# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' class TestDir < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil @root = File.realpath(Dir.mktmpdir('__test_dir__')) @nodir = File.join(@root, "dummy") for i in "a".."z" if i.ord % 2 == 0 FileUtils.touch(File.join(@root, i)) else FileUtils.mkdir(File.join(@root, i)) end end end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose FileUtils.remove_entry_secure @root if File.directory?(@root) end def test_seek dir = Dir.open(@root) begin cache = [] loop do pos = dir.tell break unless name = dir.read cache << [pos, name] end for x,y in cache.sort_by {|z| z[0] % 3 } # shuffle dir.seek(x) assert_equal(y, dir.read) end ensure dir.close end end def test_nodir assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { Dir.open(@nodir) } end def test_inspect d = Dir.open(@root) assert_match(/^#$/, d.inspect) assert_match(/^#$/, Dir.allocate.inspect) ensure d.close end def test_path d = Dir.open(@root) assert_equal(@root, d.path) assert_nil(Dir.allocate.path) ensure d.close end def test_set_pos d = Dir.open(@root) loop do i = d.pos break unless x = d.read d.pos = i assert_equal(x, d.read) end ensure d.close end def test_rewind d = Dir.open(@root) a = (0..5).map { d.read } d.rewind b = (0..5).map { d.read } assert_equal(a, b) ensure d.close end def test_chdir @pwd = Dir.pwd @env_home = ENV["HOME"] @env_logdir = ENV["LOGDIR"] ENV.delete("HOME") ENV.delete("LOGDIR") assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { Dir.chdir(@nodir) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Dir.chdir } ENV["HOME"] = @pwd Dir.chdir do assert_equal(@pwd, Dir.pwd) Dir.chdir(@root) assert_equal(@root, Dir.pwd) end ensure begin Dir.chdir(@pwd) rescue abort("cannot return the original directory: #{ @pwd }") end if @env_home ENV["HOME"] = @env_home else ENV.delete("HOME") end if @env_logdir ENV["LOGDIR"] = @env_logdir else ENV.delete("LOGDIR") end end def test_chroot_nodir assert_raise(NotImplementedError, Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EPERM ) { Dir.chroot(File.join(@nodir, "")) } end def test_close d = Dir.open(@root) d.close assert_nothing_raised(IOError) { d.close } assert_raise(IOError) { d.read } end def test_glob assert_equal((%w(. ..) + ("a".."z").to_a).map{|f| File.join(@root, f) }, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, "*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH).sort) assert_equal([@root] + ("a".."z").map {|f| File.join(@root, f) }.sort, Dir.glob([@root, File.join(@root, "*")]).sort) assert_equal([@root] + ("a".."z").map {|f| File.join(@root, f) }.sort, Dir.glob(@root + "\0\0\0" + File.join(@root, "*")).sort) assert_equal(("a".."z").step(2).map {|f| File.join(File.join(@root, f), "") }.sort, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, "*/")).sort) assert_equal([File.join(@root, '//a')], Dir.glob(@root + '//a')) FileUtils.touch(File.join(@root, "{}")) assert_equal(%w({} a).map{|f| File.join(@root, f) }, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, '{\{\},a}'))) assert_equal([], Dir.glob(File.join(@root, '['))) assert_equal([], Dir.glob(File.join(@root, '[a-\\'))) assert_equal([File.join(@root, "a")], Dir.glob(File.join(@root, 'a\\'))) assert_equal(("a".."f").map {|f| File.join(@root, f) }.sort, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, '[abc/def]')).sort) open(File.join(@root, "}}{}"), "wb") {} open(File.join(@root, "}}a"), "wb") {} assert_equal(%w(}}{} }}a).map {|f| File.join(@root, f)}, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, '}}{\{\},a}'))) assert_equal(%w(}}{} }}a b c).map {|f| File.join(@root, f)}, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, '{\}\}{\{\},a},b,c}'))) end def test_glob_recursive bug6977 = '[ruby-core:47418]' bug8006 = '[ruby-core:53108] [Bug #8006]' Dir.chdir(@root) do assert_include(Dir.glob("a/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH), "a/.", bug8006) FileUtils.mkdir_p("a/b/c/d/e/f") assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/e/f"), bug6977) assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/d/e/f"), bug6977) assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/c/d/e/f"), bug6977) assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/b/c/d/e/f"), bug6977) assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/c/?