# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test/unit' require 'fiddle' require 'etc' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /s390x/ warn "Currently, it is known that the compaction does not work well on s390x; contribution is welcome https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/5077" return end class TestGCCompact < Test::Unit::TestCase module CompactionSupportInspector def supports_auto_compact? GC::OPTS.include?("GC_COMPACTION_SUPPORTED") end end module OmitUnlessCompactSupported include CompactionSupportInspector def setup omit "autocompact not supported on this platform" unless supports_auto_compact? super end end include OmitUnlessCompactSupported class AutoCompact < Test::Unit::TestCase include OmitUnlessCompactSupported def test_enable_autocompact before = GC.auto_compact GC.auto_compact = true assert GC.auto_compact ensure GC.auto_compact = before end def test_disable_autocompact before = GC.auto_compact GC.auto_compact = false refute GC.auto_compact ensure GC.auto_compact = before end def test_major_compacts before = GC.auto_compact GC.auto_compact = true compact = GC.stat :compact_count GC.start assert_operator GC.stat(:compact_count), :>, compact ensure GC.auto_compact = before end def test_implicit_compaction_does_something before = GC.auto_compact list = [] list2 = [] # Try to make some fragmentation 500.times { list << Object.new Object.new Object.new } count = GC.stat :compact_count GC.auto_compact = true n = 1_000_000 n.times do break if count < GC.stat(:compact_count) list2 << Object.new end and omit "implicit compaction didn't happen within #{n} objects" compact_stats = GC.latest_compact_info refute_predicate compact_stats[:considered], :empty? refute_predicate compact_stats[:moved], :empty? ensure GC.auto_compact = before end end class CompactMethodsNotImplemented < Test::Unit::TestCase include CompactionSupportInspector def assert_not_implemented(method, *args) omit "autocompact is supported on this platform" if supports_auto_compact? assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { GC.send(method, *args) } refute(GC.respond_to?(method), "GC.#{method} should be defined as rb_f_notimplement") end def test_gc_compact_not_implemented assert_not_implemented(:compact) end def test_gc_auto_compact_get_not_implemented assert_not_implemented(:auto_compact) end def test_gc_auto_compact_set_not_implemented assert_not_implemented(:auto_compact=, true) end def test_gc_latest_compact_info_not_implemented assert_not_implemented(:latest_compact_info) end def test_gc_verify_compaction_references_not_implemented assert_not_implemented(:verify_compaction_references) end end def os_page_size return true unless defined?(Etc::SC_PAGE_SIZE) end def test_gc_compact_stats list = [] # Try to make some fragmentation 500.times { list << Object.new Object.new Object.new } compact_stats = GC.compact refute_predicate compact_stats[:considered], :empty? refute_predicate compact_stats[:moved], :empty? end def memory_location(obj) (Fiddle.dlwrap(obj) >> 1) end def big_list(level = 10) if level > 0 big_list(level - 1) else 1000.times.map { # try to make some empty slots by allocating an object and discarding Object.new Object.new } # likely next to each other end end # Find an object that's allocated in a slot that had a previous # tenant, and that tenant moved and is still alive def find_object_in_recycled_slot(addresses) new_object = nil 100_000.times do new_object = Object.new if addresses.index memory_location(new_object) break end end new_object end def test_complex_hash_keys list_of_objects = big_list hash = list_of_objects.hash GC.verify_compaction_references(toward: :empty) assert_equal hash, list_of_objects.hash GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: false) assert_equal hash, list_of_objects.hash end def test_ast_compacts assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}", timeout: 10, signal: :SEGV) begin; def walk_ast ast children = ast.children.grep(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node) children.each do |child| assert child.type walk_ast child end end ast = RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse_file #{__FILE__.dump} assert GC.compact walk_ast ast end; end def test_compact_count count = GC.stat(:compact_count) GC.compact assert_equal count + 1, GC.stat(:compact_count) end def test_compacting_from_trace_point obj = Object.new def obj.tracee :ret # expected to emit both line and call event from one instruction end results = [] TracePoint.new(:call, :line) do |tp| results << tp.event GC.verify_compaction_references end.enable(target: obj.method(:tracee)) do obj.tracee end assert_equal([:call, :line], results) end def test_moving_arrays_down_size_pools omit if GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:SIZE_POOL_COUNT] == 1 assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}", timeout: 10, signal: :SEGV) begin; ARY_COUNT = 500 GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) arys = ARY_COUNT.times.map do ary = "abbbbbbbbbb".chars ary.uniq! end stats = GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) assert_operator(stats.dig(:moved_down, :T_ARRAY), :>=, ARY_COUNT) assert(arys) # warning: assigned but unused variable - arys end; end def test_moving_arrays_up_size_pools omit if GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:SIZE_POOL_COUNT] == 1 assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}", timeout: 10, signal: :SEGV) begin; ARY_COUNT = 500 GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) ary = "hello".chars arys = ARY_COUNT.times.map do x = [] ary.each { |e| x << e } x end stats = GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) assert_operator(stats.dig(:moved_up, :T_ARRAY), :>=, ARY_COUNT) assert(arys) # warning: assigned but unused variable - arys end; end def test_moving_objects_between_size_pools omit if GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:SIZE_POOL_COUNT] == 1 assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}", timeout: 10, signal: :SEGV) begin; class Foo def add_ivars 10.times do |i| instance_variable_set("@foo" + i.to_s, 0) end end end OBJ_COUNT = 500 GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) ary = OBJ_COUNT.times.map { Foo.new } ary.each(&:add_ivars) stats = GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) assert_operator(stats[:moved_up][:T_OBJECT], :>=, OBJ_COUNT) end; end def test_moving_strings_up_size_pools omit if GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:SIZE_POOL_COUNT] == 1 assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}", timeout: 10, signal: :SEGV) begin; STR_COUNT = 500 GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) str = "a" * GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:BASE_SLOT_SIZE] ary = STR_COUNT.times.map { "" << str } stats = GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) assert_operator(stats[:moved_up][:T_STRING], :>=, STR_COUNT) assert(ary) # warning: assigned but unused variable - ary end; end def test_moving_strings_down_size_pools omit if GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:SIZE_POOL_COUNT] == 1 assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}", timeout: 10, signal: :SEGV) begin; STR_COUNT = 500 GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) ary = STR_COUNT.times.map { ("a" * GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS[:BASE_SLOT_SIZE]).squeeze! } stats = GC.verify_compaction_references(expand_heap: true, toward: :empty) assert_operator(stats[:moved_down][:T_STRING], :>=, STR_COUNT) assert(ary) # warning: assigned but unused variable - ary end; end end