# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "helper" require "rubygems/command" class Gem::Command public :parser end class TestGemCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super @xopt = nil @common_options = Gem::Command.common_options.dup Gem::Command.common_options.clear Gem::Command.common_options << [ ["-x", "--exe", "Execute"], lambda do |*_a| @xopt = true end ] @cmd_name = "doit" @cmd = Gem::Command.new @cmd_name, "summary" end def teardown super Gem::Command.common_options.replace @common_options end def test_self_add_specific_extra_args added_args = %w[--all] @cmd.add_option("--all") {|v,o| } Gem::Command.add_specific_extra_args @cmd_name, added_args assert_equal added_args, Gem::Command.specific_extra_args(@cmd_name) h = @cmd.add_extra_args [] assert_equal added_args, h end def test_self_add_specific_extra_args_unknown added_args = %w[--definitely_not_there] Gem::Command.add_specific_extra_args @cmd_name, added_args assert_equal added_args, Gem::Command.specific_extra_args(@cmd_name) h = @cmd.add_extra_args [] assert_equal [], h end def test_self_extra_args verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil separator = $; extra_args = Gem::Command.extra_args Gem::Command.extra_args = %w[--all] assert_equal %w[--all], Gem::Command.extra_args Gem::Command.extra_args = "--file --help" assert_equal %w[--file --help], Gem::Command.extra_args $; = "=" Gem::Command.extra_args = "--awesome=true --verbose" assert_equal %w[--awesome=true --verbose], Gem::Command.extra_args ensure Gem::Command.extra_args = extra_args $; = separator $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_basic_accessors assert_equal "doit", @cmd.command assert_equal "gem doit", @cmd.program_name assert_equal "summary", @cmd.summary end def test_common_option_in_class assert Array === Gem::Command.common_options end def test_defaults @cmd.add_option("-h", "--help [COMMAND]", "Get help on COMMAND") do |value, options| options[:help] = value end @cmd.defaults = { :help => true } @cmd.when_invoked do |options| assert options[:help], "Help options should default true" end use_ui @ui do @cmd.invoke end assert_match(/Usage: gem doit/, @ui.output) end def test_invoke done = false @cmd.when_invoked { done = true } use_ui @ui do @cmd.invoke end assert done end def test_invoke_with_bad_options use_ui @ui do @cmd.when_invoked { true } ex = assert_raise Gem::OptionParser::InvalidOption do @cmd.invoke("-zzz") end assert_match(/invalid option:/, ex.message) end end def test_invoke_with_common_options @cmd.when_invoked { true } use_ui @ui do @cmd.invoke "-x" end assert @xopt, "Should have done xopt" end def test_invoke_with_build_args @cmd.when_invoked { true } use_ui @ui do @cmd.invoke_with_build_args ["-x"], ["--awesome=true"] end assert_equal ["--awesome=true"], @cmd.options[:build_args] end # Returning false from the command handler invokes the usage output. def test_invoke_with_help done = false use_ui @ui do @cmd.add_option("-h", "--help [COMMAND]", "Get help on COMMAND") do |_value, options| options[:help] = true done = true end @cmd.invoke("--help") assert done end assert_match(/Usage/, @ui.output) assert_match(/gem doit/, @ui.output) assert_match(/\[options\]/, @ui.output) assert_match(/-h/, @ui.output) assert_match(/--help \[COMMAND\]/, @ui.output) assert_match(/Get help on COMMAND/, @ui.output) assert_match(/-x/, @ui.output) assert_match(/--exe/, @ui.output) assert_match(/Execute/, @ui.output) assert_match(/Common Options:/, @ui.output) end def test_invoke_with_options @cmd.add_option("-h", "--help [COMMAND]", "Get help on COMMAND") do |_value, options| options[:help] = true end @cmd.when_invoked do |opts| assert opts[:help] end use_ui @ui do @cmd.invoke "-h" end assert_match(/Usage: gem doit/, @ui.output) end def test_add_option assert_nothing_raised RuntimeError do @cmd.add_option("--force", "skip validation of the spec") {|v,o| } end end def test_add_option_with_empty assert_raise RuntimeError, "Do not pass an empty string in opts" do @cmd.add_option("", "skip validation of the spec") {|v,o| } end end def test_option_recognition @cmd.add_option("-h", "--help [COMMAND]", "Get help on COMMAND") do |_value, options| options[:help] = true end @cmd.add_option("-f", "--file FILE", "File option") do |_value, options| options[:help] = true end @cmd.add_option("--silent", "Silence RubyGems output") do |_value, options| options[:silent] = true end assert @cmd.handles?(["-x"]) assert @cmd.handles?(["-h"]) assert @cmd.handles?(["-h", "command"]) assert @cmd.handles?(["--help", "command"]) assert @cmd.handles?(["-f", "filename"]) assert @cmd.handles?(["--file=filename"]) assert @cmd.handles?(["--silent"]) refute @cmd.handles?(["-z"]) refute @cmd.handles?(["-f"]) refute @cmd.handles?(["--toothpaste"]) args = ["-h", "command"] @cmd.handles?