require 'test/unit' require_relative 'envutil' # use of $= is deprecated after 1.7.1 def pre_1_7_1 end class TestString < Test::Unit::TestCase def initialize(*args) @cls = String @aref_re_nth = true @aref_re_silent = false @aref_slicebang_silent = true super end def S(str) end def test_s_new assert_equal("RUBY", S("RUBY")) end def test_AREF # '[]' assert_equal("A", S("AooBar")[0]) assert_equal("B", S("FooBaB")[-1]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[6]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[-7]) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[0,3]) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar")[-3,3]) assert_equal(S(""), S("FooBar")[6,2]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[-7,10]) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[0..2]) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[0...3]) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar")[-3..-1]) assert_equal(S(""), S("FooBar")[6..2]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[-10..-7]) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[/^F../]) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar")[/..r$/]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[/xyzzy/]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[/plugh/]) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[S("Foo")]) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar")[S("Bar")]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[S("xyzzy")]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[S("plugh")]) if @aref_re_nth assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, 1]) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar")[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, 2]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, 3]) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar")[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, -1]) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar")[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, -2]) assert_equal(nil, S("FooBar")[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, -3]) end o = def o.to_int; 2; end assert_equal("o", "foo"[o]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo"[] } end def test_ASET # '[]=' s = S("FooBar") s[0] = S('A') assert_equal(S("AooBar"), s) s[-1]= S('B') assert_equal(S("AooBaB"), s) assert_raise(IndexError) { s[-7] = S("xyz") } assert_equal(S("AooBaB"), s) s[0] = S("ABC") assert_equal(S("ABCooBaB"), s) s = S("FooBar") s[0,3] = S("A") assert_equal(S("ABar"),s) s[0] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("FooBar"), s) s[-3,3] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("FooFoo"), s) assert_raise(IndexError) { s[7,3] = S("Bar") } assert_raise(IndexError) { s[-7,3] = S("Bar") } s = S("FooBar") s[0..2] = S("A") assert_equal(S("ABar"), s) s[1..3] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("AFoo"), s) s[-4..-4] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("FooFoo"), s) assert_raise(RangeError) { s[7..10] = S("Bar") } assert_raise(RangeError) { s[-7..-10] = S("Bar") } s = S("FooBar") s[/^F../]= S("Bar") assert_equal(S("BarBar"), s) s[/..r$/] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("BarFoo"), s) if @aref_re_silent s[/xyzzy/] = S("None") assert_equal(S("BarFoo"), s) else assert_raise(IndexError) { s[/xyzzy/] = S("None") } end if @aref_re_nth s[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, 1] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("FooFoo"), s) s[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, 2] = S("Bar") assert_equal(S("FooBar"), s) assert_raise(IndexError) { s[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, 3] = "None" } s[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, -1] = S("Foo") assert_equal(S("FooFoo"), s) s[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, -2] = S("Bar") assert_equal(S("BarFoo"), s) assert_raise(IndexError) { s[/([A-Z]..)([A-Z]..)/, -3] = "None" } end s = S("FooBar") s[S("Foo")] = S("Bar") assert_equal(S("BarBar"), s) pre_1_7_1 do s = S("FooBar") s[S("Foo")] = S("xyz") assert_equal(S("xyzBar"), s) $= = true s = S("FooBar") s[S("FOO")] = S("Bar") assert_equal(S("BarBar"), s) s[S("FOO")] = S("xyz") assert_equal(S("BarBar"), s) $= = false end s = S("a string") s[0..s.size] = S("another string") assert_equal(S("another string"), s) o = def o.to_int; 2; end s = "foo" s[o] = "bar" assert_equal("fobar", s) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo"[1, 2, 3] = "" } end def test_CMP # '<=>' assert_equal(1, S("abcdef") <=> S("abcde")) assert_equal(0, S("abcdef") <=> S("abcdef")) assert_equal(-1, S("abcde") <=> S("abcdef")) assert_equal(-1, S("ABCDEF") <=> S("abcdef")) pre_1_7_1 do $= = true assert_equal(0, S("ABCDEF") <=> S("abcdef")) $= = false end assert_nil("foo" <=> o = def o.to_str; "bar"; end assert_nil("foo" <=> o) def o.<=>(x); nil; end assert_nil("foo" <=> o) def o.<=>(x); 1; end assert_equal(-1, "foo" <=> o) def o.<=>(x); 2**100; end assert_equal(-(2**100), "foo" <=> o) end def test_EQUAL # '==' assert_equal(false, S("foo") == :foo) assert(S("abcdef") == S("abcdef")) pre_1_7_1 do $= = true assert(S("CAT") == S('cat')) assert(S("CaT") == S('cAt')) $= = false end assert(S("CAT") != S('cat')) assert(S("CaT") != S('cAt')) o = def o.to_str; end def o.==(x); false; end assert_equal(false, "foo" == o) def o.