# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' require 'pp' class RubyVM module AbstractSyntaxTree class Node class CodePosition include Comparable attr_reader :lineno, :column def initialize(lineno, column) @lineno = lineno @column = column end def <=>(other) case when lineno < other.lineno -1 when lineno == other.lineno column <=> other.column when lineno > other.lineno 1 end end end def beg_pos CodePosition.new(first_lineno, first_column) end def end_pos CodePosition.new(last_lineno, last_column) end alias to_s inspect end end end class TestAst < Test::Unit::TestCase class Helper attr_reader :errors def initialize(path, src: nil) @path = path @errors = [] @debug = false @ast = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(src) if src end def validate_range @errors = [] validate_range0(ast) @errors.empty? end def validate_not_cared @errors = [] validate_not_cared0(ast) @errors.empty? end def ast return @ast if defined?(@ast) @ast = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse_file(@path) end private def validate_range0(node) beg_pos, end_pos = node.beg_pos, node.end_pos children = node.children.grep(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node) return true if children.empty? # These NODE_D* has NODE_LIST as nd_next->nd_next whose last locations # we can not update when item is appended. return true if [:DSTR, :DXSTR, :DREGX, :DSYM].include? node.type min = children.map(&:beg_pos).min max = children.map(&:end_pos).max unless beg_pos <= min @errors << { type: :min_validation_error, min: min, beg_pos: beg_pos, node: node } end unless max <= end_pos @errors << { type: :max_validation_error, max: max, end_pos: end_pos, node: node } end p "#{node} => #{children}" if @debug children.each do |child| p child if @debug validate_range0(child) end end def validate_not_cared0(node) beg_pos, end_pos = node.beg_pos, node.end_pos children = node.children.grep(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node) @errors << { type: :first_lineno, node: node } if beg_pos.lineno == 0 @errors << { type: :first_column, node: node } if beg_pos.column == -1 @errors << { type: :last_lineno, node: node } if end_pos.lineno == 0 @errors << { type: :last_column, node: node } if end_pos.column == -1 children.each {|c| validate_not_cared0(c) } end end SRCDIR = File.expand_path("../../..", __FILE__) Dir.glob("test/**/*.rb", base: SRCDIR).each do |path| define_method("test_ranges:#{path}") do helper = Helper.new("#{SRCDIR}/#{path}") helper.validate_range assert_equal([], helper.errors) end end Dir.glob("test/**/*.rb", base: SRCDIR).each do |path| define_method("test_not_cared:#{path}") do helper = Helper.new("#{SRCDIR}/#{path}") helper.validate_not_cared assert_equal([], helper.errors) end end Dir.glob("test/**/*.rb", base: SRCDIR).each do |path| define_method("test_all_tokens:#{path}") do node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse_file("#{SRCDIR}/#{path}", keep_tokens: true) tokens = node.all_tokens.sort_by { [_1.last[0], _1.last[1]] } tokens_bytes = tokens.map { _1[2]}.join.bytes source_bytes = File.read("#{SRCDIR}/#{path}").bytes assert_equal(source_bytes, tokens_bytes) (tokens.count - 1).times do |i| token_0 = tokens[i] token_1 = tokens[i + 1] end_pos = token_0.last[2..3] beg_pos = token_1.last[0..1] if end_pos[0] == beg_pos[0] # When both tokens are same line, column should be consecutives assert_equal(beg_pos[1], end_pos[1], "#{token_0}. #{token_1}") else # Line should be next assert_equal(beg_pos[0], end_pos[0] + 1, "#{token_0}. #{token_1}") # It should be on the beginning of the line assert_equal(0, beg_pos[1], "#{token_0}. #{token_1}") end end end end private def parse(src) EnvUtil.suppress_warning { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(src) } end def test_allocate assert_raise(TypeError) {RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node.allocate} end def test_parse_argument_error assert_raise(TypeError) {RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(0)} assert_raise(TypeError) {RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(nil)} assert_raise(TypeError) {RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(false)} assert_raise(TypeError) {RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(true)} assert_raise(TypeError) {RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(:foo)} end def test_column_with_long_heredoc_identifier term = "A"*257 ast = parse("<<-#{term}\n""ddddddd\n#{term}\n") node = ast.children[2] assert_equal(:STR, node.type) assert_equal(0, node.first_column) end def test_column_of_heredoc node = parse("<<-SRC\nddddddd\nSRC\n").children[2] assert_equal(:STR, node.type) assert_equal(0, node.first_column) assert_equal(6, node.last_column) node = parse("<{#{code}}") assert_parse("->{class X; #{code}; end}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "#{code}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "def m; #{code}; end") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "begin; #{code}; end") assert_parse("END {#{code}}") assert_parse("!defined?