equal 'blah', end def test_do_aliases_singleton content = <<-EOF /* * This should show up as a method with documentation */ VALUE blah(VALUE klass, VALUE year) { } void Init_Blah(void) { cDate = rb_define_class("Date", rb_cObject); sDate = rb_singleton_class(cDate); rb_define_method(sDate, "blah", blah, 1); /* * This should show up as an alias */ rb_define_alias(sDate, "bleh", "blah"); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cDate' methods = klass.method_list assert_equal 2, methods.length assert_equal 'bleh', assert methods.last.singleton assert_equal 'blah', assert_equal 'This should show up as an alias', methods.last.comment end def test_do_classes_boot_class content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Foo * this is the Foo boot class */ VALUE cFoo = boot_defclass("Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal "this is the Foo boot class", klass.comment assert_equal 'Object', klass.superclass end def test_do_classes_boot_class_nil content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Foo * this is the Foo boot class */ VALUE cFoo = boot_defclass("Foo", 0); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal "this is the Foo boot class", klass.comment assert_equal nil, klass.superclass end def test_do_classes_class content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Foo * this is the Foo class */ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal "this is the Foo class", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_singleton content = <<-EOF VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); VALUE cFooS = rb_singleton_class(cFoo); EOF util_get_class content, 'cFooS' assert_equal 'Foo', @parser.singleton_classes['cFooS'] end def test_do_classes_class_under content = <<-EOF /* Document-class: Kernel::Foo * this is the Foo class under Kernel */ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class_under(rb_mKernel, "Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'cFoo' assert_equal "this is the Foo class under Kernel", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_module content = <<-EOF /* Document-module: Foo * this is the Foo module */ VALUE mFoo = rb_define_module("Foo"); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'mFoo' assert_equal "this is the Foo module", klass.comment end def test_do_classes_module_under content = <<-EOF /* Document-module: Kernel::Foo * this is the Foo module under Kernel */ VALUE mFoo = rb_define_module_under(rb_mKernel, "Foo"); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'mFoo' assert_equal "this is the Foo module under Kernel", klass.comment end def test_do_constants content = <<-EOF #include void Init_foo(){ VALUE cFoo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); /* 300: The highest possible score in bowling */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "PERFECT", INT2FIX(300)); /* Huzzah!: What you cheer when you roll a perfect game */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "CHEER", rb_str_new2("Huzzah!")); /* TEST\:TEST: Checking to see if escaped colon works */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "TEST", rb_str_new2("TEST:TEST")); /* \\: The file separator on MS Windows */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MSEPARATOR", rb_str_new2("\\")); /* /: The file separator on Unix */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "SEPARATOR", rb_str_new2("/")); /* C:\\Program Files\\Stuff: A directory on MS Windows */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "STUFF", rb_str_new2("C:\\Program Files\\Stuff")); /* Default definition */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "NOSEMI", INT2FIX(99)); rb_define_const(cFoo, "NOCOMMENT", rb_str_new2("No comment")); /* * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE", INT2FIX(1)); /* * 1: Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE_VALUE", INT2FIX(1)); /* Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. * Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. */ rb_define_const(cFoo, "MULTILINE_NOT_EMPTY", INT2FIX(1)); } EOF @parser = util_parser content @parser.do_classes @parser.do_constants klass = @parser.classes['cFoo'] assert klass constants = klass.constants assert !klass.constants.empty? constants = { |c| [, c.value, c.comment] } assert_equal ['PERFECT', '300', 'The highest possible score in bowling '], constants.shift assert_equal ['CHEER', 'Huzzah!', 'What you cheer when you roll a perfect game '], constants.shift assert_equal ['TEST', 'TEST:TEST', 'Checking to see if escaped colon works '], constants.shift assert_equal ['MSEPARATOR', '\\', 'The file separator on