==(x); true; end assert_equal(true, "foo" == o) end def test_LSHIFT # '<<' assert_equal(S("world!"), S("world") << 33) assert_equal(S("world!"), S("world") << S('!')) s = "a" 10.times {|i| s << s assert_equal("a" * (2 << i), s) } s = ["foo"].pack("p") l = s.size s << "bar" assert_equal(l + 3, s.size) end def test_MATCH # '=~' assert_equal(10, S("FeeFieFoo-Fum") =~ /Fum$/) assert_equal(nil, S("FeeFieFoo-Fum") =~ /FUM$/) pre_1_7_1 do $= = true assert_equal(10, S("FeeFieFoo-Fum") =~ /FUM$/) $= = false end o = def o.=~(x); x + "bar"; end assert_equal("foobar", S("foo") =~ o) assert_raise(TypeError) { S("foo") =~ "foo" } end def test_MOD # '%' assert_equal(S("00123"), S("%05d") % 123) assert_equal(S("123 |00000001"), S("%-5s|%08x") % [123, 1]) x = S("%3s %-4s%%foo %.0s%5d %#x%c%3.1f %b %x %X %#b %#x %#X") % [S("hi"), 123, S("never seen"), 456, 0, ?A, 3.0999, 11, 171, 171, 11, 171, 171] assert_equal(S(' hi 123 %foo 456 0A3.1 1011 ab AB 0b1011 0xab 0XAB'), x) end def test_MUL # '*' assert_equal(S("XXX"), S("X") * 3) assert_equal(S("HOHO"), S("HO") * 2) end def test_PLUS # '+' assert_equal(S("Yodel"), S("Yo") + S("del")) end def casetest(a, b, rev=false) case a when b assert(!rev) else assert(rev) end end def test_VERY_EQUAL # '===' # assert_equal(true, S("foo") === :foo) casetest(S("abcdef"), S("abcdef")) pre_1_7_1 do $= = true casetest(S("CAT"), S('cat')) casetest(S("CaT"), S('cAt')) $= = false end casetest(S("CAT"), S('cat'), true) # Reverse the test - we don't want to casetest(S("CaT"), S('cAt'), true) # find these in the case. end def test_capitalize assert_equal(S("Hello"), S("hello").capitalize) assert_equal(S("Hello"), S("hELLO").capitalize) assert_equal(S("123abc"), S("123ABC").capitalize) end def test_capitalize! a = S("hello"); a.capitalize! assert_equal(S("Hello"), a) a = S("hELLO"); a.capitalize! assert_equal(S("Hello"), a) a = S("123ABC"); a.capitalize! assert_equal(S("123abc"), a) assert_equal(nil, S("123abc").capitalize!) assert_equal(S("123abc"), S("123ABC").capitalize!) assert_equal(S("Abc"), S("ABC").capitalize!) assert_equal(S("Abc"), S("abc").capitalize!) assert_equal(nil, S("Abc").capitalize!) a = S("hello") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("Hello"), a.capitalize!) assert_equal(S("hello"), b) end def test_center assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").center(4)) assert_equal(S(" hello "), S("hello").center(11)) end def test_chomp assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").chomp("\n")) assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello\n").chomp("\n")) save = $/ $/ = "\n" assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").chomp) assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello\n").chomp) $/ = "!" assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").chomp) assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello!").chomp) $/ = save end def test_chomp! a = S("hello") a.chomp!(S("\n")) assert_equal(S("hello"), a) assert_equal(nil, a.chomp!(S("\n"))) a = S("hello\n") a.chomp!(S("\n")) assert_equal(S("hello"), a) save = $/ $/ = "\n" a = S("hello") a.chomp! assert_equal(S("hello"), a) a = S("hello\n") a.chomp! assert_equal(S("hello"), a) $/ = "!" a = S("hello") a.chomp! assert_equal(S("hello"), a) a="hello!" a.chomp! assert_equal(S("hello"), a) $/ = save a = S("hello\n") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("hello"), a.chomp!) assert_equal(S("hello\n"), b) s = "foo\r\n" s.chomp! assert_equal("foo", s) s = "foo\r" s.chomp! assert_equal("foo", s) s = "foo\r\n" s.chomp!("") assert_equal("foo", s) s = "foo\r" s.chomp!("") assert_equal("foo\r", s) end def test_chop assert_equal(S("hell"), S("hello").chop) assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello\r\n").chop) assert_equal(S("hello\n"), S("hello\n\r").chop) assert_equal(S(""), S("\r\n").chop) assert_equal(S(""), S("").chop) end def test_chop! a = S("hello").chop! assert_equal(S("hell"), a) a = S("hello\r\n").chop! assert_equal(S("hello"), a) a = S("hello\n\r").chop! assert_equal(S("hello\n"), a) a = S("\r\n").chop! assert_equal(S(""), a) a = S("").chop! assert_nil(a) a = S("hello\n") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("hello"), a.chop!) assert_equal(S("hello\n"), b) end def test_clone for taint in [ false, true ] for untrust in [ false, true ] for frozen in [ false, true ] a = S("Cool") a.taint if taint a.untrust if untrust a.freeze if frozen b = a.clone assert_equal(a, b) assert(a.__id__ != b.__id__) assert_equal(a.frozen?, b.frozen?) assert_equal(a.untrusted?, b.untrusted?) assert_equal(a.tainted?, b.tainted?) end end end null = File.exist?("/dev/null") ? "/dev/null" : "NUL" # maybe DOSISH assert_equal("",, '[ruby-dev:32819] reported by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA') end def test_concat assert_equal(S("world!"), S("world").concat(33)) assert_equal(S("world!"), S("world").concat(S('!'))) end def test_count a = S("hello world") assert_equal(5, a.count(S("lo"))) assert_equal(2, a.count(S("lo"), S("o"))) assert_equal(4, a.count(S("hello"), S("^l"))) assert_equal(4, a.count(S("ej-m"))) assert_equal(0, S("y").count(S("a\\-z"))) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo".count } end def test_crypt assert_equal(S('aaGUC/JkO9/Sc'), S("mypassword").crypt(S("aa"))) assert(S('aaGUC/JkO9/Sc') != S("mypassword").crypt(S("ab"))) end def test_delete assert_equal(S("heo"), S("hello").delete(S("l"), S("lo"))) assert_equal(S("he"), S("hello").delete(S("lo"))) assert_equal(S("hell"), S("hello").delete(S("aeiou"), S("^e"))) assert_equal(S("ho"), S("hello").delete(S("ej-m"))) assert_equal("a".hash, "a\u0101".delete("\u0101").hash, '[ruby-talk:329267]') assert_equal(true, "a\u0101".delete("\u0101").ascii_only?) assert_equal(true, "a\u3041".delete("\u3041").ascii_only?) assert_equal(false, "a\u3041\u3042".tr("\u3041", "a").ascii_only?) end def test_delete! a = S("hello") a.delete!