(#{code})") assert_parse("def m; defined?(#{code}); end") assert_parse("!begin; defined?(#{code}); end") next if code.include?(" ") assert_parse("!defined? #{code}") assert_parse("def m; defined? #{code}; end") assert_parse("!begin; defined? #{code}; end") end end def test_invalid_retry msg = /Invalid retry/ assert_invalid_parse(msg, "retry") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "def m; retry; end") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "begin retry; end") assert_parse("begin rescue; retry; end") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "begin rescue; else; retry; end") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "begin rescue; ensure; retry; end") assert_parse("nil rescue retry") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "END {retry}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "begin rescue; END {retry}; end") assert_parse("!defined?(retry)") assert_parse("def m; defined?(retry); end") assert_parse("!begin defined?(retry); end") assert_parse("begin rescue; else; defined?(retry); end") assert_parse("begin rescue; ensure; defined?(retry); end") assert_parse("END {defined?(retry)}") assert_parse("begin rescue; END {defined?(retry)}; end") assert_parse("!defined? retry") assert_parse("def m; defined? retry; end") assert_parse("!begin defined? retry; end") assert_parse("begin rescue; else; defined? retry; end") assert_parse("begin rescue; ensure; defined? retry; end") assert_parse("END {defined? retry}") assert_parse("begin rescue; END {defined? retry}; end") assert_parse("#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; def foo begin yield rescue StandardError => e begin puts "hi" retry rescue retry unless e raise e else retry ensure retry end end end end; end def test_invalid_yield msg = /Invalid yield/ assert_invalid_parse(msg, "yield") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "class C; yield; end") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "BEGIN {yield}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "END {yield}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "-> {yield}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "yield true") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "class C; yield true; end") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "BEGIN {yield true}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "END {yield true}") assert_invalid_parse(msg, "-> {yield true}") assert_parse("!defined?(yield)") assert_parse("class C; defined?(yield); end") assert_parse("BEGIN {defined?(yield)}") assert_parse("END {defined?(yield)}") assert_parse("!defined?(yield true)") assert_parse("class C; defined?(yield true); end") assert_parse("BEGIN {defined?(yield true)}") assert_parse("END {defined?(yield true)}") assert_parse("!defined? yield") assert_parse("class C; defined? yield; end") assert_parse("BEGIN {defined? yield}") assert_parse("END {defined? yield}") end def test_node_id_for_location exception = begin raise rescue => e e end loc = exception.backtrace_locations.first node_id = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.node_id_for_backtrace_location(loc) node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(loc, keep_script_lines: true) assert_equal node.node_id, node_id end def test_node_id_for_backtrace_location_raises_argument_error bug19262 = '[ruby-core:111435]' assert_raise(TypeError, bug19262) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.node_id_for_backtrace_location(1) } end def test_of_proc_and_method proc = Proc.new { 1 + 2 } method = self.method(__method__) node_proc = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(proc) node_method = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, node_proc) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, node_method) Tempfile.create(%w"test_of .rb") do |tmp| tmp.print "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}" begin; SCRIPT_LINES__ = {} assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(proc {|x| x})) end; tmp.close assert_separately(["-", tmp.path], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; load ARGV[0] assert_empty(SCRIPT_LINES__) end; end end def sample_backtrace_location [caller_locations(0).first, __LINE__] end def test_of_backtrace_location backtrace_location, lineno = sample_backtrace_location node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(backtrace_location) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, node) assert_equal(lineno, node.first_lineno) end def test_of_error assert_raise(TypeError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of("1 + 2") } end def test_of_proc_and_method_under_eval keep_script_lines_back = RubyVM.keep_script_lines RubyVM.keep_script_lines = false method = self.method(eval("def example_method_#{$$}; end")) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } method = self.method(eval("def self.example_singleton_method_#{$$}; end")) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } method = eval("proc{}") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } method = self.method(eval("singleton_class.define_method(:example_define_method_#{$$}){}")) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } method = self.method(eval("define_singleton_method(:example_dsm_#{$$}){}")) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } method = eval("Class.new{def example_method; end}.instance_method(:example_method)") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } method = eval("Class.new{def example_method; end}.instance_method(:example_method)") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method) } ensure RubyVM.keep_script_lines = keep_script_lines_back end def test_of_proc_and_method_under_eval_with_keep_script_lines pend if ENV['RUBY_ISEQ_DUMP_DEBUG'] # TODO keep_script_lines_back = RubyVM.keep_script_lines RubyVM.keep_script_lines = true method = self.method(eval("def example_method_#{$$}_with_keep_script_lines; end")) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) method = self.method(eval("def self.example_singleton_method_#{$$}_with_keep_script_lines; end")) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) method = eval("proc{}") assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) method = self.method(eval("singleton_class.define_method(:example_define_method_#{$$}_with_keep_script_lines){}")) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) method = self.method(eval("define_singleton_method(:example_dsm_#{$$}_with_keep_script_lines){}")) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) method = eval("Class.new{def example_method_with_keep_script_lines; end}.instance_method(:example_method_with_keep_script_lines)") assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) method = eval("Class.new{def example_method_with_keep_script_lines; end}.instance_method(:example_method_with_keep_script_lines)") assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method)) ensure RubyVM.keep_script_lines = keep_script_lines_back end def test_of_backtrace_location_under_eval keep_script_lines_back = RubyVM.keep_script_lines RubyVM.keep_script_lines = false m = Module.new do eval(<<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) def self.sample_backtrace_location caller_locations(0).first end END end backtrace_location = m.sample_backtrace_location assert_raise(ArgumentError) { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(backtrace_location) } ensure RubyVM.keep_script_lines = keep_script_lines_back end def test_of_backtrace_location_under_eval_with_keep_script_lines pend if ENV['RUBY_ISEQ_DUMP_DEBUG'] # TODO keep_script_lines_back = RubyVM.keep_script_lines RubyVM.keep_script_lines = true m = Module.new do eval(<<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__) def self.sample_backtrace_location caller_locations(0).first end END end backtrace_location = m.sample_backtrace_location node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(backtrace_location) assert_instance_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, node) assert_equal(2, node.first_lineno) ensure RubyVM.keep_script_lines = keep_script_lines_back end def test_of_c_method c = Class.new { attr_reader :foo } assert_nil(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(c.instance_method(:foo))) end def test_scope_local_variables node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("_x = 0") lv, _, body = *node.children assert_equal([:_x], lv) assert_equal(:LASGN, body.type) end def test_call node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("nil.foo") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:CALL, body.type) recv, mid, args = body.children assert_equal(:NIL, recv.type) assert_equal(:foo, mid) assert_nil(args) end def test_fcall node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("foo()") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:FCALL, body.type) mid, args = body.children assert_equal(:foo, mid) assert_nil(args) end def test_vcall node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("foo") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:VCALL, body.type) mid, args = body.children assert_equal(:foo, mid) assert_nil(args) end def test_defn node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a; end") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:DEFN, body.type) mid, defn = body.children assert_equal(:a, mid) assert_equal(:SCOPE, defn.type) _, args, = defn.children assert_equal(:ARGS, args.type) end def test_defn_endless node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a = nil") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:DEFN, body.type) mid, defn = body.children assert_equal(:a, mid) assert_equal(:SCOPE, defn.type) _, args, = defn.children assert_equal(:ARGS, args.type) end def