MS Windows '], constants.shift assert_equal ['SEPARATOR', '/', 'The file separator on Unix '], constants.shift assert_equal ['STUFF', 'C:\\Program Files\\Stuff', 'A directory on MS Windows '], constants.shift assert_equal ['NOSEMI', 'INT2FIX(99)', 'Default definition '], constants.shift assert_equal ['NOCOMMENT', 'rb_str_new2("No comment")', ''], constants.shift comment = <<-EOF.chomp Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. Multiline comment goes here because this comment spans multiple lines. EOF assert_equal ['MULTILINE', 'INT2FIX(1)', comment], constants.shift assert_equal ['MULTILINE_VALUE', '1', comment], constants.shift assert_equal ['MULTILINE_NOT_EMPTY', 'INT2FIX(1)', comment], constants.shift assert constants.empty?, constants.inspect end def test_find_alias_comment parser = util_parser '' comment = parser.find_alias_comment 'C', '[]', 'index' assert_equal '', comment parser = util_parser <<-C /* * comment */ rb_define_alias(C, "[]", "index"); C comment = parser.find_alias_comment 'C', '[]', 'index' assert_equal "/*\n * comment\n */\n\n", comment end def test_find_class_comment_include @options.rdoc_include << File.dirname(__FILE__) content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo * * :include: test.txt */ void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal "a comment for class Foo\n\ntest file", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_init content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo */ void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal "a comment for class Foo", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_define_class content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo */ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal "a comment for class Foo", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_define_class_Init_Foo content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo on Init */ void Init_Foo(void) { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal "a comment for class Foo on Init", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_define_class_Init_Foo_no_void content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for class Foo on Init */ void Init_Foo() { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal "a comment for class Foo on Init", klass.comment end def test_find_class_comment_define_class_bogus_comment content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for other_function */ void other_function() { } void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal '', klass.comment end def test_find_body content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for other_function */ VALUE other_function() { } void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(foo, "my_method", other_function, 0); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' other_function = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'my_method', assert_equal "a comment for other_function", other_function.comment assert_equal '()', other_function.params code = other_function.token_stream.first.text assert_equal "VALUE\nother_function() ", code end def test_find_body_define content = <<-EOF /* * a comment for other_function */ #define other_function rb_other_function /* */ VALUE rb_other_function() { } void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(foo, "my_method", other_function, 0); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' other_function = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'my_method', assert_equal "a comment for other_function", other_function.comment assert_equal '()', other_function.params code = other_function.token_stream.first.text assert_equal "#define other_function rb_other_function", code end def test_find_body_document_method content = <<-EOF /* * Document-method: bar * Document-method: baz * * a comment for bar */ VALUE bar() { } void Init_Foo(void) { VALUE foo = rb_define_class("Foo", rb_cObject); rb_define_method(foo, "bar", bar, 0); rb_define_method(foo, "baz", bar, 0); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'foo' assert_equal 2, klass.method_list.length methods = klass.method_list.sort bar = methods.first assert_equal 'Foo#bar', bar.full_name assert_equal "a comment for bar", bar.comment baz = methods.last assert_equal 'Foo#baz', baz.full_name assert_equal "a comment for bar", bar.comment end def test_find_modifiers_call_seq comment = <<-COMMENT /* call-seq: * commercial() -> Date
* commercial(cwyear, cweek=41, cwday=5, sg=nil) -> Date [ruby 1.8]