(S("l"), S("lo")) assert_equal(S("heo"), a) a = S("hello") a.delete!(S("lo")) assert_equal(S("he"), a) a = S("hello") a.delete!(S("aeiou"), S("^e")) assert_equal(S("hell"), a) a = S("hello") a.delete!(S("ej-m")) assert_equal(S("ho"), a) a = S("hello") assert_nil(a.delete!(S("z"))) a = S("hello") b = a.dup a.delete!(S("lo")) assert_equal(S("he"), a) assert_equal(S("hello"), b) a = S("hello") a.delete!(S("^el")) assert_equal(S("ell"), a) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { S("foo").delete! } end def test_downcase assert_equal(S("hello"), S("helLO").downcase) assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").downcase) assert_equal(S("hello"), S("HELLO").downcase) assert_equal(S("abc hello 123"), S("abc HELLO 123").downcase) end def test_downcase! a = S("helLO") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("hello"), a.downcase!) assert_equal(S("hello"), a) assert_equal(S("helLO"), b) a=S("hello") assert_nil(a.downcase!) assert_equal(S("hello"), a) end def test_dump a= S("Test") << 1 << 2 << 3 << 9 << 13 << 10 assert_equal(S('"Test\\x01\\x02\\x03\\t\\r\\n"'), a.dump) end def test_dup for taint in [ false, true ] for untrust in [ false, true ] for frozen in [ false, true ] a = S("hello") a.taint if taint a.untrust if untrust a.freeze if frozen b = a.dup assert_equal(a, b) assert(a.__id__ != b.__id__) assert(!b.frozen?) assert_equal(a.tainted?, b.tainted?) assert_equal(a.untrusted?, b.untrusted?) end end end end def test_each save = $/ $/ = "\n" res=[] S("hello\nworld").lines.each {|x| res << x} assert_equal(S("hello\n"), res[0]) assert_equal(S("world"), res[1]) res=[] S("hello\n\n\nworld").lines(S('')).each {|x| res << x} assert_equal(S("hello\n\n\n"), res[0]) assert_equal(S("world"), res[1]) $/ = "!" res=[] S("hello!world").lines.each {|x| res << x} assert_equal(S("hello!"), res[0]) assert_equal(S("world"), res[1]) $/ = save end def test_each_byte res = [] S("ABC").each_byte {|x| res << x } assert_equal(65, res[0]) assert_equal(66, res[1]) assert_equal(67, res[2]) end def test_each_line save = $/ $/ = "\n" res=[] S("hello\nworld").lines.each {|x| res << x} assert_equal(S("hello\n"), res[0]) assert_equal(S("world"), res[1]) res=[] S("hello\n\n\nworld").lines(S('')).each {|x| res << x} assert_equal(S("hello\n\n\n"), res[0]) assert_equal(S("world"), res[1]) $/ = "!" res=[] S("hello!world").lines.each {|x| res << x} assert_equal(S("hello!"), res[0]) assert_equal(S("world"), res[1]) $/ = save s = nil "foo\nbar".each_line(nil) {|s2| s = s2 } assert_equal("foo\nbar", s) end def test_empty? assert(S("").empty?) assert(!S("not").empty?) end def test_eql? a = S("hello") assert(a.eql?(S("hello"))) assert(a.eql?(a)) end def test_gsub assert_equal(S("h*ll*"), S("hello").gsub(/[aeiou]/, S('*'))) assert_equal(S("hll"), S("hello").gsub(/([aeiou])/, S('<\1>'))) assert_equal(S("h e l l o "), S("hello").gsub(/./) { |s| s[0].to_s + S(' ')}) assert_equal(S("HELL-o"), S("hello").gsub(/(hell)(.)/) { |s| $1.upcase + S('-') + $2 }) a = S("hello") a.taint a.untrust assert(a.gsub(/./, S('X')).tainted?) assert(a.gsub(/./, S('X')).untrusted?) assert_equal("z", "abc".gsub(/./, "a" => "z"), "moved from btest/knownbug") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo".gsub } end def test_gsub! a = S("hello") b = a.dup a.gsub!(/[aeiou]/, S('*')) assert_equal(S("h*ll*"), a) assert_equal(S("hello"), b) a = S("hello") a.gsub!(/([aeiou])/, S('<\1>')) assert_equal(S("hll"), a) a = S("hello") a.gsub!(/./) { |s| s[0].to_s + S(' ')} assert_equal(S("h e l l o "), a) a = S("hello") a.gsub!(/(hell)(.)/) { |s| $1.upcase + S('-') + $2 } assert_equal(S("HELL-o"), a) r = S('X') r.taint r.untrust a.gsub!(/./, r) assert(a.tainted?) assert(a.untrusted?) a = S("hello") assert_nil(a.sub!(S('X'), S('Y'))) end def test_sub_hash assert_equal('azc', 'abc'.sub(/b/, "b" => "z")) assert_equal('ac', 'abc'.sub(/b/, {})) assert_equal('a1c', 'abc'.sub(/b/, "b" => 1)) assert_equal('aBc', 'abc'.sub(/b/, {|h, k| k.upcase })) assert_equal('a[\&]c', 'abc'.sub(/b/, "b" => '[\&]')) assert_equal('aBcabc', 'abcabc'.sub(/b/, {|h, k| h[k] = k.upcase })) assert_equal('aBcdef', 'abcdef'.sub(/de|b/, "b" => "B", "de" => "DE")) end def test_gsub_hash assert_equal('azc', 'abc'.gsub(/b/, "b" => "z")) assert_equal('ac', 'abc'.gsub(/b/, {})) assert_equal('a1c', 'abc'.gsub(/b/, "b" => 1)) assert_equal('aBc', 'abc'.gsub(/b/, {|h, k| k.upcase })) assert_equal('a[\&]c', 'abc'.gsub(/b/, "b" => '[\&]')) assert_equal('aBcaBc', 'abcabc'.gsub(/b/, {|h, k| h[k] = k.upcase })) assert_equal('aBcDEf', 'abcdef'.gsub(/de|b/, "b" => "B", "de" => "DE")) end def test_hash assert_equal(S("hello").hash, S("hello").hash) assert(S("hello").hash != S("helLO").hash) end def test_hash_random str = 'abc' a = [str.hash.to_s] 3.times { assert_in_out_err(["-e", "print #{str.dump}.hash"], "") do |r, e| a += r assert_equal([], e) end } assert_not_equal([str.hash.to_s], a.uniq) end def test_hex assert_equal(255, S("0xff").hex) assert_equal(-255, S("-0xff").hex) assert_equal(255, S("ff").hex) assert_equal(-255, S("-ff").hex) assert_equal(0, S("-ralph").hex) assert_equal(-15, S("-fred").hex) assert_equal(15, S("fred").hex) end def test_include? assert( S("foobar").include?