# coding: utf-8 require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' require 'rubygems' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'rdoc/options' require 'rdoc/parser/ruby' require 'rdoc/stats' class TestRDocParserRuby < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def setup @tempfile = Tempfile.new self.class.name @filename = @tempfile.path # Some tests need two paths. @tempfile2 = Tempfile.new self.class.name @filename2 = @tempfile2.path util_top_level @options = RDoc::Options.new @options.quiet = true @stats = RDoc::Stats.new 0 end def teardown @tempfile.close @tempfile2.close end def test_look_for_directives_in_attr util_parser "" comment = "# :attr: my_attr\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :attr: my_attr\n", comment comment = "# :attr_reader: my_method\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :attr_reader: my_method\n", comment comment = "# :attr_writer: my_method\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :attr_writer: my_method\n", comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_commented util_parser "" comment = "# how to make a section:\n# # :section: new section\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment section = @top_level.current_section assert_equal nil, section.title assert_equal nil, section.comment assert_equal "# how to make a section:\n# # :section: new section\n", comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_enddoc util_parser "" assert_throws :enddoc do @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :enddoc:\n" end end def test_look_for_directives_in_main util_parser "" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :main: new main page\n" assert_equal 'new main page', @options.main_page end def test_look_for_directives_in_method util_parser "" comment = "# :method: my_method\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :method: my_method\n", comment comment = "# :singleton-method: my_method\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :singleton-method: my_method\n", comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_startdoc util_parser "" @top_level.stop_doc assert !@top_level.document_self assert !@top_level.document_children assert !@top_level.force_documentation @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :startdoc:\n" assert @top_level.document_self assert @top_level.document_children assert @top_level.force_documentation end def test_look_for_directives_in_stopdoc util_parser "" assert @top_level.document_self assert @top_level.document_children @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :stopdoc:\n" assert !@top_level.document_self assert !@top_level.document_children end def test_look_for_directives_in_section util_parser "" comment = "# :section: new section\n# woo stuff\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment section = @top_level.current_section assert_equal 'new section', section.title assert_equal "# woo stuff\n", section.comment assert_equal '', comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_title util_parser "" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :title: new title\n" assert_equal 'new title', @options.title end def test_look_for_directives_in_unhandled util_parser "" comment = "# :unhandled: \n# :markup: not rdoc\n# :title: hi\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :unhandled: \n# :markup: not rdoc\n", comment assert_equal nil, @top_level.metadata['unhandled'] assert_equal 'not rdoc', @top_level.metadata['markup'] assert_equal 'hi', @options.title end def test_parse_alias klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level util_parser "alias :next= :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk alas = @parser.parse_alias klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, 'comment' assert_equal 'bar', alas.old_name assert_equal 'next=', alas.new_name assert_equal klass, alas.parent assert_equal 'comment', alas.comment end def test_parse_alias_meta klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level util_parser "alias m.chop m" tk = @parser.get_tk alas = @parser.parse_alias klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, 'comment' assert_nil alas end def test_parse_attr klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my attr\n" util_parser "attr :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_attr klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert_equal 1, klass.attributes.length foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'my attr', foo.comment end def test_parse_attr_accessor klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my attr\n" util_parser "attr_accessor :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_attr_accessor klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert_equal 2, klass.attributes.length foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'RW', foo.rw assert_equal 'my attr', foo.comment bar = klass.attributes.last assert_equal 'bar', bar.name assert_equal 'RW', bar.rw assert_equal 'my attr', bar.comment end def test_parse_attr_accessor_writer klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my attr\n" util_parser "attr_writer :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_attr_accessor klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert_equal 2, klass.attributes.length foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'W', foo.rw assert_equal "my attr", foo.comment bar = klass.attributes.last assert_equal 'bar', bar.name assert_equal 'W', bar.rw assert_equal "my attr", bar.comment end def test_parse_meta_attr klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :attr: \n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_attr klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert_equal 2, klass.attributes.length foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'RW', foo.rw assert_equal "my method", foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_attr_accessor klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :attr_accessor: \n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_attr klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert_equal 2, klass.attributes.length foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'RW', foo.rw assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_attr_named klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :attr: foo\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_attr klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert_equal 1, klass.attributes.length foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'RW', foo.rw assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_attr_reader klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :attr_reader: \n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_attr klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'R', foo.rw assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_attr_writer klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :attr_writer: \n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_attr klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'W', foo.rw assert_equal "my method", foo.comment end def test_parse_class comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser 'class Foo; end' tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_class @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_class_ghost_method util_parser <<-CLASS class Foo ## # :method: blah # my method end CLASS tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_class @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name blah = foo.method_list.first assert_equal 'Foo#blah', blah.full_name end def test_parse_class_nested_superclass foo = RDoc::NormalModule.new 'Foo' foo.parent = @top_level util_parser "class Bar < Super\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_class foo, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' bar = foo.classes.first assert_equal 'Super', bar.superclass end def test_parse_module comment = "##\n# my module\n" util_parser 'module Foo; end' tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_module @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = @top_level.modules.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name assert_equal 'my module', foo.comment end def test_parse_class_colon3 code = <<-CODE class A class ::B end end CODE util_parser code @parser.parse_class @top_level, false, @parser.get_tk, '' assert_equal %w[A B], RDoc::TopLevel.classes.map { |c| c.full_name } end def test_parse_class_single code = <<-CODE class A class << B end end CODE util_parser code @parser.parse_class @top_level, false, @parser.get_tk, '' assert_equal %w[A], RDoc::TopLevel.classes.map { |c| c.full_name } assert_equal %w[A::B], RDoc::TopLevel.modules.map { |c| c.full_name } end def test_parse_class_mistaken_for_module # The code below is not strictly legal Ruby (Foo must have been defined # before Foo::Bar is encountered), but RDoc might encounter Foo::Bar # before Foo if they live in different files. code = <<-EOF class Foo::Bar end module Foo::Baz end class Foo end EOF util_parser code @parser.scan assert_equal %w[Foo::Baz], RDoc::TopLevel.modules_hash.keys assert_empty @top_level.modules foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name bar = foo.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo::Bar', bar.full_name baz = foo.modules.first assert_equal 'Foo::Baz', baz.full_name end def test_parse_class_definition_encountered_after_class_reference # The code below is not strictly legal Ruby (Foo must have been defined # before Foo.bar is encountered), but RDoc might encounter Foo.bar before # Foo if they live in different files. code = <<-EOF def Foo.bar end class Foo < IO end EOF util_parser code @parser.scan assert_empty RDoc::TopLevel.modules_hash # HACK why does it fail? #assert_empty @top_level.modules foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name assert_equal 'IO', foo.superclass bar = foo.method_list.first assert_equal 'bar', bar.name end def test_parse_module_relative_to_top_level_namespace comment = <<-EOF # # Weirdly named module # EOF code = comment + <<-EOF module ::Foo class Helper end end EOF util_parser code @parser.scan() foo = @top_level.modules.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name assert_equal 'Weirdly named module', foo.comment helper = foo.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo::Helper', helper.full_name end def test_parse_comment_attr klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :attr: foo\n# my attr\n" util_parser "\n" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_comment klass, tk, comment foo = klass.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'RW', foo.rw assert_equal 'my attr', foo.comment assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal "\n", foo.text assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section end def test_parse_comment_method klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :method: foo\n# my method\n" util_parser "\n" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_comment klass, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment assert_equal [], foo.aliases assert_equal nil, foo.block_params assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal '', foo.params assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal false, foo.singleton assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal "\n", foo.text assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section stream = [ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.absolute_name}, line 1"), RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN, tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''), ] assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream end def test_parse_constant_alias klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level cB = klass.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'B' util_parser "A = B" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_constant klass, tk, '' assert_equal cB, klass.find_module_named('A') end def test_parse_constant_alias_same_name foo = @top_level.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Foo' top_bar = @top_level.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Bar' bar = foo.