(args) assert_equal ["-h", "command"], args end def test_deprecate_option deprecate_msg = <<-EXPECTED WARNING: The \"--test\" option has been deprecated and will be removed in Rubygems 3.1. EXPECTED test_command = Class.new(Gem::Command) do def initialize super("test", "Gem::Command instance for testing") add_option("-t", "--test", "Test command") do |_value, options| options[:test] = true end deprecate_option("--test", version: "3.1") end def execute true end end cmd = test_command.new use_ui @ui do cmd.invoke("--test") assert_equal deprecate_msg, @ui.error end end def test_deprecate_option_no_version deprecate_msg = <<-EXPECTED WARNING: The \"--test\" option has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Rubygems. EXPECTED test_command = Class.new(Gem::Command) do def initialize super("test", "Gem::Command instance for testing") add_option("-t", "--test", "Test command") do |_value, options| options[:test] = true end deprecate_option("--test") end def execute true end end cmd = test_command.new use_ui @ui do cmd.invoke("--test") assert_equal deprecate_msg, @ui.error end end def test_deprecate_option_extra_message deprecate_msg = <<-EXPECTED WARNING: The \"--test\" option has been deprecated and will be removed in Rubygems 3.1. Whether you set `--test` mode or not, this dummy app always runs in test mode. EXPECTED test_command = Class.new(Gem::Command) do def initialize super("test", "Gem::Command instance for testing") add_option("-t", "--test", "Test command") do |_value, options| options[:test] = true end deprecate_option("--test", version: "3.1", extra_msg: "Whether you set `--test` mode or not, this dummy app always runs in test mode.") end def execute true end end cmd = test_command.new use_ui @ui do cmd.invoke("--test") assert_equal deprecate_msg, @ui.error end end def test_deprecate_option_extra_message_and_no_version deprecate_msg = <<-EXPECTED WARNING: The \"--test\" option has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Rubygems. Whether you set `--test` mode or not, this dummy app always runs in test mode. EXPECTED test_command = Class.new(Gem::Command) do def initialize super("test", "Gem::Command instance for testing") add_option("-t", "--test", "Test command") do |_value, options| options[:test] = true end deprecate_option("--test", extra_msg: "Whether you set `--test` mode or not, this dummy app always runs in test mode.") end def execute true end end cmd = test_command.new use_ui @ui do cmd.invoke("--test") assert_equal deprecate_msg, @ui.error end end def test_show_lookup_failure_suggestions_local correct = "non_existent_with_hint" misspelled = "nonexistent_with_hint" spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec correct, 2 end use_ui @ui do @cmd.show_lookup_failure misspelled, Gem::Requirement.default, [], :local end expected = <<-EXPECTED ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'nonexistent_with_hint' (>= 0) in any repository EXPECTED assert_equal expected, @ui.error end def test_show_lookup_failure_suggestions_none spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec "correct", 2 end use_ui @ui do @cmd.show_lookup_failure "other", Gem::Requirement.default, [], :remote end expected = <<-EXPECTED ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'other' (>= 0) in any repository EXPECTED assert_equal expected, @ui.error end def test_show_lookup_failure_suggestions_remote correct = "non_existent_with_hint" misspelled = "nonexistent_with_hint" spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec correct, 2 end use_ui @ui do @cmd.show_lookup_failure misspelled, Gem::Requirement.default, [] end expected = <<-EXPECTED ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'nonexistent_with_hint' (>= 0) in any repository ERROR: Possible alternatives: non_existent_with_hint EXPECTED assert_equal expected, @ui.error end def test_show_defaulting_to_user_install_when_appropriate omit "this test doesn't work with ruby-core setup" if ruby_repo? Gem.stub(:default_dir, "/this-directory-does-not-exist") do # Replace `Gem.paths` with a new instance, so `Gem.paths.auto_user_install` # is accurate. Gem.stub(:paths, Gem::PathSupport.new(ENV)) do output_regex = "Defaulting to user installation" test_command = Class.new(Gem::Command) do def initialize # "gem install" should ALWAYS print the warning. super("install", "Gem::Command instance for testing") end def execute true end end cmd = test_command.new use_ui @ui do cmd.invoke assert_match output_regex, @ui.output, "Gem.default_dir = #{Gem.default_dir.inspect}\n" \ "Gem.paths.auto_user_install = #{Gem.paths.auto_user_install.inspect}" end end end end def test_dont_show_defaulting_to_user_install_when_appropriate Gem.stub(:default_dir, "/this-directory-does-not-exist") do # Replace `Gem.paths` with a new instance, so `Gem.paths.auto_user_install` # is accurate. Gem.stub(:paths, Gem::PathSupport.new(ENV)) do output_regex = /^Defaulting to user installation/ test_command = Class.new(Gem::Command) do def initialize # "gem blargh" should NEVER print the warning. super("blargh", "Gem::Command instance for testing") end def execute true end end cmd = test_command.new use_ui @ui do cmd.invoke assert_no_match output_regex, @ui.output, "Gem.default_dir = #{Gem.default_dir.inspect}\n" \ "Gem.paths.auto_user_install = #{Gem.paths.auto_user_install.inspect}" end end end end end