(?f)) assert( S("foobar").include?(S("foo"))) assert(!S("foobar").include?(S("baz"))) assert(!S("foobar").include?(?z)) end def test_index assert_equal(0, S("hello").index(?h)) assert_equal(1, S("hello").index(S("ell"))) assert_equal(2, S("hello").index(/ll./)) assert_equal(3, S("hello").index(?l, 3)) assert_equal(3, S("hello").index(S("l"), 3)) assert_equal(3, S("hello").index(/l./, 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").index(?z, 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").index(S("z"), 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").index(/z./, 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").index(?z)) assert_nil(S("hello").index(S("z"))) assert_nil(S("hello").index(/z./)) o = def o.to_str; "bar"; end assert_equal(3, "foobarbarbaz".index(o)) assert_raise(TypeError) { "foo".index( } assert_nil("foo".index(//, -100)) assert_nil($~) end def test_intern assert_equal(:koala, S("koala").intern) assert(:koala != S("Koala").intern) end def test_length assert_equal(0, S("").length) assert_equal(4, S("1234").length) assert_equal(6, S("1234\r\n").length) assert_equal(7, S("\0011234\r\n").length) end def test_ljust assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").ljust(4)) assert_equal(S("hello "), S("hello").ljust(11)) end def test_next assert_equal(S("abd"), S("abc").next) assert_equal(S("z"), S("y").next) assert_equal(S("aaa"), S("zz").next) assert_equal(S("124"), S("123").next) assert_equal(S("1000"), S("999").next) assert_equal(S("2000aaa"), S("1999zzz").next) assert_equal(S("AAAAA000"), S("ZZZZ999").next) assert_equal(S("*+"), S("**").next) end def test_next! a = S("abc") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("abd"),!) assert_equal(S("abd"), a) assert_equal(S("abc"), b) a = S("y") assert_equal(S("z"),!) assert_equal(S("z"), a) a = S("zz") assert_equal(S("aaa"),!) assert_equal(S("aaa"), a) a = S("123") assert_equal(S("124"),!) assert_equal(S("124"), a) a = S("999") assert_equal(S("1000"),!) assert_equal(S("1000"), a) a = S("1999zzz") assert_equal(S("2000aaa"),!) assert_equal(S("2000aaa"), a) a = S("ZZZZ999") assert_equal(S("AAAAA000"),!) assert_equal(S("AAAAA000"), a) a = S("**") assert_equal(S("*+"),!) assert_equal(S("*+"), a) end def test_oct assert_equal(255, S("0377").oct) assert_equal(255, S("377").oct) assert_equal(-255, S("-0377").oct) assert_equal(-255, S("-377").oct) assert_equal(0, S("OO").oct) assert_equal(24, S("030OO").oct) end def test_replace a = S("foo") assert_equal(S("f"), a.replace(S("f"))) a = S("foo") assert_equal(S("foobar"), a.replace(S("foobar"))) a = S("foo") a.taint a.untrust b = a.replace(S("xyz")) assert_equal(S("xyz"), b) assert(b.tainted?) assert(b.untrusted?) s = "foo" * 100 s2 = ("bar" * 100).dup s.replace(s2) assert_equal(s2, s) s2 = ["foo"].pack("p") s.replace(s2) assert_equal(s2, s) end def test_reverse assert_equal(S("beta"), S("ateb").reverse) assert_equal(S("madamImadam"), S("madamImadam").reverse) a=S("beta") assert_equal(S("ateb"), a.reverse) assert_equal(S("beta"), a) end def test_reverse! a = S("beta") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("ateb"), a.reverse!) assert_equal(S("ateb"), a) assert_equal(S("beta"), b) assert_equal(S("madamImadam"), S("madamImadam").reverse!) a = S("madamImadam") assert_equal(S("madamImadam"), a.reverse!) # ?? assert_equal(S("madamImadam"), a) end def test_rindex assert_equal(3, S("hello").rindex(?l)) assert_equal(6, S("ell, hello").rindex(S("ell"))) assert_equal(7, S("ell, hello").rindex(/ll./)) assert_equal(3, S("hello,lo").rindex(?l, 3)) assert_equal(3, S("hello,lo").rindex(S("l"), 3)) assert_equal(3, S("hello,lo").rindex(/l./, 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").rindex(?z, 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").rindex(S("z"), 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").rindex(/z./, 3)) assert_nil(S("hello").rindex(?z)) assert_nil(S("hello").rindex(S("z"))) assert_nil(S("hello").rindex(/z./)) o = def o.to_str; "bar"; end assert_equal(6, "foobarbarbaz".rindex(o)) assert_raise(TypeError) { "foo".rindex( } assert_nil("foo".rindex(//, -100)) assert_nil($~) end def test_rjust assert_equal(S("hello"), S("hello").rjust(4)) assert_equal(S(" hello"), S("hello").rjust(11)) end def test_scan a = S("cruel world") assert_equal([S("cruel"), S("world")],a.scan(/\w+/)) assert_equal([S("cru"), S("el "), S("wor")],a.scan(/.../)) assert_equal([[S("cru")], [S("el ")], [S("wor")]],a.scan(/(...)/)) res = [] a.scan(/\w+/) { |w| res << w } assert_equal([S("cruel"), S("world") ],res) res = [] a.scan(/.../) { |w| res << w } assert_equal([S("cru"), S("el "), S("wor")],res) res = [] a.scan(/(...)/) { |w| res << w } assert_equal([[S("cru")], [S("el ")], [S("wor")]],res) end def test_size assert_equal(0, S("").size) assert_equal(4, S("1234").size) assert_equal(6, S("1234\r\n").size) assert_equal(7, S("\0011234\r\n").size) end def test_slice assert_equal(?A, S("AooBar").slice(0)) assert_equal(?B, S("FooBaB").slice(-1)) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(6)) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(-7)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar").slice(0,3)) assert_equal(S(S("Bar")), S("FooBar").slice(-3,3)) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(7,2)) # Maybe should be six? assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(-7,10)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar").slice(0..2)) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar").slice(-3..