/e/f"), bug6977) assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/c/**/d/e/f"), bug6977) assert_equal(["a/b/c/d/e/f"], Dir.glob("a/**/c/**/d/e/f"), bug6977) bug8283 = '[ruby-core:54387] [Bug #8283]' dirs = ["a/.x", "a/b/.y"] FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirs) dirs.map {|dir| open("#{dir}/z", "w") {}} assert_equal([], Dir.glob("a/**/z").sort, bug8283) assert_equal(["a/.x/z"], Dir.glob("a/**/.x/z"), bug8283) assert_equal(["a/.x/z"], Dir.glob("a/.x/**/z"), bug8283) assert_equal(["a/b/.y/z"], Dir.glob("a/**/.y/z"), bug8283) end end def assert_entries(entries) entries.sort! assert_equal(%w(. ..) + ("a".."z").to_a, entries) end def test_entries assert_entries(Dir.open(@root) {|dir| dir.entries}) end def test_foreach assert_entries(Dir.foreach(@root).to_a) end def test_dir_enc dir = Dir.open(@root, encoding: "UTF-8") begin while name = dir.read assert_equal(Encoding.find("UTF-8"), name.encoding) end ensure dir.close end dir = Dir.open(@root, encoding: "ASCII-8BIT") begin while name = dir.read assert_equal(Encoding.find("ASCII-8BIT"), name.encoding) end ensure dir.close end end def test_unknown_keywords bug8060 = '[ruby-dev:47152] [Bug #8060]' assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/, bug8060) do Dir.open(@root, xawqij: "a") {} end end def test_symlink begin ["dummy", *"a".."z"].each do |f| File.symlink(File.join(@root, f), File.join(@root, "symlink-#{ f }")) end rescue NotImplementedError, Errno::EACCES return end assert_equal([*"a".."z", *"symlink-a".."symlink-z"].each_slice(2).map {|f, _| File.join(@root, f + "/") }.sort, Dir.glob(File.join(@root, "*/")).sort) assert_equal([@root + "/", *[*"a".."z"].each_slice(2).map {|f, _| File.join(@root, f + "/") }.sort], Dir.glob(File.join(@root, "**/")).sort) end def test_glob_metachar bug8597 = '[ruby-core:55764] [Bug #8597]' assert_empty(Dir.glob(File.join(@root, "<")), bug8597) end def test_glob_cases feature5994 = "[ruby-core:42469] [Feature #5994]" feature5994 << "\nDir.glob should return the filename with actual cases on the filesystem" Dir.chdir(File.join(@root, "a")) do open("FileWithCases", "w") {} return unless File.exist?("filewithcases") assert_equal(%w"FileWithCases", Dir.glob("filewithcases"), feature5994) end Dir.chdir(@root) do assert_equal(%w"a/FileWithCases", Dir.glob("A/filewithcases"), feature5994) end end def test_glob_super_root bug9648 = '[ruby-core:61552] [Bug #9648]' roots = Dir.glob("/*") assert_equal(roots.map {|n| "/..#{n}"}, Dir.glob("/../*"), bug9648) end if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM def test_glob_legacy_short_name bug10819 = '[ruby-core:67954] [Bug #10819]' bug11206 = '[ruby-core:69435] [Bug #11206]' skip unless /\A\w:/ =~ ENV["ProgramFiles"] short = "#$&/PROGRA~1" skip unless File.directory?(short) entries = Dir.glob("#{short}/Common*") assert_not_empty(entries, bug10819) long = File.expand_path(short) assert_equal(Dir.glob("#{long}/Common*"), entries, bug10819) wild = short.sub(/1\z/, '*') assert_not_include(Dir.glob(wild), long, bug11206) assert_include(Dir.glob(wild, File::FNM_SHORTNAME), long, bug10819) assert_empty(entries - Dir.glob("#{wild}/Common*", File::FNM_SHORTNAME), bug10819) end end def test_home env_home = ENV["HOME"] env_logdir = ENV["LOGDIR"] ENV.delete("HOME") ENV.delete("LOGDIR") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Dir.home } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Dir.home("") } ENV["HOME"] = @nodir assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { assert_equal(@nodir, Dir.home) assert_equal(@nodir, Dir.home("")) } %W[no:such:user \u{7559 5b88}:\u{756a}].each do |user| assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /#{user}/) {Dir.home(user)} end ensure ENV["HOME"] = env_home ENV["LOGDIR"] = env_logdir end def test_symlinks_not_resolved Dir.mktmpdir do |dirname| Dir.chdir(dirname) do begin File.symlink('some-dir', 'dir-symlink') rescue NotImplementedError, Errno::EACCES return end Dir.mkdir('some-dir') File.write('some-dir/foo', 'some content') assert_equal [ 'dir-symlink', 'some-dir' ], Dir['*'].sort assert_equal [ 'dir-symlink', 'some-dir', 'some-dir/foo' ], Dir['**/*'].sort end end end def test_fileno Dir.open(".") {|d| if d.respond_to? :fileno assert_kind_of(Integer, d.fileno) else assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { d.fileno } end } end def test_empty? assert_not_send([Dir, :empty?, @root]) assert_send([Dir, :empty?, File.join(@root, "a")]) tmp = File.join(@root, "a", "A") open(tmp, "w") {} assert_not_send([Dir, :empty?, File.join(@root, "a")]) File.delete(tmp) assert_send([Dir, :empty?, File.join(@root, "a")]) unless /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM open(File.join(@root, "a", "..."), "w") {} assert_not_send([Dir, :empty?, File.join(@root, "a")]) end assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) {Dir.empty?(@nodir)} assert_not_send([Dir, :empty?, File.join(@root, "b")]) end end