require 'test/unit' class TestRegexp < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose end def test_ruby_core_27247 assert_match(/(a){2}z/, "aaz") end def test_ruby_dev_24643 assert_nothing_raised("[ruby-dev:24643]") { /(?:(?:[a]*[a])?b)*a*$/ =~ "aabaaca" } end def test_ruby_talk_116455 assert_match(/^(\w{2,}).* ([A-Za-z\xa2\xc0-\xff]{2,}?)$/n, "Hallo Welt") end def test_ruby_dev_24887 assert_equal("a".gsub(/a\Z/, ""), "") end def test_yoshidam_net_20041111_1 s = "[\xC2\xA0-\xC3\xBE]" assert_match(, nil, "u"), "\xC3\xBE") end def test_yoshidam_net_20041111_2 assert_raise(RegexpError) do s = "[\xFF-\xFF]".force_encoding("utf-8"), nil, "u") end end def test_ruby_dev_31309 assert_equal('Ruby', 'Ruby'.sub(/[^a-z]/i, '-')) end def test_assert_normal_exit # moved from knownbug. It caused core. Regexp.union("a", "a") end def test_to_s assert_equal '(?-mix:\x00)',"\0").to_s end def test_union assert_equal :ok, begin Regexp.union( "a","\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("euc-jp")),"\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("utf-8"))) :ng rescue ArgumentError :ok end end def test_named_capture m = /&(?.*?);/.match("aaa & yyy") assert_equal("amp", m["foo"]) assert_equal("amp", m[:foo]) assert_equal(5, m.begin(:foo)) assert_equal(8, m.end(:foo)) assert_equal([5,8], m.offset(:foo)) assert_equal("aaa [amp] yyy", "aaa & yyy".sub(/&(?.*?);/, '[\k]')) assert_equal('#', /&(?.*?); (y)/.match("aaa & yyy").inspect) assert_equal('#', /&(.*?); (y)/.match("aaa & yyy").inspect) assert_equal('#', /&(?.*?); (?y)/.match("aaa & yyy").inspect) assert_equal('#', /&(?.*?); (?y)/.match("aaa & yyy").inspect) /(?[A-Za-z_]+)/ =~ "!abc" assert_equal("abc", Regexp.last_match(:id)) /a/ =~ "b" # doesn't match. assert_equal(nil, Regexp.last_match) assert_equal(nil, Regexp.last_match(1)) assert_equal(nil, Regexp.last_match(:foo)) assert_equal(["foo", "bar"], /(?.)(?.)/.names) assert_equal(["foo"], /(?.)(?.)/.names) assert_equal([], /(.)(.)/.names) assert_equal(["foo", "bar"], /(?.)(?.)/.match("ab").names) assert_equal(["foo"], /(?.)(?.)/.match("ab").names) assert_equal([], /(.)(.)/.match("ab").names) assert_equal({"foo"=>[1], "bar"=>[2]}, /(?.)(?.)/.named_captures) assert_equal({"foo"=>[1, 2]}, /(?.)(?.)/.named_captures) assert_equal({}, /(.)(.)/.named_captures) assert_equal("a[b]c", "abc".sub(/(?[bc])/, "[\\k]")) assert_equal("o", "foo"[/(?o)/, "bar"]) s = "foo" s[/(?o)/, "bar"] = "baz" assert_equal("fbazo", s) end def test_assign_named_capture assert_equal("a", eval('/(?.)/ =~ "a"; foo')) assert_equal("a", eval('foo = 1; /(?.)/ =~ "a"; foo')) assert_equal("a", eval('1.times {|foo| /(?.)/ =~ "a"; break foo }')) assert_nothing_raised { eval('/(?.)/ =~ "a"') } assert_nil(eval('/(?.)/ =~ "a"; defined? Foo')) end def test_assign_named_capture_to_reserved_word /(?.)/ =~ "a" assert(!local_variables.include?