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Bar' assert RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_or_module('::Bar') util_parser "A = ::Bar" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_constant foo, tk, '' assert_equal top_bar, bar.find_module_named('A') end def test_parse_meta_method klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment assert_equal [], foo.aliases assert_equal nil, foo.block_params assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for assert_equal '', foo.params assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal false, foo.singleton assert_equal 'add_my_method :foo', foo.text assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section stream = [ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.absolute_name}, line 1"), RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN, tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''), tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 0, 'add_my_method', 'add_my_method'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 13, nil, ' '), tk(:SYMBOL, 1, 14, nil, ':foo'), tk(:COMMA, 1, 18, nil, ','), tk(:SPACE, 1, 19, nil, ' '), tk(:SYMBOL, 1, 20, nil, ':bar'), tk(:NL, 1, 24, nil, "\n"), ] assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream end def test_parse_meta_method_name klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :method: woo_hoo!\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'woo_hoo!', foo.name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_singleton klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :singleton-method:\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal true, foo.singleton, 'singleton method' assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_singleton_name klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :singleton-method: woo_hoo!\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'woo_hoo!', foo.name assert_equal true, foo.singleton, 'singleton method' assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_string_name klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method 'foo'" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_unknown klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method ('foo')" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'unknown', foo.name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment end def test_parse_method klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def foo() :bar end" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'my method', foo.comment assert_equal [], foo.aliases assert_equal nil, foo.block_params assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal '()', foo.params assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal false, foo.singleton assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal 'def foo', foo.text assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section stream = [ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.absolute_name}, line 1"), RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN, tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''), tk(:DEF, 1, 0, 'def', 'def'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 3, nil, ' '), tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 4, 'foo', 'foo'), tk(:LPAREN, 1, 7, nil, '('), tk(:RPAREN, 1, 8, nil, ')'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 9, nil, ' '), tk(:COLON, 1, 10, nil, ':'), tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 11, 'bar', 'bar'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 14, nil, ' '), tk(:END, 1, 15, 'end', 'end'), ] assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream end def test_parse_method_alias klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level util_parser "def m() alias a b; end" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' assert klass.aliases.empty? end def test_parse_method_utf8 klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" method = "def ω() end" assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, method.encoding if defined? ::Encoding util_parser method tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment omega = klass.method_list.first assert_equal "def \317\211", omega.text end def test_parse_method_funky klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def (blah).foo() :bar end" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment assert klass.method_list.empty? end def test_parse_method_internal_ivar klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level util_parser "def foo() def @blah.bar() end end" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' assert_equal 1, klass.method_list.length end def test_parse_method_internal_lvar klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level util_parser "def foo() def blah.bar() end end" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' assert_equal 1, klass.method_list.length end def test_parse_method_no_parens klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def foo arg1, arg2\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal '(arg1, arg2)', foo.params end def test_parse_method_parameters_comment klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def foo arg1, arg2 # some useful comment\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal '(arg1, arg2)', foo.params end def test_parse_method_parameters_comment_continue klass = RDoc::NormalClass.new 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def foo arg1, arg2, # some useful comment\narg3\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal '(arg1, arg2, arg3)', foo.params end def test_parse_method_toplevel klass = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def foo arg1, arg2\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment object = RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_named 'Object' foo = object.method_list.first assert_equal 'Object#foo', foo.full_name end def test_parse_method_toplevel_class klass = @top_level util_parser "def Object.foo arg1, arg2\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' object = RDoc::TopLevel.find_class_named 'Object' foo = object.method_list.first assert_equal 'Object::foo', foo.full_name end def test_parse_statements_class_if comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser <<-CODE module Foo X = if TRUE then '' end def blah end end CODE @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.modules.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name, 'module Foo' methods = foo.method_list assert_equal 1, methods.length assert_equal 'Foo#blah', methods.first.full_name end def test_parse_statements_class_nested comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "module Foo\n#{comment}class Bar\nend\nend" @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.modules.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name, 'module Foo' bar = foo.