-1)) assert_equal(S(""), S("FooBar").slice(6..2)) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(-10..-7)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar").slice(/^F../)) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar").slice(/..r$/)) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(/xyzzy/)) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(/plugh/)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), S("FooBar").slice(S("Foo"))) assert_equal(S("Bar"), S("FooBar").slice(S("Bar"))) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(S("xyzzy"))) assert_nil(S("FooBar").slice(S("plugh"))) end def test_slice! a = S("AooBar") b = a.dup assert_equal(?A, a.slice!(0)) assert_equal(S("ooBar"), a) assert_equal(S("AooBar"), b) a = S("FooBar") assert_equal(?r,a.slice!(-1)) assert_equal(S("FooBa"), a) a = S("FooBar") if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil( a.slice!(6) ) else assert_raise(IndexError) { a.slice!(6) } end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil( a.slice!(-7) ) else assert_raise(IndexError) { a.slice!(-7) } end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) a = S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Foo"), a.slice!(0,3)) assert_equal(S("Bar"), a) a = S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Bar"), a.slice!(-3,3)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), a) a=S("FooBar") if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil(a.slice!(7,2)) # Maybe should be six? else assert_raise(IndexError) {a.slice!(7,2)} # Maybe should be six? end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil(a.slice!(-7,10)) else assert_raise(IndexError) {a.slice!(-7,10)} end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) a=S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Foo"), a.slice!(0..2)) assert_equal(S("Bar"), a) a=S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Bar"), a.slice!(-3..-1)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), a) a=S("FooBar") if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_equal(S(""), a.slice!(6..2)) else assert_raise(RangeError) {a.slice!(6..2)} end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil(a.slice!(-10..-7)) else assert_raise(RangeError) {a.slice!(-10..-7)} end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) a=S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Foo"), a.slice!(/^F../)) assert_equal(S("Bar"), a) a=S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Bar"), a.slice!(/..r$/)) assert_equal(S("Foo"), a) a=S("FooBar") if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil(a.slice!(/xyzzy/)) else assert_raise(IndexError) {a.slice!(/xyzzy/)} end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) if @aref_slicebang_silent assert_nil(a.slice!(/plugh/)) else assert_raise(IndexError) {a.slice!(/plugh/)} end assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) a=S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Foo"), a.slice!(S("Foo"))) assert_equal(S("Bar"), a) a=S("FooBar") assert_equal(S("Bar"), a.slice!(S("Bar"))) assert_equal(S("Foo"), a) pre_1_7_1 do a=S("FooBar") assert_nil(a.slice!(S("xyzzy"))) assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) assert_nil(a.slice!(S("plugh"))) assert_equal(S("FooBar"), a) end assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo".slice! } end def test_split assert_nil($;) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c")], S(" a b\t c ").split) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c")], S(" a b\t c ").split(S(" "))) assert_equal([S(" a "), S(" b "), S(" c ")], S(" a | b | c ").split(S("|"))) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c")], S("aXXbXXcXX").split(/X./)) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c")], S("abc").split(//)) assert_equal([S("a|b|c")], S("a|b|c").split(S('|'), 1)) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b|c")], S("a|b|c").split(S('|'), 2)) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c")], S("a|b|c").split(S('|'), 3)) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c"), S("")], S("a|b|c|").split(S('|'), -1)) assert_equal([S("a"), S("b"), S("c"), S(""), S("")], S("a|b|c||").split(S('|'), -1)) assert_equal([S("a"), S(""), S("b"), S("c")], S("a||b|c|").split(S('|'))) assert_equal([S("a"), S(""), S("b"), S("c"), S("")], S("a||b|c|").split(S('|'), -1)) assert_equal([], "".split(//, 1)) assert_equal("[2, 3]", [1,2,3].slice!(1,10000).inspect, "moved from btest/knownbug") end def test_squeeze assert_equal(S("abc"), S("aaabbbbccc").squeeze) assert_equal(S("aa bb cc"), S("aa bb cc").squeeze(S(" "))) assert_equal(S("BxTyWz"), S("BxxxTyyyWzzzzz").squeeze(S("a-z"))) end def test_squeeze! a = S("aaabbbbccc") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("abc"), a.squeeze!) assert_equal(S("abc"), a) assert_equal(S("aaabbbbccc"), b) a = S("aa bb cc") assert_equal(S("aa bb cc"), a.squeeze!(S(" "))) assert_equal(S("aa bb cc"), a) a = S("BxxxTyyyWzzzzz") assert_equal(S("BxTyWz"), a.squeeze!(S("a-z"))) assert_equal(S("BxTyWz"), a) a=S("The quick brown fox") assert_nil(a.squeeze!) end def test_strip assert_equal(S("x"), S(" x ").strip) assert_equal(S("x"), S(" \n\r\t x \t\r\n\n ").strip) end def test_strip! a = S(" x ") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("x") ,a.strip!) assert_equal(S("x") ,a) assert_equal(S(" x "), b) a = S(" \n\r\t x \t\r\n\n ") assert_equal(S("x"), a.strip!) assert_equal(S("x"), a) a = S("x") assert_nil(a.strip!) assert_equal(S("x") ,a) end def test_sub assert_equal(S("h*llo"), S("hello").sub(/[aeiou]/, S('*'))) assert_equal(S("hllo"), S("hello").sub(/([aeiou])/, S('<\1>'))) assert_equal(S("h ello"), S("hello").sub(/./) { |s| s[0].to_s + S(' ')}) assert_equal(S("HELL-o"), S("hello").sub(/(hell)(.)