(:nil), "[ruby-dev:32675]") end def test_match_regexp r = /./ m = r.match("a") assert_equal(r, m.regexp) re = /foo/ assert_equal(re, re.match("foo").regexp) end def test_source assert_equal('', //.source) end def test_inspect assert_equal('//', //.inspect) assert_equal('//i', //i.inspect) assert_equal('/\//i', /\//i.inspect) assert_equal('/\//i', %r"#{'/'}"i.inspect) assert_equal('/\/x/i', /\/x/i.inspect) assert_equal('/\x00/i', /#{"\0"}/i.inspect) assert_equal("/\n/i", /#{"\n"}/i.inspect) s = [0xff].pack("C") assert_equal('/\/'+s+'/i', /\/#{s}/i.inspect) end def test_char_to_option assert_equal("BAR", "FOOBARBAZ"[/b../i]) assert_equal("bar", "foobarbaz"[/ b . . /x]) assert_equal("bar\n", "foo\nbar\nbaz"[/b.../m]) assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval('//z') } end def test_char_to_option_kcode assert_equal("bar", "foobarbaz"[/b../s]) assert_equal("bar", "foobarbaz"[/b../e]) assert_equal("bar", "foobarbaz"[/b../u]) end def test_to_s2 assert_equal('(?-mix:foo)', /(?:foo)/.to_s) assert_equal('(?m-ix:foo)', /(?:foo)/m.to_s) assert_equal('(?mi-x:foo)', /(?:foo)/mi.to_s) assert_equal('(?mix:foo)', /(?:foo)/mix.to_s) assert_equal('(?m-ix:foo)', /(?m-ix:foo)/.to_s) assert_equal('(?mi-x:foo)', /(?mi-x:foo)/.to_s) assert_equal('(?mix:foo)', /(?mix:foo)/.to_s) assert_equal('(?mix:)', /(?mix)/.to_s) assert_equal('(?-mix:(?mix:foo) )', /(?mix:foo) /.to_s) end def test_casefold_p assert_equal(false, /a/.casefold?) assert_equal(true, /a/i.casefold?) assert_equal(false, /(?i:a)/.casefold?) end def test_options assert_equal(Regexp::IGNORECASE, /a/i.options) assert_equal(Regexp::EXTENDED, /a/x.options) assert_equal(Regexp::MULTILINE, /a/m.options) end def test_match_init_copy m = /foo/.match("foo") assert_equal(/foo/, m.dup.regexp) assert_raise(TypeError) do m.instance_eval { initialize_copy(nil) } end assert_equal([0, 3], m.offset(0)) assert_equal(/foo/, m.dup.regexp) end def test_match_size m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.") assert_equal(5, m.size) end def test_match_offset_begin_end m = /(?b..)/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal([3, 6], m.offset("x")) assert_equal(3, m.begin("x")) assert_equal(6, m.end("x")) assert_raise(IndexError) { m.offset("y") } assert_raise(IndexError) { m.offset(2) } assert_raise(IndexError) { m.begin(2) } assert_raise(IndexError) { m.end(2) } m = /(?q..)?/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal([nil, nil], m.offset("x")) assert_equal(nil, m.begin("x")) assert_equal(nil, m.end("x")) m = /\A\u3042(.)(.)?(.)\z/.match("\u3042\u3043\u3044") assert_equal([1, 2], m.offset(1)) assert_equal([nil, nil], m.offset(2)) assert_equal([2, 3], m.offset(3)) end def test_match_to_s m = /(?b..)/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal("bar", m.to_s) end def test_match_pre_post m = /(?b..)/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal("foo", m.pre_match) assert_equal("baz", m.post_match) end def test_match_array m = /(...)(...)(...)(...)?/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal(["foobarbaz", "foo", "bar", "baz", nil], m.to_a) end def test_match_captures m = /(...)(...)(...)(...)?/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal(["foo", "bar", "baz", nil], m.captures) end def test_match_aref m = /(...)(...)(...)(...)?