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo::Bar', bar.full_name, 'class Foo::Bar' assert_equal 'my method', bar.comment end def test_parse_statements_identifier_meta_method content = <<-EOF class Foo ## # this is my method add_my_method :foo end EOF util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name end def test_parse_statements_identifier_alias_method content = "class Foo def foo() end; alias_method :foo2, :foo end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list[0] assert_equal 'foo', foo.name foo2 = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.last assert_equal 'foo2', foo2.name assert_equal 'foo', foo2.is_alias_for.name assert @top_level.classes.first.aliases.empty? end def test_parse_statements_identifier_alias_method_before_original_method # This is not strictly legal Ruby code, but it simulates finding an alias # for a method before finding the original method, which might happen # to rdoc if the alias is in a different file than the original method # and rdoc processes the alias' file first. content = <<-EOF class Foo alias_method :foo2, :foo alias_method :foo3, :foo def foo() end alias_method :foo4, :foo alias_method :foo5, :unknown end EOF util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list[0] assert_equal 'foo', foo.name foo2 = @top_level.classes.first.method_list[1] assert_equal 'foo2', foo2.name assert_equal 'foo', foo2.is_alias_for.name foo3 = @top_level.classes.first.method_list[2] assert_equal 'foo3', foo3.name assert_equal 'foo', foo3.is_alias_for.name foo4 = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.last assert_equal 'foo4', foo4.name assert_equal 'foo', foo4.is_alias_for.name assert_equal 'unknown', @top_level.classes.first.aliases[0].old_name end def test_parse_statements_identifier_constant content = <<-EOF class Foo FIRST_CONSTANT = 5 SECOND_CONSTANT = [ 1, 2, 3 ] THIRD_CONSTANT = { :foo => 'bar', :x => 'y' } FOURTH_CONSTANT = SECOND_CONSTANT.map do |element| element + 1 element + 2 end FIFTH_CONSTANT = SECOND_CONSTANT.map { |element| element + 1 } end EOF util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' constants = @top_level.classes.first.constants constant = constants[0] assert_equal 'FIRST_CONSTANT', constant.name assert_equal '5', constant.value constant = constants[1] assert_equal 'SECOND_CONSTANT', constant.name assert_equal '[ 1, 2, 3 ]', constant.value constant = constants[2] assert_equal 'THIRD_CONSTANT', constant.name assert_equal "{ :foo => 'bar', :x => 'y' }", constant.value constant = constants[3] assert_equal 'FOURTH_CONSTANT', constant.name assert_equal 'SECOND_CONSTANT.map do |element| element + 1 element + 2 end', constant.value constant = constants.last assert_equal 'FIFTH_CONSTANT', constant.name assert_equal 'SECOND_CONSTANT.map { |element| element + 1 }', constant.value end def test_parse_statements_identifier_attr content = "class Foo; attr :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'R', foo.rw end def test_parse_statements_identifier_attr_accessor content = "class Foo; attr_accessor :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal 'RW', foo.rw end def test_parse_statements_identifier_include content = "class Foo; include Bar; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.name assert_equal 1, foo.includes.length end def test_parse_statements_identifier_module_function content = "module Foo def foo() end; module_function :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo, s_foo = @top_level.modules.first.method_list assert_equal 'foo', foo.name, 'instance method name' assert_equal :private, foo.visibility, 'instance method visibility' assert_equal false, foo.singleton, 'instance method singleton' assert_equal 'foo', s_foo.name, 'module function name' assert_equal :public, s_foo.visibility, 'module function visibility' assert_equal true, s_foo.singleton, 'module function singleton' end def test_parse_statements_identifier_private content = "class Foo private; def foo() end end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', foo.name assert_equal :private, foo.visibility end def test_parse_statements_identifier_require content = "require 'bar'" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' assert_equal 1, @top_level.requires.length end def test_parse_statements_while_begin util_parser <<-RUBY class A def a while begin a; b end end end def b end end RUBY @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' c_a = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'A', c_a.full_name assert_equal 1, @top_level.classes.length m_a = c_a.method_list.first m_b = c_a.method_list.last assert_equal 'A#a', m_a.full_name assert_equal 'A#b', m_b.full_name end def test_parse_top_level_statements_alias_method content = <<-CONTENT class A alias_method :a, :[] unless c end B = A class C end CONTENT util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level end def test_sanity_integer util_parser '1' assert_equal '1', @parser.get_tk.text util_parser '1.0' assert_equal '1.0', @parser.get_tk.text end def test_sanity_interpolation last_tk = nil util_parser 'class A; B = "#{c}"; end' while tk = @parser.get_tk do last_tk = tk end assert_equal "\n", last_tk.text end # If you're writing code like this you're doing it wrong def test_sanity_interpolation_crazy last_tk = nil util_parser '"#{"#{"a")}" if b}"' assert_equal '"#{"#{"a")}" if b}"', @parser.get_tk.text assert_equal RDoc::RubyToken::TkNL, @parser.get_tk.class end def test_sanity_interpolation_curly last_tk = nil util_parser '%{ #{} }' assert_equal '%{ #{} }', @parser.get_tk.text assert_equal RDoc::RubyToken::TkNL, @parser.get_tk.class end def test_sanity_interpolation_format util_parser '"#{stftime("%m-%d")}"' while tk = @parser.get_tk do end end def test_sanity_symbol_interpolation util_parser ':"#{bar}="' while tk = @parser.get_tk do end end def tk(klass, line, char, name, text) klass = RDoc::RubyToken.const_get "Tk#{klass.to_s.upcase}" token = if klass.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 3 then raise ArgumentError, "name not used for #{klass}" unless name.nil? klass.new nil, line, char else klass.new nil, line, char, name end token.set_text text token end def util_parser(content) @parser = RDoc::Parser::Ruby.new @top_level, @filename, content, @options, @stats end def util_two_parsers(first_file_content, second_file_content) util_parser first_file_content @parser2 = RDoc::Parser::Ruby.new @top_level2, @filename, second_file_content, @options, @stats end def util_top_level RDoc::TopLevel.reset @top_level = RDoc::TopLevel.new @filename @top_level2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new @filename2 end end