/) { |s| $1.upcase + S('-') + $2 }) assert_equal(S("a\\aba"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\\')) assert_equal(S("ab\\aba"), S("ababa").sub(/(b)/, '\1\\')) assert_equal(S("ababa"), S("ababa").sub(/(b)/, '\1')) assert_equal(S("ababa"), S("ababa").sub(/(b)/, '\\1')) assert_equal(S("a\\1aba"), S("ababa").sub(/(b)/, '\\\1')) assert_equal(S("a\\1aba"), S("ababa").sub(/(b)/, '\\\\1')) assert_equal(S("a\\baba"), S("ababa").sub(/(b)/, '\\\\\1')) assert_equal(S("a--ababababababababab"), S("abababababababababab").sub(/(b)/, '-\9-')) assert_equal(S("1-b-0"), S("1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9b0"). sub(/(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b)/, '-\9-')) assert_equal(S("1-b-0"), S("1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9b0"). sub(/(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b)/, '-\\9-')) assert_equal(S("1-\\9-0"), S("1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9b0"). sub(/(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b).(b)/, '-\\\9-')) assert_equal(S("k"), S("1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9iAjBk"). sub(/.(.).(.).(.).(.).(.).(.).(.).(.).(.).(.).(.)/, '\+')) assert_equal(S("ab\\aba"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\&\\')) assert_equal(S("ababa"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\&')) assert_equal(S("ababa"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\\&')) assert_equal(S("a\\&aba"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\\\&')) assert_equal(S("a\\&aba"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\\\\&')) assert_equal(S("a\\baba"), S("ababa").sub(/b/, '\\\\\&')) a = S("hello") a.taint a.untrust x = a.sub(/./, S('X')) assert(x.tainted?) assert(x.untrusted?) o = def o.to_str; "bar"; end assert_equal("fooBARbaz", "foobarbaz".sub(o, "BAR")) assert_raise(TypeError) { "foo".sub(, "") } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo".sub } assert_raise(IndexError) { "foo"[/(?:(o$)|(x))/, 2] = 'bar' } o = def o.to_s; self; end assert_match(/^foo#baz$/, "foobarbaz".sub("bar") { o }) end def test_sub! a = S("hello") b = a.dup a.sub!(/[aeiou]/, S('*')) assert_equal(S("h*llo"), a) assert_equal(S("hello"), b) a = S("hello") a.sub!(/([aeiou])/, S('<\1>')) assert_equal(S("hllo"), a) a = S("hello") a.sub!(/./) { |s| s[0].to_s + S(' ')} assert_equal(S("h ello"), a) a = S("hello") a.sub!(/(hell)(.)/) { |s| $1.upcase + S('-') + $2 } assert_equal(S("HELL-o"), a) a=S("hello") assert_nil(a.sub!(/X/, S('Y'))) r = S('X') r.taint r.untrust a.sub!(/./, r) assert(a.tainted?) assert(a.untrusted?) end def test_succ assert_equal(S("abd"), S("abc").succ) assert_equal(S("z"), S("y").succ) assert_equal(S("aaa"), S("zz").succ) assert_equal(S("124"), S("123").succ) assert_equal(S("1000"), S("999").succ) assert_equal(S("2.000"), S("1.999").succ) assert_equal(S("No.10"), S("No.9").succ) assert_equal(S("2000aaa"), S("1999zzz").succ) assert_equal(S("AAAAA000"), S("ZZZZ999").succ) assert_equal(S("*+"), S("**").succ) assert_equal("abce", "abcd".succ) assert_equal("THX1139", "THX1138".succ) assert_equal("<>", "<>".succ) assert_equal("2000aaa", "1999zzz".succ) assert_equal("AAAA0000", "ZZZ9999".succ) assert_equal("**+", "***".succ) end def test_succ! a = S("abc") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("abd"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("abd"), a) assert_equal(S("abc"), b) a = S("y") assert_equal(S("z"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("z"), a) a = S("zz") assert_equal(S("aaa"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("aaa"), a) a = S("123") assert_equal(S("124"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("124"), a) a = S("999") assert_equal(S("1000"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("1000"), a) a = S("1999zzz") assert_equal(S("2000aaa"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("2000aaa"), a) a = S("ZZZZ999") assert_equal(S("AAAAA000"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("AAAAA000"), a) a = S("**") assert_equal(S("*+"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("*+"), a) a = S("No.9") assert_equal(S("No.10"), a.succ!) assert_equal(S("No.10"), a) assert_equal("aaaaaaaaaaaa", "zzzzzzzzzzz".succ!) assert_equal("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".succ!) end def test_sum n = S("\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001") assert_equal(15, n.sum) n += S("\001") assert_equal(16, n.sum(17)) n[0] = 2.chr assert(15 != n.sum) end def check_sum(str, bits=16) sum = 0 str.each_byte {|c| sum += c} sum = sum & ((1 << bits) - 1) if bits != 0 assert_equal(sum, str.sum(bits)) end def test_sum_2 assert_equal(0, "".sum) assert_equal(294, "abc".sum) check_sum("abc") check_sum("\x80") 0.upto(70) {|bits| check_sum("xyz", bits) } end def test_swapcase assert_equal(S("hi&LOW"), S("HI&low").swapcase) end def test_swapcase! a = S("hi&LOW") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("HI&low"), a.swapcase!) assert_equal(S("HI&low"), a) assert_equal(S("hi&LOW"), b) a = S("$^#^%$#!!") assert_nil(a.swapcase!) assert_equal(S("$^#^%$#!!"), a) end def test_to_f