/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal("foo", m[1]) assert_equal(["foo", "bar", "baz"], m[1..3]) assert_nil(m[5]) assert_raise(IndexError) { m[:foo] } end def test_match_values_at m = /(...)(...)(...)(...)?/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal(["foo", "bar", "baz"], m.values_at(1, 2, 3)) end def test_match_string m = /(?b..)/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal("foobarbaz", m.string) end def test_match_inspect m = /(...)(...)(...)(...)?/.match("foobarbaz") assert_equal('#', m.inspect) end def test_initialize assert_raise(ArgumentError) { } assert_equal(/foo/,, Regexp::IGNORECASE)) re = /foo/ assert_raise(SecurityError) do { $SAFE = 4; re.instance_eval { initialize(re) } }.join end re.taint assert_raise(SecurityError) do { $SAFE = 4; re.instance_eval { initialize(re) } }.join end assert_equal(Encoding.find("US-ASCII"),"b..", nil, "n").encoding) assert_equal("bar", "foobarbaz"["b..", nil, "n")]) assert_equal(//n,"", nil, "n")) assert_raise(RegexpError) {")(") } end def test_unescape assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\\'; /#{ s }/ } assert_equal(/\xFF/n, /#{ s="\\xFF" }/n) assert_equal(/\177/, (s = '\177'; /#{ s }/)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u{ ffffffff }'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u{ ffffff }'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u{ ffff X }'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u{ }'; /#{ s }/ } assert_equal("b", "abc"[(s = '\u{0062}'; /#{ s }/)]) assert_equal("b", "abc"[(s = '\u0062'; /#{ s }/)]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u0'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u000X'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = "\xff" + '\u3042'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u3042' + [0xff].pack("C"); /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(SyntaxError) { s = ''; eval(%q(/\u#{ s }/)) } assert_equal(/a/, eval(%q(s="\u0061";/#{s}/n))) assert_raise(RegexpError) { s = "\u3042"; eval(%q(/#{s}/n)) } assert_raise(RegexpError) { s = "\u0061"; eval(%q(/\u3042#{s}/n)) } assert_raise(RegexpError) { s1=[0xff].pack("C"); s2="\u3042"; eval(%q(/#{s1}#{s2}/)) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\x'; /#{ s }/ } assert_equal("\xe1", [0x00, 0xe1, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-a/]) assert_equal("\xdc", [0x00, 0xdc, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\\/]) assert_equal("\x8a", [0x00, 0x8a, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\n/]) assert_equal("\x89", [0x00, 0x89, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\t/]) assert_equal("\x8d", [0x00, 0x8d, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\r/]) assert_equal("\x8c", [0x00, 0x8c, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\f/]) assert_equal("\x8b", [0x00, 0x8b, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\v/]) assert_equal("\x87", [0x00, 0x87, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\a/]) assert_equal("\x9b", [0x00, 0x9b, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\M-\e/]) assert_equal("\x01", [0x00, 