test_defs node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a.b; end") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:DEFS, body.type) recv, mid, defn = body.children assert_equal(:VCALL, recv.type) assert_equal(:b, mid) assert_equal(:SCOPE, defn.type) _, args, = defn.children assert_equal(:ARGS, args.type) end def test_defs_endless node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a.b = nil") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:DEFS, body.type) recv, mid, defn = body.children assert_equal(:VCALL, recv.type) assert_equal(:b, mid) assert_equal(:SCOPE, defn.type) _, args, = defn.children assert_equal(:ARGS, args.type) end def test_dstr node = parse('"foo#{1}bar"') _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:DSTR, body.type) head, body = body.children assert_equal("foo", head) assert_equal(:EVSTR, body.type) body, = body.children assert_equal(:LIT, body.type) assert_equal([1], body.children) end def test_while node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse('1 while qux') _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:WHILE, body.type) type1 = body.children[2] node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse('begin 1 end while qux') _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:WHILE, body.type) type2 = body.children[2] assert_not_equal(type1, type2) end def test_until node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse('1 until qux') _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:UNTIL, body.type) type1 = body.children[2] node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse('begin 1 end until qux') _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:UNTIL, body.type) type2 = body.children[2] assert_not_equal(type1, type2) end def test_rest_arg rest_arg = lambda do |arg_str| node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a(#{arg_str}) end") node = node.children.last.children.last.children[1].children[-4] end assert_equal(nil, rest_arg.call('')) assert_equal(:r, rest_arg.call('*r')) assert_equal(:r, rest_arg.call('a, *r')) assert_equal(:*, rest_arg.call('*')) assert_equal(:*, rest_arg.call('a, *')) end def test_block_arg block_arg = lambda do |arg_str| node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a(#{arg_str}) end") node = node.children.last.children.last.children[1].children[-1] end assert_equal(nil, block_arg.call('')) assert_equal(:block, block_arg.call('&block')) assert_equal(:&, block_arg.call('&')) end def test_keyword_rest kwrest = lambda do |arg_str| node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a(#{arg_str}) end") node = node.children.last.children.last.children[1].children[-2] node ? node.children : node end assert_equal(nil, kwrest.call('')) assert_equal([:**], kwrest.call('**')) assert_equal(false, kwrest.call('**nil')) assert_equal([:a], kwrest.call('**a')) end def test_argument_forwarding forwarding = lambda do |arg_str| node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("def a(#{arg_str}) end") node = node.children.last.children.last.children[1] node ? [node.children[-4], node.children[-2]&.children, node.children[-1]] : [] end assert_equal([:*, nil, :&], forwarding.call('...')) end def test_ranges_numbered_parameter helper = Helper.new(__FILE__, src: "1.times {_1}") helper.validate_range assert_equal([], helper.errors) end def test_op_asgn2 node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("struct.field += foo") _, _, body = *node.children assert_equal(:OP_ASGN2, body.type) recv, _, mid, op, value = body.children assert_equal(:VCALL, recv.type) assert_equal(:field, mid) assert_equal(:+, op) assert_equal(:VCALL, value.type) end def test_args rest = 6 node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("proc { |a| }") _, args = *node.children.last.children[1].children assert_equal(nil, args.children[rest]) node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("proc { |a,| }") _, args = *node.children.last.children[1].children assert_equal(:NODE_SPECIAL_EXCESSIVE_COMMA, args.children[rest]) node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("proc { |*a| }") _, args = *node.children.last.children[1].children assert_equal(:a, args.children[rest]) end def test_keep_script_lines_for_parse node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(<<~END, keep_script_lines: true) 1.times do 2.times do end end __END__ dummy END expected = [ "1.times do\n", " 2.times do\n", " end\n", "end\n", "__END__\n", ] assert_equal(expected, node.script_lines) expected = "1.times do\n" + " 2.times do\n" + " end\n" + "end" assert_equal(expected, node.source) expected = "do\n" + " 2.times do\n" + " end\n" + "end" assert_equal(expected, node.children.last.children.last.source) expected = "2.times do\n" + " end" assert_equal(expected, node.children.last.children.last.children.last.source) end def test_keep_script_lines_for_of proc = Proc.new { 1 + 2 } method = self.method(__method__) node_proc = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(proc, keep_script_lines: true) node_method = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method, keep_script_lines: true) assert_equal("{ 1 + 2 }", node_proc.source) assert_equal("def test_keep_script_lines_for_of\n", node_method.source.lines.first) end def test_source_with_multibyte_characters ast = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(%{a("\u00a7");b("\u00a9")}, keep_script_lines: true) a_fcall, b_fcall = ast.children[2].children assert_equal(%{a("\u00a7")}, a_fcall.source) assert_equal(%{b("\u00a9")}, b_fcall.source) end def test_keep_tokens_for_parse node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(<<~END, keep_tokens: true) 1.times do end __END__ dummy END expected = [ [:tINTEGER, "1"], [:".", "."], [:tIDENTIFIER, "times"], [:tSP, " "], [:keyword_do, "do"], [:tIGNORED_NL, "\n"], [:keyword_end, "end"], [:nl, "\n"], ] assert_equal(expected, node.all_tokens.map { [_2, _3]}) end def test_keep_tokens_unexpected_backslash assert_raise_with_message(SyntaxError, /unexpected backslash/) do RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse("\\", keep_tokens: true) end end def test_encoding_with_keep_script_lines # Stop a warning "possibly useless use of a literal in void context" verbose_bak, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil enc = Encoding::EUC_JP code = "__ENCODING__".encode(enc) assert_equal(enc, eval(code)) node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(code, keep_script_lines: false) assert_equal(enc, node.children[2].children[0]) node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(code, keep_script_lines: true) assert_equal(enc, node.children[2].children[0]) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end def test_e_option assert_in_out_err(["-e", "def foo; end; pp RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.of(method(:foo)).type"], "", [":SCOPE"], []) end def test_error_tolerant verbose_bak, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, false node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(<<~STR, error_tolerant: true) class A def m if; a = 10 end end STR assert_nil($!) assert_equal(:SCOPE, node.type) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_method_define assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) def m m2 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:4 tbl: [] args: nil body: (DEFN@1:0-2:4 mid: :m body: (SCOPE@1:0-2:4 tbl: [] args: (ARGS@1:5-1:5 pre_num: 0 pre_init: nil opt: nil first_post: nil post_num: 0 post_init: nil rest: nil kw: nil kwrest: nil block: nil) body: (VCALL@2:2-2:4 :m2)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_singleton_method_define assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) def obj.m m2 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:4 tbl: [] args: nil body: (DEFS@1:0-2:4 (VCALL@1:4-1:7 :obj) :m (SCOPE@1:0-2:4 tbl: [] args: (ARGS@1:9-1:9 pre_num: 0 pre_init: nil opt: nil first_post: nil post_num: 0 post_init: nil rest: nil kw: nil kwrest: nil block: nil) body: (VCALL@2:2-2:4 :m2)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_begin assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) begin a = 1 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:7 tbl: [:a] args: nil body: (LASGN@2:2-2:7 :a (LIT@2:6-2:7 1))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_if assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) if cond a = 1 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:7 tbl: [:a] args: nil body: (IF@1:0-2:7 (VCALL@1:3-1:7 :cond) (LASGN@2:2-2:7 :a (LIT@2:6-2:7 1)) nil)) EXP assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) if cond a = 1 else STR (SCOPE@1:0-3:4 tbl: [:a] args: nil body: (IF@1:0-3:4 (VCALL@1:3-1:7 :cond) (LASGN@2:2-2:7 :a (LIT@2:6-2:7 1)) (BEGIN@3:4-3:4 nil))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_unless assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) unless cond a = 1 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:7 tbl: [:a] args: nil body: (UNLESS@1:0-2:7 (VCALL@1:7-1:11 :cond) (LASGN@2:2-2:7 :a (LIT@2:6-2:7 1)) nil)) EXP assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) unless cond a = 1 else STR (SCOPE@1:0-3:4 tbl: [:a] args: nil body: (UNLESS@1:0-3:4 (VCALL@1:7-1:11 :cond) (LASGN@2:2-2:7 :a (LIT@2:6-2:7 1)) (BEGIN@3:4-3:4 nil))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_while assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) while true m STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (WHILE@1:0-2:3 (TRUE@1:6-1:10) (VCALL@2:2-2:3 :m) true)) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_until assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) until true m STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (UNTIL@1:0-2:3 (TRUE@1:6-1:10) (VCALL@2:2-2:3 :m) true)) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_case assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) case