assert_equal(344.3, S("344.3").to_f) assert_equal(5.9742e24, S("5.9742e24").to_f) assert_equal(98.6, S("98.6 degrees").to_f) assert_equal(0.0, S("degrees 100.0").to_f) end def test_to_i assert_equal(1480, S("1480ft/sec").to_i) assert_equal(0, S("speed of sound in water @20C = 1480ft/sec)").to_i) assert_equal(0, " 0".to_i) assert_equal(0, "+0".to_i) assert_equal(0, "-0".to_i) assert_equal(0, "--0".to_i) assert_equal(16, "0x10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(16, "0X10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(2, "0b10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(2, "0B10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(8, "0o10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(8, "0O10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(10, "0d10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(10, "0D10".to_i(0)) assert_equal(8, "010".to_i(0)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "010".to_i(-10) } 2.upto(36) {|radix| assert_equal(radix, "10".to_i(radix)) assert_equal(radix**2, "100".to_i(radix)) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "0".to_i(1) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "0".to_i(37) } assert_equal(0, "z".to_i(10)) assert_equal(12, "1_2".to_i(10)) assert_equal(0x40000000, "1073741824".to_i(10)) assert_equal(0x4000000000000000, "4611686018427387904".to_i(10)) assert_equal(1, "1__2".to_i(10)) assert_equal(1, "1_z".to_i(10)) end def test_to_s a = S("me") assert_equal("me", a.to_s) assert_equal(a.__id__, a.to_s.__id__) if @cls == String end def test_to_str a = S("me") assert_equal("me", a.to_s) assert_equal(a.__id__, a.to_s.__id__) if @cls == String end def test_tr assert_equal(S("hippo"), S("hello").tr(S("el"), S("ip"))) assert_equal(S("*e**o"), S("hello").tr(S("^aeiou"), S("*"))) assert_equal(S("hal"), S("ibm").tr(S("b-z"), S("a-z"))) a = "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII) assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII,"z"), S("\u0101")).encoding, '[ruby-core:22326]') assert_equal("a".hash, "a".tr("a", "\u0101").tr("\u0101", "a").hash, '[ruby-core:22328]') assert_equal(true, "\u0101".tr("\u0101", "a").ascii_only?) assert_equal(true, "\u3041".tr("\u3041", "a").ascii_only?) assert_equal(false, "\u3041\u3042".tr("\u3041", "a").ascii_only?) end def test_tr! a = S("hello") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("hippo"),!(S("el"), S("ip"))) assert_equal(S("hippo"), a) assert_equal(S("hello"),b) a = S("hello") assert_equal(S("*e**o"),!(S("^aeiou"), S("*"))) assert_equal(S("*e**o"), a) a = S("IBM") assert_equal(S("HAL"),!(S("B-Z"), S("A-Z"))) assert_equal(S("HAL"), a) a = S("ibm") assert_nil(!(S("B-Z"), S("A-Z"))) assert_equal(S("ibm"), a) a = "abc".force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII) assert_nil(!(S("z"), S("\u0101")), '[ruby-core:22326]') assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII, a.encoding, '[ruby-core:22326]') end def test_tr_s assert_equal(S("hypo"), S("hello").tr_s(S("el"), S("yp"))) assert_equal(S("h*o"), S("hello").tr_s(S("el"), S("*"))) assert_equal("a".hash, "\u0101\u0101".tr_s("\u0101", "a").hash) assert_equal(true, "\u3041\u3041".tr("\u3041", "a").ascii_only?) end def test_tr_s! a = S("hello") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("hypo"), a.tr_s!(S("el"), S("yp"))) assert_equal(S("hypo"), a) assert_equal(S("hello"), b) a = S("hello") assert_equal(S("h*o"), a.tr_s!(S("el"), S("*"))) assert_equal(S("h*o"), a) end def test_unpack a = [S("cat"), S("wom"), S("x"), S("yy")] assert_equal(a, S("catwomx yy ").unpack(S("A3A3A3A3"))) assert_equal([S("cat")], S("cat \000\000").unpack(S("A*"))) assert_equal([S("cwx"), S("wx"), S("x"), S("yy")], S("cwx yy ").unpack(S("A3@1A3@2A3A3"))) assert_equal([S("cat"), S("wom"), S("x\000\000"), S("yy\000")], S("catwomx\000\000yy\000").unpack(S("a3a3a3a3"))) assert_equal([S("cat \000\000")], S("cat \000\000").unpack(S("a*"))) assert_equal([S("ca")], S("catdog").unpack(S("a2"))) assert_equal([S("cat\000\000")], S("cat\000\000\000\000\000dog").unpack(S("a5"))) assert_equal([S("01100001")], S("\x61").unpack(S("B8"))) assert_equal([S("01100001")], S("\x61").unpack(S("B*"))) assert_equal([S("0110000100110111")], S("\x61\x37").unpack(S("B16"))) assert_equal([S("01100001"), S("00110111")], S("\x61\x37").unpack(S("B8B8"))) assert_equal([S("0110")], S("\x60").unpack(S("B4"))) assert_equal([S("01")], S("\x40").unpack(S("B2"))) assert_equal([S("01100001")], S("\x86").unpack(S("b8"))) assert_equal([S("01100001")], S("\x86").unpack(S("b*"))) assert_equal([S("0110000100110111")], S("\x86\xec").unpack(S("b16"))) assert_equal([S("01100001"), S("00110111")], S("\x86\xec").unpack(S("b8b8"))) assert_equal([S("0110")], S("\x06").unpack(S("b4"))) assert_equal([S("01")], S("\x02").unpack(S("b2"))) assert_equal([ 65, 66, 67 ], S("ABC").unpack(S("C3"))) assert_equal([ 255, 66, 67 ], S("\377BC").unpack("C*")) assert_equal([ 65, 66, 67 ], S("ABC").unpack("c3")) assert_equal([ -1, 66, 67 ], S("\377BC").unpack("c*")) assert_equal([S("4142"), S("0a"), S("1")], S("AB\n\x10").unpack(S("H4H2H1"))) assert_equal([S("1424"), S("a0"), S("2")], S("AB\n\x02").unpack(S("h4h2h1"))) assert_equal([S("abc\002defcat\001"), S(""), S("")], S("abc=02def=\ncat=\n=01=\n").unpack(S("M9M3M4"))) assert_equal([S("hello\n")], S("aGVsbG8K\n").unpack(S("m"))) assert_equal([S("hello\nhello\n")], S(",:&5L;&\\*:&5L;&\\*\n").unpack(S("u"))) assert_equal([0xa9, 0x42, 0x2260], S("\xc2\xa9B\xe2\x89\xa0").unpack(S("U*"))) =begin