0x01, 0xff].pack("C*")[/\C-a/]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\M'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\M-\M-a'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\M-\\'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\C'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\c'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\C-\C-a'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\M-\z'; /#{ s }/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\M-\777'; /#{ s }/ } assert_equal("\u3042\u3042", "\u3042\u3042"[(s = "\u3042" + %q(\xe3\x81\x82); /#{s}/)]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = "\u3042" + %q(\xe3); /#{s}/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = "\u3042" + %q(\xe3\xe3); /#{s}/ } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { s = '\u3042' + [0xff].pack("C"); /#{s}/ } assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("/\u3042/n") } s = ".........." 5.times { s.sub!(".", "") } assert_equal(".....", s) end def test_equal assert_equal(true, /abc/ == /abc/) assert_equal(false, /abc/ == /abc/m) assert_equal(false, /abc/ == /abd/) end def test_match assert_nil(//.match(nil)) assert_equal("abc", /.../.match(:abc)[0]) assert_raise(TypeError) { /.../.match([0] } assert_equal("bc", /../.match('abc', 1)[0]) assert_equal("bc", /../.match('abc', -2)[0]) assert_nil(/../.match("abc", -4)) assert_nil(/../.match("abc", 4)) assert_equal('\x', /../n.match("\u3042" + '\x', 1)[0]) r = nil /.../.match("abc") {|m| r = m[0] } assert_equal("abc", r) $_ = "abc"; assert_equal(1, ~/bc/) $_ = "abc"; assert_nil(~/d/) $_ = nil; assert_nil(~/./) end def test_eqq assert_equal(false, /../ === nil) end def test_quote assert_equal("\xff", Regexp.quote([0xff].pack("C"))) assert_equal("\\ ", Regexp.quote("\ ")) assert_equal("\\t", Regexp.quote("\t")) assert_equal("\\n", Regexp.quote("\n")) assert_equal("\\r", Regexp.quote("\r")) assert_equal("\\f", Regexp.quote("\f")) assert_equal("\\v", Regexp.quote("\v")) assert_equal("\u3042\\t", Regexp.quote("\u3042\t")) assert_equal("\\t\xff", Regexp.quote("\t" + [0xff].pack("C"))) end def test_try_convert assert_equal(/re/, Regexp.try_convert(/re/)) assert_nil(Regexp.try_convert("re")) o = assert_nil(Regexp.try_convert(o)) def o.to_regexp() /foo/ end assert_equal(/foo/, Regexp.try_convert(o)) end def test_union2 assert_equal(/(?!)/, Regexp.union) assert_equal(/foo/, Regexp.union(/foo/)) assert_equal(/foo/, Regexp.union([/foo/])) assert_equal(/\t/, Regexp.union("\t")) assert_equal(/(?-mix:\u3042)|(?-mix:\u3042)/, Regexp.union(/\u3042/, /\u3042/)) assert_equal("\u3041", "\u3041"[Regexp.union(/\u3042/, "\u3041")]) end def test_dup assert_equal(//, //.dup) assert_raise(TypeError) { //.instance_eval { initialize_copy(nil) } } end def test_regsub assert_equal("fooXXXbaz", "foobarbaz".sub!(/bar/, "XXX")) s = [0xff].pack("C") assert_equal(s, "X".sub!(/./, s)) assert_equal('\\' + s, "X".sub!(/./, '\\' + s)) assert_equal('\k', "foo".sub!(/.../, '\k')) assert_raise(RuntimeError) { "foo".sub!