###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require "test/rubygems/gemutilities" require 'rubygems/commands/query_command' class TestGemCommandsQueryCommand < RubyGemTestCase def setup super @cmd = Gem::Commands::QueryCommand.new util_setup_fake_fetcher @si = util_setup_spec_fetcher @a1, @a2, @pl1, @a3a @fetcher.data["#{@gem_repo}Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}"] = proc do raise Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError end end def test_execute @cmd.handle_options %w[-r] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (2) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_platform @a1r = @a1.dup @a1.platform = 'x86-linux' @a2.platform = 'universal-darwin' @si = util_setup_spec_fetcher @a1, @a1r, @a2, @b2, @pl1 @cmd.handle_options %w[-r -a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (2 universal-darwin, 1 ruby x86-linux) b (2) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_all @cmd.handle_options %w[-r --all] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (2, 1) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_all_prerelease @cmd.handle_options %w[-r --all --prerelease] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (3.a, 2, 1) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_details @a2.summary = 'This is a lot of text. ' * 4 @a2.authors = ['Abraham Lincoln', 'Hirohito'] @a2.homepage = 'http://a.example.com/' @a2.rubyforge_project = 'rubygems' @si = util_setup_spec_fetcher @a1, @a2, @pl1 @cmd.handle_options %w[-r -d] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (2) Authors: Abraham Lincoln, Hirohito Rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubygems Homepage: http://a.example.com/ This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. pl (1) Platform: i386-linux Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com this is a summary EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_details_platform @a1.platform = 'x86-linux' @a2.summary = 'This is a lot of text. ' * 4 @a2.authors = ['Abraham Lincoln', 'Hirohito'] @a2.homepage = 'http://a.example.com/' @a2.rubyforge_project = 'rubygems' @a2.platform = 'universal-darwin' @si = util_setup_spec_fetcher @a1, @a2, @pl1 @cmd.handle_options %w[-r -d] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (2, 1) Platforms: 1: x86-linux 2: universal-darwin Authors: Abraham Lincoln, Hirohito Rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubygems Homepage: http://a.example.com/ This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. pl (1) Platform: i386-linux Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com this is a summary EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_installed @cmd.handle_options %w[-n c --installed] e = assert_raises Gem::SystemExitException do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal 0, e.exit_code assert_equal "true\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_installed_no_name @cmd.handle_options %w[--installed] e = assert_raises Gem::SystemExitException do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal '', @ui.output assert_equal "ERROR: You must specify a gem name\n", @ui.error assert_equal 4, e.exit_code end def test_execute_installed_not_installed @cmd.handle_options %w[-n not_installed --installed] e = assert_raises Gem::SystemExitException do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal "false\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error assert_equal 1, e.exit_code end def test_execute_installed_version @cmd.handle_options %w[-n c --installed --version 1.2] e = assert_raises Gem::SystemExitException do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal "true\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error assert_equal 0, e.exit_code end def test_execute_installed_version_not_installed @cmd.handle_options %w[-n c --installed --version 2] e = assert_raises Gem::SystemExitException do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal "false\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error assert_equal 1, e.exit_code end def test_execute_local_details @a3a.summary = 'This is a lot of text. ' * 4 @a3a.authors = ['Abraham Lincoln', 'Hirohito'] @a3a.homepage = 'http://a.example.com/' @a3a.rubyforge_project = 'rubygems' @cmd.handle_options %w[--local --details] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** LOCAL GEMS *** a (3.a, 2, 1) Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com Installed at (3.a): #{@gemhome} (2): #{@gemhome} (1): #{@gemhome} this is a summary a_evil (9) Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com Installed at: #{@gemhome} this is a summary b (2) Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com Installed at: #{@gemhome} this is a summary c (1.2) Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com Installed at: #{@gemhome} this is a summary pl (1) Platform: i386-linux Author: A User Homepage: http://example.com Installed at: #{@gemhome} this is a summary EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_local_notty @cmd.handle_options %w[] @ui.outs.tty = false use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF a (3.a, 2, 1) a_evil (9) b (2) c (1.2) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_no_versions @cmd.handle_options %w[-r --no-versions] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a pl EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_notty @cmd.handle_options %w[-r] @ui.outs.tty = false use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF a (2) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_prerelease @cmd.handle_options %w[-r --prerelease] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** a (3.a) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_prerelease_local @cmd.handle_options %w[-l --prerelease] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** LOCAL GEMS *** a (3.a, 2, 1) a_evil (9) b (2) c (1.2) pl (1 i386-linux) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal "WARNING: prereleases are always shown locally\n", @ui.error end end