###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### SIMPLE_GEM = <<-GEMDATA MD5SUM = "b12a4d48febeb2289c539c2574c4b6f8" if $0 == __FILE__ require 'optparse' options = {} ARGV.options do |opts| opts.on_tail("--help", "show this message") {puts opts; exit} opts.on('--dir=DIRNAME', "Installation directory for the Gem") {|options[:directory]|} opts.on('--force', "Force Gem to intall, bypassing dependency checks") {|options[:force]|} opts.on('--gen-rdoc', "Generate RDoc documentation for the Gem") {|options[:gen_rdoc]|} opts.parse! end require 'rubygems' @directory = options[:directory] || Gem.dir @force = options[:force] gem = Gem::Installer.new(__FILE__).install(@force, @directory) if options[:gen_rdoc] Gem::DocManager.new(gem).generate_rdoc end end __END__ --- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification rubygems_version: "1.0" name: testing version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.2.3 date: 2004-03-18 22:01:52.859121 -05:00 platform: summary: This exercise the gem testing stuff. require_paths: - lib files: - lib/foo.rb - lib/test - lib/test.rb - lib/test/wow.rb autorequire: test test_suite_file: foo requirements: - a computer processor --- - size: 109 mode: 420 path: lib/foo.rb - size: 0 mode: 420 path: lib/test.rb - size: 15 mode: 420 path: lib/test/wow.rb --- eJwVjDEKgDAUQ/eeIpsKguhY3ARPoHMp9quF0mL7e39/h5DwQpLpqz4TOqbC U42eO6WuYEvBntIhECuaaX1KqXXLmy2kAEc32szExK+PjyBAlpTZyK0N/Twu g1CKTjX9BGAj1w== --- eJwDAAAAAAE= --- eJwrKC0pVlAvzy9XyE3MU+cCACwiBP4= GEMDATA