* commercial(cwyear, cweek=1, cwday=1, sg=nil) -> Date [ruby 1.9] * * If no arguments are given: * * ruby 1.8: returns a +Date+ for 1582-10-15 (the Day of Calendar Reform in * Italy) * * ruby 1.9: returns a +Date+ for julian day 0 * * Otherwise, returns a +Date+ for the commercial week year, commercial week, * and commercial week day given. Ignores the 4th argument. */ COMMENT parser = util_parser '' method_obj = nil, 'blah' parser.find_modifiers comment, method_obj expected = <<-CALL_SEQ.chomp commercial() -> Date
commercial(cwyear, cweek=41, cwday=5, sg=nil) -> Date [ruby 1.8]
commercial(cwyear, cweek=1, cwday=1, sg=nil) -> Date [ruby 1.9] CALL_SEQ assert_equal expected, method_obj.call_seq end def test_find_modifiers_nodoc comment = <<-COMMENT /* :nodoc: * * Blah */ COMMENT parser = util_parser '' method_obj = nil, 'blah' parser.find_modifiers comment, method_obj assert_equal nil, method_obj.document_self end def test_find_modifiers_yields comment = <<-COMMENT /* :yields: a, b * * Blah */ COMMENT parser = util_parser '' method_obj = nil, 'blah' parser.find_modifiers comment, method_obj assert_equal 'a, b', method_obj.block_params expected = <<-EXPECTED /* * * Blah */ EXPECTED assert_equal expected, comment end def test_handle_method parser = util_parser "Document-method: BasicObject#==\n blah */" parser.handle_method 'method', 'rb_cBasicObject', '==', 'rb_obj_equal', 1 bo = @top_level.find_module_named 'BasicObject' assert_equal 1, bo.method_list.length equals2 = bo.method_list.first assert_equal '==', end def test_handle_method_initialize parser = util_parser "Document-method: BasicObject::new\n blah */" parser.handle_method('private_method', 'rb_cBasicObject', 'initialize', 'rb_obj_dummy', -1) bo = @top_level.find_module_named 'BasicObject' assert_equal 1, bo.method_list.length new = bo.method_list.first assert_equal 'new', assert_equal :public, new.visibility end def test_look_for_directives_in parser = util_parser '' comment = "# :markup: not_rdoc\n" parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :markup: not_rdoc\n", comment assert_equal 'not_rdoc', @top_level.metadata['markup'] end def test_define_method content = <<-EOF /*Method Comment! */ static VALUE rb_io_s_read(argc, argv, io) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE io; { } void Init_IO(void) { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE rb_cIO = rb_define_class("IO", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cIO, "read", rb_io_s_read, -1); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'rb_cIO' read_method = klass.method_list.first assert_equal "read", assert_equal "Method Comment! ", read_method.comment assert read_method.singleton end def test_define_method_private content = <<-EOF /*Method Comment! */ static VALUE rb_io_s_read(argc, argv, io) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE io; { } void Init_IO(void) { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE rb_cIO = rb_define_class("IO", rb_cObject); rb_define_private_method(rb_cIO, "read", rb_io_s_read, -1); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'rb_cIO' read_method = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'IO#read', read_method.full_name assert_equal :private, read_method.visibility assert_equal "Method Comment! ", read_method.comment end def test_define_method_private_singleton content = <<-EOF /*Method Comment! */ static VALUE rb_io_s_read(argc, argv, io) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE io; { } void Init_IO(void) { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE rb_cIO = rb_define_class("IO", rb_cObject); VALUE rb_cIO_s = rb_singleton_class(rb_cIO); rb_define_private_method(rb_cIO_s, "read", rb_io_s_read, -1); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'rb_cIO' read_method = klass.method_list.first assert_equal "read", assert_equal "Method Comment! ", read_method.comment assert_equal :private, read_method.visibility assert read_method.singleton end def test_define_method_singleton content = <<-EOF /*Method Comment! */ static VALUE rb_io_s_read(argc, argv, io) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE io; { } void Init_IO(void) { /* * a comment for class Foo on rb_define_class */ VALUE rb_cIO = rb_define_class("IO", rb_cObject); VALUE rb_cIO_s = rb_singleton_class(rb_cIO); rb_define_method(rb_cIO_s, "read", rb_io_s_read, -1); } EOF klass = util_get_class content, 'rb_cIO' read_method = klass.method_list.first assert_equal "read", assert_equal "Method Comment! ", read_method.comment assert read_method.singleton end def util_get_class(content, name) @parser = util_parser content @parser.scan @parser.classes[name] end def util_parser(content) @top_level, @fn, content, @options, @stats end end