skipping "Not tested: D,d & double-precision float, native format\\ E & double-precision float, little-endian byte order\\ e & single-precision float, little-endian byte order\\ F,f & single-precision float, native format\\ G & double-precision float, network (big-endian) byte order\\ g & single-precision float, network (big-endian) byte order\\ I & unsigned integer\\ i & integer\\ L & unsigned long\\ l & long\\ m & string encoded in base64 (uuencoded)\\ N & long, network (big-endian) byte order\\ n & short, network (big-endian) byte-order\\ P & pointer to a structure (fixed-length string)\\ p & pointer to a null-terminated string\\ S & unsigned short\\ s & short\\ V & long, little-endian byte order\\ v & short, little-endian byte order\\ X & back up a byte\\ x & null byte\\ Z & ASCII string (null padded, count is width)\\ " =end end def test_upcase assert_equal(S("HELLO"), S("hello").upcase) assert_equal(S("HELLO"), S("hello").upcase) assert_equal(S("HELLO"), S("HELLO").upcase) assert_equal(S("ABC HELLO 123"), S("abc HELLO 123").upcase) end def test_upcase! a = S("hello") b = a.dup assert_equal(S("HELLO"), a.upcase!) assert_equal(S("HELLO"), a) assert_equal(S("hello"), b) a = S("HELLO") assert_nil(a.upcase!) assert_equal(S("HELLO"), a) end def test_upto a = S("aa") start = S("aa") count = 0 assert_equal(S("aa"), a.upto(S("zz")) {|s| assert_equal(start, s) start.succ! count += 1 }) assert_equal(676, count) end def test_mod_check assert_raise(RuntimeError) { s = "" s.sub!(/\A/) { s.replace "z" * 2000; "zzz" } } end def test_frozen_check assert_raise(RuntimeError) { s = "" s.sub!(/\A/) { s.freeze; "zzz" } } end def test_tainted_str_new a = [] a << a s = a.inspect assert(s.tainted?) assert_equal("[[...]]", s) end class S2 < String end def test_str_new4 s = (0..54).to_a.join # length = 100 s2 =[10,90]) s3 = s2[10,80] assert_equal((10..54).to_a.to_a.join, s2) assert_equal((15..54).to_a.to_a.join, s3) end def test_rb_str_new4 s = "a" * 100 s2 = s[10,90] assert_equal("a" * 90, s2) s3 = s2[10,80] assert_equal("a" * 80, s3) end class StringLike def initialize(str) @str = str end def to_str @str end end def test_rb_str_to_str assert_equal("ab", "a" +"b")) end def test_rb_str_shared_replace s = "a" * 100 s.succ! assert_equal("a" * 99 + "b", s) s = "" s.succ! assert_equal("", s) end def test_times assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "a" * (-1) } end def test_splice! l = S("1234\n234\n34\n4\n") assert_equal(S("1234\n"), l.slice!(/\A.*\n/), "[ruby-dev:31665]") assert_equal(S("234\n"), l.slice!(/\A.*\n/), "[ruby-dev:31665]") assert_equal(S("34\n"), l.slice!(/\A.*\n/), "[ruby-dev:31665]") assert_equal(S("4\n"), l.slice!(/\A.*\n/), "[ruby-dev:31665]") assert_nil(l.slice!(/\A.*\n/), "[ruby-dev:31665]") end def test_end_with? assert("abc".end_with?("c")) end def test_times2 s1 = '' 100.times {|n| s2 = "a" * n assert_equal(s1, s2) s1 << 'a' } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo" * (-1) } end def test_respond_to o = def o.respond_to?(arg) [:to_str].include?(arg) ? nil : super end def o.to_str() "" end def o.==(other) "" == other end assert_equal(false, "" == o) end def test_match_method assert_equal("bar", "foobarbaz".match(/bar/).to_s) o = /foo/ def o.match(x, y, z); x + y + z; end assert_equal("foobarbaz", "foo".match(o, "bar", "baz")) x = nil "foo".match(o, "bar", "baz") {|y| x = y } assert_equal("foobarbaz", x) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "foo".match } end def test_clear s = "foo" * 100 s.clear assert_equal("", s) end def test_to_s_2 c = s = s.replace("foo") assert_equal("foo", s.to_s) assert_instance_of(String, s.to_s) end def test_partition assert_equal(%w(he l lo), "hello".partition(/l/)) assert_equal(%w(he l lo), "hello".partition("l")) assert_raise(TypeError) { "hello".partition(1) } end def test_rpartition assert_equal(%w(hel l o), "hello".rpartition(/l/)) assert_equal(%w(hel l o), "hello".rpartition("l")) assert_raise(TypeError) { "hello".rpartition(1) } end def test_setter assert_raise(TypeError) { $/ = 1 } end def test_to_id c = c.class_eval do def initialize @foo = :foo end end assert_raise(TypeError) do c.class_eval { attr 1 } end o = def o.to_str; :foo; end assert_raise(TypeError) do c.class_eval { attr 1 } end def o.to_str; "foo"; end assert_nothing_raised do c.class_eval { attr o } end assert_equal(:foo, end def test_gsub_enumerator assert_normal_exit %q{"abc".gsub(/./).next}, "[ruby-dev:34828]" end def test_clear_nonasciicompat assert_equal("", "\u3042".encode("ISO-2022-JP").clear) end def test_try_convert assert_equal(nil, String.try_convert(1)) assert_equal("foo", String.try_convert("foo")) end def test_substr_negative_begin assert_equal("\u3042", ("\u3042" * 100)[-1]) end def test_compare_different_encoding_string s1 = "\xff".force_encoding("UTF-8") s2 = "\xff".force_encoding("ISO-2022-JP") #assert_equal([-1, 1], [s1 <=> s2, s2 <=> s1].sort) end def test_casecmp assert_equal(1, "\u3042B".casecmp("\u3042a")) end def test_upcase2 assert_equal("\u3042AB", "\u3042aB".upcase) end def test_downcase2 assert_equal("\u3042ab", "\u3042aB".downcase) end def test_rstrip assert_equal("\u3042", "\u3042 ".rstrip) assert_raise(Encoding::CompatibilityError) { "\u3042".encode("ISO-2022-JP").rstrip } end def test_symbol_table_overflow return assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, [], /symbol table overflow \(symbol [a-z]{8}\) \(RuntimeError\)/) ("aaaaaaaa".."zzzzzzzz").each {|s| s.to_sym } INPUT end end