(/(?o)/, '\k\`\'/, "*+?{}|()<>`'") check(/\A\w\W\z/, %w(a. b!), %w(.. ab)) check(/\A.\b.\b.\B.\B.\z/, %w( .a...), %w(aaaaa .....)) check(/\A\s\S\z/, [' a', "\n."], [' ', "\n\n", 'a ']) check(/\A\d\D\z/, '0a', %w(00 aa)) check(/\A\h\H\z/, %w(0g ag BH), %w(a0 af GG)) check(/\Afoo\Z\s\z/, "foo\n", ["foo", "foo\nbar"]) assert_equal(%w(a b c), "abc def".scan(/\G\w/)) check(/\A\u3042\z/, "\u3042", ["", "\u3043", "a"]) check(/\A(..)\1\z/, %w(abab ....), %w(abba aba)) failcheck('\1') check(/\A\80\z/, "80", ["\100", ""]) check(/\A\77\z/, "?") check(/\A\78\z/, "\7" + '8', ["\100", ""]) check(/\A\Qfoo\E\z/, "QfooE") check(/\Aa++\z/, "aaa") check('\Ax]\z', "x]") check(/x#foo/x, "x", "#foo") check(/\Ax#foo#{ "\n" }x\z/x, "xx", ["x", "x#foo\nx"]) check(/\A\p{Alpha}\z/, ["a", "z"], [".", "", ".."]) check(/\A\p{^Alpha}\z/, [".", "!"], ["!a", ""]) check(/\A\n\z/, "\n") check(/\A\t\z/, "\t") check(/\A\r\z/, "\r") check(/\A\f\z/, "\f") check(/\A\a\z/, "\007") check(/\A\e\z/, "\033") check(/\A\v\z/, "\v") failcheck('(') failcheck('(?foo)') failcheck('/\p{foobarbazqux}/') failcheck('/\p{foobarbazqux' + 'a' * 1000 + '}/') failcheck('/[1-\w]/') end def test_exec check(/A*B/, %w(B AB AAB AAAB), %w(A)) check(/\w*!/, %w(! a! ab! abc!), %w(abc)) check(/\w*\W/, %w(! a" ab# abc$), %w(abc)) check(/\w*\w/, %w(z az abz abcz), %w(!)) check(/[a-z]*\w/, %w(z az abz abcz), %w(!)) check(/[a-z]*\W/, %w(! a" ab# abc$), %w(A)) check(/((a|bb|ccc|dddd)(1|22|333|4444))/i, %w(a1 bb1 a22), %w(a2 b1)) check(/\u0080/, (1..4).map {|i| ["\u0080", "\u0080" * i] }, ["\u0081"]) check(/\u0080\u0080/, (2..4).map {|i| ["\u0080" * 2, "\u0080" * i] }, ["\u0081"]) check(/\u0080\u0080\u0080/, (3..4).map {|i| ["\u0080" * 3, "\u0080" * i] }, ["\u0081"]) check(/\u0080\u0080\u0080\u0080/, (4..4).map {|i| ["\u0080" * 4, "\u0080" * i] }, ["\u0081"]) check(/[^\u3042\u3043\u3044]/, %W(a b \u0080 \u3041 \u3045), %W(\u3042 \u3043 \u3044)) check(/a.+/m, %W(a\u0080 a\u0080\u0080 a\u0080\u0080\u0080), %W(a)) check(/a.+z/m, %W(a\u0080z a\u0080\u0080z a\u0080\u0080\u0080z), %W(az)) check(/abc\B.\Bxyz/, %w(abcXxyz abc0xyz), %w(abc|xyz abc-xyz)) check(/\Bxyz/, [%w(xyz abcXxyz), %w(xyz abc0xyz)], %w(abc xyz abc-xyz)) check(/abc\B/, [%w(abc abcXxyz), %w(abc abc0xyz)], %w(abc xyz abc-xyz)) failcheck('(?abc)\1') check(/^(A+|B+)(?>\g<1>)*[BC]$/, %w(AC BC ABC BAC AABBC), %w(AABB)) check(/^(A+|B(?>\g<1>)*)[AC]$/, %w(AAAC BBBAAAAC), %w(BBBAAA)) check(/^()(?>\g<1>)*$/, "", "a") check(/^(?>(?=a)(#{ "a" * 1000 }|))++$/, ["a" * 1000, "a" * 2000, "a" * 3000], ["", "a" * 500, "b" * 1000]) check(eval('/^(?:a?)?$/'), ["", "a"], ["aa"]) check(eval('/^(?:a+)?$/'), ["", "a", "aa"], ["ab"]) check(/^(?:a?)+?$/, ["", "a", "aa"], ["ab"]) check(/^a??[ab]/, [["a", "a"], ["a", "aa"], ["b", "b"], ["a", "ab"]], ["c"]) check(/^(?:a*){3,5}$/, ["", "a", "aa", "aaa", "aaaa", "aaaaa", "aaaaaa"], ["b"]) check(/^(?:a+){3,5}$/, ["aaa", "aaaa", "aaaaa", "aaaaaa"], ["", "a", "aa", "b"]) end def test_parse_look_behind check(/(?<=A)B(?=C)/, [%w(B ABC)], %w(aBC ABc aBc)) check(/(?(.)\z/, %w(abac abab ....), %w(abcd aaba xxx)) check(/\A(.)(.)