# coding: binary require_relative "rexml_test_utils" require 'rexml/source' require 'rexml/document' module REXML class EncodingTester < Test::Unit::TestCase include REXMLTestUtils include REXML def setup @encoded_root = "\346" @encoded = ""+ @encoded_root @not_encoded = "ĉ" end # Given an encoded document, try to write out to that encoding def test_encoded_in_encoded_out doc = Document.new( @encoded ) doc.write( out="" ) out.force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) assert_equal( @encoded, out ) end # Given an encoded document, try to change the encoding and write it out def test_encoded_in_change_out doc = Document.new( @encoded ) doc.xml_decl.encoding = "UTF-8" assert_equal("UTF-8", doc.encoding) REXML::Formatters::Default.new.write( doc.root, out="" ) out.force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) assert_equal( @not_encoded, out ) char = XPath.first( doc, "/a/b/text()" ).to_s char.force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) assert_equal( "ĉ", char ) end # * Given an encoded document, try to write it to a different encoding def test_encoded_in_different_out doc = Document.new( @encoded ) REXML::Formatters::Default.new.write( doc.root, Output.new( out="", "UTF-8" ) ) out.force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) assert_equal( @not_encoded, out ) end # * Given a non-encoded document, change the encoding def test_in_change_out doc = Document.new( @not_encoded ) doc.xml_decl.encoding = "ISO-8859-3" assert_equal("ISO-8859-3", doc.encoding) doc.write( out="" ) out.force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) assert_equal( @encoded, out ) end # * Given a non-encoded document, write to a different encoding def test_in_different_out doc = Document.new( @not_encoded ) doc.write( Output.new( out="", "ISO-8859-3" ) ) out.force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) assert_equal( "#{@encoded_root}", out ) end # * Given an encoded document, accessing text and attribute nodes # should provide UTF-8 text. def test_in_different_access doc = Document.new <<-EOL \xFF EOL expect = "\303\277" expect.force_encoding(::Encoding::UTF_8) assert_equal( expect, doc.elements['a'].attributes['a'] ) assert_equal( expect, doc.elements['a'].text ) end def test_ticket_89 doc = Document.new <<-EOL EOL REXML::Document.new doc end def test_ticket_110 utf16 = REXML::Document.new(File.new(fixture_path("ticket_110_utf16.xml"))) assert_equal(utf16.encoding, "UTF-16") assert( utf16[0].kind_of?(REXML::XMLDecl)) end end end