a when 1 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:6 tbl: [] args: nil body: (CASE@1:0-2:6 (VCALL@1:5-1:6 :a) (WHEN@2:0-2:6 (LIST@2:5-2:6 (LIT@2:5-2:6 1) nil) (BEGIN@2:6-2:6 nil) nil))) EXP assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) case when a == 1 STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:11 tbl: [] args: nil body: (CASE2@1:0-2:11 nil (WHEN@2:0-2:11 (LIST@2:5-2:11 (OPCALL@2:5-2:11 (VCALL@2:5-2:6 :a) :== (LIST@2:10-2:11 (LIT@2:10-2:11 1) nil)) nil) (BEGIN@2:11-2:11 nil) nil))) EXP assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) case a in {a: String} STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:14 tbl: [] args: nil body: (CASE3@1:0-2:14 (VCALL@1:5-1:6 :a) (IN@2:0-2:14 (HSHPTN@2:4-2:13 const: nil kw: (HASH@2:4-2:13 (LIST@2:4-2:13 (LIT@2:4-2:6 :a) (CONST@2:7-2:13 :String) nil)) kwrest: nil) (BEGIN@2:14-2:14 nil) nil))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_for assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) for i in ary m STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [:i] args: nil body: (FOR@1:0-2:3 (VCALL@1:9-1:12 :ary) (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [nil] args: (ARGS@1:4-1:5 pre_num: 1 pre_init: (LASGN@1:4-1:5 :i (DVAR@1:4-1:5 nil)) opt: nil first_post: nil post_num: 0 post_init: nil rest: nil kw: nil kwrest: nil block: nil) body: (VCALL@2:2-2:3 :m)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_class assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) class C STR (SCOPE@1:0-1:7 tbl: [] args: nil body: (CLASS@1:0-1:7 (COLON2@1:6-1:7 nil :C) nil (SCOPE@1:0-1:7 tbl: [] args: nil body: (BEGIN@1:7-1:7 nil)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_module assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) module M STR (SCOPE@1:0-1:8 tbl: [] args: nil body: (MODULE@1:0-1:8 (COLON2@1:7-1:8 nil :M) (SCOPE@1:0-1:8 tbl: [] args: nil body: (BEGIN@1:8-1:8 nil)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_do assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) m do a STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (ITER@1:0-2:3 (FCALL@1:0-1:1 :m nil) (SCOPE@1:2-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (VCALL@2:2-2:3 :a)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_do_block assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) m 1 do a STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (ITER@1:0-2:3 (FCALL@1:0-1:3 :m (LIST@1:2-1:3 (LIT@1:2-1:3 1) nil)) (SCOPE@1:4-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (VCALL@2:2-2:3 :a)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_end_is_short_for_do_LAMBDA assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) -> do a STR (SCOPE@1:0-2:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (LAMBDA@1:0-2:3 (SCOPE@1:2-2:3 tbl: [] args: (ARGS@1:2-1:2 pre_num: 0 pre_init: nil opt: nil first_post: nil post_num: 0 post_init: nil rest: nil kw: nil kwrest: nil block: nil) body: (VCALL@2:2-2:3 :a)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_treat_end_as_keyword_based_on_indent assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) module Z class Foo foo. end def bar end end STR (SCOPE@1:0-8:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (MODULE@1:0-8:3 (COLON2@1:7-1:8 nil :Z) (SCOPE@1:0-8:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (BLOCK@1:8-7:5 (BEGIN@1:8-1:8 nil) (CLASS@2:2-4:5 (COLON2@2:8-2:11 nil :Foo) nil (SCOPE@2:2-4:5 tbl: [] args: nil body: (BLOCK@2:11-4:5 (BEGIN@2:11-2:11 nil) (ERROR@3:4-4:5)))) (DEFN@6:2-7:5 mid: :bar body: (SCOPE@6:2-7:5 tbl: [] args: (ARGS@6:9-6:9 pre_num: 0 pre_init: nil opt: nil first_post: nil post_num: 0 post_init: nil rest: nil kw: nil kwrest: nil block: nil) body: nil)))))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_expr_value_can_be_error assert_error_tolerant(<<~STR, <<~EXP) def m if end STR (SCOPE@1:0-3:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (DEFN@1:0-3:3 mid: :m body: (SCOPE@1:0-3:3 tbl: [] args: (ARGS@1:5-1:5 pre_num: 0 pre_init: nil opt: nil first_post: nil post_num: 0 post_init: nil rest: nil kw: nil kwrest: nil block: nil) body: (IF@2:2-3:3 (ERROR@3:0-3:3) nil nil)))) EXP end def test_error_tolerant_unexpected_backslash node = assert_error_tolerant("\\", <<~EXP, keep_tokens: true) (SCOPE@1:0-1:1 tbl: [] args: nil body: (ERROR@1:0-1:1)) EXP assert_equal([[0, :backslash, "\\", [1, 0, 1, 1]]], node.children.last.tokens) end def test_with_bom assert_error_tolerant("\u{feff}nil", <<~EXP) (SCOPE@1:0-1:3 tbl: [] args: nil body: (NIL@1:0-1:3)) EXP end def assert_error_tolerant(src, expected, keep_tokens: false) begin verbose_bak, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, false node = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(src, error_tolerant: true, keep_tokens: keep_tokens) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end assert_nil($!) str = "" PP.pp(node, str, 80) assert_equal(expected, str) node end end