\k<-1>(.)\z/, %w(abbc abba ....), %w(abcd aaba xxx)) check(/\A(?.)(?\g){0}(?\k){0}\g\g\z/, "aba", "abb") check(/\A(?.)(?\g){0}(?\k){0}\g\g\z/, "abb", "aba") check(/\A(?..)\k\z/, %w(abab ....), %w(abac abba xxx)) check(/\A(.)(..)\g<-1>\z/, "abcde", %w(.... ......)) failcheck('\k') failcheck('\k<') failcheck('\k<>') failcheck('\k<.>') failcheck('\k') failcheck('\k<1.>') failcheck('\k') failcheck('()\g<-2>') check(/\A(?.)(?.)\k\z/, %w(aba abb), %w(abc .. ....)) check(/\A(?.)(?.)\k\z/i, %w(aba ABa abb ABb), %w(abc .. ....)) check('\k\g', "kg") failcheck('(.\g<1>)') failcheck('(.\g<2>)') failcheck('(?=\g<1>)') failcheck('((?=\g<1>))') failcheck('(\g<1>|.)') failcheck('(.|\g<1>)') check(/(!)(?<=(a)|\g<1>)/, ["!"], %w(a)) check(/^(a|b\g<1>c)$/, %w(a bac bbacc bbbaccc), %w(bbac bacc)) check(/^(a|b\g<2>c)(B\g<1>C){0}$/, %w(a bBaCc bBbBaCcCc bBbBbBaCcCcCc), %w(bBbBaCcC BbBaCcCc)) check(/\A(?.|X\g)(?\g){0}(?\k){0}\g\g\z/, "XXaXbXXa", %w(XXabXa abb)) check(/\A(?.|X\g)(?\g){0}(?\k){0}\g\g\z/, "XaXXbXXb", %w(aXXbXb aba)) failcheck('(?)(?)(\g)') check(/^(?foo)(bar)\k/, %w(foobarfoo), %w(foobar barfoo)) check(/^(?f)(?o)(?o)(?b)(?a)(?r)(?b)(?a)(?z)\k{9}$/, %w(foobarbazfoobarbaz foobarbazbazbarfoo foobarbazzabraboof), %w(foobar barfoo)) end def test_parse_curly_brace check(/\A{/, ["{", ["{", "{x"]]) check(/\A{ /, ["{ ", ["{ ", "{ x"]]) check(/\A{,}\z/, "{,}") check(/\A{}\z/, "{}") check(/\Aa{0}+\z/, "", %w(a aa aab)) check(/\Aa{1}+\z/, %w(a aa), ["", "aab"]) check(/\Aa{1,2}b{1,2}\z/, %w(ab aab abb aabb), ["", "aaabb", "abbb"]) check(/(?!x){0,1}/, [ ['', 'ab'], ['', ''] ]) check(/c\z{0,1}/, [ ['c', 'abc'], ['c', 'cab']], ['abd']) check(/\A{0,1}a/, [ ['a', 'abc'], ['a', '____abc']], ['bcd']) failcheck('.{100001}') failcheck('.{0,100001}') failcheck('.{1,0}') failcheck('{0}') end def test_parse_comment check(/\A(?#foo\)bar)\z/, "", "a") failcheck('(?#') end def test_char_type check(/\u3042\d/, ["\u30421", "\u30422"]) # CClassTable cache test assert(/\u3042\d/.match("\u30421")) assert(/\u3042\d/.match("\u30422")) end def test_char_class failcheck('[]') failcheck('[x') check('\A[]]\z', "]", "") check('\A[]\.]+\z', %w(] . ]..]), ["", "["]) check(/\A[\u3042]\z/, "\u3042", "\u3042aa") check(/\A[\u3042\x61]+\z/, ["aa\u3042aa", "\u3042\u3042", "a"], ["", "b"]) check(/\A[\u3042\x61\x62]+\z/, "abab\u3042abab\u3042") check(/\A[abc]+\z/, "abcba", ["", "ada"]) check(/\A[\w][\W]\z/, %w(a. b!), %w(.. ab)) check(/\A[\s][\S]\z/, [' a', "\n."], [' ', "\n\n", 'a ']) check(/\A[\d][\D]\z/, '0a', %w(00 aa)) check(/\A[\h][\H]\z/, %w(0g ag BH), %w(a0 af GG)) check(/\A[\p{Alpha}]\z/, ["a", "z"], [".", "", ".."]) check(/\A[\p{^Alpha}]\z/, [".", "!"], ["!a", ""]) check(/\A[\xff]\z/, "\xff", ["", "\xfe"]) check(/\A[\80]+\z/, "8008", ["\\80", "\100", "\1000"]) check(/\A[\77]+\z/, "???") check(/\A[\78]+\z/, "\788\7") check(/\A[\0]\z/, "\0") check(/\A[[:0]]\z/, [":", "0"], ["", ":0"]) check(/\A[0-]\z/, ["0", "-"], "0-") check('\A[a-&&\w]\z', "a", "-") check('\A[--0]\z', ["-", "/", "0"], ["", "1"]) check('\A[\'--0]\z', %w(* + \( \) 0 ,), ["", ".", "1"]) check(/\A[a-b-]\z/, %w(a b -), ["", "c"]) check('\A[a-b-&&\w]\z', %w(a b), ["", "-"]) check('\A[a-b-&&\W]\z', "-", ["", "a", "b"]) check('\A[a-c-e]\z', %w(a b c e), %w(- d)) # is it OK? check(/\A[a-f&&[^b-c]&&[^e]]\z/, %w(a d f), %w(b c e g 0)) check(/\A[[^b-c]&&[^e]&&a-f]\z/, %w(a d f), %w(b c e g 0)) check(/\A[\n\r\t]\z/, ["\n", "\r", "\t"]) failcheck('[9-1]') assert_match(/\A\d+\z/, "0123456789") assert_no_match(/\d/, "\uff10\uff11\uff12\uff13\uff14\uff15\uff16\uff17\uff18\uff19") assert_match(/\A\w+\z/, "09azAZ_") assert_no_match(/\w/, "\uff10\uff19\uff41\uff5a\uff21\uff3a") assert_match(/\A\s+\z/, "\r\n\v\f\r\s") assert_no_match(/\s/, "\u0085") end def test_posix_bracket check(/\A[[:alpha:]0]\z/, %w(0 a), %w(1 .)) check(/\A[[:^alpha:]0]\z/, %w(0 1 .), "a") check(/\A[[:alpha\:]]\z/, %w(a l p h a :), %w(b 0 1 .)) check(/\A[[:alpha:foo]0]\z/, %w(0 a), %w(1 .)) check(/\A[[:xdigit:]&&[:alpha:]]\z/, "a", %w(g 0)) check('\A[[:abcdefghijklmnopqrstu:]]+\z', "[]") failcheck('[[:alpha') failcheck('[[:alpha:') failcheck('[[:alp:]]') assert_match(/\A[[:digit:]]+\z/, "\uff10\uff11\uff12\uff13\uff14\uff15\uff16\uff17\uff18\uff19") assert_match(/\A[[:alnum:]]+\z/, "\uff10\uff19\uff41\uff5a\uff21\uff3a") assert_match(/\A[[:space:]]+\z/, "\r\n\v\f\r\s\u0085") assert_match(/\A[[:ascii:]]+\z/, "\x00\x7F") assert_no_match(/[[:ascii:]]/, "\x80\xFF") end def test_backward assert_equal(3, "foobar".rindex(/b.r/i)) assert_equal(nil, "foovar".rindex(/b.r/i)) assert_equal(3, ("foo" + "bar" * 1000).rindex(/#{"bar"*1000}/)) assert_equal(4, ("foo\nbar\nbaz\n").rindex(/bar/i)) end def test_uninitialized assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.hash } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.eql? Regexp.allocate } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate == Regexp.allocate } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate =~ "" } assert_equal(false, Regexp.allocate === Regexp.allocate) assert_nil(~Regexp.allocate) assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.match("") } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.to_s } assert_match(/^#$/, Regexp.allocate.inspect) assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.source } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.casefold? } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.options } assert_equal(Encoding.find("ASCII-8BIT"), Regexp.allocate.encoding) assert_equal(false, Regexp.allocate.fixed_encoding?) assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.names } assert_raise(TypeError) { Regexp.allocate.named_captures } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.regexp } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.names } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.size } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.length } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.offset(0) } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.begin(0) } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.end(0) } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.to_a } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate[:foo] } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.captures } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.values_at } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.pre_match } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.post_match } assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.to_s } assert_match(/^#$/, MatchData.allocate.inspect) assert_raise(TypeError) { MatchData.allocate.string } $~ = MatchData.allocate assert_raise(TypeError) { $& } assert_raise(TypeError) { $` } assert_raise(TypeError) { $' } assert_raise(TypeError) { $+ } end def test_unicode assert_match(/^\u3042{0}\p{Any}$/, "a") assert_match(/^\u3042{0}\p{Any}$/, "\u3041") assert_match(/^\u3042{0}\p{Any}$/, "\0") assert_match(/^\p{Lo}{4}$/u, "\u3401\u4E01\u{20001}\u{2A701}") assert_no_match(/^\u3042{0}\p{Any}$/, "\0\0") assert_no_match(/^\u3042{0}\p{Any}$/, "") assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval('/^\u3042{0}\p{' + "\u3042" + '}$/') } assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval('/^\u3042{0}\p{' + 'a' * 1000 + '}$/') } assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval('/^\u3042{0}\p{foobarbazqux}$/') } assert_match(/^(\uff21)(a)\1\2$/i, "\uff21A\uff41a") assert_no_match(/^(\uff21)\1$/i, "\uff21A") assert_no_match(/^(\uff41)\1$/i, "\uff41a") assert_match(/^\u00df$/i, "\u00df") assert_match(/^\u00df$/i, "ss") #assert_match(/^(\u00df)\1$/i, "\u00dfss") # this must be bug... assert_match(/^\u00df{2}$/i, "\u00dfss") assert_match(/^\u00c5$/i, "\u00c5") assert_match(/^\u00c5$/i, "\u00e5") assert_match(/^\u00c5$/i, "\u212b") assert_match(/^(\u00c5)\1\1$/i, "\u00c5\u00e5\u212b") assert_match(/^\u0149$/i, "\u0149") assert_match(/^\u0149$/i, "\u02bcn") #assert_match(/^(\u0149)\1$/i, "\u0149\u02bcn") # this must be bug... assert_match(/^\u0149{2}$/i, "\u0149\u02bcn") assert_match(/^\u0390$/i, "\u0390") assert_match(/^\u0390$/i, "\u03b9\u0308\u0301") #assert_match(/^(\u0390)\1$/i, "\u0390\u03b9\u0308\u0301") # this must be bug... assert_match(/^\u0390{2}$/i, "\u0390\u03b9\u0308\u0301") assert_match(/^\ufb05$/i, "\ufb05") assert_match(/^\ufb05$/i, "\ufb06") assert_match(/^\ufb05$/i, "st") #assert_match(/^(\ufb05)\1\1$/i, "\ufb05\ufb06st") # this must be bug... assert_match(/^\ufb05{3}$/i, "\ufb05\ufb06st") assert_match(/^\u03b9\u0308\u0301$/i, "\u0390") assert_nothing_raised { 0x03ffffff.chr("utf-8").size } assert_nothing_raised { 0x7fffffff.chr("utf-8").size } end def test_matchdata a = "haystack".match(/hay/) b = "haystack".match(/hay/) assert_equal(a, b, '[ruby-core:24748]') h = {a => 42} assert_equal(42, h[b], '[ruby-core:24748]') end def test_regexp_poped assert_nothing_raised { eval("a = 1; /\#{ a }/; a") } assert_nothing_raised { eval("a = 1; /\#{ a }/o; a") } end def test_optimize_last_anycharstar s = "1" + " " * 5000000 assert_nothing_raised { s.match(/(\d) (.*)/) } assert_equal("1", $1) assert_equal(" " * 4999999, $2) end def test_invalid_fragment bug2547 = '[ruby-core:27374]' assert_raise(SyntaxError, bug2547) {eval('/#{"\\\\"}y/')} end end